reflect: new Type and Value definitions

Type is now an interface that implements all the possible type methods.
Instead of a type switch on a reflect.Type t, switch on t.Kind().
If a method is invoked on the wrong kind of type (for example,
calling t.Field(0) when t.Kind() != Struct), the call panics.

There is one method renaming: t.(*ChanType).Dir() is now t.ChanDir().

Value is now a struct value that implements all the possible value methods.
Instead of a type switch on a reflect.Value v, switch on v.Kind().
If a method is invoked on the wrong kind of value (for example,
calling t.Recv() when t.Kind() != Chan), the call panics.

Since Value is now a struct, not an interface, its zero value
cannot be compared to nil.  Instead of v != nil, use v.IsValid().
Instead of other uses of nil as a Value, use Value{}, the zero value.

Many methods have been renamed, most due to signature conflicts:

           OLD                          NEW

    v.(*ArrayValue).Elem             v.Index
    v.(*BoolValue).Get               v.Bool
    v.(*BoolValue).Set               v.SetBool
    v.(*ChanType).Dir                v.ChanDir
    v.(*ChanValue).Get               v.Pointer
    v.(*ComplexValue).Get            v.Complex
    v.(*ComplexValue).Overflow       v.OverflowComplex
    v.(*ComplexValue).Set            v.SetComplex
    v.(*FloatValue).Get              v.Float
    v.(*FloatValue).Overflow         v.OverflowFloat
    v.(*FloatValue).Set              v.SetFloat
    v.(*FuncValue).Get               v.Pointer
    v.(*InterfaceValue).Get          v.InterfaceData
    v.(*IntValue).Get                v.Int
    v.(*IntValue).Overflow           v.OverflowInt
    v.(*IntValue).Set                v.SetInt
    v.(*MapValue).Elem               v.MapIndex
    v.(*MapValue).Get                v.Pointer
    v.(*MapValue).Keys               v.MapKeys
    v.(*MapValue).SetElem            v.SetMapIndex
    v.(*PtrValue).Get                v.Pointer
    v.(*SliceValue).Elem             v.Index
    v.(*SliceValue).Get              v.Pointer
    v.(*StringValue).Get             v.String
    v.(*StringValue).Set             v.SetString
    v.(*UintValue).Get               v.Uint
    v.(*UintValue).Overflow          v.OverflowUint
    v.(*UintValue).Set               v.SetUint
    v.(*UnsafePointerValue).Get      v.Pointer
    v.(*UnsafePointerValue).Set      v.SetPointer

Part of the motivation for this change is to enable a more
efficient implementation of Value, one that does not allocate
memory during most operations.  To reduce the size of the CL,
this CL's implementation is a wrapper around the old API.
Later CLs will make the implementation more efficient without
changing the API.

Other CLs to be submitted at the same time as this one
add support for this change to gofix (4343047) and update
the Go source tree (4353043).

R=gri, iant, niemeyer, r, rog, gustavo, r2
5 files changed