blob: 8434084bde28e4a2fa680c6137f2ba4e70d388fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ssa
import "sort"
// A Cache holds reusable compiler state.
// It is intended to be re-used for multiple Func compilations.
type Cache struct {
// Storage for low-numbered values and blocks.
values [2000]Value
blocks [200]Block
locs [2000]Location
// Storage for DWARF variable locations. Lazily allocated
// since location lists are off by default.
varLocs []VarLoc
curVarLoc int
// Reusable stackAllocState.
// See stackalloc.go's {new,put}StackAllocState.
stackAllocState *stackAllocState
domblockstore []ID // scratch space for computing dominators
scrSparse []*sparseSet // scratch sparse sets to be re-used.
func (c *Cache) Reset() {
nv := sort.Search(len(c.values), func(i int) bool { return c.values[i].ID == 0 })
xv := c.values[:nv]
for i := range xv {
xv[i] = Value{}
nb := sort.Search(len(c.blocks), func(i int) bool { return c.blocks[i].ID == 0 })
xb := c.blocks[:nb]
for i := range xb {
xb[i] = Block{}
nl := sort.Search(len(c.locs), func(i int) bool { return c.locs[i] == nil })
xl := c.locs[:nl]
for i := range xl {
xl[i] = nil
xvl := c.varLocs[:c.curVarLoc]
for i := range xvl {
xvl[i] = VarLoc{}
c.curVarLoc = 0
func (c *Cache) NewVarLoc() *VarLoc {
if c.varLocs == nil {
c.varLocs = make([]VarLoc, 4000)
if c.curVarLoc == len(c.varLocs) {
return &VarLoc{}
vl := &c.varLocs[c.curVarLoc]
return vl