blob: bd24f4ca42dc3d911a8a4a12897d4e8d77211f38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Scope handling is now done in go/parser.
// The functionality here is only present to
// keep the typechecker running for now.
package typechecker
import "go/ast"
func (tc *typechecker) openScope() *ast.Scope {
tc.topScope = ast.NewScope(tc.topScope)
return tc.topScope
func (tc *typechecker) closeScope() {
tc.topScope = tc.topScope.Outer
// declInScope declares an object of a given kind and name in scope and sets the object's Decl and N fields.
// It returns the newly allocated object. If an object with the same name already exists in scope, an error
// is reported and the object is not inserted.
func (tc *typechecker) declInScope(scope *ast.Scope, kind ast.ObjKind, name *ast.Ident, decl interface{}, n int) *ast.Object {
obj := ast.NewObj(kind, name.Name)
obj.Decl = decl
//obj.N = n
name.Obj = obj
if name.Name != "_" {
if alt := scope.Insert(obj); alt != obj {
tc.Errorf(name.Pos(), "%s already declared at %s", name.Name, tc.fset.Position(alt.Pos()).String())
return obj
// decl is the same as declInScope(tc.topScope, ...)
func (tc *typechecker) decl(kind ast.ObjKind, name *ast.Ident, decl interface{}, n int) *ast.Object {
return tc.declInScope(tc.topScope, kind, name, decl, n)
// find returns the object with the given name if visible in the current scope hierarchy.
// If no such object is found, an error is reported and a bad object is returned instead.
func (tc *typechecker) find(name *ast.Ident) (obj *ast.Object) {
for s := tc.topScope; s != nil && obj == nil; s = s.Outer {
obj = s.Lookup(name.Name)
if obj == nil {
tc.Errorf(name.Pos(), "%s not declared", name.Name)
obj = ast.NewObj(ast.Bad, name.Name)
name.Obj = obj
// findField returns the object with the given name if visible in the type's scope.
// If no such object is found, an error is reported and a bad object is returned instead.
func (tc *typechecker) findField(typ *Type, name *ast.Ident) (obj *ast.Object) {
// TODO(gri) This is simplistic at the moment and ignores anonymous fields.
obj = typ.Scope.Lookup(name.Name)
if obj == nil {
tc.Errorf(name.Pos(), "%s not declared", name.Name)
obj = ast.NewObj(ast.Bad, name.Name)