blob: 88781f1189dc48a1620f0f7e812b79d75449fd2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// comparisons
package expr2
func _bool() {
const t = true == true
const f = true == false
_ = t /* ERROR cannot compare */ < f
_ = 0 /* ERROR mismatched types untyped int and untyped bool */ == t
var b bool
var x, y float32
b = x < y
_ = b
_ = struct{b bool}{x < y}
// corner cases
var (
v0 = nil == nil // ERROR operator == not defined on untyped nil
func arrays() {
// basics
var a, b [10]int
_ = a == b
_ = a != b
_ = a /* ERROR < not defined */ < b
_ = a == nil /* ERROR invalid operation.*mismatched types */
type C [10]int
var c C
_ = a == c
type D [10]int
var d D
_ = c /* ERROR mismatched types */ == d
var e [10]func() int
_ = e /* ERROR \[10\]func\(\) int cannot be compared */ == e
func structs() {
// basics
var s, t struct {
x int
a [10]float32
_ bool
_ = s == t
_ = s != t
_ = s /* ERROR < not defined */ < t
_ = s == nil /* ERROR invalid operation.*mismatched types */
type S struct {
x int
a [10]float32
_ bool
type T struct {
x int
a [10]float32
_ bool
var ss S
var tt T
_ = s == ss
_ = ss /* ERROR mismatched types */ == tt
var u struct {
x int
a [10]map[string]int
_ = u /* ERROR cannot compare */ == u
func pointers() {
// nil
_ = nil == nil // ERROR operator == not defined on untyped nil
_ = nil != nil // ERROR operator != not defined on untyped nil
_ = nil /* ERROR < not defined */ < nil
_ = nil /* ERROR <= not defined */ <= nil
_ = nil /* ERROR > not defined */ > nil
_ = nil /* ERROR >= not defined */ >= nil
// basics
var p, q *int
_ = p == q
_ = p != q
_ = p == nil
_ = p != nil
_ = nil == q
_ = nil != q
_ = p /* ERROR < not defined */ < q
_ = p /* ERROR <= not defined */ <= q
_ = p /* ERROR > not defined */ > q
_ = p /* ERROR >= not defined */ >= q
// various element types
type (
S1 struct{}
S2 struct{}
P1 *S1
P2 *S2
var (
ps1 *S1
ps2 *S2
p1 P1
p2 P2
_ = ps1 == ps1
_ = ps1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == ps2
_ = ps2 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == ps1
_ = p1 == p1
_ = p1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == p2
_ = p1 == ps1
func channels() {
// basics
var c, d chan int
_ = c == d
_ = c != d
_ = c == nil
_ = c /* ERROR < not defined */ < d
// various element types (named types)
type (
C1 chan int
C1r <-chan int
C1s chan<- int
C2 chan float32
var (
c1 C1
c1r C1r
c1s C1s
c1a chan int
c2 C2
_ = c1 == c1
_ = c1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c1r
_ = c1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c1s
_ = c1r /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c1s
_ = c1 == c1a
_ = c1a == c1
_ = c1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c2
_ = c1a /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c2
// various element types (unnamed types)
var (
d1 chan int
d1r <-chan int
d1s chan<- int
d1a chan<- int
d2 chan float32
_ = d1 == d1
_ = d1 == d1r
_ = d1 == d1s
_ = d1r /* ERROR mismatched types */ == d1s
_ = d1 == d1a
_ = d1a == d1
_ = d1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == d2
_ = d1a /* ERROR mismatched types */ == d2
// for interfaces test
type S1 struct{}
type S11 struct{}
type S2 struct{}
func (*S1) m() int
func (*S11) m() int
func (*S11) n()
func (*S2) m() float32
func interfaces() {
// basics
var i, j interface{ m() int }
_ = i == j
_ = i != j
_ = i == nil
_ = i /* ERROR < not defined */ < j
// various interfaces
var ii interface { m() int; n() }
var k interface { m() float32 }
_ = i == ii
_ = i /* ERROR mismatched types */ == k
// interfaces vs values
var s1 S1
var s11 S11
var s2 S2
_ = i == 0 /* ERROR cannot convert */
_ = i /* ERROR mismatched types */ == s1
_ = i == &s1
_ = i == &s11
_ = i /* ERROR mismatched types */ == s2
_ = i /* ERROR mismatched types */ == &s2
// issue #28164
// testcase from issue
_ = interface{}(nil) == [ /* ERROR slice can only be compared to nil */ ]int(nil)
// related cases
var e interface{}
var s []int
var x int
_ = e == s // ERROR slice can only be compared to nil
_ = s /* ERROR slice can only be compared to nil */ == e
_ = e /* ERROR operator < not defined on interface */ < x
_ = x < e // ERROR operator < not defined on interface
func slices() {
// basics
var s []int
_ = s == nil
_ = s != nil
_ = s /* ERROR < not defined */ < nil
// slices are not otherwise comparable
_ = s /* ERROR slice can only be compared to nil */ == s
_ = s /* ERROR < not defined */ < s
func maps() {
// basics
var m map[string]int
_ = m == nil
_ = m != nil
_ = m /* ERROR < not defined */ < nil
// maps are not otherwise comparable
_ = m /* ERROR map can only be compared to nil */ == m
_ = m /* ERROR < not defined */ < m
func funcs() {
// basics
var f func(int) float32
_ = f == nil
_ = f != nil
_ = f /* ERROR < not defined */ < nil
// funcs are not otherwise comparable
_ = f /* ERROR func can only be compared to nil */ == f
_ = f /* ERROR < not defined */ < f