blob: 4c2c19ec9d9d4ce63457c29b07b559c236305daf [file] [log] [blame]
// errorcheck
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Compiler rejected initialization of structs to composite literals
// in a non-static setting (e.g. in a function)
// when the struct contained a field named _.
package p
type T struct {
_ string
func ok() {
var x = T{"check"}
_ = x
_ = T{"et"}
var (
y = T{"stare"}
w = T{_: "look"} // ERROR "invalid field name _ in struct initializer|expected struct field name"
_ = T{"page"}
_ = T{_: "out"} // ERROR "invalid field name _ in struct initializer|expected struct field name"
func bad() {
var z = T{_: "verse"} // ERROR "invalid field name _ in struct initializer|expected struct field name"
_ = z
_ = T{_: "itinerary"} // ERROR "invalid field name _ in struct initializer|expected struct field name"