blob: ade4bd60961606b2f683425e50a7b1a0d1614f08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func defframe(ptxt *obj.Prog) {
var n *gc.Node
// fill in argument size, stack size
ptxt.To.Type = obj.TYPE_TEXTSIZE
ptxt.To.Val = int32(gc.Rnd(gc.Curfn.Type.Argwid, int64(gc.Widthptr)))
frame := uint32(gc.Rnd(gc.Stksize+gc.Maxarg, int64(gc.Widthreg)))
ptxt.To.Offset = int64(frame)
// insert code to contain ambiguously live variables
// so that garbage collector only sees initialized values
// when it looks for pointers.
p := ptxt
hi := int64(0)
lo := hi
r0 := uint32(0)
for l := gc.Curfn.Func.Dcl; l != nil; l = l.Next {
n = l.N
if !n.Needzero {
if n.Class != gc.PAUTO {
gc.Fatal("needzero class %d", n.Class)
if n.Type.Width%int64(gc.Widthptr) != 0 || n.Xoffset%int64(gc.Widthptr) != 0 || n.Type.Width == 0 {
gc.Fatal("var %v has size %d offset %d", gc.Nconv(n, obj.FmtLong), int(n.Type.Width), int(n.Xoffset))
if lo != hi && n.Xoffset+n.Type.Width >= lo-int64(2*gc.Widthptr) {
// merge with range we already have
lo = gc.Rnd(n.Xoffset, int64(gc.Widthptr))
// zero old range
p = zerorange(p, int64(frame), lo, hi, &r0)
// set new range
hi = n.Xoffset + n.Type.Width
lo = n.Xoffset
// zero final range
zerorange(p, int64(frame), lo, hi, &r0)
func zerorange(p *obj.Prog, frame int64, lo int64, hi int64, r0 *uint32) *obj.Prog {
cnt := hi - lo
if cnt == 0 {
return p
if *r0 == 0 {
p = appendpp(p, arm.AMOVW, obj.TYPE_CONST, 0, 0, obj.TYPE_REG, arm.REG_R0, 0)
*r0 = 1
if cnt < int64(4*gc.Widthptr) {
for i := int64(0); i < cnt; i += int64(gc.Widthptr) {
p = appendpp(p, arm.AMOVW, obj.TYPE_REG, arm.REG_R0, 0, obj.TYPE_MEM, arm.REGSP, int32(4+frame+lo+i))
} else if !gc.Nacl && (cnt <= int64(128*gc.Widthptr)) {
p = appendpp(p, arm.AADD, obj.TYPE_CONST, 0, int32(4+frame+lo), obj.TYPE_REG, arm.REG_R1, 0)
p.Reg = arm.REGSP
p = appendpp(p, obj.ADUFFZERO, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, obj.TYPE_MEM, 0, 0)
f := gc.Sysfunc("duffzero")
gc.Naddr(&p.To, f)
gc.Afunclit(&p.To, f)
p.To.Offset = 4 * (128 - cnt/int64(gc.Widthptr))
} else {
p = appendpp(p, arm.AADD, obj.TYPE_CONST, 0, int32(4+frame+lo), obj.TYPE_REG, arm.REG_R1, 0)
p.Reg = arm.REGSP
p = appendpp(p, arm.AADD, obj.TYPE_CONST, 0, int32(cnt), obj.TYPE_REG, arm.REG_R2, 0)
p.Reg = arm.REG_R1
p = appendpp(p, arm.AMOVW, obj.TYPE_REG, arm.REG_R0, 0, obj.TYPE_MEM, arm.REG_R1, 4)
p1 := p
p.Scond |= arm.C_PBIT
p = appendpp(p, arm.ACMP, obj.TYPE_REG, arm.REG_R1, 0, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0)
p.Reg = arm.REG_R2
p = appendpp(p, arm.ABNE, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, obj.TYPE_BRANCH, 0, 0)
gc.Patch(p, p1)
return p
func appendpp(p *obj.Prog, as int, ftype int, freg int, foffset int32, ttype int, treg int, toffset int32) *obj.Prog {
q := gc.Ctxt.NewProg()
q.As = int16(as)
q.Lineno = p.Lineno
q.From.Type = int16(ftype)
q.From.Reg = int16(freg)
q.From.Offset = int64(foffset)
q.To.Type = int16(ttype)
q.To.Reg = int16(treg)
q.To.Offset = int64(toffset)
q.Link = p.Link
p.Link = q
return q
* generate high multiply
* res = (nl * nr) >> wordsize
func cgen_hmul(nl *gc.Node, nr *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
if nl.Ullman < nr.Ullman {
tmp := nl
nl = nr
nr = tmp
t := nl.Type
w := int(t.Width * 8)
var n1 gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&n1, t, res)
gc.Cgen(nl, &n1)
var n2 gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&n2, t, nil)
gc.Cgen(nr, &n2)
switch gc.Simtype[t.Etype] {
case gc.TINT8,
gins(optoas(gc.OMUL, t), &n2, &n1)
gshift(arm.AMOVW, &n1, arm.SHIFT_AR, int32(w), &n1)
case gc.TUINT8,
gins(optoas(gc.OMUL, t), &n2, &n1)
gshift(arm.AMOVW, &n1, arm.SHIFT_LR, int32(w), &n1)
// perform a long multiplication.
case gc.TINT32,
var p *obj.Prog
if gc.Issigned[t.Etype] {
p = gins(arm.AMULL, &n2, nil)
} else {
p = gins(arm.AMULLU, &n2, nil)
// n2 * n1 -> (n1 n2)
p.Reg = n1.Reg
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REGREG
p.To.Reg = n1.Reg
p.To.Offset = int64(n2.Reg)
gc.Fatal("cgen_hmul %v", t)
gc.Cgen(&n1, res)
* generate shift according to op, one of:
* res = nl << nr
* res = nl >> nr
func cgen_shift(op int, bounded bool, nl *gc.Node, nr *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
if nl.Type.Width > 4 {
gc.Fatal("cgen_shift %v", nl.Type)
w := int(nl.Type.Width * 8)
if op == gc.OLROT {
v := int(gc.Mpgetfix(nr.Val.U.Xval))
var n1 gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&n1, nl.Type, res)
if w == 32 {
gc.Cgen(nl, &n1)
gshift(arm.AMOVW, &n1, arm.SHIFT_RR, int32(w)-int32(v), &n1)
} else {
var n2 gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&n2, nl.Type, nil)
gc.Cgen(nl, &n2)
gshift(arm.AMOVW, &n2, arm.SHIFT_LL, int32(v), &n1)
gshift(arm.AORR, &n2, arm.SHIFT_LR, int32(w)-int32(v), &n1)
// Ensure sign/zero-extended result.
gins(optoas(gc.OAS, nl.Type), &n1, &n1)
gmove(&n1, res)
if nr.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
var n1 gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&n1, nl.Type, res)
gc.Cgen(nl, &n1)
sc := uint64(gc.Mpgetfix(nr.Val.U.Xval))
if sc == 0 {
} else // nothing to do
if sc >= uint64(nl.Type.Width*8) {
if op == gc.ORSH && gc.Issigned[nl.Type.Etype] {
gshift(arm.AMOVW, &n1, arm.SHIFT_AR, int32(w), &n1)
} else {
gins(arm.AEOR, &n1, &n1)
} else {
if op == gc.ORSH && gc.Issigned[nl.Type.Etype] {
gshift(arm.AMOVW, &n1, arm.SHIFT_AR, int32(sc), &n1)
} else if op == gc.ORSH {
gshift(arm.AMOVW, &n1, arm.SHIFT_LR, int32(sc), &n1) // OLSH
} else {
gshift(arm.AMOVW, &n1, arm.SHIFT_LL, int32(sc), &n1)
if w < 32 && op == gc.OLSH {
gins(optoas(gc.OAS, nl.Type), &n1, &n1)
gmove(&n1, res)
tr := nr.Type
var t gc.Node
var n1 gc.Node
var n2 gc.Node
var n3 gc.Node
if tr.Width > 4 {
var nt gc.Node
gc.Tempname(&nt, nr.Type)
if nl.Ullman >= nr.Ullman {
gc.Regalloc(&n2, nl.Type, res)
gc.Cgen(nl, &n2)
gc.Cgen(nr, &nt)
n1 = nt
} else {
gc.Cgen(nr, &nt)
gc.Regalloc(&n2, nl.Type, res)
gc.Cgen(nl, &n2)
var hi gc.Node
var lo gc.Node
split64(&nt, &lo, &hi)
gc.Regalloc(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], nil)
gc.Regalloc(&n3, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], nil)
gmove(&lo, &n1)
gmove(&hi, &n3)
gins(arm.ATST, &n3, nil)
gc.Nodconst(&t, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], int64(w))
p1 := gins(arm.AMOVW, &t, &n1)
p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_NE
tr = gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]
} else {
if nl.Ullman >= nr.Ullman {
gc.Regalloc(&n2, nl.Type, res)
gc.Cgen(nl, &n2)
gc.Regalloc(&n1, nr.Type, nil)
gc.Cgen(nr, &n1)
} else {
gc.Regalloc(&n1, nr.Type, nil)
gc.Cgen(nr, &n1)
gc.Regalloc(&n2, nl.Type, res)
gc.Cgen(nl, &n2)
// test for shift being 0
gins(arm.ATST, &n1, nil)
p3 := gc.Gbranch(arm.ABEQ, nil, -1)
// test and fix up large shifts
// TODO: if(!bounded), don't emit some of this.
gc.Regalloc(&n3, tr, nil)
gc.Nodconst(&t, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], int64(w))
gmove(&t, &n3)
gins(arm.ACMP, &n1, &n3)
if op == gc.ORSH {
var p1 *obj.Prog
var p2 *obj.Prog
if gc.Issigned[nl.Type.Etype] {
p1 = gshift(arm.AMOVW, &n2, arm.SHIFT_AR, int32(w)-1, &n2)
p2 = gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &n2, arm.SHIFT_AR, &n1, &n2)
} else {
p1 = gins(arm.AEOR, &n2, &n2)
p2 = gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &n2, arm.SHIFT_LR, &n1, &n2)
p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_HS
p2.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO
} else {
p1 := gins(arm.AEOR, &n2, &n2)
p2 := gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &n2, arm.SHIFT_LL, &n1, &n2)
p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_HS
p2.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO
gc.Patch(p3, gc.Pc)
// Left-shift of smaller word must be sign/zero-extended.
if w < 32 && op == gc.OLSH {
gins(optoas(gc.OAS, nl.Type), &n2, &n2)
gmove(&n2, res)
func clearfat(nl *gc.Node) {
/* clear a fat object */
if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
gc.Dump("\nclearfat", nl)
w := uint32(nl.Type.Width)
// Avoid taking the address for simple enough types.
if gc.Componentgen(nil, nl) {
c := w % 4 // bytes
q := w / 4 // quads
var r0 gc.Node
r0.Op = gc.OREGISTER
r0.Reg = arm.REG_R0
var r1 gc.Node
r1.Op = gc.OREGISTER
r1.Reg = arm.REG_R1
var dst gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&dst, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], &r1)
gc.Agen(nl, &dst)
var nc gc.Node
gc.Nodconst(&nc, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], 0)
var nz gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&nz, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], &r0)
gc.Cgen(&nc, &nz)
if q > 128 {
var end gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&end, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], nil)
p := gins(arm.AMOVW, &dst, &end)
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_ADDR
p.From.Offset = int64(q) * 4
p = gins(arm.AMOVW, &nz, &dst)
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p.To.Offset = 4
p.Scond |= arm.C_PBIT
pl := p
p = gins(arm.ACMP, &dst, nil)
raddr(&end, p)
gc.Patch(gc.Gbranch(arm.ABNE, nil, 0), pl)
} else if q >= 4 && !gc.Nacl {
f := gc.Sysfunc("duffzero")
p := gins(obj.ADUFFZERO, nil, f)
gc.Afunclit(&p.To, f)
// 4 and 128 = magic constants: see ../../runtime/asm_arm.s
p.To.Offset = 4 * (128 - int64(q))
} else {
var p *obj.Prog
for q > 0 {
p = gins(arm.AMOVW, &nz, &dst)
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p.To.Offset = 4
p.Scond |= arm.C_PBIT
//print("1. %P\n", p);
var p *obj.Prog
for c > 0 {
p = gins(arm.AMOVB, &nz, &dst)
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p.To.Offset = 1
p.Scond |= arm.C_PBIT
//print("2. %P\n", p);
// Called after regopt and peep have run.
// Expand CHECKNIL pseudo-op into actual nil pointer check.
func expandchecks(firstp *obj.Prog) {
var reg int
var p1 *obj.Prog
for p := firstp; p != nil; p = p.Link {
if p.As != obj.ACHECKNIL {
if gc.Debug_checknil != 0 && p.Lineno > 1 { // p->lineno==1 in generated wrappers
gc.Warnl(int(p.Lineno), "generated nil check")
if p.From.Type != obj.TYPE_REG {
gc.Fatal("invalid nil check %v", p)
reg = int(p.From.Reg)
// check is
// CMP arg, $0
// MOV.EQ arg, 0(arg)
p1 = gc.Ctxt.NewProg()
p1.Link = p.Link
p.Link = p1
p1.Lineno = p.Lineno
p1.Pc = 9999
p1.As = arm.AMOVW
p1.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p1.From.Reg = int16(reg)
p1.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p1.To.Reg = int16(reg)
p1.To.Offset = 0
p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_EQ
p.As = arm.ACMP
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
p.From.Reg = 0
p.From.Offset = 0
p.Reg = int16(reg)
func ginsnop() {
var r gc.Node
gc.Nodreg(&r, gc.Types[gc.TINT], arm.REG_R0)
p := gins(arm.AAND, &r, &r)
p.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_EQ
* generate
* as $c, n
func ginscon(as int, c int64, n *gc.Node) {
var n1 gc.Node
gc.Nodconst(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TINT32], c)
var n2 gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&n2, gc.Types[gc.TINT32], nil)
gmove(&n1, &n2)
gins(as, &n2, n)
func ginscmp(op int, t *gc.Type, n1, n2 *gc.Node, likely int) *obj.Prog {
var r1, r2, g1, g2 gc.Node
gc.Regalloc(&r1, t, n1)
gc.Regalloc(&g1, n1.Type, &r1)
gc.Cgen(n1, &g1)
gmove(&g1, &r1)
gc.Regalloc(&r2, t, n2)
gc.Regalloc(&g2, n1.Type, &r2)
gc.Cgen(n2, &g2)
gmove(&g2, &r2)
gins(optoas(gc.OCMP, t), &r1, &r2)
return gc.Gbranch(optoas(op, t), nil, likely)
// addr += index*width if possible.
func addindex(index *gc.Node, width int64, addr *gc.Node) bool {
switch width {
case 2:
gshift(arm.AADD, index, arm.SHIFT_LL, 1, addr)
return true
case 4:
gshift(arm.AADD, index, arm.SHIFT_LL, 2, addr)
return true
case 8:
gshift(arm.AADD, index, arm.SHIFT_LL, 3, addr)
return true
return false
// res = runtime.getg()
func getg(res *gc.Node) {
var n1 gc.Node
gc.Nodreg(&n1, res.Type, arm.REGG)
gmove(&n1, res)