blob: d2b51cad943432094df1246234f4bf3f94bea6a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import "unsafe"
//go:linkname runtime_debug_freeOSMemory runtime/debug.freeOSMemory
func runtime_debug_freeOSMemory() {
gogc(2) // force GC and do eager sweep
var poolcleanup func()
//go:linkname sync_runtime_registerPoolCleanup sync.runtime_registerPoolCleanup
func sync_runtime_registerPoolCleanup(f func()) {
poolcleanup = f
func clearpools() {
// clear sync.Pools
if poolcleanup != nil {
for _, p := range &allp {
if p == nil {
// clear tinyalloc pool
if c := p.mcache; c != nil {
c.tiny = nil
c.tinyoffset = 0
// disconnect cached list before dropping it on the floor,
// so that a dangling ref to one entry does not pin all of them.
var sg, sgnext *sudog
for sg = c.sudogcache; sg != nil; sg = sgnext {
sgnext = = nil
c.sudogcache = nil
// clear defer pools
for i := range p.deferpool {
// disconnect cached list before dropping it on the floor,
// so that a dangling ref to one entry does not pin all of them.
var d, dlink *_defer
for d = p.deferpool[i]; d != nil; d = dlink {
dlink = = nil
p.deferpool[i] = nil
// backgroundgc is running in a goroutine and does the concurrent GC work.
// bggc holds the state of the backgroundgc.
func backgroundgc() {
bggc.g = getg()
bggc.g.issystem = true
for {
bggc.working = 0
goparkunlock(&bggc.lock, "Concurrent GC wait")
func bgsweep() {
sweep.g = getg()
getg().issystem = true
for {
for gosweepone() != ^uintptr(0) {
if !gosweepdone() {
// This can happen if a GC runs between
// gosweepone returning ^0 above
// and the lock being acquired.
sweep.parked = true
goparkunlock(&gclock, "GC sweep wait")
const (
_PoisonGC = 0xf969696969696969 & (1<<(8*ptrSize) - 1)
_PoisonStack = 0x6868686868686868 & (1<<(8*ptrSize) - 1)
func needwb() bool {
return gcphase == _GCmark || gcphase == _GCmarktermination || mheap_.shadow_enabled
// shadowptr returns a pointer to the shadow value for addr.
func shadowptr(addr uintptr) *uintptr {
var shadow *uintptr
if mheap_.data_start <= addr && addr < mheap_.data_end {
shadow = (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(addr + mheap_.shadow_data))
} else if inheap(addr) {
shadow = (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(addr + mheap_.shadow_heap))
return shadow
// clearshadow clears the shadow copy associated with the n bytes of memory at addr.
func clearshadow(addr, n uintptr) {
if !mheap_.shadow_enabled {
p := shadowptr(addr)
if p == nil || n <= ptrSize {
memclr(unsafe.Pointer(p), n)
// NOTE: Really dst *unsafe.Pointer, src unsafe.Pointer,
// but if we do that, Go inserts a write barrier on *dst = src.
func writebarrierptr(dst *uintptr, src uintptr) {
if !needwb() {
*dst = src
if src != 0 && (src < _PageSize || src == _PoisonGC || src == _PoisonStack) {
systemstack(func() { throw("bad pointer in write barrier") })
if mheap_.shadow_enabled {
systemstack(func() {
addr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst))
shadow := shadowptr(addr)
if shadow == nil {
// There is a race here but only if the program is using
// racy writes instead of sync/atomic. In that case we
// don't mind crashing.
if *shadow != *dst && *shadow != noShadow && istrackedptr(*dst) {
mheap_.shadow_enabled = false
print("runtime: write barrier dst=", dst, " old=", hex(*dst), " shadow=", shadow, " old=", hex(*shadow), " new=", hex(src), "\n")
throw("missed write barrier")
*shadow = src
*dst = src
writebarrierptr_nostore1(dst, src)
// istrackedptr reports whether the pointer value p requires a write barrier
// when stored into the heap.
func istrackedptr(p uintptr) bool {
return inheap(p)
// checkwbshadow checks that p matches its shadow word.
// The garbage collector calls checkwbshadow for each pointer during the checkmark phase.
// It is only called when mheap_.shadow_enabled is true.
func checkwbshadow(p *uintptr) {
addr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p))
shadow := shadowptr(addr)
if shadow == nil {
// There is no race on the accesses here, because the world is stopped,
// but there may be racy writes that lead to the shadow and the
// heap being inconsistent. If so, we will detect that here as a
// missed write barrier and crash. We don't mind.
// Code should use sync/atomic instead of racy pointer writes.
if *shadow != *p && *shadow != noShadow && istrackedptr(*p) {
mheap_.shadow_enabled = false
print("runtime: checkwritebarrier p=", p, " *p=", hex(*p), " shadow=", shadow, " *shadow=", hex(*shadow), "\n")
throw("missed write barrier")
// noShadow is stored in as the shadow pointer to mark that there is no
// shadow word recorded. It matches any actual pointer word.
// noShadow is used when it is impossible to know the right word
// to store in the shadow heap, such as when the real heap word
// is being manipulated atomically.
const noShadow uintptr = 1
// writebarrierptr_noshadow records that the value in *dst
// has been written to using an atomic operation and the shadow
// has not been updated. (In general if dst must be manipulated
// atomically we cannot get the right bits for use in the shadow.)
func writebarrierptr_noshadow(dst *uintptr) {
addr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst))
shadow := shadowptr(addr)
if shadow == nil {
*shadow = noShadow
// Like writebarrierptr, but the store has already been applied.
// Do not reapply.
func writebarrierptr_nostore(dst *uintptr, src uintptr) {
if !needwb() {
if src != 0 && (src < _PageSize || src == _PoisonGC || src == _PoisonStack) {
systemstack(func() { throw("bad pointer in write barrier") })
// Apply changes to shadow.
// Since *dst has been overwritten already, we cannot check
// whether there were any missed updates, but writebarrierptr_nostore
// is only rarely used.
if mheap_.shadow_enabled {
systemstack(func() {
addr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst))
shadow := shadowptr(addr)
if shadow == nil {
*shadow = src
writebarrierptr_nostore1(dst, src)
func writebarrierptr_nostore1(dst *uintptr, src uintptr) {
mp := acquirem()
if mp.inwb || mp.dying > 0 {
mp.inwb = true
systemstack(func() {
gcmarkwb_m(dst, src)
mp.inwb = false
func writebarrierstring(dst *[2]uintptr, src [2]uintptr) {
writebarrierptr(&dst[0], src[0])
dst[1] = src[1]
func writebarrierslice(dst *[3]uintptr, src [3]uintptr) {
writebarrierptr(&dst[0], src[0])
dst[1] = src[1]
dst[2] = src[2]
func writebarrieriface(dst *[2]uintptr, src [2]uintptr) {
writebarrierptr(&dst[0], src[0])
writebarrierptr(&dst[1], src[1])
//go:generate go run wbfat_gen.go -- wbfat.go
// The above line generates multiword write barriers for
// all the combinations of ptr+scalar up to four words.
// The implementations are written to wbfat.go.
//go:linkname reflect_typedmemmove reflect.typedmemmove
func reflect_typedmemmove(typ *_type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer) {
typedmemmove(typ, dst, src)
// typedmemmove copies a value of type t to dst from src.
func typedmemmove(typ *_type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer) {
if !needwb() || (typ.kind&kindNoPointers) != 0 {
memmove(dst, src, typ.size)
systemstack(func() {
mask := loadPtrMask(typ)
nptr := typ.size / ptrSize
for i := uintptr(0); i < nptr; i += 2 {
bits := mask[i/2]
if (bits>>2)&_BitsMask == _BitsPointer {
writebarrierptr((*uintptr)(dst), *(*uintptr)(src))
} else {
*(*uintptr)(dst) = *(*uintptr)(src)
// TODO(rsc): The noescape calls should be unnecessary.
dst = add(noescape(dst), ptrSize)
src = add(noescape(src), ptrSize)
if i+1 == nptr {
bits >>= 4
if (bits>>2)&_BitsMask == _BitsPointer {
writebarrierptr((*uintptr)(dst), *(*uintptr)(src))
} else {
*(*uintptr)(dst) = *(*uintptr)(src)
dst = add(noescape(dst), ptrSize)
src = add(noescape(src), ptrSize)
// typedmemmovepartial is like typedmemmove but assumes that
// dst and src point off bytes into the value and only copies size bytes.
//go:linkname reflect_typedmemmovepartial reflect.typedmemmovepartial
func reflect_typedmemmovepartial(typ *_type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer, off, size uintptr) {
if !needwb() || (typ.kind&kindNoPointers) != 0 || size < ptrSize {
memmove(dst, src, size)
if off&(ptrSize-1) != 0 {
frag := -off & (ptrSize - 1)
// frag < size, because size >= ptrSize, checked above.
memmove(dst, src, frag)
size -= frag
dst = add(noescape(dst), frag)
src = add(noescape(src), frag)
off += frag
mask := loadPtrMask(typ)
nptr := (off + size) / ptrSize
for i := uintptr(off / ptrSize); i < nptr; i++ {
bits := mask[i/2] >> ((i & 1) << 2)
if (bits>>2)&_BitsMask == _BitsPointer {
writebarrierptr((*uintptr)(dst), *(*uintptr)(src))
} else {
*(*uintptr)(dst) = *(*uintptr)(src)
// TODO(rsc): The noescape calls should be unnecessary.
dst = add(noescape(dst), ptrSize)
src = add(noescape(src), ptrSize)
size &= ptrSize - 1
if size > 0 {
memmove(dst, src, size)
// callwritebarrier is invoked at the end of reflectcall, to execute
// write barrier operations to record the fact that a call's return
// values have just been copied to frame, starting at retoffset
// and continuing to framesize. The entire frame (not just the return
// values) is described by typ. Because the copy has already
// happened, we call writebarrierptr_nostore, and we must be careful
// not to be preempted before the write barriers have been run.
func callwritebarrier(typ *_type, frame unsafe.Pointer, framesize, retoffset uintptr) {
if !needwb() || typ == nil || (typ.kind&kindNoPointers) != 0 || framesize-retoffset < ptrSize {
systemstack(func() {
mask := loadPtrMask(typ)
// retoffset is known to be pointer-aligned (at least).
// TODO(rsc): The noescape call should be unnecessary.
dst := add(noescape(frame), retoffset)
nptr := framesize / ptrSize
for i := uintptr(retoffset / ptrSize); i < nptr; i++ {
bits := mask[i/2] >> ((i & 1) << 2)
if (bits>>2)&_BitsMask == _BitsPointer {
writebarrierptr_nostore((*uintptr)(dst), *(*uintptr)(dst))
// TODO(rsc): The noescape call should be unnecessary.
dst = add(noescape(dst), ptrSize)
//go:linkname reflect_typedslicecopy reflect.typedslicecopy
func reflect_typedslicecopy(elemType *_type, dst, src slice) int {
return typedslicecopy(elemType, dst, src)
func typedslicecopy(typ *_type, dst, src slice) int {
n := dst.len
if n > src.len {
n = src.len
if n == 0 {
return 0
dstp := unsafe.Pointer(dst.array)
srcp := unsafe.Pointer(src.array)
if !needwb() {
memmove(dstp, srcp, uintptr(n)*typ.size)
return int(n)
systemstack(func() {
if uintptr(srcp) < uintptr(dstp) && uintptr(srcp)+uintptr(n)*typ.size > uintptr(dstp) {
// Overlap with src before dst.
// Copy backward, being careful not to move dstp/srcp
// out of the array they point into.
dstp = add(dstp, uintptr(n-1)*typ.size)
srcp = add(srcp, uintptr(n-1)*typ.size)
i := uint(0)
for {
typedmemmove(typ, dstp, srcp)
if i++; i >= n {
dstp = add(dstp, -typ.size)
srcp = add(srcp, -typ.size)
} else {
// Copy forward, being careful not to move dstp/srcp
// out of the array they point into.
i := uint(0)
for {
typedmemmove(typ, dstp, srcp)
if i++; i >= n {
dstp = add(dstp, typ.size)
srcp = add(srcp, typ.size)
return int(n)