blob: 313da1b3b25f02d5a882a5ee308dbb871eb98107 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build linux
// +build mips mipsle
package runtime
var randomNumber uint32
func archauxv(tag, val uintptr) {
switch tag {
case _AT_RANDOM:
// sysargs filled in startupRandomData, but that
// pointer may not be word aligned, so we must treat
// it as a byte array.
randomNumber = uint32(startupRandomData[4]) | uint32(startupRandomData[5])<<8 |
uint32(startupRandomData[6])<<16 | uint32(startupRandomData[7])<<24
func cputicks() int64 {
// Currently cputicks() is used in blocking profiler and to seed fastrand().
// nanotime() is a poor approximation of CPU ticks that is enough for the profiler.
// randomNumber provides better seeding of fastrand1.
return nanotime() + int64(randomNumber)
const (
_NSIG = 128 + 1
_SI_USER = 0
type sigset [4]uint32
type rlimit struct {
rlim_cur uintptr
rlim_max uintptr
var sigset_all = sigset{^uint32(0), ^uint32(0), ^uint32(0), ^uint32(0)}
func sigaddset(mask *sigset, i int) {
(*mask)[(i-1)/32] |= 1 << ((uint32(i) - 1) & 31)
func sigdelset(mask *sigset, i int) {
(*mask)[(i-1)/32] &^= 1 << ((uint32(i) - 1) & 31)
func sigfillset(mask *[4]uint32) {
(*mask)[0], (*mask)[1], (*mask)[2], (*mask)[3] = ^uint32(0), ^uint32(0), ^uint32(0), ^uint32(0)