blob: f948fc6100776da63dc309c1244949ffa0cb4ad2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Portable half of code generator; mainly statements and control flow.
package gc
import "fmt"
// TODO: labellist should become part of a "compilation state" for functions.
var labellist []*Label
func Sysfunc(name string) *Node {
n := newname(Pkglookup(name, Runtimepkg))
n.Class = PFUNC
return n
// addrescapes tags node n as having had its address taken
// by "increasing" the "value" of n.Esc to EscHeap.
// Storage is allocated as necessary to allow the address
// to be taken.
func addrescapes(n *Node) {
switch n.Op {
// probably a type error already.
// dump("addrescapes", n);
case ONAME:
if n == nodfp {
// if this is a tmpname (PAUTO), it was tagged by tmpname as not escaping.
// on PPARAM it means something different.
if n.Class == PAUTO && n.Esc == EscNever {
// If a closure reference escapes, mark the outer variable as escaping.
if n.isClosureVar() {
if n.Class != PPARAM && n.Class != PPARAMOUT && n.Class != PAUTO {
// This is a plain parameter or local variable that needs to move to the heap,
// but possibly for the function outside the one we're compiling.
// That is, if we have:
// func f(x int) {
// func() {
// global = &x
// }
// }
// then we're analyzing the inner closure but we need to move x to the
// heap in f, not in the inner closure. Flip over to f before calling moveToHeap.
oldfn := Curfn
Curfn = n.Name.Curfn
if Curfn.Func.Closure != nil && Curfn.Op == OCLOSURE {
Curfn = Curfn.Func.Closure
ln := lineno
lineno = Curfn.Lineno
Curfn = oldfn
lineno = ln
// ODOTPTR has already been introduced,
// so these are the non-pointer ODOT and OINDEX.
// In &x[0], if x is a slice, then x does not
// escape--the pointer inside x does, but that
// is always a heap pointer anyway.
if !n.Left.Type.IsSlice() {
// isParamStackCopy reports whether this is the on-stack copy of a
// function parameter that moved to the heap.
func (n *Node) isParamStackCopy() bool {
return n.Op == ONAME && (n.Class == PPARAM || n.Class == PPARAMOUT) && n.Name.Heapaddr != nil
// isParamHeapCopy reports whether this is the on-heap copy of
// a function parameter that moved to the heap.
func (n *Node) isParamHeapCopy() bool {
return n.Op == ONAME && n.Class == PAUTOHEAP && n.Name.Param.Stackcopy != nil
// moveToHeap records the parameter or local variable n as moved to the heap.
func moveToHeap(n *Node) {
if Debug['r'] != 0 {
Dump("MOVE", n)
if compiling_runtime {
Yyerror("%v escapes to heap, not allowed in runtime.", n)
if n.Class == PAUTOHEAP {
Dump("n", n)
Fatalf("double move to heap")
// Allocate a local stack variable to hold the pointer to the heap copy.
// temp will add it to the function declaration list automatically.
heapaddr := temp(Ptrto(n.Type))
heapaddr.Sym = Lookup("&" + n.Sym.Name)
heapaddr.Orig.Sym = heapaddr.Sym
// Parameters have a local stack copy used at function start/end
// in addition to the copy in the heap that may live longer than
// the function.
if n.Class == PPARAM || n.Class == PPARAMOUT {
if n.Xoffset == BADWIDTH {
Fatalf("addrescapes before param assignment")
// We rewrite n below to be a heap variable (indirection of heapaddr).
// Preserve a copy so we can still write code referring to the original,
// and substitute that copy into the function declaration list
// so that analyses of the local (on-stack) variables use it.
stackcopy := Nod(ONAME, nil, nil)
stackcopy.Sym = n.Sym
stackcopy.Type = n.Type
stackcopy.Xoffset = n.Xoffset
stackcopy.Class = n.Class
stackcopy.Name.Heapaddr = heapaddr
if n.Class == PPARAM {
if n.Class == PPARAMOUT {
// Make sure the pointer to the heap copy is kept live throughout the function.
// The function could panic at any point, and then a defer could recover.
// Thus, we need the pointer to the heap copy always available so the
// post-deferreturn code can copy the return value back to the stack.
// See issue 16095.
n.Name.Param.Stackcopy = stackcopy
// Substitute the stackcopy into the function variable list so that
// liveness and other analyses use the underlying stack slot
// and not the now-pseudo-variable n.
found := false
for i, d := range Curfn.Func.Dcl {
if d == n {
Curfn.Func.Dcl[i] = stackcopy
found = true
// Parameters are before locals, so can stop early.
// This limits the search even in functions with many local variables.
if d.Class == PAUTO {
if !found {
Fatalf("cannot find %v in local variable list", n)
Curfn.Func.Dcl = append(Curfn.Func.Dcl, n)
// Modify n in place so that uses of n now mean indirection of the heapaddr.
n.Ullman = 2
n.Xoffset = 0
n.Name.Heapaddr = heapaddr
n.Esc = EscHeap
if Debug['m'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("%v: moved to heap: %v\n", n.Line(), n)
func clearlabels() {
for _, l := range labellist {
l.Sym.Label = nil
labellist = labellist[:0]
func newlab(n *Node) *Label {
s := n.Left.Sym
lab := s.Label
if lab == nil {
lab = new(Label)
lab.Sym = s
s.Label = lab
if n.Used {
lab.Used = true
labellist = append(labellist, lab)
if n.Op == OLABEL {
if lab.Def != nil {
Yyerror("label %v already defined at %v", s, lab.Def.Line())
} else {
lab.Def = n
} else {
lab.Use = append(lab.Use, n)
return lab
// There is a copy of checkgoto in the new SSA backend.
// Please keep them in sync.
func checkgoto(from *Node, to *Node) {
if from.Sym == to.Sym {
nf := 0
for fs := from.Sym; fs != nil; fs = fs.Link {
nt := 0
for fs := to.Sym; fs != nil; fs = fs.Link {
fs := from.Sym
for ; nf > nt; nf-- {
fs = fs.Link
if fs != to.Sym {
lno := lineno
// decide what to complain about.
// prefer to complain about 'into block' over declarations,
// so scan backward to find most recent block or else dcl.
var block *Sym
var dcl *Sym
ts := to.Sym
for ; nt > nf; nt-- {
if ts.Pkg == nil {
block = ts
} else {
dcl = ts
ts = ts.Link
for ts != fs {
if ts.Pkg == nil {
block = ts
} else {
dcl = ts
ts = ts.Link
fs = fs.Link
if block != nil {
Yyerror("goto %v jumps into block starting at %v", from.Left.Sym, linestr(block.Lastlineno))
} else {
Yyerror("goto %v jumps over declaration of %v at %v", from.Left.Sym, dcl, linestr(dcl.Lastlineno))
lineno = lno
func stmtlabel(n *Node) *Label {
if n.Sym != nil {
lab := n.Sym.Label
if lab != nil {
if lab.Def != nil {
if lab.Def.Name.Defn == n {
return lab
return nil
// make a new off the books
func Tempname(nn *Node, t *Type) {
if Curfn == nil {
Fatalf("no curfn for tempname")
if Curfn.Func.Closure != nil && Curfn.Op == OCLOSURE {
Dump("Tempname", Curfn)
Fatalf("adding tempname to wrong closure function")
if t == nil {
Yyerror("tempname called with nil type")
t = Types[TINT32]
// give each tmp a different name so that there
// a chance to registerizer them
s := LookupN("autotmp_", statuniqgen)
n := Nod(ONAME, nil, nil)
n.Sym = s
s.Def = n
n.Type = t
n.Class = PAUTO
n.Addable = true
n.Ullman = 1
n.Esc = EscNever
n.Name.Curfn = Curfn
Curfn.Func.Dcl = append(Curfn.Func.Dcl, n)
n.Xoffset = 0
*nn = *n
func temp(t *Type) *Node {
var n Node
Tempname(&n, t)
n.Sym.Def.Used = true
return n.Orig
func checklabels() {
for _, lab := range labellist {
if lab.Def == nil {
for _, n := range lab.Use {
yyerrorl(n.Lineno, "label %v not defined", lab.Sym)
if lab.Use == nil && !lab.Used {
yyerrorl(lab.Def.Lineno, "label %v defined and not used", lab.Sym)
if lab.Gotopc != nil {
Fatalf("label %v never resolved", lab.Sym)
for _, n := range lab.Use {
checkgoto(n, lab.Def)