blob: 0474e3b4b1266b39ec8088be66d8c0cafcc40d12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package wasm
import (
var Register = map[string]int16{
"g": REG_g,
"R0": REG_R0,
"R1": REG_R1,
"R2": REG_R2,
"R3": REG_R3,
"R4": REG_R4,
"R5": REG_R5,
"R6": REG_R6,
"R7": REG_R7,
"R8": REG_R8,
"R9": REG_R9,
"R10": REG_R10,
"R11": REG_R11,
"R12": REG_R12,
"R13": REG_R13,
"R14": REG_R14,
"R15": REG_R15,
"F0": REG_F0,
"F1": REG_F1,
"F2": REG_F2,
"F3": REG_F3,
"F4": REG_F4,
"F5": REG_F5,
"F6": REG_F6,
"F7": REG_F7,
"F8": REG_F8,
"F9": REG_F9,
"F10": REG_F10,
"F11": REG_F11,
"F12": REG_F12,
"F13": REG_F13,
"F14": REG_F14,
"F15": REG_F15,
var registerNames []string
func init() {
obj.RegisterRegister(MINREG, MAXREG, rconv)
obj.RegisterOpcode(obj.ABaseWasm, Anames)
registerNames = make([]string, MAXREG-MINREG)
for name, reg := range Register {
registerNames[reg-MINREG] = name
func rconv(r int) string {
return registerNames[r-MINREG]
var unaryDst = map[obj.As]bool{
ASet: true,
ATee: true,
ACall: true,
ACallIndirect: true,
ACallImport: true,
ABr: true,
ABrIf: true,
ABrTable: true,
AI32Store: true,
AI64Store: true,
AF32Store: true,
AF64Store: true,
AI32Store8: true,
AI32Store16: true,
AI64Store8: true,
AI64Store16: true,
AI64Store32: true,
var Linkwasm = obj.LinkArch{
Arch: sys.ArchWasm,
Init: instinit,
Preprocess: preprocess,
Assemble: assemble,
UnaryDst: unaryDst,
var (
morestack *obj.LSym
morestackNoCtxt *obj.LSym
gcWriteBarrier *obj.LSym
sigpanic *obj.LSym
deferreturn *obj.LSym
jmpdefer *obj.LSym
const (
/* mark flags */
WasmImport = 1 << 0
func instinit(ctxt *obj.Link) {
morestack = ctxt.Lookup("runtime.morestack")
morestackNoCtxt = ctxt.Lookup("runtime.morestack_noctxt")
gcWriteBarrier = ctxt.Lookup("runtime.gcWriteBarrier")
sigpanic = ctxt.LookupABI("runtime.sigpanic", obj.ABIInternal)
deferreturn = ctxt.LookupABI("runtime.deferreturn", obj.ABIInternal)
// jmpdefer is defined in assembly as ABI0, but what we're
// looking for is the *call* to jmpdefer from the Go function
// deferreturn, so we're looking for the ABIInternal version
// of jmpdefer that's called by Go.
jmpdefer = ctxt.LookupABI(`"".jmpdefer`, obj.ABIInternal)
func preprocess(ctxt *obj.Link, s *obj.LSym, newprog obj.ProgAlloc) {
appendp := func(p *obj.Prog, as obj.As, args ...obj.Addr) *obj.Prog {
if p.As != obj.ANOP {
p2 := obj.Appendp(p, newprog)
p2.Pc = p.Pc
p = p2
p.As = as
switch len(args) {
case 0:
p.From = obj.Addr{}
p.To = obj.Addr{}
case 1:
if unaryDst[as] {
p.From = obj.Addr{}
p.To = args[0]
} else {
p.From = args[0]
p.To = obj.Addr{}
case 2:
p.From = args[0]
p.To = args[1]
panic("bad args")
return p
framesize := s.Func.Text.To.Offset
if framesize < 0 {
panic("bad framesize")
s.Func.Args = s.Func.Text.To.Val.(int32)
s.Func.Locals = int32(framesize)
if s.Func.Text.From.Sym.Wrapper() {
// if g._panic != nil && g._panic.argp == FP {
// g._panic.argp = bottom-of-frame
// }
// MOVD g_panic(g), R0
// Get R0
// I64Eqz
// Not
// If
// Get SP
// I64ExtendI32U
// I64Const $framesize+8
// I64Add
// I64Load panic_argp(R0)
// I64Eq
// If
// MOVD SP, panic_argp(R0)
// End
// End
gpanic := obj.Addr{
Type: obj.TYPE_MEM,
Reg: REGG,
Offset: 4 * 8, // g_panic
panicargp := obj.Addr{
Type: obj.TYPE_MEM,
Reg: REG_R0,
Offset: 0, // panic.argp
p := s.Func.Text
p = appendp(p, AMOVD, gpanic, regAddr(REG_R0))
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_R0))
p = appendp(p, AI64Eqz)
p = appendp(p, ANot)
p = appendp(p, AIf)
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AI64ExtendI32U)
p = appendp(p, AI64Const, constAddr(framesize+8))
p = appendp(p, AI64Add)
p = appendp(p, AI64Load, panicargp)
p = appendp(p, AI64Eq)
p = appendp(p, AIf)
p = appendp(p, AMOVD, regAddr(REG_SP), panicargp)
p = appendp(p, AEnd)
p = appendp(p, AEnd)
if framesize > 0 {
p := s.Func.Text
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(framesize))
p = appendp(p, AI32Sub)
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p.Spadj = int32(framesize)
// Introduce resume points for CALL instructions
// and collect other explicit resume points.
numResumePoints := 0
explicitBlockDepth := 0
pc := int64(0) // pc is only incremented when necessary, this avoids bloat of the BrTable instruction
var tableIdxs []uint64
tablePC := int64(0)
base := ctxt.PosTable.Pos(s.Func.Text.Pos).Base()
for p := s.Func.Text; p != nil; p = p.Link {
prevBase := base
base = ctxt.PosTable.Pos(p.Pos).Base()
switch p.As {
case ABlock, ALoop, AIf:
case AEnd:
if explicitBlockDepth == 0 {
panic("End without block")
if explicitBlockDepth != 0 {
panic("RESUME can only be used on toplevel")
p.As = AEnd
for tablePC <= pc {
tableIdxs = append(tableIdxs, uint64(numResumePoints))
case obj.ACALL:
if explicitBlockDepth != 0 {
panic("CALL can only be used on toplevel, try CALLNORESUME instead")
appendp(p, ARESUMEPOINT)
p.Pc = pc
// Increase pc whenever some pc-value table needs a new entry. Don't increase it
// more often to avoid bloat of the BrTable instruction.
// The "base != prevBase" condition detects inlined instructions. They are an
// implicit call, so entering and leaving this section affects the stack trace.
if p.As == ACALLNORESUME || p.As == obj.ANOP || p.As == ANop || p.Spadj != 0 || base != prevBase {
if p.To.Sym == sigpanic {
// The panic stack trace expects the PC at the call of sigpanic,
// not the next one. However, runtime.Caller subtracts 1 from the
// PC. To make both PC and PC-1 work (have the same line number),
// we advance the PC by 2 at sigpanic.
tableIdxs = append(tableIdxs, uint64(numResumePoints))
s.Size = pc + 1
if !s.Func.Text.From.Sym.NoSplit() {
p := s.Func.Text
if framesize <= objabi.StackSmall {
// small stack: SP <= stackguard
// Get SP
// Get g
// I32WrapI64
// I32Load $stackguard0
// I32GtU
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REGG))
p = appendp(p, AI32WrapI64)
p = appendp(p, AI32Load, constAddr(2*int64(ctxt.Arch.PtrSize))) // G.stackguard0
p = appendp(p, AI32LeU)
} else {
// large stack: SP-framesize <= stackguard-StackSmall
// SP <= stackguard+(framesize-StackSmall)
// Get SP
// Get g
// I32WrapI64
// I32Load $stackguard0
// I32Const $(framesize-StackSmall)
// I32Add
// I32GtU
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REGG))
p = appendp(p, AI32WrapI64)
p = appendp(p, AI32Load, constAddr(2*int64(ctxt.Arch.PtrSize))) // G.stackguard0
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(int64(framesize)-objabi.StackSmall))
p = appendp(p, AI32Add)
p = appendp(p, AI32LeU)
// TODO(neelance): handle wraparound case
p = appendp(p, AIf)
p = appendp(p, obj.ACALL, constAddr(0))
if s.Func.Text.From.Sym.NeedCtxt() {
p.To = obj.Addr{Type: obj.TYPE_MEM, Name: obj.NAME_EXTERN, Sym: morestack}
} else {
p.To = obj.Addr{Type: obj.TYPE_MEM, Name: obj.NAME_EXTERN, Sym: morestackNoCtxt}
p = appendp(p, AEnd)
// record the branches targeting the entry loop and the unwind exit,
// their targets with be filled in later
var entryPointLoopBranches []*obj.Prog
var unwindExitBranches []*obj.Prog
currentDepth := 0
for p := s.Func.Text; p != nil; p = p.Link {
switch p.As {
case ABlock, ALoop, AIf:
case AEnd:
switch p.As {
case obj.AJMP:
jmp := *p
p.As = obj.ANOP
if jmp.To.Type == obj.TYPE_BRANCH {
// jump to basic block
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(jmp.To.Val.(*obj.Prog).Pc))
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_PC_B)) // write next basic block to PC_B
p = appendp(p, ABr) // jump to beginning of entryPointLoop
entryPointLoopBranches = append(entryPointLoopBranches, p)
// reset PC_B to function entry
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(0))
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_PC_B))
// low-level WebAssembly call to function
switch jmp.To.Type {
case obj.TYPE_MEM:
p = appendp(p, ACall, jmp.To)
case obj.TYPE_NONE:
// (target PC is on stack)
p = appendp(p, AI32WrapI64)
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(16)) // only needs PC_F bits (16-31), PC_B bits (0-15) are zero
p = appendp(p, AI32ShrU)
p = appendp(p, ACallIndirect)
panic("bad target for JMP")
p = appendp(p, AReturn)
call := *p
p.As = obj.ANOP
pcAfterCall := call.Link.Pc
if call.To.Sym == sigpanic {
pcAfterCall-- // sigpanic expects to be called without advancing the pc
// jmpdefer manipulates the return address on the stack so deferreturn gets called repeatedly.
// Model this in WebAssembly with a loop.
if call.To.Sym == deferreturn {
p = appendp(p, ALoop)
// SP -= 8
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(8))
p = appendp(p, AI32Sub)
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_SP))
// write return address to Go stack
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AI64Const, obj.Addr{
Type: obj.TYPE_ADDR,
Name: obj.NAME_EXTERN,
Sym: s, // PC_F
Offset: pcAfterCall, // PC_B
p = appendp(p, AI64Store, constAddr(0))
// reset PC_B to function entry
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(0))
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_PC_B))
// low-level WebAssembly call to function
switch call.To.Type {
case obj.TYPE_MEM:
p = appendp(p, ACall, call.To)
case obj.TYPE_NONE:
// (target PC is on stack)
p = appendp(p, AI32WrapI64)
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(16)) // only needs PC_F bits (16-31), PC_B bits (0-15) are zero
p = appendp(p, AI32ShrU)
p = appendp(p, ACallIndirect)
panic("bad target for CALL")
// gcWriteBarrier has no return value, it never unwinds the stack
if call.To.Sym == gcWriteBarrier {
// jmpdefer removes the frame of deferreturn from the Go stack.
// However, its WebAssembly function still returns normally,
// so we need to return from deferreturn without removing its
// stack frame (no RET), because the frame is already gone.
if call.To.Sym == jmpdefer {
p = appendp(p, AReturn)
// return value of call is on the top of the stack, indicating whether to unwind the WebAssembly stack
if call.As == ACALLNORESUME && call.To.Sym != sigpanic { // sigpanic unwinds the stack, but it never resumes
// trying to unwind WebAssembly stack but call has no resume point, terminate with error
p = appendp(p, AIf)
p = appendp(p, obj.AUNDEF)
p = appendp(p, AEnd)
} else {
// unwinding WebAssembly stack to switch goroutine, return 1
p = appendp(p, ABrIf)
unwindExitBranches = append(unwindExitBranches, p)
// jump to before the call if jmpdefer has reset the return address to the call's PC
if call.To.Sym == deferreturn {
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_PC_B))
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(call.Pc))
p = appendp(p, AI32Eq)
p = appendp(p, ABrIf, constAddr(0))
p = appendp(p, AEnd) // end of Loop
ret := *p
p.As = obj.ANOP
if framesize > 0 {
// SP += framesize
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(framesize))
p = appendp(p, AI32Add)
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_SP))
// TODO(neelance): This should theoretically set Spadj, but it only works without.
// p.Spadj = int32(-framesize)
if ret.To.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM {
// reset PC_B to function entry
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(0))
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_PC_B))
// low-level WebAssembly call to function
p = appendp(p, ACall, ret.To)
p = appendp(p, AReturn)
// read return PC_F from Go stack
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AI32Load16U, constAddr(2))
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_PC_F))
// read return PC_B from Go stack
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AI32Load16U, constAddr(0))
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_PC_B))
// SP += 8
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(8))
p = appendp(p, AI32Add)
p = appendp(p, ASet, regAddr(REG_SP))
if ret.As == ARETUNWIND {
// function needs to unwind the WebAssembly stack, return 1
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(1))
p = appendp(p, AReturn)
// not unwinding the WebAssembly stack, return 0
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(0))
p = appendp(p, AReturn)
for p := s.Func.Text; p != nil; p = p.Link {
switch p.From.Name {
case obj.NAME_AUTO:
p.From.Offset += int64(framesize)
case obj.NAME_PARAM:
p.From.Reg = REG_SP
p.From.Offset += int64(framesize) + 8 // parameters are after the frame and the 8-byte return address
switch p.To.Name {
case obj.NAME_AUTO:
p.To.Offset += int64(framesize)
case obj.NAME_PARAM:
p.To.Reg = REG_SP
p.To.Offset += int64(framesize) + 8 // parameters are after the frame and the 8-byte return address
switch p.As {
case AGet:
if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_ADDR {
get := *p
p.As = obj.ANOP
switch get.From.Name {
case obj.NAME_EXTERN:
p = appendp(p, AI64Const, get.From)
case obj.NAME_AUTO, obj.NAME_PARAM:
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(get.From.Reg))
if get.From.Reg == REG_SP {
p = appendp(p, AI64ExtendI32U)
if get.From.Offset != 0 {
p = appendp(p, AI64Const, constAddr(get.From.Offset))
p = appendp(p, AI64Add)
panic("bad Get: invalid name")
case AI32Load, AI64Load, AF32Load, AF64Load, AI32Load8S, AI32Load8U, AI32Load16S, AI32Load16U, AI64Load8S, AI64Load8U, AI64Load16S, AI64Load16U, AI64Load32S, AI64Load32U:
if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM {
as := p.As
from := p.From
p.As = AGet
p.From = regAddr(from.Reg)
if from.Reg != REG_SP {
p = appendp(p, AI32WrapI64)
p = appendp(p, as, constAddr(from.Offset))
mov := *p
p.As = obj.ANOP
var loadAs obj.As
var storeAs obj.As
switch mov.As {
case AMOVB:
loadAs = AI64Load8U
storeAs = AI64Store8
case AMOVH:
loadAs = AI64Load16U
storeAs = AI64Store16
case AMOVW:
loadAs = AI64Load32U
storeAs = AI64Store32
case AMOVD:
loadAs = AI64Load
storeAs = AI64Store
appendValue := func() {
switch mov.From.Type {
case obj.TYPE_CONST:
p = appendp(p, AI64Const, constAddr(mov.From.Offset))
case obj.TYPE_ADDR:
switch mov.From.Name {
case obj.NAME_NONE, obj.NAME_PARAM, obj.NAME_AUTO:
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(mov.From.Reg))
if mov.From.Reg == REG_SP {
p = appendp(p, AI64ExtendI32U)
p = appendp(p, AI64Const, constAddr(mov.From.Offset))
p = appendp(p, AI64Add)
case obj.NAME_EXTERN:
p = appendp(p, AI64Const, mov.From)
panic("bad name for MOV")
case obj.TYPE_REG:
p = appendp(p, AGet, mov.From)
if mov.From.Reg == REG_SP {
p = appendp(p, AI64ExtendI32U)
case obj.TYPE_MEM:
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(mov.From.Reg))
if mov.From.Reg != REG_SP {
p = appendp(p, AI32WrapI64)
p = appendp(p, loadAs, constAddr(mov.From.Offset))
panic("bad MOV type")
switch mov.To.Type {
case obj.TYPE_REG:
if mov.To.Reg == REG_SP {
p = appendp(p, AI32WrapI64)
p = appendp(p, ASet, mov.To)
case obj.TYPE_MEM:
switch mov.To.Name {
case obj.NAME_NONE, obj.NAME_PARAM:
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(mov.To.Reg))
if mov.To.Reg != REG_SP {
p = appendp(p, AI32WrapI64)
case obj.NAME_EXTERN:
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, obj.Addr{Type: obj.TYPE_ADDR, Name: obj.NAME_EXTERN, Sym: mov.To.Sym})
panic("bad MOV name")
p = appendp(p, storeAs, constAddr(mov.To.Offset))
panic("bad MOV type")
case ACallImport:
p.As = obj.ANOP
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_SP))
p = appendp(p, ACall, obj.Addr{Type: obj.TYPE_MEM, Name: obj.NAME_EXTERN, Sym: s})
p.Mark = WasmImport
p := s.Func.Text
if len(unwindExitBranches) > 0 {
p = appendp(p, ABlock) // unwindExit, used to return 1 when unwinding the stack
for _, b := range unwindExitBranches {
b.To = obj.Addr{Type: obj.TYPE_BRANCH, Val: p}
if len(entryPointLoopBranches) > 0 {
p = appendp(p, ALoop) // entryPointLoop, used to jump between basic blocks
for _, b := range entryPointLoopBranches {
b.To = obj.Addr{Type: obj.TYPE_BRANCH, Val: p}
if numResumePoints > 0 {
// Add Block instructions for resume points and BrTable to jump to selected resume point.
for i := 0; i < numResumePoints+1; i++ {
p = appendp(p, ABlock)
p = appendp(p, AGet, regAddr(REG_PC_B)) // read next basic block from PC_B
p = appendp(p, ABrTable, obj.Addr{Val: tableIdxs})
p = appendp(p, AEnd) // end of Block
for p.Link != nil {
p = p.Link // function instructions
if len(entryPointLoopBranches) > 0 {
p = appendp(p, AEnd) // end of entryPointLoop
p = appendp(p, obj.AUNDEF)
if len(unwindExitBranches) > 0 {
p = appendp(p, AEnd) // end of unwindExit
p = appendp(p, AI32Const, constAddr(1))
currentDepth = 0
blockDepths := make(map[*obj.Prog]int)
for p := s.Func.Text; p != nil; p = p.Link {
switch p.As {
case ABlock, ALoop, AIf:
blockDepths[p] = currentDepth
case AEnd:
switch p.As {
case ABr, ABrIf:
if p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_BRANCH {
blockDepth, ok := blockDepths[p.To.Val.(*obj.Prog)]
if !ok {
panic("label not at block")
p.To = constAddr(int64(currentDepth - blockDepth))
func constAddr(value int64) obj.Addr {
return obj.Addr{Type: obj.TYPE_CONST, Offset: value}
func regAddr(reg int16) obj.Addr {
return obj.Addr{Type: obj.TYPE_REG, Reg: reg}
// countRegisters returns the number of integer and float registers used by s.
// It does so by looking for the maximum I* and R* registers.
func countRegisters(s *obj.LSym) (numI, numF int16) {
for p := s.Func.Text; p != nil; p = p.Link {
var reg int16
switch p.As {
case AGet:
reg = p.From.Reg
case ASet:
reg = p.To.Reg
case ATee:
reg = p.To.Reg
if reg >= REG_R0 && reg <= REG_R15 {
if n := reg - REG_R0 + 1; numI < n {
numI = n
} else if reg >= REG_F0 && reg <= REG_F15 {
if n := reg - REG_F0 + 1; numF < n {
numF = n
func assemble(ctxt *obj.Link, s *obj.LSym, newprog obj.ProgAlloc) {
w := new(bytes.Buffer)
numI, numF := countRegisters(s)
// Function starts with declaration of locals: numbers and types.
switch s.Name {
// memchr and memcmp don't use the normal Go calling convention and need i32 variables.
case "memchr":
writeUleb128(w, 1) // number of sets of locals
writeUleb128(w, 3) // number of locals
w.WriteByte(0x7F) // i32
case "memcmp":
writeUleb128(w, 1) // number of sets of locals
writeUleb128(w, 2) // number of locals
w.WriteByte(0x7F) // i32
numTypes := 0
if numI > 0 {
if numF > 0 {
writeUleb128(w, uint64(numTypes))
if numI > 0 {
writeUleb128(w, uint64(numI)) // number of locals
w.WriteByte(0x7E) // i64
if numF > 0 {
writeUleb128(w, uint64(numF)) // number of locals
w.WriteByte(0x7C) // f64
for p := s.Func.Text; p != nil; p = p.Link {
switch p.As {
case AGet:
if p.From.Type != obj.TYPE_REG {
panic("bad Get: argument is not a register")
reg := p.From.Reg
switch {
case reg >= REG_PC_F && reg <= REG_PAUSE:
w.WriteByte(0x23) // global.get
writeUleb128(w, uint64(reg-REG_PC_F))
case reg >= REG_R0 && reg <= REG_R15:
w.WriteByte(0x20) // local.get (i64)
writeUleb128(w, uint64(reg-REG_R0))
case reg >= REG_F0 && reg <= REG_F15:
w.WriteByte(0x20) // local.get (f64)
writeUleb128(w, uint64(numI+(reg-REG_F0)))
panic("bad Get: invalid register")
case ASet:
if p.To.Type != obj.TYPE_REG {
panic("bad Set: argument is not a register")
reg := p.To.Reg
switch {
case reg >= REG_PC_F && reg <= REG_PAUSE:
w.WriteByte(0x24) // global.set
writeUleb128(w, uint64(reg-REG_PC_F))
case reg >= REG_R0 && reg <= REG_F15:
if p.Link.As == AGet && p.Link.From.Reg == reg {
w.WriteByte(0x22) // local.tee
p = p.Link
} else {
w.WriteByte(0x21) // local.set
if reg <= REG_R15 {
writeUleb128(w, uint64(reg-REG_R0))
} else {
writeUleb128(w, uint64(numI+(reg-REG_F0)))
panic("bad Set: invalid register")
case ATee:
if p.To.Type != obj.TYPE_REG {
panic("bad Tee: argument is not a register")
reg := p.To.Reg
switch {
case reg >= REG_R0 && reg <= REG_R15:
w.WriteByte(0x22) // local.tee (i64)
writeUleb128(w, uint64(reg-REG_R0))
case reg >= REG_F0 && reg <= REG_F15:
w.WriteByte(0x22) // local.tee (f64)
writeUleb128(w, uint64(numI+(reg-REG_F0)))
panic("bad Tee: invalid register")
case ANot:
w.WriteByte(0x45) // i32.eqz
case obj.AUNDEF:
w.WriteByte(0x00) // unreachable
case obj.ANOP, obj.ATEXT, obj.AFUNCDATA, obj.APCDATA:
// ignore
switch {
case p.As < AUnreachable:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected assembler op: %s", p.As))
case p.As < AEnd:
w.WriteByte(byte(p.As - AUnreachable + 0x00))
case p.As < ADrop:
w.WriteByte(byte(p.As - AEnd + 0x0B))
case p.As < AI32Load:
w.WriteByte(byte(p.As - ADrop + 0x1A))
case p.As < AI32TruncSatF32S:
w.WriteByte(byte(p.As - AI32Load + 0x28))
case p.As < ALast:
w.WriteByte(byte(p.As - AI32TruncSatF32S + 0x00))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected assembler op: %s", p.As))
switch p.As {
case ABlock, ALoop, AIf:
if p.From.Offset != 0 {
// block type, rarely used, e.g. for code compiled with emscripten
w.WriteByte(0x80 - byte(p.From.Offset))
case ABr, ABrIf:
if p.To.Type != obj.TYPE_CONST {
panic("bad Br/BrIf")
writeUleb128(w, uint64(p.To.Offset))
case ABrTable:
idxs := p.To.Val.([]uint64)
writeUleb128(w, uint64(len(idxs)-1))
for _, idx := range idxs {
writeUleb128(w, idx)
case ACall:
switch p.To.Type {
case obj.TYPE_CONST:
writeUleb128(w, uint64(p.To.Offset))
case obj.TYPE_MEM:
if p.To.Name != obj.NAME_EXTERN && p.To.Name != obj.NAME_STATIC {
panic("bad name for Call")
r := obj.Addrel(s)
r.Off = int32(w.Len())
r.Type = objabi.R_CALL
if p.Mark&WasmImport != 0 {
r.Type = objabi.R_WASMIMPORT
r.Sym = p.To.Sym
panic("bad type for Call")
case ACallIndirect:
writeUleb128(w, uint64(p.To.Offset))
w.WriteByte(0x00) // reserved value
case AI32Const, AI64Const:
if p.From.Name == obj.NAME_EXTERN {
r := obj.Addrel(s)
r.Off = int32(w.Len())
r.Type = objabi.R_ADDR
r.Sym = p.From.Sym
r.Add = p.From.Offset
writeSleb128(w, p.From.Offset)
case AF64Const:
b := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, math.Float64bits(p.From.Val.(float64)))
case AI32Load, AI64Load, AF32Load, AF64Load, AI32Load8S, AI32Load8U, AI32Load16S, AI32Load16U, AI64Load8S, AI64Load8U, AI64Load16S, AI64Load16U, AI64Load32S, AI64Load32U:
if p.From.Offset < 0 {
panic("negative offset for *Load")
if p.From.Type != obj.TYPE_CONST {
panic("bad type for *Load")
if p.From.Offset > math.MaxUint32 {
ctxt.Diag("bad offset in %v", p)
writeUleb128(w, align(p.As))
writeUleb128(w, uint64(p.From.Offset))
case AI32Store, AI64Store, AF32Store, AF64Store, AI32Store8, AI32Store16, AI64Store8, AI64Store16, AI64Store32:
if p.To.Offset < 0 {
panic("negative offset")
if p.From.Offset > math.MaxUint32 {
ctxt.Diag("bad offset in %v", p)
writeUleb128(w, align(p.As))
writeUleb128(w, uint64(p.To.Offset))
case ACurrentMemory, AGrowMemory:
w.WriteByte(0x0b) // end
s.P = w.Bytes()
func align(as obj.As) uint64 {
switch as {
case AI32Load8S, AI32Load8U, AI64Load8S, AI64Load8U, AI32Store8, AI64Store8:
return 0
case AI32Load16S, AI32Load16U, AI64Load16S, AI64Load16U, AI32Store16, AI64Store16:
return 1
case AI32Load, AF32Load, AI64Load32S, AI64Load32U, AI32Store, AF32Store, AI64Store32:
return 2
case AI64Load, AF64Load, AI64Store, AF64Store:
return 3
panic("align: bad op")
func writeUleb128(w io.ByteWriter, v uint64) {
more := true
for more {
c := uint8(v & 0x7f)
v >>= 7
more = v != 0
if more {
c |= 0x80
func writeSleb128(w io.ByteWriter, v int64) {
more := true
for more {
c := uint8(v & 0x7f)
s := uint8(v & 0x40)
v >>= 7
more = !((v == 0 && s == 0) || (v == -1 && s != 0))
if more {
c |= 0x80