blob: d17da7ebb495e793f82ecd7a779da0f76bcb7c74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Scavenging free pages.
// This file implements scavenging (the release of physical pages backing mapped
// memory) of free and unused pages in the heap as a way to deal with page-level
// fragmentation and reduce the RSS of Go applications.
// Scavenging in Go happens on two fronts: there's the background
// (asynchronous) scavenger and the heap-growth (synchronous) scavenger.
// The former happens on a goroutine much like the background sweeper which is
// soft-capped at using scavengePercent of the mutator's time, based on
// order-of-magnitude estimates of the costs of scavenging. The background
// scavenger's primary goal is to bring the estimated heap RSS of the
// application down to a goal.
// That goal is defined as:
// (retainExtraPercent+100) / 100 * (next_gc / last_next_gc) * last_heap_inuse
// Essentially, we wish to have the application's RSS track the heap goal, but
// the heap goal is defined in terms of bytes of objects, rather than pages like
// RSS. As a result, we need to take into account for fragmentation internal to
// spans. next_gc / last_next_gc defines the ratio between the current heap goal
// and the last heap goal, which tells us by how much the heap is growing and
// shrinking. We estimate what the heap will grow to in terms of pages by taking
// this ratio and multiplying it by heap_inuse at the end of the last GC, which
// allows us to account for this additional fragmentation. Note that this
// procedure makes the assumption that the degree of fragmentation won't change
// dramatically over the next GC cycle. Overestimating the amount of
// fragmentation simply results in higher memory use, which will be accounted
// for by the next pacing up date. Underestimating the fragmentation however
// could lead to performance degradation. Handling this case is not within the
// scope of the scavenger. Situations where the amount of fragmentation balloons
// over the course of a single GC cycle should be considered pathologies,
// flagged as bugs, and fixed appropriately.
// An additional factor of retainExtraPercent is added as a buffer to help ensure
// that there's more unscavenged memory to allocate out of, since each allocation
// out of scavenged memory incurs a potentially expensive page fault.
// The goal is updated after each GC and the scavenger's pacing parameters
// (which live in mheap_) are updated to match. The pacing parameters work much
// like the background sweeping parameters. The parameters define a line whose
// horizontal axis is time and vertical axis is estimated heap RSS, and the
// scavenger attempts to stay below that line at all times.
// The synchronous heap-growth scavenging happens whenever the heap grows in
// size, for some definition of heap-growth. The intuition behind this is that
// the application had to grow the heap because existing fragments were
// not sufficiently large to satisfy a page-level memory allocation, so we
// scavenge those fragments eagerly to offset the growth in RSS that results.
package runtime
const (
// The background scavenger is paced according to these parameters.
// scavengePercent represents the portion of mutator time we're willing
// to spend on scavenging in percent.
// scavengePageLatency is a worst-case estimate (order-of-magnitude) of
// the time it takes to scavenge one (regular-sized) page of memory.
// scavengeHugePageLatency is the same but for huge pages.
// scavengePagePeriod is derived from scavengePercent and scavengePageLatency,
// and represents the average time between scavenging one page that we're
// aiming for. scavengeHugePagePeriod is the same but for huge pages.
// These constants are core to the scavenge pacing algorithm.
scavengePercent = 1 // 1%
scavengePageLatency = 10e3 // 10µs
scavengeHugePageLatency = 10e3 // 10µs
scavengePagePeriod = scavengePageLatency / (scavengePercent / 100.0)
scavengeHugePagePeriod = scavengePageLatency / (scavengePercent / 100.0)
// retainExtraPercent represents the amount of memory over the heap goal
// that the scavenger should keep as a buffer space for the allocator.
// The purpose of maintaining this overhead is to have a greater pool of
// unscavenged memory available for allocation (since using scavenged memory
// incurs an additional cost), to account for heap fragmentation and
// the ever-changing layout of the heap.
retainExtraPercent = 10
// heapRetained returns an estimate of the current heap RSS.
// mheap_.lock must be held or the world must be stopped.
func heapRetained() uint64 {
return memstats.heap_sys - memstats.heap_released
// gcPaceScavenger updates the scavenger's pacing, particularly
// its rate and RSS goal.
// The RSS goal is based on the current heap goal with a small overhead
// to accommodate non-determinism in the allocator.
// The pacing is based on scavengePageRate, which applies to both regular and
// huge pages. See that constant for more information.
// mheap_.lock must be held or the world must be stopped.
func gcPaceScavenger() {
// If we're called before the first GC completed, disable scavenging.
// We never scavenge before the 2nd GC cycle anyway (we don't have enough
// information about the heap yet) so this is fine, and avoids a fault
// or garbage data later.
if memstats.last_next_gc == 0 {
mheap_.scavengeBytesPerNS = 0
// Compute our scavenging goal.
goalRatio := float64(memstats.next_gc) / float64(memstats.last_next_gc)
retainedGoal := uint64(float64(memstats.last_heap_inuse) * goalRatio)
// Add retainExtraPercent overhead to retainedGoal. This calculation
// looks strange but the purpose is to arrive at an integer division
// (e.g. if retainExtraPercent = 12.5, then we get a divisor of 8)
// that also avoids the overflow from a multiplication.
retainedGoal += retainedGoal / (1.0 / (retainExtraPercent / 100.0))
// Align it to a physical page boundary to make the following calculations
// a bit more exact.
retainedGoal = (retainedGoal + uint64(physPageSize) - 1) &^ (uint64(physPageSize) - 1)
// Represents where we are now in the heap's contribution to RSS in bytes.
// Guaranteed to always be a multiple of physPageSize on systems where
// physPageSize <= pageSize since we map heap_sys at a rate larger than
// any physPageSize and released memory in multiples of the physPageSize.
// However, certain functions recategorize heap_sys as other stats (e.g.
// stack_sys) and this happens in multiples of pageSize, so on systems
// where physPageSize > pageSize the calculations below will not be exact.
// Generally this is OK since we'll be off by at most one regular
// physical page.
retainedNow := heapRetained()
// If we're already below our goal or there's less the one physical page
// worth of work to do, publish the goal in case it changed then disable
// the background scavenger. We disable the background scavenger if there's
// less than one physical page of work to do to avoid a potential divide-by-zero
// in the calculations below (totalTime will be zero), and it's not worth
// turning on the scavenger for less than one page of work.
if retainedNow <= retainedGoal || retainedNow-retainedGoal < uint64(physPageSize) {
mheap_.scavengeRetainedGoal = retainedGoal
mheap_.scavengeBytesPerNS = 0
// Now we start to compute the total amount of work necessary and the total
// amount of time we're willing to give the scavenger to complete this work.
// This will involve calculating how much of the work consists of huge pages
// and how much consists of regular pages since the former can let us scavenge
// more memory in the same time.
totalWork := retainedNow - retainedGoal
// On systems without huge page support, all work is regular work.
regularWork := totalWork
hugeTime := uint64(0)
// On systems where we have huge pages, we want to do as much of the
// scavenging work as possible on huge pages, because the costs are the
// same per page, but we can give back more more memory in a shorter
// period of time.
if physHugePageSize != 0 {
// Start by computing the amount of free memory we have in huge pages
// in total. Trivially, this is all the huge page work we need to do.
hugeWork := uint64( << physHugePageShift
// ...but it could turn out that there's more huge work to do than
// total work, so cap it at total work. This might happen for very large
// heaps where the additional factor of retainExtraPercent can make it so
// that there are free chunks of memory larger than a huge page that we don't want
// to scavenge.
if hugeWork >= totalWork {
hugePages := totalWork >> physHugePageShift
hugeWork = hugePages << physHugePageShift
// Everything that's not huge work is regular work. At this point we
// know huge work so we can calculate how much time that will take
// based on scavengePageRate (which applies to pages of any size).
regularWork = totalWork - hugeWork
hugeTime = (hugeWork >> physHugePageShift) * scavengeHugePagePeriod
// Finally, we can compute how much time it'll take to do the regular work
// and the total time to do all the work.
regularTime := regularWork / uint64(physPageSize) * scavengePagePeriod
totalTime := hugeTime + regularTime
now := nanotime()
// Update all the pacing parameters in mheap with scavenge.lock held,
// so that scavenge.gen is kept in sync with the updated values.
mheap_.scavengeRetainedGoal = retainedGoal
mheap_.scavengeRetainedBasis = retainedNow
mheap_.scavengeTimeBasis = now
mheap_.scavengeBytesPerNS = float64(totalWork) / float64(totalTime)
mheap_.scavengeGen++ // increase scavenge generation
// Sleep/wait state of the background scavenger.
var scavenge struct {
lock mutex
g *g
parked bool
timer *timer
// Generation counter.
// It represents the last generation count (as defined by
// mheap_.scavengeGen) checked by the scavenger and is updated
// each time the scavenger checks whether it is on-pace.
// Skew between this field and mheap_.scavengeGen is used to
// determine whether a new update is available.
// Protected by mheap_.lock.
gen uint64
// wakeScavenger unparks the scavenger if necessary. It must be called
// after any pacing update.
// mheap_.lock and scavenge.lock must not be held.
func wakeScavenger() {
if scavenge.parked {
// Try to stop the timer but we don't really care if we succeed.
// It's possible that either a timer was never started, or that
// we're racing with it.
// In the case that we're racing with there's the low chance that
// we experience a spurious wake-up of the scavenger, but that's
// totally safe.
// Unpark the goroutine and tell it that there may have been a pacing
// change.
scavenge.parked = false
goready(scavenge.g, 0)
// scavengeSleep attempts to put the scavenger to sleep for ns.
// Note that this function should only be called by the scavenger.
// The scavenger may be woken up earlier by a pacing change, and it may not go
// to sleep at all if there's a pending pacing change.
// Returns false if awoken early (i.e. true means a complete sleep).
func scavengeSleep(ns int64) bool {
// First check if there's a pending update.
// If there is one, don't bother sleeping.
var hasUpdate bool
systemstack(func() {
hasUpdate = mheap_.scavengeGen != scavenge.gen
if hasUpdate {
return false
// Set the timer.
// This must happen here instead of inside gopark
// because we can't close over any variables without
// failing escape analysis.
now := nanotime()
resetTimer(scavenge.timer, now+ns)
// Mark ourself as asleep and go to sleep.
scavenge.parked = true
goparkunlock(&scavenge.lock, waitReasonSleep, traceEvGoSleep, 2)
// Return true if we completed the full sleep.
return (nanotime() - now) >= ns
// Background scavenger.
// The background scavenger maintains the RSS of the application below
// the line described by the proportional scavenging statistics in
// the mheap struct.
func bgscavenge(c chan int) {
scavenge.g = getg()
scavenge.parked = true
scavenge.timer = new(timer)
scavenge.timer.f = func(_ interface{}, _ uintptr) {
c <- 1
goparkunlock(&scavenge.lock, waitReasonGCScavengeWait, traceEvGoBlock, 1)
// Parameters for sleeping.
// If we end up doing more work than we need, we should avoid spinning
// until we have more work to do: instead, we know exactly how much time
// until more work will need to be done, so we sleep.
// We should avoid sleeping for less than minSleepNS because Gosched()
// overheads among other things will work out better in that case.
// There's no reason to set a maximum on sleep time because we'll always
// get woken up earlier if there's any kind of update that could change
// the scavenger's pacing.
// retryDelayNS tracks how much to sleep next time we fail to do any
// useful work.
const minSleepNS = int64(100 * 1000) // 100 µs
retryDelayNS := minSleepNS
for {
released := uintptr(0)
park := false
ttnext := int64(0)
// Run on the system stack since we grab the heap lock,
// and a stack growth with the heap lock means a deadlock.
systemstack(func() {
// Update the last generation count that the scavenger has handled.
scavenge.gen = mheap_.scavengeGen
// If background scavenging is disabled or if there's no work to do just park.
retained := heapRetained()
if mheap_.scavengeBytesPerNS == 0 || retained <= mheap_.scavengeRetainedGoal {
park = true
// Calculate how big we want the retained heap to be
// at this point in time.
// The formula is for that of a line, y = b - mx
// We want y (want),
// m = scavengeBytesPerNS (> 0)
// x = time between scavengeTimeBasis and now
// b = scavengeRetainedBasis
rate := mheap_.scavengeBytesPerNS
tdist := nanotime() - mheap_.scavengeTimeBasis
rdist := uint64(rate * float64(tdist))
want := mheap_.scavengeRetainedBasis - rdist
// If we're above the line, scavenge to get below the
// line.
if retained > want {
released = mheap_.scavengeLocked(uintptr(retained - want))
// If we over-scavenged a bit, calculate how much time it'll
// take at the current rate for us to make that up. We definitely
// won't have any work to do until at least that amount of time
// passes.
if released > uintptr(retained-want) {
extra := released - uintptr(retained-want)
ttnext = int64(float64(extra) / rate)
if park {
scavenge.parked = true
goparkunlock(&scavenge.lock, waitReasonGCScavengeWait, traceEvGoBlock, 1)
if debug.gctrace > 0 {
if released > 0 {
print("scvg: ", released>>20, " MB released\n")
print("scvg: inuse: ", memstats.heap_inuse>>20, ", idle: ", memstats.heap_idle>>20, ", sys: ", memstats.heap_sys>>20, ", released: ", memstats.heap_released>>20, ", consumed: ", (memstats.heap_sys-memstats.heap_released)>>20, " (MB)\n")
if released == 0 {
// If we were unable to release anything this may be because there's
// no free memory available to scavenge. Go to sleep and try again.
if scavengeSleep(retryDelayNS) {
// If we successfully slept through the delay, back off exponentially.
retryDelayNS *= 2
retryDelayNS = minSleepNS
if ttnext > 0 && ttnext > minSleepNS {
// If there's an appreciable amount of time until the next scavenging
// goal, just sleep. We'll get woken up if anything changes and this
// way we avoid spinning.
// Give something else a chance to run, no locks are held.