[release-branch.go1.19] all: merge master (e99f53f) into release-branch.go1.19

Merge List:

+ 2022-08-01 e99f53fed9 doc: move Go 1.19 release notes to x/website
+ 2022-08-01 8b13a073a1 doc: mention removal of cmd/compile's -importmap and -installsuffix flags
+ 2022-08-01 e95fd4c238 doc/go1.19: fix typo: EM_LONGARCH -> EM_LOONGARCH
+ 2022-08-01 dee3efd9f8 doc/go1.19: fix a few links that were missing trailing slashes
+ 2022-07-30 f32519e5fb runtime: fix typos
+ 2022-07-29 9a2001a8cc cmd/dist: always pass -short=true with -quick
+ 2022-07-28 5c8ec89cb5 doc/go1.19: minor adjustments and links
+ 2022-07-28 417be37048 doc/go1.19: improve the loong64 release notes
+ 2022-07-28 027855e8d8 os/exec: add GODEBUG setting to opt out of ErrDot changes
+ 2022-07-27 462b78fe70 misc/cgo/test: use fewer threads in TestSetgidStress in long mode
+ 2022-07-27 055113ef36 math/big: check buffer lengths in GobDecode
+ 2022-07-27 4248146154 net: document UDPConn.ReadFromUDPAddrPort's AddrPort result more
+ 2022-07-26 faf4e97200 net: fix WriteMsgUDPAddrPort addr handling
+ 2022-07-26 caa225dd29 doc/go1.19: note that updated race syso files require GNU ld 2.26
+ 2022-07-26 ceefd3a37b bytes: document that Reader.Reset affects the result of Size
+ 2022-07-26 3e97294663 runtime/cgo: use frame address to set g0 stack bound
+ 2022-07-25 24dc27a3c0 cmd/compile: fix blank label code
+ 2022-07-25 9fcc8b2c1e runtime: fix runtime.Breakpoint() on windows/arm64
+ 2022-07-25 795a88d0c3 cmd/go: add space after comma in 'go help test'
+ 2022-07-25 9eb3992ddd doc/go1.19: minor fixes
+ 2022-07-25 dcea1ee6e3 time: clarify documentation for allowed formats and add tests to prove them
+ 2022-07-25 37c8112b82 internal/fuzz: fix typo in function comments
+ 2022-07-25 850d547d2d doc/go1.19: expand crypto release notes
+ 2022-07-24 64f2829c9c runtime: fix typo in function comments
+ 2022-07-24 2ff563a00e cmd/compile/internal/noder: correct spelling errors for instantiation
+ 2022-07-22 c5da4fb7ac cmd/compile: make jump table symbol local
+ 2022-07-22 774fa58d1d A+C: delete AUTHORS and CONTRIBUTORS
+ 2022-07-21 2d655fb15a unsafe: document when Sizeof/Offsetof/Alignof are not constant
+ 2022-07-21 076c3d7f07 net/http: remove accidental heading in Head documentation
+ 2022-07-21 c4a6d3048b cmd/dist: enable race detector test on S390X
+ 2022-07-20 244c8b0500 cmd/cgo: allow cgo to pass strings or []bytes bigger than 1<<30
+ 2022-07-20 df38614bd7 test: use go tool from tree, not path
+ 2022-07-20 bb1749ba3b cmd/compile: improve GOAMD64=v1 violation test
+ 2022-07-19 176b63e711 crypto/internal/nistec,debug/gosym: fix typos
+ 2022-07-19 8e1e64c16a cmd/compile: fix mknode script
+ 2022-07-19 28be440d34 A+C: add Weizhi Yan
+ 2022-07-19 85a482fc24 runtime: revert to using the precomputed trigger for pacer calculations
+ 2022-07-19 ae7340ab68 CONTRIBUTORS: update for the Go 1.19 release
+ 2022-07-18 de8101d21b runtime: fix typos
+ 2022-07-18 967a3d985d cmd/compile: revert "remove -installsuffix flag"
+ 2022-07-18 c0c1bbde17 http: improve Get documentation
+ 2022-07-15 2aa473cc54 go/types, types2: correct alignment of atomic.Int64
+ 2022-07-15 4651ebf961 encoding/gob: s/TestIngoreDepthLimit/TestIgnoreDepthLimit/
+ 2022-07-14 dc00aed6de go/parser: skip TestParseDepthLimit for short tests
+ 2022-07-14 783ff7dfc4 encoding/xml: skip TestCVE202230633 for short tests
+ 2022-07-14 aa80228526 cmd/go/internal/modfetch: avoid duplicating path components in Git fetch errors
+ 2022-07-14 b9d5a25442 cmd/go: save zip sums for downloaded modules in 'go mod download' in a workspace
+ 2022-07-14 a906d3dd09 cmd/go: avoid re-enqueuing workspace dependencies with errors
+ 2022-07-14 266c70c263 doc/go1.19: add a release note for 'go list -json=SomeField'
+ 2022-07-13 558785a0a9 cmd/compile: remove -installsuffix flag
+ 2022-07-13 1355ea3045 cmd/compile: remove -importmap flag
+ 2022-07-13 f71f3d1b86 misc/cgo/testshared: run tests only in GOPATH mode
+ 2022-07-13 feada53661 misc/cgo/testcshared: don't rely on an erroneous install target in tests
+ 2022-07-13 c006b7ac27 runtime: clear timerModifiedEarliest when last timer is deleted
+ 2022-07-13 923740a8cc cmd/compile: fix type assert in dict pass
+ 2022-07-12 bf2ef26be3 cmd/go: in script tests, avoid checking non-main packages for staleness
+ 2022-07-12 5f5cae7200 cmd/go: avoid indexing GOROOT packages when the compiler is 'gccgo'
+ 2022-07-12 c2edb2c841 cmd/go: port TestIssue16471 to a script test and add verbose logging
+ 2022-07-12 9c2526e637 cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost: add missing newline in '# lock' log message
+ 2022-07-12 85486bcccb image/jpeg: increase TestLargeImageWithShortData timeout by an order of magnitude
+ 2022-07-12 27794c4d4a cmd/go/internal/modload: ignore disallowed errors when checking for updates

Change-Id: Ic05832c8c7c33ab016386bf7e85d6bad62a8fb98
tree: a745285f0ec83af8a584ff0c6c558bfda84664eb
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. codereview.cfg
  14. README.md
  15. SECURITY.md

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