blob: c54a1c0467a233b4841b08f1f6410dbce03a73b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package imports
import "io"
import (
_ "io"
import _ "io"
import (
import (
aLongRename "io";
b "io";
// no newlines between consecutive single imports, but
// respect extra line breaks in the source (at most one empty line)
import _ "io"
import _ "io"
import _ "io"
import _ "os"
import _ "os"
import _ "os"
import _ "fmt"
import _ "fmt"
import _ "fmt"
// make sure a comment doesn't cause semicolons to be inserted
import _ // a comment
import // a comment
import "foo" // a comment
import "bar" // a comment
import (
_ // a comment
// a comment
"foo" // a comment
"bar" // a comment
// a case that caused problems in the past (comment placement)
import (
. "fmt";
"malloc"; // for the malloc count test only
// at least one empty line between declarations of different kind
import _ "io"
var _ int;
func _() {
// the following decls need a semicolon at the end
type _ int;
type _ *int;
type _ []int;
type _ map[string]int;
type _ chan int;
type _ func() int;
var _ int;
var _ *int;
var _ []int;
var _ map[string]int;
var _ chan int;
var _ func() int;
// the following decls don't need a semicolon at the end
type _ struct{}
type _ *struct{}
type _ []struct{}
type _ map[string]struct{}
type _ chan struct{}
type _ func() struct{}
type _ interface{}
type _ *interface{}
type _ []interface{}
type _ map[string]interface{}
type _ chan interface{}
type _ func() interface{}
var _ struct{}
var _ *struct{}
var _ []struct{}
var _ map[string]struct{}
var _ chan struct{}
var _ func() struct{}
var _ interface{}
var _ *interface{}
var _ []interface{}
var _ map[string]interface{}
var _ chan interface{}
var _ func() interface{}
// don't lose blank lines in grouped declarations
const (
_ int = 0;
_ float = 1;
_ string = "foo";
_ = iota;
// a comment
type (
_ int;
_ struct {};
_ interface{};
// a comment
_ map[string]int;
var (
_ int = 0;
_ float = 1;
_ string = "foo";
_ bool;
// a comment
_ bool;
// don't lose blank lines in this struct
type _ struct {
String struct {
Str, Len int;
Slice struct {
Array, Len, Cap int;
Eface struct {
Typ, Ptr int;
UncommonType struct {
Name, PkgPath int;
CommonType struct {
Size, Hash, Alg, Align, FieldAlign, String, UncommonType int;
Type struct {
Typ, Ptr int;
StructField struct {
Name, PkgPath, Typ, Tag, Offset int;
StructType struct {
Fields int;
PtrType struct {
Elem int;
SliceType struct {
Elem int;
ArrayType struct {
Elem, Len int;
Stktop struct {
Stackguard, Stackbase, Gobuf int;
Gobuf struct {
Sp, Pc, G int;
G struct {
Stackbase, Sched, Status, Alllink int;
// no tabs for single or ungrouped decls
func _() {
const xxxxxx = 0;
type x int;
var xxx int;
var yyyy float = 3.14;
var zzzzz = "bar";
const (
xxxxxx = 0;
type (
x int;
var (
xxx int;
var (
yyyy float = 3.14;
var (
zzzzz = "bar";
// tabs for multiple or grouped decls
func _() {
// no entry has a type
const (
zzzzzz = 1;
z = 2;
zzz = 3;
// some entries have a type
const (
xxxxxx = 1;
x = 2;
xxx = 3;
yyyyyyyy float = iota;
yyyy = "bar";
yy = 2;
func _() {
// no entry has a type
var (
zzzzzz = 1;
z = 2;
zzz = 3;
// no entry has a value
var (
_ int;
_ float;
_ string;
_ int; // comment
_ float; // comment
_ string; // comment
// some entries have a type
var (
xxxxxx int;
x float;
xxx string;
yyyyyyyy int = 1234;
y float = 3.14;
yyyy = "bar";
yyy string = "foo";
// mixed entries - all comments should be aligned
var (
a, b, c int;
x = 10;
d int; // comment
y = 20; // comment
f, ff, fff, ffff int = 0, 1, 2, 3; // comment
// respect original line breaks
var _ = []T {
T{0x20, "Telugu"},
var _ = []T {
// respect original line breaks
T{0x20, "Telugu"},
func _() {
type (
xxxxxx int;
x float;
xxx string;
xxxxx []x;
xx struct{};
xxxxxxx struct {
_, _ int;
_ float;
xxxx chan<- string;
// formatting of structs
type _ struct{}
type _ struct{ /* this comment should be visible */ }
type _ struct{
// this comment should be visible and properly indented
type _ struct { // this comment must not change indentation
f int;
f, ff, fff, ffff int;
type _ struct {
type _ struct {
string; // comment
type _ struct {
string "tag"
type _ struct {
string "tag" // comment
type _ struct {
f int;
type _ struct {
f int; // comment
type _ struct {
f int "tag";
type _ struct {
f int "tag"; // comment
type _ struct {
a, b, c int;
int "tag";
ES; // comment
float "tag"; // comment
f int; // comment
f, ff, fff, ffff int; // comment
g float "tag";
h float "tag"; // comment
// difficult cases
type _ struct {
bool; // comment
text []byte; // comment
// formatting of interfaces
type EI interface{}
type _ interface {
type _ interface {
type _ interface {
type _ interface { // this comment must not change indentation
EI; // here's a comment
f(); // no blank between identifier and ()
fffff(); // no blank between identifier and ()
gggggggggggg(x, y, z int) (); // hurray
// formatting of variable declarations
func _() {
type day struct { n int; short, long string };
var (
Sunday = day{ 0, "SUN", "Sunday" };
Monday = day{ 1, "MON", "Monday" };
Tuesday = day{ 2, "TUE", "Tuesday" };
Wednesday = day{ 3, "WED", "Wednesday" };
Thursday = day{ 4, "THU", "Thursday" };
Friday = day{ 5, "FRI", "Friday" };
Saturday = day{ 6, "SAT", "Saturday" };
func _() {
var Universe = Scope {
Names: map[string]*Ident {
// basic types
"bool": nil,
"byte": nil,
"int8": nil,
"int16": nil,
"int32": nil,
"int64": nil,
"uint8": nil,
"uint16": nil,
"uint32": nil,
"uint64": nil,
"float32": nil,
"float64": nil,
"string": nil,
// convenience types
"int": nil,
"uint": nil,
"uintptr": nil,
"float": nil,
// constants
"false": nil,
"true": nil,
"iota": nil,
"nil": nil,
// functions
"cap": nil,
"len": nil,
"new": nil,
"make": nil,
"panic": nil,
"panicln": nil,
"print": nil,
"println": nil,
func _() {
var _ = T{
a // must introduce trailing comma
// formatting of consecutive single-line functions
func _() {}
func _() {}
func _() {}
func _() {} // an empty line before this function
func _() {}
func _() {}
func _() {
f(1, 2, 3);
func _(x int) int {
return x+1
func _() int {
type T struct{}
// making function declarations safe for new semicolon rules
func _()
{ /* one-line func */ }
func _() // opening "{" must move up
{ /* one-line func */ }
func _() // opening "{" must move up
// multi-line func
// in the following declarations, a comment must not
// introduce a newline and thus cause a semicolon to
// be inserted
const _ // comment
T = x;
const _ // comment
= x;
type _ // comment
type _ // comment
struct {};
type _ // comment
interface {};
type _ // comment
type _ // comment
type _ // comment
type _ // comment
chan T;
type _ // comment
var _ // comment
var _ // comment
T = x;
var _ // comment
struct {};
var _ // comment
interface {};
var _ // comment
var _ // comment
var _ // comment
var _ // comment
chan T;
var _ // comment
var _ // comment
= x;