blob: c6f6b626a7164645a1c89b47eed433f3f6e6b9eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
#include "runtime.h"
#include "arch_GOARCH.h"
#include "type.h"
func GOMAXPROCS(n int) (ret int) {
ret = runtime·gomaxprocsfunc(n);
func NumCPU() (ret int) {
ret = runtime·ncpu;
func NumCgoCall() (ret int64) {
M *mp;
ret = 0;
for(mp=runtime·atomicloadp(&runtime·allm); mp; mp=mp->alllink)
ret += mp->ncgocall;
func newParFor(nthrmax uint32) (desc *ParFor) {
desc = runtime·parforalloc(nthrmax);
func parForSetup(desc *ParFor, nthr uint32, n uint32, ctx *byte, wait bool, body *byte) {
runtime·parforsetup(desc, nthr, n, ctx, wait, *(void(**)(ParFor*, uint32))body);
func parForDo(desc *ParFor) {
func parForIters(desc *ParFor, tid uintptr) (start uintptr, end uintptr) {
runtime·parforiters(desc, tid, &start, &end);
func gogoBytes() (x int32) {
x = RuntimeGogoBytes;
func typestring(e Eface) (s String) {
s = *e.type->string;
func golockedOSThread() (ret bool) {
ret = runtime·lockedOSThread();
func NumGoroutine() (ret int) {
ret = runtime·gcount();
func getgoroot() (out String) {
byte *p;
p = runtime·getenv("GOROOT");
out = runtime·gostringnocopy(p);
* We assume that all architectures turn faults and the like
* into apparent calls to runtime.sigpanic. If we see a "call"
* to runtime.sigpanic, we do not back up the PC to find the
* line number of the CALL instruction, because there is no CALL.
void runtime·sigpanic(void);
func Caller(skip int) (retpc uintptr, retfile String, retline int, retbool bool) {
Func *f, *g;
uintptr pc;
uintptr rpc[2];
* Ask for two PCs: the one we were asked for
* and what it called, so that we can see if it
* "called" sigpanic.
retpc = 0;
if(runtime·callers(1+skip-1, rpc, 2) < 2) {
retfile = runtime·emptystring;
retline = 0;
retbool = false;
} else if((f = runtime·findfunc(rpc[1])) == nil) {
retfile = runtime·emptystring;
retline = 0;
retbool = true; // have retpc at least
} else {
retpc = rpc[1];
pc = retpc;
g = runtime·findfunc(rpc[0]);
if(pc > f->entry && (g == nil || g->entry != (uintptr)runtime·sigpanic))
retline = runtime·funcline(f, pc, &retfile);
retbool = true;
func Callers(skip int, pc Slice) (retn int) {
// runtime.callers uses pc.array==nil as a signal
// to print a stack trace. Pick off 0-length pc here
// so that we don't let a nil pc slice get to it.
if(pc.len == 0)
retn = 0;
retn = runtime·callers(skip, (uintptr*)pc.array, pc.len);
func runtimepprof·runtime_cyclesPerSecond() (res int64) {
res = runtime·tickspersecond();
func sync·runtime_procPin() (p int) {
M *mp;
mp = m;
// Disable preemption.
p = mp->p->id;
func sync·runtime_procUnpin() {