blob: c3c4f3234b24eb685c917c42fd219a8fe89d7993 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the test for untagged struct literals.
package main
import (
// checkUntaggedLiteral checks if a composite literal is an struct literal with
// untagged fields.
func (f *File) checkUntaggedLiteral(c *ast.CompositeLit) {
// Check if the CompositeLit contains an untagged field.
allKeyValue := true
for _, e := range c.Elts {
if _, ok := e.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); !ok {
allKeyValue = false
if allKeyValue {
// Check that the CompositeLit's type has the form pkg.Typ.
s, ok := c.Type.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
pkg, ok := s.X.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
// Convert the package name to an import path, and compare to a whitelist.
path := pkgPath(f, pkg.Name)
if path == "" {
f.Warnf(c.Pos(), "unresolvable package for %s.%s literal", pkg.Name, s.Sel.Name)
typ := path + "." + s.Sel.Name
if untaggedLiteralWhitelist[typ] {
f.Warnf(c.Pos(), "%s struct literal uses untagged fields", typ)
// pkgPath returns the import path "image/png" for the package name "png".
// This is based purely on syntax and convention, and not on the imported
// package's contents. It will be incorrect if a package name differs from the
// leaf element of the import path, or if the package was a dot import.
func pkgPath(f *File, pkgName string) (path string) {
for _, x := range f.file.Imports {
s := strings.Trim(x.Path.Value, `"`)
if x.Name != nil {
// Catch `import pkgName "foo/bar"`.
if x.Name.Name == pkgName {
return s
} else {
// Catch `import "pkgName"` or `import "foo/bar/pkgName"`.
if s == pkgName || strings.HasSuffix(s, "/"+pkgName) {
return s
return ""
var untaggedLiteralWhitelist = map[string]bool{
These types are actually slices. Syntactically, we cannot tell
whether the Typ in pkg.Typ{1, 2, 3} is a slice or a struct, so we
whitelist all the standard package library's exported slice types.
find $GOROOT/src/pkg -type f | grep -v _test.go | xargs grep '^type.*\[\]' | \
grep -v ' map\[' | sed 's,/[^/]*go.type,,' | sed 's,.*src/pkg/,,' | \
sed 's, ,.,' | sed 's, .*,,' | grep -v '\.[a-z]' | \
sort | awk '{ print "\"" $0 "\": true," }'
"crypto/x509/pkix.RDNSequence": true,
"crypto/x509/pkix.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET": true,
"database/sql.RawBytes": true,
"debug/macho.LoadBytes": true,
"encoding/asn1.ObjectIdentifier": true,
"encoding/asn1.RawContent": true,
"encoding/json.RawMessage": true,
"encoding/xml.CharData": true,
"encoding/xml.Comment": true,
"encoding/xml.Directive": true,
"exp/norm.Decomposition": true,
"exp/types.ObjList": true,
"go/scanner.ErrorList": true,
"image/color.Palette": true,
"net.HardwareAddr": true,
"net.IP": true,
"net.IPMask": true,
"sort.Float64Slice": true,
"sort.IntSlice": true,
"sort.StringSlice": true,
"unicode.SpecialCase": true,
// These image and image/color struct types are frozen. We will never add fields to them.
"image/color.Alpha16": true,
"image/color.Alpha": true,
"image/color.Gray16": true,
"image/color.Gray": true,
"image/color.NRGBA64": true,
"image/color.NRGBA": true,
"image/color.RGBA64": true,
"image/color.RGBA": true,
"image/color.YCbCr": true,
"image.Point": true,
"image.Rectangle": true,