blob: ebac2b5ed1205f5a862f774878e1820bac794084 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package goobj
import (
// Read object file in new format. For now we still fill
// the data to the current goobj API.
func (r *objReader) readNew() {
start := uint32(r.offset)
length := r.limit - r.offset
objbytes := make([]byte, length)
rr := goobj2.NewReaderFromBytes(objbytes, false)
if rr == nil {
panic("cannot read object file")
// Imports
autolib := rr.Autolib()
for _, p := range autolib {
r.p.Imports = append(r.p.Imports, p.Pkg)
// Ignore fingerprint (for tools like objdump which only reads one object).
// Name of referenced indexed symbols.
nrefName := rr.NRefName()
refNames := make(map[goobj2.SymRef]string, nrefName)
for i := 0; i < nrefName; i++ {
rn := rr.RefName(i)
refNames[rn.Sym()] = rn.Name(rr)
abiToVer := func(abi uint16) int64 {
var vers int64
if abi == goobj2.SymABIstatic {
// Static symbol
vers = r.p.MaxVersion
return vers
resolveSymRef := func(s goobj2.SymRef) SymID {
var i uint32
switch p := s.PkgIdx; p {
case goobj2.PkgIdxInvalid:
if s.SymIdx != 0 {
panic("bad sym ref")
return SymID{}
case goobj2.PkgIdxHashed64:
i = s.SymIdx + uint32(rr.NSym())
case goobj2.PkgIdxHashed:
i = s.SymIdx + uint32(rr.NSym()+rr.NHashed64def())
case goobj2.PkgIdxNone:
i = s.SymIdx + uint32(rr.NSym()+rr.NHashed64def()+rr.NHasheddef())
case goobj2.PkgIdxBuiltin:
name, abi := goobj2.BuiltinName(int(s.SymIdx))
return SymID{name, int64(abi)}
case goobj2.PkgIdxSelf:
i = s.SymIdx
return SymID{refNames[s], 0}
sym := rr.Sym(i)
return SymID{sym.Name(rr), abiToVer(sym.ABI())}
// Read things for the current goobj API for now.
// Symbols
pcdataBase := start + rr.PcdataBase()
ndef := uint32(rr.NSym() + rr.NHashed64def() + rr.NHasheddef() + rr.NNonpkgdef())
n := ndef + uint32(rr.NNonpkgref())
for i := uint32(0); i < n; i++ {
osym := rr.Sym(i)
if osym.Name(rr) == "" {
continue // not a real symbol
// In a symbol name in an object file, "". denotes the
// prefix for the package in which the object file has been found.
// Expand it.
name := strings.ReplaceAll(osym.Name(rr), `"".`, r.pkgprefix)
symID := SymID{Name: name, Version: abiToVer(osym.ABI())}
r.p.SymRefs = append(r.p.SymRefs, symID)
if i >= ndef {
continue // not a defined symbol from here
// Symbol data
dataOff := rr.DataOff(i)
siz := int64(rr.DataSize(i))
sym := Sym{
SymID: symID,
Kind: objabi.SymKind(osym.Type()),
DupOK: osym.Dupok(),
Size: int64(osym.Siz()),
Data: Data{int64(start + dataOff), siz},
r.p.Syms = append(r.p.Syms, &sym)
// Reloc
relocs := rr.Relocs(i)
sym.Reloc = make([]Reloc, len(relocs))
for j := range relocs {
rel := &relocs[j]
sym.Reloc[j] = Reloc{
Offset: int64(rel.Off()),
Size: int64(rel.Siz()),
Type: objabi.RelocType(rel.Type()),
Add: rel.Add(),
Sym: resolveSymRef(rel.Sym()),
// Aux symbol info
isym := ^uint32(0)
funcdata := make([]goobj2.SymRef, 0, 4)
auxs := rr.Auxs(i)
for j := range auxs {
a := &auxs[j]
switch a.Type() {
case goobj2.AuxGotype:
sym.Type = resolveSymRef(a.Sym())
case goobj2.AuxFuncInfo:
if a.Sym().PkgIdx != goobj2.PkgIdxSelf {
panic("funcinfo symbol not defined in current package")
isym = a.Sym().SymIdx
case goobj2.AuxFuncdata:
funcdata = append(funcdata, a.Sym())
case goobj2.AuxDwarfInfo, goobj2.AuxDwarfLoc, goobj2.AuxDwarfRanges, goobj2.AuxDwarfLines:
// nothing to do
panic("unknown aux type")
// Symbol Info
if isym == ^uint32(0) {
b := rr.BytesAt(rr.DataOff(isym), rr.DataSize(isym))
info := goobj2.FuncInfo{}
info.Pcdata = append(info.Pcdata, info.PcdataEnd) // for the ease of knowing where it ends
f := &Func{
Args: int64(info.Args),
Frame: int64(info.Locals),
NoSplit: osym.NoSplit(),
Leaf: osym.Leaf(),
TopFrame: osym.TopFrame(),
PCSP: Data{int64(pcdataBase + info.Pcsp), int64(info.Pcfile - info.Pcsp)},
PCFile: Data{int64(pcdataBase + info.Pcfile), int64(info.Pcline - info.Pcfile)},
PCLine: Data{int64(pcdataBase + info.Pcline), int64(info.Pcinline - info.Pcline)},
PCInline: Data{int64(pcdataBase + info.Pcinline), int64(info.Pcdata[0] - info.Pcinline)},
PCData: make([]Data, len(info.Pcdata)-1), // -1 as we appended one above
FuncData: make([]FuncData, len(info.Funcdataoff)),
File: make([]string, len(info.File)),
InlTree: make([]InlinedCall, len(info.InlTree)),
sym.Func = f
for k := range f.PCData {
f.PCData[k] = Data{int64(pcdataBase + info.Pcdata[k]), int64(info.Pcdata[k+1] - info.Pcdata[k])}
for k := range f.FuncData {
symID := resolveSymRef(funcdata[k])
f.FuncData[k] = FuncData{symID, int64(info.Funcdataoff[k])}
for k := range f.File {
symID := resolveSymRef(info.File[k])
f.File[k] = symID.Name
for k := range f.InlTree {
inl := &info.InlTree[k]
f.InlTree[k] = InlinedCall{
Parent: int64(inl.Parent),
File: resolveSymRef(inl.File).Name,
Line: int64(inl.Line),
Func: resolveSymRef(inl.Func),
ParentPC: int64(inl.ParentPC),