blob: 087cda429d689ab83c714a5f18caef0fdd442e16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package types
import "sort"
// A Type represents a type of Go.
// All types implement the Type interface.
type Type interface {
// Underlying returns the underlying type of a type.
Underlying() Type
// String returns a string representation of a type.
String() string
// BasicKind describes the kind of basic type.
type BasicKind int
const (
Invalid BasicKind = iota // type is invalid
// predeclared types
// types for untyped values
// aliases
Byte = Uint8
Rune = Int32
// BasicInfo is a set of flags describing properties of a basic type.
type BasicInfo int
// Properties of basic types.
const (
IsBoolean BasicInfo = 1 << iota
IsOrdered = IsInteger | IsFloat | IsString
IsNumeric = IsInteger | IsFloat | IsComplex
IsConstType = IsBoolean | IsNumeric | IsString
// A Basic represents a basic type.
type Basic struct {
kind BasicKind
info BasicInfo
name string
// Kind returns the kind of basic type b.
func (b *Basic) Kind() BasicKind { return b.kind }
// Info returns information about properties of basic type b.
func (b *Basic) Info() BasicInfo { return }
// Name returns the name of basic type b.
func (b *Basic) Name() string { return }
// An Array represents an array type.
type Array struct {
len int64
elem Type
// NewArray returns a new array type for the given element type and length.
// A negative length indicates an unknown length.
func NewArray(elem Type, len int64) *Array { return &Array{len, elem} }
// Len returns the length of array a.
// A negative result indicates an unknown length.
func (a *Array) Len() int64 { return a.len }
// Elem returns element type of array a.
func (a *Array) Elem() Type { return a.elem }
// A Slice represents a slice type.
type Slice struct {
elem Type
// NewSlice returns a new slice type for the given element type.
func NewSlice(elem Type) *Slice { return &Slice{elem} }
// Elem returns the element type of slice s.
func (s *Slice) Elem() Type { return s.elem }
// A Struct represents a struct type.
type Struct struct {
fields []*Var
tags []string // field tags; nil if there are no tags
// NewStruct returns a new struct with the given fields and corresponding field tags.
// If a field with index i has a tag, tags[i] must be that tag, but len(tags) may be
// only as long as required to hold the tag with the largest index i. Consequently,
// if no field has a tag, tags may be nil.
func NewStruct(fields []*Var, tags []string) *Struct {
var fset objset
for _, f := range fields {
if != "_" && fset.insert(f) != nil {
panic("multiple fields with the same name")
if len(tags) > len(fields) {
panic("more tags than fields")
return &Struct{fields: fields, tags: tags}
// NumFields returns the number of fields in the struct (including blank and embedded fields).
func (s *Struct) NumFields() int { return len(s.fields) }
// Field returns the i'th field for 0 <= i < NumFields().
func (s *Struct) Field(i int) *Var { return s.fields[i] }
// Tag returns the i'th field tag for 0 <= i < NumFields().
func (s *Struct) Tag(i int) string {
if i < len(s.tags) {
return s.tags[i]
return ""
// A Pointer represents a pointer type.
type Pointer struct {
base Type // element type
// NewPointer returns a new pointer type for the given element (base) type.
func NewPointer(elem Type) *Pointer { return &Pointer{base: elem} }
// Elem returns the element type for the given pointer p.
func (p *Pointer) Elem() Type { return p.base }
// A Tuple represents an ordered list of variables; a nil *Tuple is a valid (empty) tuple.
// Tuples are used as components of signatures and to represent the type of multiple
// assignments; they are not first class types of Go.
type Tuple struct {
vars []*Var
// NewTuple returns a new tuple for the given variables.
func NewTuple(x ...*Var) *Tuple {
if len(x) > 0 {
return &Tuple{x}
return nil
// Len returns the number variables of tuple t.
func (t *Tuple) Len() int {
if t != nil {
return len(t.vars)
return 0
// At returns the i'th variable of tuple t.
func (t *Tuple) At(i int) *Var { return t.vars[i] }
// A Signature represents a (non-builtin) function or method type.
// The receiver is ignored when comparing signatures for identity.
type Signature struct {
// We need to keep the scope in Signature (rather than passing it around
// and store it in the Func Object) because when type-checking a function
// literal we call the general type checker which returns a general Type.
// We then unpack the *Signature and use the scope for the literal body.
scope *Scope // function scope, present for package-local signatures
recv *Var // nil if not a method
params *Tuple // (incoming) parameters from left to right; or nil
results *Tuple // (outgoing) results from left to right; or nil
variadic bool // true if the last parameter's type is of the form ...T (or string, for append built-in only)
// NewSignature returns a new function type for the given receiver, parameters,
// and results, either of which may be nil. If variadic is set, the function
// is variadic, it must have at least one parameter, and the last parameter
// must be of unnamed slice type.
func NewSignature(recv *Var, params, results *Tuple, variadic bool) *Signature {
if variadic {
n := params.Len()
if n == 0 {
panic("types.NewSignature: variadic function must have at least one parameter")
if _, ok := params.At(n - 1).typ.(*Slice); !ok {
panic("types.NewSignature: variadic parameter must be of unnamed slice type")
return &Signature{nil, recv, params, results, variadic}
// Recv returns the receiver of signature s (if a method), or nil if a
// function. It is ignored when comparing signatures for identity.
// For an abstract method, Recv returns the enclosing interface either
// as a *Named or an *Interface. Due to embedding, an interface may
// contain methods whose receiver type is a different interface.
func (s *Signature) Recv() *Var { return s.recv }
// Params returns the parameters of signature s, or nil.
func (s *Signature) Params() *Tuple { return s.params }
// Results returns the results of signature s, or nil.
func (s *Signature) Results() *Tuple { return s.results }
// Variadic reports whether the signature s is variadic.
func (s *Signature) Variadic() bool { return s.variadic }
// An Interface represents an interface type.
type Interface struct {
methods []*Func // ordered list of explicitly declared methods
embeddeds []Type // ordered list of explicitly embedded types
allMethods []*Func // ordered list of methods declared with or embedded in this interface (TODO(gri): replace with mset)
// emptyInterface represents the empty (completed) interface
var emptyInterface = Interface{allMethods: markComplete}
// markComplete is used to mark an empty interface as completely
// set up by setting the allMethods field to a non-nil empty slice.
var markComplete = make([]*Func, 0)
// NewInterface returns a new (incomplete) interface for the given methods and embedded types.
// Each embedded type must have an underlying type of interface type.
// NewInterface takes ownership of the provided methods and may modify their types by setting
// missing receivers. To compute the method set of the interface, Complete must be called.
// Deprecated: Use NewInterfaceType instead which allows any (even non-defined) interface types
// to be embedded. This is necessary for interfaces that embed alias type names referring to
// non-defined (literal) interface types.
func NewInterface(methods []*Func, embeddeds []*Named) *Interface {
tnames := make([]Type, len(embeddeds))
for i, t := range embeddeds {
tnames[i] = t
return NewInterfaceType(methods, tnames)
// NewInterfaceType returns a new (incomplete) interface for the given methods and embedded types.
// Each embedded type must have an underlying type of interface type (this property is not
// verified for defined types, which may be in the process of being set up and which don't
// have a valid underlying type yet).
// NewInterfaceType takes ownership of the provided methods and may modify their types by setting
// missing receivers. To compute the method set of the interface, Complete must be called.
func NewInterfaceType(methods []*Func, embeddeds []Type) *Interface {
if len(methods) == 0 && len(embeddeds) == 0 {
return &emptyInterface
// set method receivers if necessary
typ := new(Interface)
for _, m := range methods {
if sig := m.typ.(*Signature); sig.recv == nil {
sig.recv = NewVar(m.pos, m.pkg, "", typ)
// All embedded types should be interfaces; however, defined types
// may not yet be fully resolved. Only verify that non-defined types
// are interfaces. This matches the behavior of the code before the
// fix for #25301 (issue #25596).
for _, t := range embeddeds {
if _, ok := t.(*Named); !ok && !IsInterface(t) {
panic("embedded type is not an interface")
// sort for API stability
typ.methods = methods
typ.embeddeds = embeddeds
return typ
// NumExplicitMethods returns the number of explicitly declared methods of interface t.
func (t *Interface) NumExplicitMethods() int { return len(t.methods) }
// ExplicitMethod returns the i'th explicitly declared method of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumExplicitMethods().
// The methods are ordered by their unique Id.
func (t *Interface) ExplicitMethod(i int) *Func { return t.methods[i] }
// NumEmbeddeds returns the number of embedded types in interface t.
func (t *Interface) NumEmbeddeds() int { return len(t.embeddeds) }
// Embedded returns the i'th embedded defined (*Named) type of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumEmbeddeds().
// The result is nil if the i'th embedded type is not a defined type.
// Deprecated: Use EmbeddedType which is not restricted to defined (*Named) types.
func (t *Interface) Embedded(i int) *Named { tname, _ := t.embeddeds[i].(*Named); return tname }
// EmbeddedType returns the i'th embedded type of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumEmbeddeds().
func (t *Interface) EmbeddedType(i int) Type { return t.embeddeds[i] }
// NumMethods returns the total number of methods of interface t.
// The interface must have been completed.
func (t *Interface) NumMethods() int { t.assertCompleteness(); return len(t.allMethods) }
func (t *Interface) assertCompleteness() {
if t.allMethods == nil {
panic("interface is incomplete")
// Method returns the i'th method of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumMethods().
// The methods are ordered by their unique Id.
// The interface must have been completed.
func (t *Interface) Method(i int) *Func { t.assertCompleteness(); return t.allMethods[i] }
// Empty reports whether t is the empty interface.
// The interface must have been completed.
func (t *Interface) Empty() bool { t.assertCompleteness(); return len(t.allMethods) == 0 }
// Complete computes the interface's method set. It must be called by users of
// NewInterfaceType and NewInterface after the interface's embedded types are
// fully defined and before using the interface type in any way other than to
// form other types. The interface must not contain duplicate methods or a
// panic occurs. Complete returns the receiver.
func (t *Interface) Complete() *Interface {
// TODO(gri) consolidate this method with Checker.completeInterface
if t.allMethods != nil {
return t
t.allMethods = markComplete // avoid infinite recursion
var todo []*Func
var methods []*Func
var seen objset
addMethod := func(m *Func, explicit bool) {
switch other := seen.insert(m); {
case other == nil:
methods = append(methods, m)
case explicit:
panic("duplicate method " +
// check method signatures after all locally embedded interfaces are computed
todo = append(todo, m, other.(*Func))
for _, m := range t.methods {
addMethod(m, true)
for _, typ := range t.embeddeds {
typ := typ.Underlying().(*Interface)
for _, m := range typ.allMethods {
addMethod(m, false)
for i := 0; i < len(todo); i += 2 {
m := todo[i]
other := todo[i+1]
if !Identical(m.typ, other.typ) {
panic("duplicate method " +
if methods != nil {
t.allMethods = methods
return t
// A Map represents a map type.
type Map struct {
key, elem Type
// NewMap returns a new map for the given key and element types.
func NewMap(key, elem Type) *Map {
return &Map{key, elem}
// Key returns the key type of map m.
func (m *Map) Key() Type { return m.key }
// Elem returns the element type of map m.
func (m *Map) Elem() Type { return m.elem }
// A Chan represents a channel type.
type Chan struct {
dir ChanDir
elem Type
// A ChanDir value indicates a channel direction.
type ChanDir int
// The direction of a channel is indicated by one of these constants.
const (
SendRecv ChanDir = iota
// NewChan returns a new channel type for the given direction and element type.
func NewChan(dir ChanDir, elem Type) *Chan {
return &Chan{dir, elem}
// Dir returns the direction of channel c.
func (c *Chan) Dir() ChanDir { return c.dir }
// Elem returns the element type of channel c.
func (c *Chan) Elem() Type { return c.elem }
// A Named represents a named type.
type Named struct {
info typeInfo // for cycle detection
obj *TypeName // corresponding declared object
orig Type // type (on RHS of declaration) this *Named type is derived of (for cycle reporting)
underlying Type // possibly a *Named during setup; never a *Named once set up completely
methods []*Func // methods declared for this type (not the method set of this type); signatures are type-checked lazily
// NewNamed returns a new named type for the given type name, underlying type, and associated methods.
// If the given type name obj doesn't have a type yet, its type is set to the returned named type.
// The underlying type must not be a *Named.
func NewNamed(obj *TypeName, underlying Type, methods []*Func) *Named {
if _, ok := underlying.(*Named); ok {
panic("types.NewNamed: underlying type must not be *Named")
typ := &Named{obj: obj, orig: underlying, underlying: underlying, methods: methods}
if obj.typ == nil {
obj.typ = typ
return typ
// Obj returns the type name for the named type t.
func (t *Named) Obj() *TypeName { return t.obj }
// NumMethods returns the number of explicit methods whose receiver is named type t.
func (t *Named) NumMethods() int { return len(t.methods) }
// Method returns the i'th method of named type t for 0 <= i < t.NumMethods().
func (t *Named) Method(i int) *Func { return t.methods[i] }
// SetUnderlying sets the underlying type and marks t as complete.
func (t *Named) SetUnderlying(underlying Type) {
if underlying == nil {
panic("types.Named.SetUnderlying: underlying type must not be nil")
if _, ok := underlying.(*Named); ok {
panic("types.Named.SetUnderlying: underlying type must not be *Named")
t.underlying = underlying
// AddMethod adds method m unless it is already in the method list.
func (t *Named) AddMethod(m *Func) {
if i, _ := lookupMethod(t.methods, m.pkg,; i < 0 {
t.methods = append(t.methods, m)
// Implementations for Type methods.
func (b *Basic) Underlying() Type { return b }
func (a *Array) Underlying() Type { return a }
func (s *Slice) Underlying() Type { return s }
func (s *Struct) Underlying() Type { return s }
func (p *Pointer) Underlying() Type { return p }
func (t *Tuple) Underlying() Type { return t }
func (s *Signature) Underlying() Type { return s }
func (t *Interface) Underlying() Type { return t }
func (m *Map) Underlying() Type { return m }
func (c *Chan) Underlying() Type { return c }
func (t *Named) Underlying() Type { return t.underlying }
func (b *Basic) String() string { return TypeString(b, nil) }
func (a *Array) String() string { return TypeString(a, nil) }
func (s *Slice) String() string { return TypeString(s, nil) }
func (s *Struct) String() string { return TypeString(s, nil) }
func (p *Pointer) String() string { return TypeString(p, nil) }
func (t *Tuple) String() string { return TypeString(t, nil) }
func (s *Signature) String() string { return TypeString(s, nil) }
func (t *Interface) String() string { return TypeString(t, nil) }
func (m *Map) String() string { return TypeString(m, nil) }
func (c *Chan) String() string { return TypeString(c, nil) }
func (t *Named) String() string { return TypeString(t, nil) }