Revert "runtime: make stack traces of endless recursion print only top and bottom 50"

This reverts commit 3a81338622eb5c8b94f11001855e2a68a9e36bed.

Reason for revert: Some edge cases not properly covered due to changes within runtime traceback generation since 2017, that need to be examined. This change landed very late in the Go1.16 cycle.

Change-Id: I8cf6f46ea0ef6161d878e79943e6c7cdac94bccf
Trust: Emmanuel Odeke <>
Run-TryBot: Emmanuel Odeke <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
diff --git a/src/runtime/crash_test.go b/src/runtime/crash_test.go
index 66822e5..5e22b75 100644
--- a/src/runtime/crash_test.go
+++ b/src/runtime/crash_test.go
@@ -240,132 +240,6 @@
-func TestStackOverflowTopAndBottomTraces(t *testing.T) {
-	output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "StackOverflowTopAndBottomTraces")
-	// 1. First things first, we expect to traverse from
-	//    runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 10000-byte limit
-	// and down to the very end until we see:
-	//    runtime.goexit()
-	mustHaves := []string{
-		// Top half expectations
-		"\\s*runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 10000-byte limit\n",
-		"\\s*fatal error: stack overflow\n",
-		"\\s*runtime stack:\n",
-		"\\s*runtime.throw[^\n]+\n\t.+:\\d+ [^\n]+",
-		"\\s+runtime\\.newstack[^\n]+\n\t.+:\\d+ [^\n]+",
-		"\\s+runtime.morestack[^\n]+\n\t.+:\\d+ [^\n]+",
-		"\\s+goroutine 1 \\[running\\]:",
-		// Bottom half expectations
-		"\\s*main.main\\(\\)\n",
-		"\\s*runtime.main\\(\\)\n",
-		"\\s*runtime.goexit\\(\\)\n",
-	}
-	for _, pat := range mustHaves {
-		reg := regexp.MustCompile(pat)
-		match := reg.FindAllString(output, -1)
-		if len(match) == 0 {
-			t.Errorf("Failed to find pattern %q", pat)
-		}
-	}
-	// 2. Split top and bottom halves by the "... ({n} stack frames omitted)" message
-	regHalving := regexp.MustCompile("\\.{3} \\(\\d+ stack frames omitted\\)")
-	halverMatches := regHalving.FindAllString(output, -1)
-	if len(halverMatches) != 1 {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to find the `stack frames omitted` pattern")
-	}
-	str := string(output)
-	halver := halverMatches[0]
-	midIndex := strings.Index(str, halver)
-	topHalf, bottomHalf := str[:midIndex], str[midIndex+len(halver):]
-	// 2.1. Sanity check, len(topHalf) >= halver || len(bottomHalf) >= halver
-	if len(topHalf) < len(halver) || len(bottomHalf) < len(halver) {
-		t.Fatalf("Sanity check len(topHalf) = %d len(bottomHalf) = %d; both must be >= len(halver) %d",
-			len(topHalf), len(bottomHalf), len(halver))
-	}
-	// 3. In each of the halves, we should have an equal number
-	// of stacktraces before and after the "omitted frames" message.
-	regStackTraces := regexp.MustCompile("\n[^\n]+\n\t.+:\\d+ .+ fp=0x.+ sp=0x.+ pc=0x.+")
-	topHalfStackTraces := regStackTraces.FindAllString(topHalf, -1)
-	bottomHalfStackTraces := regStackTraces.FindAllString(bottomHalf, -1)
-	nTopHalf, nBottomHalf := len(topHalfStackTraces), len(bottomHalfStackTraces)
-	if nTopHalf == 0 || nBottomHalf == 0 {
-		t.Fatal("Both lengths of stack-halves should be non-zero")
-	}
-	// The bottom half will always have the 50 non-runtime frames along with these 3 frames:
-	// * main.main()
-	// * "runtime.main"
-	// * "runtime.goexit"
-	// hence we need to decrement 3 counted lines.
-	if nTopHalf != nBottomHalf-3 {
-		t.Errorf("len(topHalfStackTraces)=%d len(bottomHalfStackTraces)-3=%d yet must be equal\n", nTopHalf, nBottomHalf-3)
-	}
-	// 4. Next, prune out the:
-	// func...
-	//    line...
-	// pairs in both of the halves.
-	prunes := []struct {
-		src     *string
-		matches []string
-	}{
-		{src: &topHalf, matches: topHalfStackTraces},
-		{src: &bottomHalf, matches: bottomHalfStackTraces},
-	}
-	for _, prune := range prunes {
-		str := *prune.src
-		for _, match := range prune.matches {
-			index := strings.Index(str, match)
-			str = str[:index] + str[index+len(match):]
-		}
-		*prune.src = str
-	}
-	// 5. Now match and prune out the remaining patterns in the top and bottom halves.
-	// We aren't touching the bottom stack since its patterns are already matched
-	// by the:
-	//    func...
-	//	 line...
-	// pairs
-	topPartPrunables := []string{
-		"^\\s*runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 10000-byte limit\n",
-		"\\s*fatal error: stack overflow\n",
-		"\\s*runtime stack:\n",
-		"\\s*runtime.throw[^\n]+\n\t.+:\\d+ [^\n]+",
-		"\\s+runtime\\.newstack[^\n]+\n\t.+:\\d+ [^\n]+",
-		"\\s+runtime.morestack[^\n]+\n\t.+:\\d+ [^\n]+",
-		"\\s+goroutine 1 \\[running\\]:",
-	}
-	for _, pat := range topPartPrunables {
-		reg := regexp.MustCompile(pat)
-		matches := reg.FindAllString(topHalf, -1)
-		if len(matches) == 0 {
-			t.Errorf("top stack traces do not contain pattern: %q", reg)
-		} else if len(matches) != 1 {
-			t.Errorf("inconsistent state got %d matches want only 1", len(matches))
-		} else {
-			match := matches[0]
-			idx := strings.Index(topHalf, match)
-			topHalf = topHalf[:idx] + topHalf[idx+len(match):]
-		}
-	}
-	// 6. At the end we should only be left with
-	// newlines in both the top and bottom halves.
-	topHalf = strings.TrimSpace(topHalf)
-	bottomHalf = strings.TrimSpace(bottomHalf)
-	if topHalf != "" && bottomHalf != "" {
-		t.Fatalf("len(topHalf)=%d len(bottomHalf)=%d\ntopHalf=\n%s\n\nbottomHalf=\n%s",
-			len(topHalf), len(bottomHalf), topHalf, bottomHalf)
-	}
 func TestThreadExhaustion(t *testing.T) {
 	output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "ThreadExhaustion")
 	want := "runtime: program exceeds 10-thread limit\nfatal error: thread exhaustion"
diff --git a/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/deadlock.go b/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/deadlock.go
index 0ee1557..105d6a5 100644
--- a/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/deadlock.go
+++ b/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/deadlock.go
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 	register("LockedDeadlock2", LockedDeadlock2)
 	register("GoexitDeadlock", GoexitDeadlock)
 	register("StackOverflow", StackOverflow)
-	register("StackOverflowTopAndBottomTraces", StackOverflowTopAndBottomTraces)
 	register("ThreadExhaustion", ThreadExhaustion)
 	register("RecursivePanic", RecursivePanic)
 	register("RecursivePanic2", RecursivePanic2)
@@ -86,18 +85,6 @@
-func StackOverflowTopAndBottomTraces() {
-	var fi, gi func()
-	fi = func() {
-		gi()
-	}
-	gi = func() {
-		fi()
-	}
-	debug.SetMaxStack(10000)
-	fi()
 func ThreadExhaustion() {
 	c := make(chan int)
diff --git a/src/runtime/traceback.go b/src/runtime/traceback.go
index 389ae87..f3df152 100644
--- a/src/runtime/traceback.go
+++ b/src/runtime/traceback.go
@@ -73,34 +73,17 @@
 const sizeofSkipFunction = 256
-// Generic traceback. Handles runtime stack prints (pcbuf == nil && callback == nil),
+// Generic traceback. Handles runtime stack prints (pcbuf == nil),
 // the runtime.Callers function (pcbuf != nil), as well as the garbage
 // collector (callback != nil).  A little clunky to merge these, but avoids
 // duplicating the code and all its subtlety.
-// The skip argument counts the number of logical frames to skip rather
-// than physical frames (with inlining, a PC in pcbuf can represent multiple calls).
+// The skip argument is only valid with pcbuf != nil and counts the number
+// of logical frames to skip rather than physical frames (with inlining, a
+// PC in pcbuf can represent multiple calls). If a PC is partially skipped
+// and max > 1, pcbuf[1] will be runtime.skipPleaseUseCallersFrames+N where
+// N indicates the number of logical frames to skip in pcbuf[0].
 func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max int, callback func(*stkframe, unsafe.Pointer) bool, v unsafe.Pointer, flags uint) int {
-	var op operation = traversing
-	if pcbuf == nil && callback == nil {
-		op = printing
-	}
-	n, _ := ggentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0, gp, skip, pcbuf, max, op, callback, v, flags)
-	return n
-type operation int8
-const (
-	traversing operation = 1 << iota
-	countingframes
-	printing
-// n always returns the number of total frames <= max.
-// nregularframes is the count of non-runtime frames.
-// nregularframes is only valid if op == countingframes.
-func ggentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max int, op operation, callback func(*stkframe, unsafe.Pointer) bool, v unsafe.Pointer, flags uint) (ntotalframes, nregularframes int) {
 	if skip > 0 && callback != nil {
 		throw("gentraceback callback cannot be used with non-zero skip")
@@ -152,6 +135,7 @@
 	waspanic := false
 	cgoCtxt := gp.cgoCtxt
+	printing := pcbuf == nil && callback == nil
 	// If the PC is zero, it's likely a nil function call.
 	// Start in the caller's frame.
@@ -165,7 +149,6 @@
-	printing := op == printing
 	f := findfunc(frame.pc)
 	if !f.valid() {
 		if callback != nil || printing {
@@ -175,14 +158,15 @@
 		if callback != nil {
 			throw("unknown pc")
-		return 0, 0
+		return 0
 	frame.fn = f
 	var cache pcvalueCache
 	lastFuncID := funcID_normal
-	for ntotalframes < max {
+	n := 0
+	for n < max {
 		// Typically:
 		//	pc is the PC of the running function.
 		//	sp is the stack pointer at that program counter.
@@ -245,7 +229,7 @@
 		} else {
 			var lrPtr uintptr
 			if usesLR {
-				if ntotalframes == 0 && frame.sp < frame.fp || == 0 {
+				if n == 0 && frame.sp < frame.fp || == 0 {
 					lrPtr = frame.sp = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(lrPtr))
@@ -336,15 +320,11 @@
 		if callback != nil {
 			if !callback((*stkframe)(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&frame))), v) {
-				return
+				return n
-		if pcbuf == nil && skip > 0 {
-			// In this case we are printing and we still need to count
-			// the number of frames. See
-			skip--
-		} else if pcbuf != nil {
+		if pcbuf != nil {
 			pc := frame.pc
 			// backup to CALL instruction to read inlining info (same logic as below)
 			tracepc := pc
@@ -359,7 +339,7 @@
 			// See issue 34123.
 			// The pc can be at function entry when the frame is initialized without
 			// actually running code, like runtime.mstart.
-			if (ntotalframes == 0 && flags&_TraceTrap != 0) || waspanic || pc == f.entry {
+			if (n == 0 && flags&_TraceTrap != 0) || waspanic || pc == f.entry {
 			} else {
@@ -377,9 +357,9 @@
 						// ignore wrappers
 					} else if skip > 0 {
-					} else if ntotalframes < max {
-						(*[1 << 20]uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(pcbuf))[ntotalframes] = pc
-						ntotalframes++
+					} else if n < max {
+						(*[1 << 20]uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(pcbuf))[n] = pc
+						n++
 					lastFuncID = inltree[ix].funcID
 					// Back up to an instruction in the "caller".
@@ -392,15 +372,17 @@
 				// Ignore wrapper functions (except when they trigger panics).
 			} else if skip > 0 {
-			} else if ntotalframes < max {
-				(*[1 << 20]uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(pcbuf))[ntotalframes] = pc
-				ntotalframes++
+			} else if n < max {
+				(*[1 << 20]uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(pcbuf))[n] = pc
+				n++
 			lastFuncID = f.funcID
-			ntotalframes-- // offset ntotalframes++ below
+			n-- // offset n++ below
-		if printing && skip <= 0 {
+		if printing {
+			// assume skip=0 for printing.
+			//
 			// Never elide wrappers if we haven't printed
 			// any frames. And don't elide wrappers that
 			// called panic rather than the wrapped
@@ -408,7 +390,7 @@
 			// backup to CALL instruction to read inlining info (same logic as below)
 			tracepc := frame.pc
-			if (ntotalframes > 0 || flags&_TraceTrap == 0) && frame.pc > f.entry && !waspanic {
+			if (n > 0 || flags&_TraceTrap == 0) && frame.pc > f.entry && !waspanic {
 			// If there is inlining info, print the inner frames.
@@ -466,14 +448,7 @@
 			lastFuncID = f.funcID
-		if op == countingframes {
-			name := fullfuncname(f, frame.pc)
-			if len(name) < len("runtime.") || name[:len("runtime.")] != "runtime." {
-				nregularframes++
-			}
-		}
-		ntotalframes++
+		n++
 		if f.funcID == funcID_cgocallback && len(cgoCtxt) > 0 {
 			ctxt := cgoCtxt[len(cgoCtxt)-1]
@@ -483,7 +458,7 @@
 			// callback != nil only used when we only care
 			// about Go frames.
 			if skip == 0 && callback == nil {
-				ntotalframes = tracebackCgoContext(pcbuf, printing, ctxt, ntotalframes, max)
+				n = tracebackCgoContext(pcbuf, printing, ctxt, n, max)
@@ -523,7 +498,7 @@
 	if printing {
-		ntotalframes = nprint
+		n = nprint
 	// Note that panic != nil is okay here: there can be leftover panics,
@@ -566,13 +541,13 @@
 	// At other times, such as when gathering a stack for a profiling signal
 	// or when printing a traceback during a crash, everything may not be
 	// stopped nicely, and the stack walk may not be able to complete.
-	if callback != nil && ntotalframes < max && frame.sp != gp.stktopsp {
+	if callback != nil && n < max && frame.sp != gp.stktopsp {
 		print("runtime: g", gp.goid, ": frame.sp=", hex(frame.sp), " top=", hex(gp.stktopsp), "\n")
-		print("\tstack=[", hex(gp.stack.lo), "-", hex(gp.stack.hi), "] n=", ntotalframes, " max=", max, "\n")
+		print("\tstack=[", hex(gp.stack.lo), "-", hex(gp.stack.hi), "] n=", n, " max=", max, "\n")
 		throw("traceback did not unwind completely")
-	return
+	return n
 // reflectMethodValue is a partial duplicate of reflect.makeFuncImpl
@@ -737,15 +712,24 @@
+	var n int
 	if readgstatus(gp)&^_Gscan == _Gsyscall {
 		// Override registers if blocked in system call.
 		pc = gp.syscallpc
 		sp = gp.syscallsp
 		flags &^= _TraceTrap
-	printtraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, flags)
+	// Print traceback. By default, omits runtime frames.
+	// If that means we print nothing at all, repeat forcing all frames printed.
+	n = gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, _TracebackMaxFrames, nil, nil, flags)
+	if n == 0 && (flags&_TraceRuntimeFrames) == 0 {
+		n = gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, _TracebackMaxFrames, nil, nil, flags|_TraceRuntimeFrames)
+	}
+	if n == _TracebackMaxFrames {
+		print("...additional frames elided...\n")
+	}
 	if gp.ancestors == nil {
@@ -754,62 +738,6 @@
-// countframes traverses the current stacktrace from the top of pc0 to its bottom, excluding runtime frames.
-// If flags&_TraceRuntimeframes != 0, it'll include the number of runtime frames in the count.
-func countframes(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, flags uint) (nframes int) {
-	ntotalframes, nregularframes := ggentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0, gp, 0, nil, 1<<31-1, countingframes, nil, nil, flags)
-	nframes = nregularframes
-	if flags&_TraceRuntimeFrames != 0 {
-		nframes = ntotalframes
-	}
-	return nframes
-func printtraceback(pc, sp, lr uintptr, gp *g, flags uint) {
-	// We'd like to print:
-	//  * top nMaxFramesPerPrint frames
-	//  * bottom nMaxFramesPerPrint frames.
-	// See
-	nMaxFramesPerPrint := _TracebackMaxFrames / 2
-	nTop := gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, nil, nMaxFramesPerPrint, nil, nil, flags)
-	if nTop < nMaxFramesPerPrint {
-		// The common case, in which the traceback has less than nMaxFramesPerPrint.
-		// By default, omits runtime frames.
-		// If nTop == 0, it means we printed nothing at all, so repeat,
-		// and this time force all frames to be printed.
-		if nTop == 0 && (flags&_TraceRuntimeFrames) == 0 {
-			// Try again to print the frames, but this time with _TraceRuntimeFrames.
-			printtraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, flags|_TraceRuntimeFrames)
-		}
-		return
-	}
-	// Figure out the stack size in order to print the bottom max(nMaxFramesPerPrint) frames.
-	//
-	// TODO(odeke-em, iant, khr): perhaps investigate and revise the solution in
-	//
-	// so that we'll always only need 1 stack walk, instead of 2 as in this worst case.
-	nframes := countframes(pc, sp, lr, gp, flags)
-	if nframes <= _TracebackMaxFrames {
-		// In this case, we'll just print out from where we left off until the end.
-		gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, nMaxFramesPerPrint /* skip */, nil, 1<<31-1, nil, nil, flags)
-		return
-	}
-	// Otherwise, now skip until the bottom last nMaxFramesPerPrint.
-	// Calculate the number of stack frames to elide since we
-	// are printing top and bottom each of nMaxFramesPerPrint.
-	if elide := nframes - _TracebackMaxFrames; elide > 0 {
-		print("\n... (")
-		println(elide, "stack frames omitted)\n")
-	}
-	skip := nframes - nMaxFramesPerPrint
-	_ = gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, skip, nil, 1<<31-1 /* max int32 as the biggest frame number */, nil, nil, flags)
 // printAncestorTraceback prints the traceback of the given ancestor.
 // TODO: Unify this with gentraceback and CallersFrames.
 func printAncestorTraceback(ancestor ancestorInfo) {
@@ -830,9 +758,11 @@
-// fullfuncname retrieves the name for a funcInfo, but if perhaps it was inlined, it'll retrieve
-// unwind and retrieve the original name.
-func fullfuncname(f funcInfo, pc uintptr) string {
+// printAncestorTraceback prints the given function info at a given pc
+// within an ancestor traceback. The precision of this info is reduced
+// due to only have access to the pcs at the time of the caller
+// goroutine being created.
+func printAncestorTracebackFuncInfo(f funcInfo, pc uintptr) {
 	name := funcname(f)
 	if inldata := funcdata(f, _FUNCDATA_InlTree); inldata != nil {
 		inltree := (*[1 << 20]inlinedCall)(inldata)
@@ -841,15 +771,6 @@
 			name = funcnameFromNameoff(f, inltree[ix].func_)
-	return name
-// printAncestorTraceback prints the given function info at a given pc
-// within an ancestor traceback. The precision of this info is reduced
-// due to only have access to the pcs at the time of the caller
-// goroutine being created.
-func printAncestorTracebackFuncInfo(f funcInfo, pc uintptr) {
-	name := fullfuncname(f, pc)
 	file, line := funcline(f, pc)
 	if name == "runtime.gopanic" {
 		name = "panic"