blob: dc677327e6de899c7c84047aabd242d717ef071d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package fiat implements prime order fields using formally verified algorithms
// from the Fiat Cryptography project.
package fiat
import (
// P521Element is an integer modulo 2^521 - 1.
// The zero value is a valid zero element.
type P521Element struct {
// This element has the following bounds, which are tighter than
// the output bounds of some operations. Those operations must be
// followed by a carry.
// [0x0 ~> 0x400000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x400000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x400000000000000],
// [0x0 ~> 0x400000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x400000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x400000000000000],
// [0x0 ~> 0x400000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x400000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x200000000000000]
x [9]uint64
// One sets e = 1, and returns e.
func (e *P521Element) One() *P521Element {
*e = P521Element{}
e.x[0] = 1
return e
// Equal returns 1 if e == t, and zero otherwise.
func (e *P521Element) Equal(t *P521Element) int {
eBytes := e.Bytes()
tBytes := t.Bytes()
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(eBytes, tBytes)
var p521ZeroEncoding = new(P521Element).Bytes()
// IsZero returns 1 if e == 0, and zero otherwise.
func (e *P521Element) IsZero() int {
eBytes := e.Bytes()
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(eBytes, p521ZeroEncoding)
// Set sets e = t, and returns e.
func (e *P521Element) Set(t *P521Element) *P521Element {
e.x = t.x
return e
// Bytes returns the 66-byte little-endian encoding of e.
func (e *P521Element) Bytes() []byte {
// This function must be inlined to move the allocation to the parent and
// save it from escaping to the heap.
var out [66]byte
p521ToBytes(&out, &e.x)
return out[:]
// SetBytes sets e = v, where v is a little-endian 66-byte encoding, and returns
// e. If v is not 66 bytes or it encodes a value higher than 2^521 - 1, SetBytes
// returns nil and an error, and e is unchanged.
func (e *P521Element) SetBytes(v []byte) (*P521Element, error) {
if len(v) != 66 || v[65] > 1 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid P-521 field encoding")
var in [66]byte
copy(in[:], v)
p521FromBytes(&e.x, &in)
return e, nil
// Add sets e = t1 + t2, and returns e.
func (e *P521Element) Add(t1, t2 *P521Element) *P521Element {
p521Add(&e.x, &t1.x, &t2.x)
p521Carry(&e.x, &e.x)
return e
// Sub sets e = t1 - t2, and returns e.
func (e *P521Element) Sub(t1, t2 *P521Element) *P521Element {
p521Sub(&e.x, &t1.x, &t2.x)
p521Carry(&e.x, &e.x)
return e
// Mul sets e = t1 * t2, and returns e.
func (e *P521Element) Mul(t1, t2 *P521Element) *P521Element {
p521CarryMul(&e.x, &t1.x, &t2.x)
return e
// Square sets e = t * t, and returns e.
func (e *P521Element) Square(t *P521Element) *P521Element {
p521CarrySquare(&e.x, &t.x)
return e
// Select sets e to a if cond == 1, and to b if cond == 0.
func (v *P521Element) Select(a, b *P521Element, cond int) *P521Element {
p521Selectznz(&v.x, p521Uint1(cond), &b.x, &a.x)
return v
// Invert sets e = 1/t, and returns e.
// If t == 0, Invert returns e = 0.
func (e *P521Element) Invert(t *P521Element) *P521Element {
// Inversion is implemented as exponentiation with exponent p − 2.
// The sequence of multiplications and squarings was generated with
// v0.2.0.
var t1, t2 = new(P521Element), new(P521Element)
// _10 = 2 * 1
// _11 = 1 + _10
t1.Mul(t, t1)
// _1100 = _11 << 2
// _1111 = _11 + _1100
t1.Mul(t1, t2)
// _11110000 = _1111 << 4
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// _11111111 = _1111 + _11110000
t1.Mul(t1, t2)
// x16 = _11111111<<8 + _11111111
for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
t1.Mul(t1, t2)
// x32 = x16<<16 + x16
for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
t1.Mul(t1, t2)
// x64 = x32<<32 + x32
for i := 0; i < 31; i++ {
t1.Mul(t1, t2)
// x65 = 2*x64 + 1
t2.Mul(t2, t)
// x129 = x65<<64 + x64
for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
t1.Mul(t1, t2)
// x130 = 2*x129 + 1
t2.Mul(t2, t)
// x259 = x130<<129 + x129
for i := 0; i < 129; i++ {
t1.Mul(t1, t2)
// x260 = 2*x259 + 1
t2.Mul(t2, t)
// x519 = x260<<259 + x259
for i := 0; i < 259; i++ {
t1.Mul(t1, t2)
// return x519<<2 + 1
return e.Mul(t1, t)