store ids rather than Types in the structs so they can be encoded.
change Type to gobType.
fix some bugs around recursive structures.
lots of cleanup.
add the first cut at a type encoder.
DELTA=400 (287 added, 11 deleted, 102 changed)
diff --git a/src/pkg/gob/encode.go b/src/pkg/gob/encode.go
index f32180c..dac8097 100644
--- a/src/pkg/gob/encode.go
+++ b/src/pkg/gob/encode.go
@@ -183,6 +183,14 @@
+func encUintptr(i *encInstr, state *EncState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
+ v := uint64(*(*uintptr)(p));
+ if v != 0 {
+ state.update(i);
+ EncodeUint(state, v);
+ }
// Floating-point numbers are transmitted as uint64s holding the bits
// of the underlying representation. They are sent byte-reversed, with
// the exponent end coming out first, so integer floating point numbers
@@ -285,21 +293,21 @@
state.fieldnum = -1;
EncodeUint(state, uint64(length));
for i := 0; i < length && state.err == nil; i++ {
- up := unsafe.Pointer(p);
+ elemp := p;
+ up := unsafe.Pointer(elemp);
if elemIndir > 0 {
if up = encIndirect(up, elemIndir); up == nil {
state.err = os.ErrorString("encodeArray: nil element");
- p = uintptr(up);
+ elemp = uintptr(up);
- op(nil, state, unsafe.Pointer(p));
+ op(nil, state, unsafe.Pointer(elemp));
p += uintptr(elemWid);
return state.err
-var encEngineMap = make(map[reflect.Type] *encEngine)
var encOpMap = map[reflect.Type] encOp {
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.BoolType)(nil)): encBool,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.IntType)(nil)): encInt,
@@ -312,6 +320,7 @@
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint16Type)(nil)): encUint16,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint32Type)(nil)): encUint32,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint64Type)(nil)): encUint64,
+ reflect.Typeof((*reflect.UintptrType)(nil)): encUintptr,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.FloatType)(nil)): encFloat,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Float32Type)(nil)): encFloat32,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Float64Type)(nil)): encFloat64,
@@ -354,9 +363,11 @@
case *reflect.StructType:
// Generate a closure that calls out to the engine for the nested type.
engine := getEncEngine(typ);
+ info := getTypeInfo(typ);
op = func(i *encInstr, state *EncState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.err = encodeStruct(engine, state.w, uintptr(p));
+ // indirect through info to delay evaluation for recursive structs
+ state.err = encodeStruct(info.encoder, state.w, uintptr(p));
@@ -366,10 +377,8 @@
return op, indir
-// The local Type was compiled from the actual value, so we know
-// it's compatible.
-// TODO(r): worth checking? typ is unused here.
-func compileEnc(rt reflect.Type, typ Type) *encEngine {
+// The local Type was compiled from the actual value, so we know it's compatible.
+func compileEnc(rt reflect.Type) *encEngine {
srt, ok := rt.(*reflect.StructType);
if !ok {
panicln("TODO: can't handle non-structs");
@@ -385,15 +394,16 @@
return engine;
-// typeLock must be held.
+// typeLock must be held (or we're in initialization and guaranteed single-threaded).
+// The reflection type must have all its indirections processed out.
func getEncEngine(rt reflect.Type) *encEngine {
- engine, ok := encEngineMap[rt];
- if !ok {
- pkg, name := rt.Name();
- engine = compileEnc(rt, newType(name, rt));
- encEngineMap[rt] = engine;
+ info := getTypeInfo(rt);
+ if info.encoder == nil {
+ // mark this engine as underway before compiling to handle recursive types.
+ info.encoder = new(encEngine);
+ info.encoder = compileEnc(rt);
- return engine
+ return info.encoder;
func Encode(w io.Writer, e interface{}) os.Error {