blob: 8cbcd63ee0d176d93e88b951e758215f776f60d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// errorcheck
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Verify that illegal composite literals are detected.
// Does not compile.
package main
var m map[int][3]int
func f() [3]int
func fp() *[3]int
var mp map[int]*[3]int
var (
_ = [3]int{1, 2, 3}[:] // ERROR "slice of unaddressable value"
_ = m[0][:] // ERROR "slice of unaddressable value"
_ = f()[:] // ERROR "slice of unaddressable value"
_ = 301[:] // ERROR "cannot slice|attempt to slice object that is not"
_ = 3.1[:] // ERROR "cannot slice|attempt to slice object that is not"
_ = true[:] // ERROR "cannot slice|attempt to slice object that is not"
// these are okay because they are slicing a pointer to an array
_ = (&[3]int{1, 2, 3})[:]
_ = mp[0][:]
_ = fp()[:]
type T struct {
i int
f float64
s string
next *T
type TP *T
type Ti int
var (
_ = &T{0, 0, "", nil} // ok
_ = &T{i: 0, f: 0, s: "", next: {}} // ERROR "missing type in composite literal|omit types within composite literal"
_ = &T{0, 0, "", {}} // ERROR "missing type in composite literal|omit types within composite literal"
_ = TP{i: 0, f: 0, s: ""} // ERROR "invalid composite literal type TP"
_ = &Ti{} // ERROR "invalid composite literal type Ti|expected.*type for composite literal"
type M map[T]T
var (
_ = M{{i: 1}: {i: 2}}
_ = M{T{i: 1}: {i: 2}}
_ = M{{i: 1}: T{i: 2}}
_ = M{T{i: 1}: T{i: 2}}
type S struct{ s [1]*M1 }
type M1 map[S]int
var _ = M1{{s: [1]*M1{&M1{{}: 1}}}: 2}