blob: 279aeb2c32b9f65c82c67dfcd668eed5f74fe7be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build riscv64
package testbranch
import (
func testBEQZ(a int64) (r bool)
func testBGE(a, b int64) (r bool)
func testBGEU(a, b int64) (r bool)
func testBGEZ(a int64) (r bool)
func testBGT(a, b int64) (r bool)
func testBGTU(a, b int64) (r bool)
func testBGTZ(a int64) (r bool)
func testBLE(a, b int64) (r bool)
func testBLEU(a, b int64) (r bool)
func testBLEZ(a int64) (r bool)
func testBLT(a, b int64) (r bool)
func testBLTU(a, b int64) (r bool)
func testBLTZ(a int64) (r bool)
func testBNEZ(a int64) (r bool)
func TestBranchCondition(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
ins string
a int64
b int64
fn func(a, b int64) bool
want bool
{"BGE", 0, 1, testBGE, false},
{"BGE", 0, 0, testBGE, true},
{"BGE", 0, -1, testBGE, true},
{"BGE", -1, 0, testBGE, false},
{"BGE", 1, 0, testBGE, true},
{"BGEU", 0, 1, testBGEU, false},
{"BGEU", 0, 0, testBGEU, true},
{"BGEU", 0, -1, testBGEU, false},
{"BGEU", -1, 0, testBGEU, true},
{"BGEU", 1, 0, testBGEU, true},
{"BGT", 0, 1, testBGT, false},
{"BGT", 0, 0, testBGT, false},
{"BGT", 0, -1, testBGT, true},
{"BGT", -1, 0, testBGT, false},
{"BGT", 1, 0, testBGT, true},
{"BGTU", 0, 1, testBGTU, false},
{"BGTU", 0, 0, testBGTU, false},
{"BGTU", 0, -1, testBGTU, false},
{"BGTU", -1, 0, testBGTU, true},
{"BGTU", 1, 0, testBGTU, true},
{"BLE", 0, 1, testBLE, true},
{"BLE", 0, 0, testBLE, true},
{"BLE", 0, -1, testBLE, false},
{"BLE", -1, 0, testBLE, true},
{"BLE", 1, 0, testBLE, false},
{"BLEU", 0, 1, testBLEU, true},
{"BLEU", 0, 0, testBLEU, true},
{"BLEU", 0, -1, testBLEU, true},
{"BLEU", -1, 0, testBLEU, false},
{"BLEU", 1, 0, testBLEU, false},
{"BLT", 0, 1, testBLT, true},
{"BLT", 0, 0, testBLT, false},
{"BLT", 0, -1, testBLT, false},
{"BLT", -1, 0, testBLT, true},
{"BLT", 1, 0, testBLT, false},
{"BLTU", 0, 1, testBLTU, true},
{"BLTU", 0, 0, testBLTU, false},
{"BLTU", 0, -1, testBLTU, true},
{"BLTU", -1, 0, testBLTU, false},
{"BLTU", 1, 0, testBLTU, false},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.ins, func(t *testing.T) {
var fn func(a, b int64) bool
switch test.ins {
case "BGE":
fn = func(a, b int64) bool { return a >= b }
case "BGEU":
fn = func(a, b int64) bool { return uint64(a) >= uint64(b) }
case "BGT":
fn = func(a, b int64) bool { return a > b }
case "BGTU":
fn = func(a, b int64) bool { return uint64(a) > uint64(b) }
case "BLE":
fn = func(a, b int64) bool { return a <= b }
case "BLEU":
fn = func(a, b int64) bool { return uint64(a) <= uint64(b) }
case "BLT":
fn = func(a, b int64) bool { return a < b }
case "BLTU":
fn = func(a, b int64) bool { return uint64(a) < uint64(b) }
t.Fatalf("Unknown instruction %q", test.ins)
if got := fn(test.a, test.b); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("Go %v %v, %v = %v, want %v", test.ins, test.a, test.b, got, test.want)
if got := test.fn(test.a, test.b); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("Assembly %v %v, %v = %v, want %v", test.ins, test.a, test.b, got, test.want)
func TestBranchZero(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
ins string
a int64
fn func(a int64) bool
want bool
{"BEQZ", -1, testBEQZ, false},
{"BEQZ", 0, testBEQZ, true},
{"BEQZ", 1, testBEQZ, false},
{"BGEZ", -1, testBGEZ, false},
{"BGEZ", 0, testBGEZ, true},
{"BGEZ", 1, testBGEZ, true},
{"BGTZ", -1, testBGTZ, false},
{"BGTZ", 0, testBGTZ, false},
{"BGTZ", 1, testBGTZ, true},
{"BLEZ", -1, testBLEZ, true},
{"BLEZ", 0, testBLEZ, true},
{"BLEZ", 1, testBLEZ, false},
{"BLTZ", -1, testBLTZ, true},
{"BLTZ", 0, testBLTZ, false},
{"BLTZ", 1, testBLTZ, false},
{"BNEZ", -1, testBNEZ, true},
{"BNEZ", 0, testBNEZ, false},
{"BNEZ", 1, testBNEZ, true},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.ins, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := test.fn(test.a); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("%v %v = %v, want %v", test.ins, test.a, got, test.want)