blob: 4394c6e698af1fbb23472665d306a5d79214ab25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package typecheck
import (
// crawlExports crawls the type/object graph rooted at the given list of exported
// objects (which are variables, functions, and types). It descends through all parts
// of types and follows methods on defined types. Any functions that are found to be
// potentially callable by importers directly or after inlining are marked with
// ExportInline, so that iexport.go knows to export their inline body.
// The overall purpose of crawlExports is to AVOID exporting inlineable methods
// that cannot actually be referenced, thereby reducing the size of the exports
// significantly.
// For non-generic defined types reachable from global variables, we only set
// ExportInline for exported methods. For defined types that are directly named or are
// embedded recursively in such a type, we set ExportInline for all methods, since
// these types can be embedded in another local type. For instantiated types that are
// used anywhere in a inlineable function, we set ExportInline on all methods of the
// base generic type, since all methods will be needed for creating any instantiated
// type.
func crawlExports(exports []*ir.Name) {
p := crawler{
marked: make(map[*types.Type]bool),
embedded: make(map[*types.Type]bool),
generic: make(map[*types.Type]bool),
checkFullyInst: make(map[*types.Type]bool),
for _, n := range exports {
type crawler struct {
marked map[*types.Type]bool // types already seen by markType
embedded map[*types.Type]bool // types already seen by markEmbed
generic map[*types.Type]bool // types already seen by markGeneric
checkFullyInst map[*types.Type]bool // types already seen by checkForFullyInst
// markObject visits a reachable object (function, method, global type, or global variable)
func (p *crawler) markObject(n *ir.Name) {
if n.Op() == ir.ONAME && n.Class == ir.PFUNC {
// If a declared type name is reachable, users can embed it in their
// own types, which makes even its unexported methods reachable.
if n.Op() == ir.OTYPE {
// markType recursively visits types reachable from t to identify functions whose
// inline bodies may be needed. For instantiated generic types, it visits the base
// generic type, which has the relevant methods.
func (p *crawler) markType(t *types.Type) {
if t.OrigSym() != nil {
// Convert to the base generic type.
t = t.OrigSym().Def.Type()
if p.marked[t] {
p.marked[t] = true
// If this is a defined type, mark all of its associated
// methods. Skip interface types because t.Methods contains
// only their unexpanded method set (i.e., exclusive of
// interface embeddings), and the switch statement below
// handles their full method set.
if t.Sym() != nil && t.Kind() != types.TINTER {
for _, m := range t.Methods().Slice() {
if types.IsExported(m.Sym.Name) {
// Recursively mark any types that can be produced given a
// value of type t: dereferencing a pointer; indexing or
// iterating over an array, slice, or map; receiving from a
// channel; accessing a struct field or interface method; or
// calling a function.
// Notably, we don't mark function parameter types, because
// the user already needs some way to construct values of
// those types.
switch t.Kind() {
case types.TPTR, types.TARRAY, types.TSLICE:
case types.TCHAN:
if t.ChanDir().CanRecv() {
case types.TMAP:
case types.TSTRUCT:
if t.IsFuncArgStruct() {
for _, f := range t.FieldSlice() {
// Mark the type of a unexported field if it is a
// fully-instantiated type, since we create and instantiate
// the methods of any fully-instantiated type that we see
// during import (see end of typecheck.substInstType).
if types.IsExported(f.Sym.Name) || f.Embedded != 0 ||
isPtrFullyInstantiated(f.Type) {
case types.TFUNC:
for _, f := range t.Results().FieldSlice() {
case types.TINTER:
for _, f := range t.AllMethods().Slice() {
if types.IsExported(f.Sym.Name) {
case types.TTYPEPARAM:
// No other type that needs to be followed.
// markEmbed is similar to markType, but handles finding methods that
// need to be re-exported because t can be embedded in user code
// (possibly transitively).
func (p *crawler) markEmbed(t *types.Type) {
if t.IsPtr() {
// Defined pointer type; not allowed to embed anyway.
if t.Sym() != nil {
t = t.Elem()
if t.OrigSym() != nil {
// Convert to the base generic type.
t = t.OrigSym().Def.Type()
if p.embedded[t] {
p.embedded[t] = true
// If t is a defined type, then re-export all of its methods. Unlike
// in markType, we include even unexported methods here, because we
// still need to generate wrappers for them, even if the user can't
// refer to them directly.
if t.Sym() != nil && t.Kind() != types.TINTER {
for _, m := range t.Methods().Slice() {
// If t is a struct, recursively visit its embedded fields.
if t.IsStruct() {
for _, f := range t.FieldSlice() {
if f.Embedded != 0 {
// markGeneric takes an instantiated type or a base generic type t, and marks all the
// methods of the base generic type of t. If a base generic type is written out for
// export, even if not explicitly marked for export, then all of its methods need to
// be available for instantiation, since we always create all methods of a specified
// instantiated type. Non-exported methods must generally be instantiated, since they may
// be called by the exported methods or other generic function in the same package.
func (p *crawler) markGeneric(t *types.Type) {
if t.IsPtr() {
t = t.Elem()
if t.OrigSym() != nil {
// Convert to the base generic type.
t = t.OrigSym().Def.Type()
if p.generic[t] {
p.generic[t] = true
if t.Sym() != nil && t.Kind() != types.TINTER {
for _, m := range t.Methods().Slice() {
// checkForFullyInst looks for fully-instantiated types in a type (at any nesting
// level). If it finds a fully-instantiated type, it ensures that the necessary
// dictionary and shape methods are exported. It updates p.checkFullyInst, so it
// traverses each particular type only once.
func (p *crawler) checkForFullyInst(t *types.Type) {
if p.checkFullyInst[t] {
p.checkFullyInst[t] = true
if t.IsFullyInstantiated() && !t.HasShape() && !t.IsInterface() && t.Methods().Len() > 0 {
// For any fully-instantiated type, the relevant
// dictionaries and shape instantiations will have
// already been created or are in the import data.
// Make sure that they are exported, so that any
// other package that inlines this function will have
// them available for import, and so will not need
// another round of method and dictionary
// instantiation after inlining.
baseType := t.OrigSym().Def.(*ir.Name).Type()
shapes := make([]*types.Type, len(t.RParams()))
for i, t1 := range t.RParams() {
shapes[i] = Shapify(t1, i, baseType.RParams()[i])
for j := range t.Methods().Slice() {
baseNname := baseType.Methods().Slice()[j].Nname.(*ir.Name)
dictsym := MakeDictSym(baseNname.Sym(), t.RParams(), true)
if dictsym.Def == nil {
in := Resolve(ir.NewIdent(src.NoXPos, dictsym))
dictsym = in.Sym()
methsym := MakeFuncInstSym(baseNname.Sym(), shapes, false, true)
if methsym.Def == nil {
in := Resolve(ir.NewIdent(src.NoXPos, methsym))
methsym = in.Sym()
methNode := methsym.Def.(*ir.Name)
if HaveInlineBody(methNode.Func) {
// Export the body as well if
// instantiation is inlineable.
// Descend into the type. We descend even if it is a fully-instantiated type,
// since the instantiated type may have other instantiated types inside of
// it (in fields, methods, etc.).
switch t.Kind() {
case types.TPTR, types.TARRAY, types.TSLICE:
case types.TCHAN:
case types.TMAP:
case types.TSTRUCT:
if t.IsFuncArgStruct() {
for _, f := range t.FieldSlice() {
case types.TFUNC:
if recv := t.Recv(); recv != nil {
for _, f := range t.Params().FieldSlice() {
for _, f := range t.Results().FieldSlice() {
case types.TINTER:
for _, f := range t.AllMethods().Slice() {
// markInlBody marks n's inline body for export and recursively
// ensures all called functions are marked too.
func (p *crawler) markInlBody(n *ir.Name) {
if n == nil {
if n.Op() != ir.ONAME || n.Class != ir.PFUNC {
base.Fatalf("markInlBody: unexpected %v, %v, %v", n, n.Op(), n.Class)
fn := n.Func
if fn == nil {
base.Fatalf("markInlBody: missing Func on %v", n)
if !HaveInlineBody(fn) {
if fn.ExportInline() {
var doFlood func(n ir.Node)
doFlood = func(n ir.Node) {
t := n.Type()
if t != nil {
if t.HasTParam() {
// If any generic types are used, then make sure that
// the methods of the generic type are exported and
// scanned for other possible exports.
} else {
if base.Debug.Unified == 0 {
// If a method of un-exported type is promoted and accessible by
// embedding in an exported type, it makes that type reachable.
// Example:
// type t struct {}
// func (t) M() {}
// func F() interface{} { return struct{ t }{} }
// We generate the wrapper for "struct{ t }".M, and inline call
// to "struct{ t }".M, which makes "t.M" reachable.
if t.IsStruct() {
for _, f := range t.FieldSlice() {
if f.Embedded != 0 {
switch n.Op() {
case ir.ONAME:
n := n.(*ir.Name)
switch n.Class {
case ir.PFUNC:
// Note: this Export() and the one below seem unneeded,
// since any function/extern name encountered in an
// exported function body will be exported
// automatically via qualifiedIdent() in iexport.go.
case ir.PEXTERN:
// Okay, because we don't yet inline indirect
// calls to method values.
case ir.OCLOSURE:
// VisitList doesn't visit closure bodies, so force a
// recursive call to VisitList on the body of the closure.
ir.VisitList(n.(*ir.ClosureExpr).Func.Body, doFlood)
// Recursively identify all referenced functions for
// reexport. We want to include even non-called functions,
// because after inlining they might be callable.
ir.VisitList(fn.Inl.Body, doFlood)
// isPtrFullyInstantiated returns true if t is a fully-instantiated type, or it is a
// pointer to a fully-instantiated type.
func isPtrFullyInstantiated(t *types.Type) bool {
return t.IsPtr() && t.Elem().IsFullyInstantiated() ||