blob: a61b8bcd271f0719820da15e5287f2f2e947e395 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
type Error struct {
lineno int32
msg string
var errors []Error
func errorexit() {
if outfile != "" {
func adderrorname(n *Node) {
if n.Op != ODOT {
old := fmt.Sprintf("%v: undefined: %v\n", n.Line(), n.Left)
if len(errors) > 0 && errors[len(errors)-1].lineno == n.Lineno && errors[len(errors)-1].msg == old {
errors[len(errors)-1].msg = fmt.Sprintf("%v: undefined: %v in %v\n", n.Line(), n.Left, n)
func adderr(line int32, format string, args ...interface{}) {
errors = append(errors, Error{
lineno: line,
msg: fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s\n", linestr(line), fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)),
// byLineno sorts errors by lineno.
type byLineno []Error
func (x byLineno) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x byLineno) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].lineno < x[j].lineno }
func (x byLineno) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func Flusherrors() {
if len(errors) == 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(errors); i++ {
if i == 0 || errors[i].msg != errors[i-1].msg {
fmt.Printf("%s", errors[i].msg)
errors = errors[:0]
func hcrash() {
if Debug['h'] != 0 {
if outfile != "" {
var x *int
*x = 0
func linestr(line int32) string {
return Ctxt.Line(int(line))
func yyerrorl(line int32, format string, args ...interface{}) {
adderr(line, format, args...)
if nsavederrors+nerrors >= 10 && Debug['e'] == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%v: too many errors\n", linestr(line))
var yyerror_lastsyntax int32
func Yyerror(format string, args ...interface{}) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
if strings.HasPrefix(msg, "syntax error") {
// only one syntax error per line
if yyerror_lastsyntax == lineno {
yyerror_lastsyntax = lineno
yyerrorl(lineno, "%s", msg)
adderr(lineno, "%s", msg)
if nsavederrors+nerrors >= 10 && Debug['e'] == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%v: too many errors\n", linestr(lineno))
func Warn(fmt_ string, args ...interface{}) {
adderr(lineno, fmt_, args...)
func Warnl(line int32, fmt_ string, args ...interface{}) {
adderr(line, fmt_, args...)
if Debug['m'] != 0 {
func Fatalf(fmt_ string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("%v: internal compiler error: ", linestr(lineno))
fmt.Printf(fmt_, args...)
// If this is a released compiler version, ask for a bug report.
if strings.HasPrefix(obj.Getgoversion(), "release") {
fmt.Printf("Please file a bug report including a short program that triggers the error.\n")
} else {
// Not a release; dump a stack trace, too.
func linehistpragma(file string) {
if Debug['i'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("pragma %s at line %v\n", file, linestr(lexlineno))
func linehistpush(file string) {
if Debug['i'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("import %s at line %v\n", file, linestr(lexlineno))
Ctxt.LineHist.Push(int(lexlineno), file)
func linehistpop() {
if Debug['i'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("end of import at line %v\n", linestr(lexlineno))
func linehistupdate(file string, off int) {
if Debug['i'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("line %s at line %v\n", file, linestr(lexlineno))
Ctxt.LineHist.Update(int(lexlineno), file, off)
func setlineno(n *Node) int32 {
lno := lineno
if n != nil {
switch n.Op {
if n.Sym != nil {
lineno = n.Lineno
if lineno == 0 {
if Debug['K'] != 0 {
Warn("setlineno: line 0")
lineno = lno
return lno
func Lookup(name string) *Sym {
return localpkg.Lookup(name)
func Lookupf(format string, a ...interface{}) *Sym {
return Lookup(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
func LookupBytes(name []byte) *Sym {
return localpkg.LookupBytes(name)
// LookupN looks up the symbol starting with prefix and ending with
// the decimal n. If prefix is too long, LookupN panics.
func LookupN(prefix string, n int) *Sym {
var buf [20]byte // plenty long enough for all current users
copy(buf[:], prefix)
b := strconv.AppendInt(buf[:len(prefix)], int64(n), 10)
return LookupBytes(b)
var initSyms []*Sym
var nopkg = &Pkg{
Syms: make(map[string]*Sym),
func (pkg *Pkg) Lookup(name string) *Sym {
if pkg == nil {
pkg = nopkg
if s := pkg.Syms[name]; s != nil {
return s
s := &Sym{
Name: name,
Pkg: pkg,
if name == "init" {
initSyms = append(initSyms, s)
pkg.Syms[name] = s
return s
func (pkg *Pkg) LookupBytes(name []byte) *Sym {
if pkg == nil {
pkg = nopkg
if s := pkg.Syms[string(name)]; s != nil {
return s
str := internString(name)
return pkg.Lookup(str)
func Pkglookup(name string, pkg *Pkg) *Sym {
return pkg.Lookup(name)
func restrictlookup(name string, pkg *Pkg) *Sym {
if !exportname(name) && pkg != localpkg {
Yyerror("cannot refer to unexported name %s.%s", pkg.Name, name)
return Pkglookup(name, pkg)
// find all the exported symbols in package opkg
// and make them available in the current package
func importdot(opkg *Pkg, pack *Node) {
var s1 *Sym
var pkgerror string
n := 0
for _, s := range opkg.Syms {
if s.Def == nil {
if !exportname(s.Name) || strings.ContainsRune(s.Name, 0xb7) { // 0xb7 = center dot
s1 = Lookup(s.Name)
if s1.Def != nil {
pkgerror = fmt.Sprintf("during import %q", opkg.Path)
redeclare(s1, pkgerror)
s1.Def = s.Def
s1.Block = s.Block
if s1.Def.Name == nil {
Dump("s1def", s1.Def)
Fatalf("missing Name")
s1.Def.Name.Pack = pack
s1.Origpkg = opkg
if n == 0 {
// can't possibly be used - there were no symbols
yyerrorl(pack.Lineno, "imported and not used: %q", opkg.Path)
func Nod(op Op, nleft *Node, nright *Node) *Node {
n := new(Node)
n.Op = op
n.Left = nleft
n.Right = nright
n.Lineno = lineno
n.Xoffset = BADWIDTH
n.Orig = n
switch op {
n.Func = new(Func)
n.Func.FCurfn = Curfn
case ONAME:
n.Name = new(Name)
n.Name.Param = new(Param)
n.Name = new(Name)
if nleft != nil {
n.Name = nleft.Name
} else {
n.Name = new(Name)
n.Name.Param = new(Param)
if n.Name != nil {
n.Name.Curfn = Curfn
return n
// NodSym makes a Node with Op op and with the Left field set to left
// and the Sym field set to sym. This is for ODOT and friends.
func NodSym(op Op, left *Node, sym *Sym) *Node {
n := Nod(op, left, nil)
n.Sym = sym
return n
func saveorignode(n *Node) {
if n.Orig != nil {
norig := Nod(n.Op, nil, nil)
*norig = *n
n.Orig = norig
// checkMapKeyType checks that Type key is valid for use as a map key.
func checkMapKeyType(key *Type) {
alg, bad := algtype1(key)
if alg != ANOEQ {
switch bad.Etype {
Yyerror("invalid map key type %v", key)
case TANY:
// Will be resolved later.
case TFORW:
// map[key] used during definition of key.
// postpone check until key is fully defined.
// if there are multiple uses of map[key]
// before key is fully defined, the error
// will only be printed for the first one.
// good enough.
if key.Maplineno == 0 {
key.Maplineno = lineno
// methcmp sorts by symbol, then by package path for unexported symbols.
type methcmp []*Field
func (x methcmp) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x methcmp) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x methcmp) Less(i, j int) bool {
a := x[i]
b := x[j]
if a.Sym == nil && b.Sym == nil {
return false
if a.Sym == nil {
return true
if b.Sym == nil {
return false
if a.Sym.Name != b.Sym.Name {
return a.Sym.Name < b.Sym.Name
if !exportname(a.Sym.Name) {
if a.Sym.Pkg.Path != b.Sym.Pkg.Path {
return a.Sym.Pkg.Path < b.Sym.Pkg.Path
return false
func Nodintconst(v int64) *Node {
c := Nod(OLITERAL, nil, nil)
c.Addable = true
c.Type = Types[TIDEAL]
return c
func nodfltconst(v *Mpflt) *Node {
c := Nod(OLITERAL, nil, nil)
c.Addable = true
c.Type = Types[TIDEAL]
return c
func Nodconst(n *Node, t *Type, v int64) {
*n = Node{}
n.Addable = true
n.Type = t
if t.IsFloat() {
Fatalf("nodconst: bad type %v", t)
func nodnil() *Node {
c := Nodintconst(0)
c.Type = Types[TNIL]
return c
func Nodbool(b bool) *Node {
c := Nodintconst(0)
c.Type = idealbool
return c
func aindex(b *Node, t *Type) *Type {
hasbound := false
var bound int64
b = typecheck(b, Erv)
if b != nil {
switch consttype(b) {
Yyerror("array bound must be an integer expression")
hasbound = true
bound = b.Int64()
if bound < 0 {
Yyerror("array bound must be non negative")
if !hasbound {
return typSlice(t)
return typArray(t, bound)
// treecopy recursively copies n, with the exception of
// ONAME, OLITERAL, OTYPE, and non-iota ONONAME leaves.
// Copies of iota ONONAME nodes are assigned the current
// value of iota_. If lineno != 0, it sets the line number
// of newly allocated nodes to lineno.
func treecopy(n *Node, lineno int32) *Node {
if n == nil {
return nil
switch n.Op {
m := *n
m.Orig = &m
m.Left = treecopy(n.Left, lineno)
m.Right = treecopy(n.Right, lineno)
m.List.Set(listtreecopy(n.List.Slice(), lineno))
if lineno != 0 {
m.Lineno = lineno
if m.Name != nil && n.Op != ODCLFIELD {
Dump("treecopy", n)
Fatalf("treecopy Name")
return &m
if n.Sym == Lookup("iota") {
// Not sure yet whether this is the real iota,
// but make a copy of the Node* just in case,
// so that all the copies of this const definition
// don't have the same iota value.
m := *n
if lineno != 0 {
m.Lineno = lineno
m.Name = new(Name)
*m.Name = *n.Name
m.Name.Iota = iota_
return &m
return n
return n
// isnil reports whether n represents the universal untyped zero value "nil".
func isnil(n *Node) bool {
// Check n.Orig because constant propagation may produce typed nil constants,
// which don't exist in the Go spec.
return Isconst(n.Orig, CTNIL)
func isptrto(t *Type, et EType) bool {
if t == nil {
return false
if !t.IsPtr() {
return false
t = t.Elem()
if t == nil {
return false
if t.Etype != et {
return false
return true
func isblank(n *Node) bool {
if n == nil {
return false
return isblanksym(n.Sym)
func isblanksym(s *Sym) bool {
return s != nil && s.Name == "_"
// given receiver of type t (t == r or t == *r)
// return type to hang methods off (r).
func methtype(t *Type, mustname int) *Type {
if t == nil {
return nil
// strip away pointer if it's there
if t.IsPtr() {
if t.Sym != nil {
return nil
t = t.Elem()
if t == nil {
return nil
// need a type name
if t.Sym == nil && (mustname != 0 || !t.IsStruct()) {
return nil
// check types
if !issimple[t.Etype] {
switch t.Etype {
return nil
return t
func cplxsubtype(et EType) EType {
switch et {
case TCOMPLEX64:
return TFLOAT32
case TCOMPLEX128:
return TFLOAT64
Fatalf("cplxsubtype: %v\n", Econv(et))
return 0
func eqnote(a, b *string) bool {
return a == b || a != nil && b != nil && *a == *b
// Eqtype reports whether t1 and t2 are identical, following the spec rules.
// Any cyclic type must go through a named type, and if one is
// named, it is only identical to the other if they are the same
// pointer (t1 == t2), so there's no chance of chasing cycles
// ad infinitum, so no need for a depth counter.
func Eqtype(t1, t2 *Type) bool {
return eqtype1(t1, t2, nil)
type typePair struct {
t1 *Type
t2 *Type
func eqtype1(t1, t2 *Type, assumedEqual map[typePair]struct{}) bool {
if t1 == t2 {
return true
if t1 == nil || t2 == nil || t1.Etype != t2.Etype {
return false
if t1.Sym != nil || t2.Sym != nil {
// Special case: we keep byte/uint8 and rune/int32
// separate for error messages. Treat them as equal.
switch t1.Etype {
case TUINT8:
return (t1 == Types[TUINT8] || t1 == bytetype) && (t2 == Types[TUINT8] || t2 == bytetype)
case TINT32:
return (t1 == Types[TINT32] || t1 == runetype) && (t2 == Types[TINT32] || t2 == runetype)
return false
if assumedEqual == nil {
assumedEqual = make(map[typePair]struct{})
} else if _, ok := assumedEqual[typePair{t1, t2}]; ok {
return true
assumedEqual[typePair{t1, t2}] = struct{}{}
switch t1.Etype {
t1, i1 := IterFields(t1)
t2, i2 := IterFields(t2)
for ; t1 != nil && t2 != nil; t1, t2 = i1.Next(), i2.Next() {
if t1.Sym != t2.Sym || t1.Embedded != t2.Embedded || !eqtype1(t1.Type, t2.Type, assumedEqual) || !eqnote(t1.Note, t2.Note) {
return false
if t1 == nil && t2 == nil {
return true
return false
case TFUNC:
// Check parameters and result parameters for type equality.
// We intentionally ignore receiver parameters for type
// equality, because they're never relevant.
for _, f := range paramsResults {
// Loop over fields in structs, ignoring argument names.
ta, ia := IterFields(f(t1))
tb, ib := IterFields(f(t2))
for ; ta != nil && tb != nil; ta, tb = ia.Next(), ib.Next() {
if ta.Isddd != tb.Isddd || !eqtype1(ta.Type, tb.Type, assumedEqual) {
return false
if ta != nil || tb != nil {
return false
return true
case TARRAY:
if t1.NumElem() != t2.NumElem() {
return false
case TCHAN:
if t1.ChanDir() != t2.ChanDir() {
return false
case TMAP:
if !eqtype1(t1.Key(), t2.Key(), assumedEqual) {
return false
return eqtype1(t1.Val(), t2.Val(), assumedEqual)
return eqtype1(t1.Elem(), t2.Elem(), assumedEqual)
// Are t1 and t2 equal struct types when field names are ignored?
// For deciding whether the result struct from g can be copied
// directly when compiling f(g()).
func eqtypenoname(t1 *Type, t2 *Type) bool {
if t1 == nil || t2 == nil || !t1.IsStruct() || !t2.IsStruct() {
return false
f1, i1 := IterFields(t1)
f2, i2 := IterFields(t2)
for {
if !Eqtype(f1.Type, f2.Type) {
return false
if f1 == nil {
return true
f1 = i1.Next()
f2 = i2.Next()
// Is type src assignment compatible to type dst?
// If so, return op code to use in conversion.
// If not, return 0.
func assignop(src *Type, dst *Type, why *string) Op {
if why != nil {
*why = ""
// TODO(rsc,lvd): This behaves poorly in the presence of inlining.
if safemode != 0 && importpkg == nil && src != nil && src.Etype == TUNSAFEPTR {
Yyerror("cannot use unsafe.Pointer")
if src == dst {
if src == nil || dst == nil || src.Etype == TFORW || dst.Etype == TFORW || src.Orig == nil || dst.Orig == nil {
return 0
// 1. src type is identical to dst.
if Eqtype(src, dst) {
// 2. src and dst have identical underlying types
// and either src or dst is not a named type or
// both are empty interface types.
// For assignable but different non-empty interface types,
// we want to recompute the itab.
if Eqtype(src.Orig, dst.Orig) && (src.Sym == nil || dst.Sym == nil || src.IsEmptyInterface()) {
// 3. dst is an interface type and src implements dst.
if dst.IsInterface() && src.Etype != TNIL {
var missing, have *Field
var ptr int
if implements(src, dst, &missing, &have, &ptr) {
// we'll have complained about this method anyway, suppress spurious messages.
if have != nil && have.Sym == missing.Sym && (have.Type.Broke || missing.Type.Broke) {
if why != nil {
if isptrto(src, TINTER) {
*why = fmt.Sprintf(":\n\t%v is pointer to interface, not interface", src)
} else if have != nil && have.Sym == missing.Sym && have.Nointerface {
*why = fmt.Sprintf(":\n\t%v does not implement %v (%v method is marked 'nointerface')", src, dst, missing.Sym)
} else if have != nil && have.Sym == missing.Sym {
*why = fmt.Sprintf(":\n\t%v does not implement %v (wrong type for %v method)\n"+"\t\thave %v%v\n\t\twant %v%v", src, dst, missing.Sym, have.Sym, Tconv(have.Type, FmtShort|FmtByte), missing.Sym, Tconv(missing.Type, FmtShort|FmtByte))
} else if ptr != 0 {
*why = fmt.Sprintf(":\n\t%v does not implement %v (%v method has pointer receiver)", src, dst, missing.Sym)
} else if have != nil {
*why = fmt.Sprintf(":\n\t%v does not implement %v (missing %v method)\n"+"\t\thave %v%v\n\t\twant %v%v", src, dst, missing.Sym, have.Sym, Tconv(have.Type, FmtShort|FmtByte), missing.Sym, Tconv(missing.Type, FmtShort|FmtByte))
} else {
*why = fmt.Sprintf(":\n\t%v does not implement %v (missing %v method)", src, dst, missing.Sym)
return 0
if isptrto(dst, TINTER) {
if why != nil {
*why = fmt.Sprintf(":\n\t%v is pointer to interface, not interface", dst)
return 0
if src.IsInterface() && dst.Etype != TBLANK {
var missing, have *Field
var ptr int
if why != nil && implements(dst, src, &missing, &have, &ptr) {
*why = ": need type assertion"
return 0
// 4. src is a bidirectional channel value, dst is a channel type,
// src and dst have identical element types, and
// either src or dst is not a named type.
if src.IsChan() && src.ChanDir() == Cboth && dst.IsChan() {
if Eqtype(src.Elem(), dst.Elem()) && (src.Sym == nil || dst.Sym == nil) {
// 5. src is the predeclared identifier nil and dst is a nillable type.
if src.Etype == TNIL {
switch dst.Etype {
case TARRAY:
if !dst.IsSlice() {
case TPTR32,
// 6. rule about untyped constants - already converted by defaultlit.
// 7. Any typed value can be assigned to the blank identifier.
if dst.Etype == TBLANK {
return 0
// Can we convert a value of type src to a value of type dst?
// If so, return op code to use in conversion (maybe OCONVNOP).
// If not, return 0.
func convertop(src *Type, dst *Type, why *string) Op {
if why != nil {
*why = ""
if src == dst {
if src == nil || dst == nil {
return 0
// 1. src can be assigned to dst.
op := assignop(src, dst, why)
if op != 0 {
return op
// The rules for interfaces are no different in conversions
// than assignments. If interfaces are involved, stop now
// with the good message from assignop.
// Otherwise clear the error.
if src.IsInterface() || dst.IsInterface() {
return 0
if why != nil {
*why = ""
// 2. src and dst have identical underlying types.
if Eqtype(src.Orig, dst.Orig) {
// 3. src and dst are unnamed pointer types
// and their base types have identical underlying types.
if src.IsPtr() && dst.IsPtr() && src.Sym == nil && dst.Sym == nil {
if Eqtype(src.Elem().Orig, dst.Elem().Orig) {
// 4. src and dst are both integer or floating point types.
if (src.IsInteger() || src.IsFloat()) && (dst.IsInteger() || dst.IsFloat()) {
if Simtype[src.Etype] == Simtype[dst.Etype] {
return OCONV
// 5. src and dst are both complex types.
if src.IsComplex() && dst.IsComplex() {
if Simtype[src.Etype] == Simtype[dst.Etype] {
return OCONV
// 6. src is an integer or has type []byte or []rune
// and dst is a string type.
if src.IsInteger() && dst.IsString() {
if src.IsSlice() && dst.IsString() {
if src.Elem().Etype == bytetype.Etype {
if src.Elem().Etype == runetype.Etype {
// 7. src is a string and dst is []byte or []rune.
// String to slice.
if src.IsString() && dst.IsSlice() {
if dst.Elem().Etype == bytetype.Etype {
if dst.Elem().Etype == runetype.Etype {
// 8. src is a pointer or uintptr and dst is unsafe.Pointer.
if (src.IsPtr() || src.Etype == TUINTPTR) && dst.Etype == TUNSAFEPTR {
// 9. src is unsafe.Pointer and dst is a pointer or uintptr.
if src.Etype == TUNSAFEPTR && (dst.IsPtr() || dst.Etype == TUINTPTR) {
return 0
func assignconv(n *Node, t *Type, context string) *Node {
return assignconvfn(n, t, func() string { return context })
// Convert node n for assignment to type t.
func assignconvfn(n *Node, t *Type, context func() string) *Node {
if n == nil || n.Type == nil || n.Type.Broke {
return n
if t.Etype == TBLANK && n.Type.Etype == TNIL {
Yyerror("use of untyped nil")
old := n
old.Diag++ // silence errors about n; we'll issue one below
n = defaultlit(n, t)
if t.Etype == TBLANK {
return n
// Convert ideal bool from comparison to plain bool
// if the next step is non-bool (like interface{}).
if n.Type == idealbool && !t.IsBoolean() {
if n.Op == ONAME || n.Op == OLITERAL {
r := Nod(OCONVNOP, n, nil)
r.Type = Types[TBOOL]
r.Typecheck = 1
r.Implicit = true
n = r
if Eqtype(n.Type, t) {
return n
var why string
op := assignop(n.Type, t, &why)
if op == 0 {
Yyerror("cannot use %v as type %v in %s%s", Nconv(n, FmtLong), t, context(), why)
op = OCONV
r := Nod(op, n, nil)
r.Type = t
r.Typecheck = 1
r.Implicit = true
r.Orig = n.Orig
return r
// Is this a 64-bit type?
func Is64(t *Type) bool {
if t == nil {
return false
switch Simtype[t.Etype] {
case TINT64, TUINT64, TPTR64:
return true
return false
// Is a conversion between t1 and t2 a no-op?
func Noconv(t1 *Type, t2 *Type) bool {
e1 := Simtype[t1.Etype]
e2 := Simtype[t2.Etype]
switch e1 {
case TINT8, TUINT8:
return e2 == TINT8 || e2 == TUINT8
case TINT16, TUINT16:
return e2 == TINT16 || e2 == TUINT16
case TINT32, TUINT32, TPTR32:
return e2 == TINT32 || e2 == TUINT32 || e2 == TPTR32
case TINT64, TUINT64, TPTR64:
return e2 == TINT64 || e2 == TUINT64 || e2 == TPTR64
case TFLOAT32:
return e2 == TFLOAT32
case TFLOAT64:
return e2 == TFLOAT64
return false
func syslook(name string) *Node {
s := Pkglookup(name, Runtimepkg)
if s == nil || s.Def == nil {
Fatalf("syslook: can't find runtime.%s", name)
return s.Def
// typehash computes a hash value for type t to use in type switch
// statements.
func typehash(t *Type) uint32 {
// Tconv already contains all the necessary logic to generate
// a representation that completely describes the type, so using
// it here avoids duplicating that code.
p := Tconv(t, FmtLeft|FmtUnsigned)
// Using MD5 is overkill, but reduces accidental collisions.
h := md5.Sum([]byte(p))
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(h[:4])
var initPtrtoDone bool
var (
ptrToUint8 *Type
ptrToAny *Type
ptrToString *Type
ptrToBool *Type
ptrToInt32 *Type
func initPtrto() {
ptrToUint8 = typPtr(Types[TUINT8])
ptrToAny = typPtr(Types[TANY])
ptrToString = typPtr(Types[TSTRING])
ptrToBool = typPtr(Types[TBOOL])
ptrToInt32 = typPtr(Types[TINT32])
// Ptrto returns the Type *t.
// The returned struct must not be modified.
func Ptrto(t *Type) *Type {
if Tptr == 0 {
Fatalf("ptrto: no tptr")
// Reduce allocations by pre-creating common cases.
if !initPtrtoDone {
initPtrtoDone = true
switch t {
case Types[TUINT8]:
return ptrToUint8
case Types[TINT32]:
return ptrToInt32
case Types[TANY]:
return ptrToAny
case Types[TSTRING]:
return ptrToString
case Types[TBOOL]:
return ptrToBool
return typPtr(t)
func frame(context int) {
if context != 0 {
fmt.Printf("--- external frame ---\n")
for _, n := range externdcl {
if Curfn != nil {
fmt.Printf("--- %v frame ---\n", Curfn.Func.Nname.Sym)
for _, ln := range Curfn.Func.Dcl {
func printframenode(n *Node) {
w := int64(-1)
if n.Type != nil {
w = n.Type.Width
switch n.Op {
case ONAME:
fmt.Printf("%v %v G%d %v width=%d\n", Oconv(n.Op, 0), n.Sym, n.Name.Vargen, n.Type, w)
case OTYPE:
fmt.Printf("%v %v width=%d\n", Oconv(n.Op, 0), n.Type, w)
// calculate sethi/ullman number
// roughly how many registers needed to
// compile a node. used to compile the
// hardest side first to minimize registers.
func ullmancalc(n *Node) {
if n == nil {
var ul int
var ur int
if n.Ninit.Len() != 0 {
ul = UINF
goto out
switch n.Op {
ul = 1
if n.Class == PPARAMREF || (n.Class&PHEAP != 0) {
goto out
ul = UINF
goto out
// hard with instrumented code
if instrumenting {
ul = UINF
goto out
ul = 1
if n.Left != nil {
ul = int(n.Left.Ullman)
ur = 1
if n.Right != nil {
ur = int(n.Right.Ullman)
if ul == ur {
ul += 1
if ur > ul {
ul = ur
if ul > 200 {
ul = 200 // clamp to uchar with room to grow
n.Ullman = uint8(ul)
func badtype(op Op, tl *Type, tr *Type) {
fmt_ := ""
if tl != nil {
fmt_ += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%v", tl)
if tr != nil {
fmt_ += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%v", tr)
// common mistake: *struct and *interface.
if tl != nil && tr != nil && tl.IsPtr() && tr.IsPtr() {
if tl.Elem().IsStruct() && tr.Elem().IsInterface() {
fmt_ += "\n\t(*struct vs *interface)"
} else if tl.Elem().IsInterface() && tr.Elem().IsStruct() {
fmt_ += "\n\t(*interface vs *struct)"
s := fmt_
Yyerror("illegal types for operand: %v%s", Oconv(op, 0), s)
// Brcom returns !(op).
// For example, Brcom(==) is !=.
func Brcom(op Op) Op {
switch op {
case OEQ:
return ONE
case ONE:
return OEQ
case OLT:
return OGE
case OGT:
return OLE
case OLE:
return OGT
case OGE:
return OLT
Fatalf("brcom: no com for %v\n", Oconv(op, 0))
return op
// Brrev returns reverse(op).
// For example, Brrev(<) is >.
func Brrev(op Op) Op {
switch op {
case OEQ:
return OEQ
case ONE:
return ONE
case OLT:
return OGT
case OGT:
return OLT
case OLE:
return OGE
case OGE:
return OLE
Fatalf("brrev: no rev for %v\n", Oconv(op, 0))
return op
// return side effect-free n, appending side effects to init.
// result is assignable if n is.
func safeexpr(n *Node, init *Nodes) *Node {
if n == nil {
return nil
if n.Ninit.Len() != 0 {
switch n.Op {
return n
l := safeexpr(n.Left, init)
if l == n.Left {
return n
r := Nod(OXXX, nil, nil)
*r = *n
r.Left = l
r = typecheck(r, Erv)
r = walkexpr(r, init)
return r
l := safeexpr(n.Left, init)
if l == n.Left {
return n
a := Nod(OXXX, nil, nil)
*a = *n
a.Left = l
a = walkexpr(a, init)
return a
l := safeexpr(n.Left, init)
r := safeexpr(n.Right, init)
if l == n.Left && r == n.Right {
return n
a := Nod(OXXX, nil, nil)
*a = *n
a.Left = l
a.Right = r
a = walkexpr(a, init)
return a
// make a copy; must not be used as an lvalue
if islvalue(n) {
Fatalf("missing lvalue case in safeexpr: %v", n)
return cheapexpr(n, init)
func copyexpr(n *Node, t *Type, init *Nodes) *Node {
l := temp(t)
a := Nod(OAS, l, n)
a = typecheck(a, Etop)
a = walkexpr(a, init)
return l
// return side-effect free and cheap n, appending side effects to init.
// result may not be assignable.
func cheapexpr(n *Node, init *Nodes) *Node {
switch n.Op {
return n
return copyexpr(n, n.Type, init)
func Setmaxarg(t *Type, extra int32) {
w := t.ArgWidth()
if w >= Thearch.MAXWIDTH {
Fatalf("bad argwid %v", t)
w += int64(extra)
if w >= Thearch.MAXWIDTH {
Fatalf("bad argwid %d + %v", extra, t)
if w > Maxarg {
Maxarg = w
// Code to resolve elided DOTs in embedded types.
// A Dlist stores a pointer to a TFIELD Type embedded within
// a TSTRUCT or TINTER Type.
type Dlist struct {
field *Field
// dotlist is used by adddot1 to record the path of embedded fields
// used to access a target field or method.
// Must be non-nil so that dotpath returns a non-nil slice even if d is zero.
var dotlist = make([]Dlist, 10)
// lookdot0 returns the number of fields or methods named s associated
// with Type t. If exactly one exists, it will be returned in *save
// (if save is not nil).
func lookdot0(s *Sym, t *Type, save **Field, ignorecase bool) int {
u := t
if u.IsPtr() {
u = u.Elem()
c := 0
if u.IsStruct() || u.IsInterface() {
for _, f := range u.Fields().Slice() {
if f.Sym == s || (ignorecase && f.Type.Etype == TFUNC && f.Type.Recv() != nil && strings.EqualFold(f.Sym.Name, s.Name)) {
if save != nil {
*save = f
u = methtype(t, 0)
if u != nil {
for _, f := range u.Methods().Slice() {
if f.Embedded == 0 && (f.Sym == s || (ignorecase && strings.EqualFold(f.Sym.Name, s.Name))) {
if save != nil {
*save = f
return c
// adddot1 returns the number of fields or methods named s at depth d in Type t.
// If exactly one exists, it will be returned in *save (if save is not nil),
// and dotlist will contain the path of embedded fields traversed to find it,
// in reverse order. If none exist, more will indicate whether t contains any
// embedded fields at depth d, so callers can decide whether to retry at
// a greater depth.
func adddot1(s *Sym, t *Type, d int, save **Field, ignorecase bool) (c int, more bool) {
if t.Trecur != 0 {
t.Trecur = 1
var u *Type
if d < 0 {
// We've reached our target depth. If t has any fields/methods
// named s, then we're done. Otherwise, we still need to check
// below for embedded fields.
c = lookdot0(s, t, save, ignorecase)
if c != 0 {
goto out
u = t
if u.IsPtr() {
u = u.Elem()
if !u.IsStruct() && !u.IsInterface() {
goto out
for _, f := range u.Fields().Slice() {
if f.Embedded == 0 || f.Sym == nil {
if d < 0 {
// Found an embedded field at target depth.
more = true
goto out
a, more1 := adddot1(s, f.Type, d, save, ignorecase)
if a != 0 && c == 0 {
dotlist[d].field = f
c += a
if more1 {
more = true
t.Trecur = 0
return c, more
// dotpath computes the unique shortest explicit selector path to fully qualify
// a selection expression x.f, where x is of type t and f is the symbol s.
// If no such path exists, dotpath returns nil.
// If there are multiple shortest paths to the same depth, ambig is true.
func dotpath(s *Sym, t *Type, save **Field, ignorecase bool) (path []Dlist, ambig bool) {
// The embedding of types within structs imposes a tree structure onto
// types: structs parent the types they embed, and types parent their
// fields or methods. Our goal here is to find the shortest path to
// a field or method named s in the subtree rooted at t. To accomplish
// that, we iteratively perform depth-first searches of increasing depth
// until we either find the named field/method or exhaust the tree.
for d := 0; ; d++ {
if d > len(dotlist) {
dotlist = append(dotlist, Dlist{})
if c, more := adddot1(s, t, d, save, ignorecase); c == 1 {
return dotlist[:d], false
} else if c > 1 {
return nil, true
} else if !more {
return nil, false
// in T.field
// find missing fields that
// will give shortest unique addressing.
// modify the tree with missing type names.
func adddot(n *Node) *Node {
n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, Etype|Erv)
n.Diag |= n.Left.Diag
t := n.Left.Type
if t == nil {
return n
if n.Left.Op == OTYPE {
return n
s := n.Sym
if s == nil {
return n
switch path, ambig := dotpath(s, t, nil, false); {
case path != nil:
// rebuild elided dots
for c := len(path) - 1; c >= 0; c-- {
n.Left = NodSym(ODOT, n.Left, path[c].field.Sym)
n.Left.Implicit = true
case ambig:
Yyerror("ambiguous selector %v", n)
n.Left = nil
return n
// code to help generate trampoline
// functions for methods on embedded
// subtypes.
// these are approx the same as
// the corresponding adddot routines
// except that they expect to be called
// with unique tasks and they return
// the actual methods.
type Symlink struct {
field *Field
followptr bool
var slist []Symlink
func expand0(t *Type, followptr bool) {
u := t
if u.IsPtr() {
followptr = true
u = u.Elem()
if u.IsInterface() {
for _, f := range u.Fields().Slice() {
if f.Sym.Flags&SymUniq != 0 {
f.Sym.Flags |= SymUniq
slist = append(slist, Symlink{field: f, followptr: followptr})
u = methtype(t, 0)
if u != nil {
for _, f := range u.Methods().Slice() {
if f.Sym.Flags&SymUniq != 0 {
f.Sym.Flags |= SymUniq
slist = append(slist, Symlink{field: f, followptr: followptr})
func expand1(t *Type, top, followptr bool) {
if t.Trecur != 0 {
t.Trecur = 1
if !top {
expand0(t, followptr)
u := t
if u.IsPtr() {
followptr = true
u = u.Elem()
if !u.IsStruct() && !u.IsInterface() {
goto out
for _, f := range u.Fields().Slice() {
if f.Embedded == 0 {
if f.Sym == nil {
expand1(f.Type, false, followptr)
t.Trecur = 0
func expandmeth(t *Type) {
if t == nil || t.AllMethods().Len() != 0 {
// mark top-level method symbols
// so that expand1 doesn't consider them.
for _, f := range t.Methods().Slice() {
f.Sym.Flags |= SymUniq
// generate all reachable methods
slist = slist[:0]
expand1(t, true, false)
// check each method to be uniquely reachable
var ms []*Field
for i, sl := range slist {
slist[i].field = nil
sl.field.Sym.Flags &^= SymUniq
var f *Field
if path, _ := dotpath(sl.field.Sym, t, &f, false); path == nil {
// dotpath may have dug out arbitrary fields, we only want methods.
if f.Type.Etype != TFUNC || f.Type.Recv() == nil {
// add it to the base type method list
f = f.Copy()
f.Embedded = 1 // needs a trampoline
if sl.followptr {
f.Embedded = 2
ms = append(ms, f)
for _, f := range t.Methods().Slice() {
f.Sym.Flags &^= SymUniq
ms = append(ms, t.Methods().Slice()...)
// Given funarg struct list, return list of ODCLFIELD Node fn args.
func structargs(tl *Type, mustname bool) []*Node {
var args []*Node
gen := 0
for _, t := range tl.Fields().Slice() {
var n *Node
if mustname && (t.Sym == nil || t.Sym.Name == "_") {
// invent a name so that we can refer to it in the trampoline
buf := fmt.Sprintf(".anon%d", gen)
n = newname(Lookup(buf))
} else if t.Sym != nil {
n = newname(t.Sym)
a := Nod(ODCLFIELD, n, typenod(t.Type))
a.Isddd = t.Isddd
if n != nil {
n.Isddd = t.Isddd
args = append(args, a)
return args
// Generate a wrapper function to convert from
// a receiver of type T to a receiver of type U.
// That is,
// func (t T) M() {
// ...
// }
// already exists; this function generates
// func (u U) M() {
// u.M()
// }
// where the types T and U are such that u.M() is valid
// and calls the T.M method.
// The resulting function is for use in method tables.
// rcvr - U
// method - M func (t T)(), a TFIELD type struct
// newnam - the eventual mangled name of this function
var genwrapper_linehistdone int = 0
func genwrapper(rcvr *Type, method *Field, newnam *Sym, iface int) {
if false && Debug['r'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("genwrapper rcvrtype=%v method=%v newnam=%v\n", rcvr, method, newnam)
lineno = lexlineno
if genwrapper_linehistdone == 0 {
// All the wrappers can share the same linehist entry.
genwrapper_linehistdone = 1
dclcontext = PEXTERN
this := Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup(".this")), typenod(rcvr))
this.Left.Name.Param.Ntype = this.Right
in := structargs(method.Type.Params(), true)
out := structargs(method.Type.Results(), false)
t := Nod(OTFUNC, nil, nil)
l := []*Node{this}
if iface != 0 && rcvr.Width < Types[Tptr].Width {
// Building method for interface table and receiver
// is smaller than the single pointer-sized word
// that the interface call will pass in.
// Add a dummy padding argument after the
// receiver to make up the difference.
tpad := typArray(Types[TUINT8], Types[Tptr].Width-rcvr.Width)
pad := Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup(".pad")), typenod(tpad))
l = append(l, pad)
t.List.Set(append(l, in...))
fn := Nod(ODCLFUNC, nil, nil)
fn.Func.Nname = newname(newnam)
fn.Func.Nname.Name.Defn = fn
fn.Func.Nname.Name.Param.Ntype = t
declare(fn.Func.Nname, PFUNC)
// arg list
var args []*Node
isddd := false
for _, n := range in {
args = append(args, n.Left)
isddd = n.Left.Isddd
methodrcvr := method.Type.Recv().Type
// generate nil pointer check for better error
if rcvr.IsPtr() && rcvr.Elem() == methodrcvr {
// generating wrapper from *T to T.
n := Nod(OIF, nil, nil)
n.Left = Nod(OEQ, this.Left, nodnil())
// these strings are already in the reflect tables,
// so no space cost to use them here.
var l []*Node
var v Val
v.U = rcvr.Elem().Sym.Pkg.Name // package name
l = append(l, nodlit(v))
v.U = rcvr.Elem().Sym.Name // type name
l = append(l, nodlit(v))
v.U = method.Sym.Name
l = append(l, nodlit(v)) // method name
call := Nod(OCALL, syslook("panicwrap"), nil)
dot := adddot(NodSym(OXDOT, this.Left, method.Sym))
// generate call
if !instrumenting && rcvr.IsPtr() && methodrcvr.IsPtr() && method.Embedded != 0 && !isifacemethod(method.Type) {
// generate tail call: adjust pointer receiver and jump to embedded method.
dot = dot.Left // skip final .M
// TODO(mdempsky): Remove dependency on dotlist.
if !dotlist[0].field.Type.IsPtr() {
dot = Nod(OADDR, dot, nil)
as := Nod(OAS, this.Left, Nod(OCONVNOP, dot, nil))
as.Right.Type = rcvr
n := Nod(ORETJMP, nil, nil)
n.Left = newname(methodsym(method.Sym, methodrcvr, 0))
} else {
fn.Func.Wrapper = true // ignore frame for panic+recover matching
call := Nod(OCALL, dot, nil)
call.Isddd = isddd
if method.Type.Results().NumFields() > 0 {
n := Nod(ORETURN, nil, nil)
call = n
if false && Debug['r'] != 0 {
dumplist("genwrapper body", fn.Nbody)
Curfn = fn
// wrappers where T is anonymous (struct or interface) can be duplicated.
if rcvr.IsStruct() || rcvr.IsInterface() || rcvr.IsPtr() && rcvr.Elem().IsStruct() {
fn.Func.Dupok = true
fn = typecheck(fn, Etop)
typecheckslice(fn.Nbody.Slice(), Etop)
escAnalyze([]*Node{fn}, false)
Curfn = nil
func hashmem(t *Type) *Node {
sym := Pkglookup("memhash", Runtimepkg)
n := newname(sym)
n.Class = PFUNC
tfn := Nod(OTFUNC, nil, nil)
tfn.List.Append(Nod(ODCLFIELD, nil, typenod(Ptrto(t))))
tfn.List.Append(Nod(ODCLFIELD, nil, typenod(Types[TUINTPTR])))
tfn.List.Append(Nod(ODCLFIELD, nil, typenod(Types[TUINTPTR])))
tfn.Rlist.Append(Nod(ODCLFIELD, nil, typenod(Types[TUINTPTR])))
tfn = typecheck(tfn, Etype)
n.Type = tfn.Type
return n
func ifacelookdot(s *Sym, t *Type, followptr *bool, ignorecase bool) *Field {
*followptr = false
if t == nil {
return nil
var m *Field
path, ambig := dotpath(s, t, &m, ignorecase)
if path == nil {
if ambig {
Yyerror("%v.%v is ambiguous", t, s)
return nil
for _, d := range path {
if d.field.Type.IsPtr() {
*followptr = true
if m.Type.Etype != TFUNC || m.Type.Recv() == nil {
Yyerror("%v.%v is a field, not a method", t, s)
return nil
return m
func implements(t, iface *Type, m, samename **Field, ptr *int) bool {
t0 := t
if t == nil {
return false
// if this is too slow,
// could sort these first
// and then do one loop.
if t.IsInterface() {
for _, im := range iface.Fields().Slice() {
for _, tm := range t.Fields().Slice() {
if tm.Sym == im.Sym {
if Eqtype(tm.Type, im.Type) {
goto found
*m = im
*samename = tm
*ptr = 0
return false
*m = im
*samename = nil
*ptr = 0
return false
return true
t = methtype(t, 0)
if t != nil {
for _, im := range iface.Fields().Slice() {
if im.Broke {
var followptr bool
tm := ifacelookdot(im.Sym, t, &followptr, false)
if tm == nil || tm.Nointerface || !Eqtype(tm.Type, im.Type) {
if tm == nil {
tm = ifacelookdot(im.Sym, t, &followptr, true)
*m = im
*samename = tm
*ptr = 0
return false
// if pointer receiver in method,
// the method does not exist for value types.
rcvr := tm.Type.Recv().Type
if rcvr.IsPtr() && !t0.IsPtr() && !followptr && !isifacemethod(tm.Type) {
if false && Debug['r'] != 0 {
Yyerror("interface pointer mismatch")
*m = im
*samename = nil
*ptr = 1
return false
return true
// even simpler simtype; get rid of ptr, bool.
// assuming that the front end has rejected
// all the invalid conversions (like ptr -> bool)
func Simsimtype(t *Type) EType {
if t == nil {
return 0
et := Simtype[t.Etype]
switch et {
case TPTR32:
et = TUINT32
case TPTR64:
et = TUINT64
case TBOOL:
et = TUINT8
return et
func listtreecopy(l []*Node, lineno int32) []*Node {
var out []*Node
for _, n := range l {
out = append(out, treecopy(n, lineno))
return out
func liststmt(l []*Node) *Node {
n := Nod(OBLOCK, nil, nil)
if len(l) != 0 {
n.Lineno = l[0].Lineno
return n
// return power of 2 of the constant
// operand. -1 if it is not a power of 2.
// 1000+ if it is a -(power of 2)
func powtwo(n *Node) int {
if n == nil || n.Op != OLITERAL || n.Type == nil {
return -1
if !n.Type.IsInteger() {
return -1
v := uint64(n.Int64())
b := uint64(1)
for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
if b == v {
return i
b = b << 1
if !n.Type.IsSigned() {
return -1
v = -v
b = 1
for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
if b == v {
return i + 1000
b = b << 1
return -1
// return the unsigned type for
// a signed integer type.
// returns T if input is not a
// signed integer type.
func tounsigned(t *Type) *Type {
// this is types[et+1], but not sure
// that this relation is immutable
switch t.Etype {
fmt.Printf("tounsigned: unknown type %v\n", t)
t = nil
case TINT:
t = Types[TUINT]
case TINT8:
t = Types[TUINT8]
case TINT16:
t = Types[TUINT16]
case TINT32:
t = Types[TUINT32]
case TINT64:
t = Types[TUINT64]
return t
func ngotype(n *Node) *Sym {
if n.Type != nil {
return typenamesym(n.Type)
return nil
// Convert raw string to the prefix that will be used in the symbol
// table. All control characters, space, '%' and '"', as well as
// non-7-bit clean bytes turn into %xx. The period needs escaping
// only in the last segment of the path, and it makes for happier
// users if we escape that as little as possible.
// If you edit this, edit ../../debug/goobj/read.go:/importPathToPrefix too.
func pathtoprefix(s string) string {
slash := strings.LastIndex(s, "/")
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if c <= ' ' || i >= slash && c == '.' || c == '%' || c == '"' || c >= 0x7F {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if c <= ' ' || i >= slash && c == '.' || c == '%' || c == '"' || c >= 0x7F {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%%%02x", c)
return buf.String()
return s
var pkgMap = make(map[string]*Pkg)
var pkgs []*Pkg
func mkpkg(path string) *Pkg {
if p := pkgMap[path]; p != nil {
return p
p := new(Pkg)
p.Path = path
p.Prefix = pathtoprefix(path)
p.Syms = make(map[string]*Sym)
pkgMap[path] = p
pkgs = append(pkgs, p)
return p
// The result of addinit MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
// n.Left = addinit(n.Left, init)
func addinit(n *Node, init []*Node) *Node {
if len(init) == 0 {
return n
switch n.Op {
// There may be multiple refs to this node;
// introduce OCONVNOP to hold init list.
n = Nod(OCONVNOP, n, nil)
n.Type = n.Left.Type
n.Typecheck = 1
n.Ninit.Set(append(init, n.Ninit.Slice()...))
n.Ullman = UINF
return n
var reservedimports = []string{
func isbadimport(path string) bool {
if strings.Contains(path, "\x00") {
Yyerror("import path contains NUL")
return true
for _, ri := range reservedimports {
if path == ri {
Yyerror("import path %q is reserved and cannot be used", path)
return true
for _, r := range path {
if r == utf8.RuneError {
Yyerror("import path contains invalid UTF-8 sequence: %q", path)
return true
if r < 0x20 || r == 0x7f {
Yyerror("import path contains control character: %q", path)
return true
if r == '\\' {
Yyerror("import path contains backslash; use slash: %q", path)
return true
if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
Yyerror("import path contains space character: %q", path)
return true
if strings.ContainsRune("!\"#$%&'()*,:;<=>?[]^`{|}", r) {
Yyerror("import path contains invalid character '%c': %q", r, path)
return true
return false
func checknil(x *Node, init *Nodes) {
if x.Type.IsInterface() {
x = Nod(OITAB, x, nil)
x = typecheck(x, Erv)
n := Nod(OCHECKNIL, x, nil)
n.Typecheck = 1
// Can this type be stored directly in an interface word?
// Yes, if the representation is a single pointer.
func isdirectiface(t *Type) bool {
switch t.Etype {
case TPTR32,
return true
case TARRAY:
// Array of 1 direct iface type can be direct.
return t.NumElem() == 1 && isdirectiface(t.Elem())
// Struct with 1 field of direct iface type can be direct.
return t.NumFields() == 1 && isdirectiface(t.Field(0).Type)
return false
// iet returns 'T' if t is a concrete type,
// 'I' if t is an interface type, and 'E' if t is an empty interface type.
// It is used to build calls to the conv* and assert* runtime routines.
func (t *Type) iet() byte {
if t.IsEmptyInterface() {
return 'E'
if t.IsInterface() {
return 'I'
return 'T'