blob: d514ae4cb70fd23396c6a2dbfaab058aa57269f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package importdecl0
import ()
import (
// we can have multiple blank imports (was bug)
_ "math"
_ "net/rpc"
init /* ERROR "cannot import package as init" */ "fmt"
// reflect defines a type "flag" which shows up in the gc export data
. /* ERROR "imported and not used" */ "reflect"
import "math" /* ERROR "imported and not used" */
import m /* ERROR "imported as m and not used" */ "math"
import _ "math"
import (
"math/big" /* ERROR "imported and not used" */
b /* ERROR "imported as b and not used" */ "math/big"
_ "math/big"
import "fmt"
import f1 "fmt"
import f2 "fmt"
// reflect.flag must not be visible in this package
type flag int
type _ reflect.flag /* ERROR "not exported" */
// imported package name may conflict with local objects
type reflect /* ERROR "reflect already declared" */ int
// dot-imported exported objects may conflict with local objects
type Value /* ERROR "Value already declared through dot-import of package reflect" */ struct{}
var _ = fmt.Println // use "fmt"
func _() {
f1.Println() // use "fmt"
func _() {
_ = func() {
f2.Println() // use "fmt"