blob: 3920e25224252b1d0f754d8bb23c75f93d966899 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
// architecture-independent object file output
const (
ArhdrSize = 60
func formathdr(arhdr []byte, name string, size int64) {
copy(arhdr[:], fmt.Sprintf("%-16s%-12d%-6d%-6d%-8o%-10d`\n", name, 0, 0, 0, 0644, size))
func dumpobj() {
var err error
bout, err = bio.Create(outfile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("can't create %s: %v\n", outfile, err)
startobj := int64(0)
var arhdr [ArhdrSize]byte
if writearchive != 0 {
arhdr = [ArhdrSize]byte{}
startobj = bio.Boffset(bout)
fmt.Fprintf(bout, "go object %s %s %s %s\n", obj.Getgoos(), obj.Getgoarch(), obj.Getgoversion(), obj.Expstring())
if writearchive != 0 {
size := bio.Boffset(bout) - startobj
if size&1 != 0 {
bio.Bseek(bout, startobj-ArhdrSize, 0)
formathdr(arhdr[:], "__.PKGDEF", size)
bio.Bseek(bout, startobj+size+(size&1), 0)
arhdr = [ArhdrSize]byte{}
startobj = bio.Boffset(bout)
fmt.Fprintf(bout, "go object %s %s %s %s\n", obj.Getgoos(), obj.Getgoarch(), obj.Getgoversion(), obj.Expstring())
if pragcgobuf != "" {
if writearchive != 0 {
// write empty export section; must be before cgo section
fmt.Fprintf(bout, "\n$$\n\n$$\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(bout, "\n$$ // cgo\n")
fmt.Fprintf(bout, "%s\n$$\n\n", pragcgobuf)
fmt.Fprintf(bout, "\n!\n")
externs := len(externdcl)
// Dump extra globals.
tmp := externdcl
if externdcl != nil {
externdcl = externdcl[externs:]
externdcl = tmp
obj.Writeobjdirect(Ctxt, bout)
if writearchive != 0 {
size := bio.Boffset(bout) - startobj
if size&1 != 0 {
bio.Bseek(bout, startobj-ArhdrSize, 0)
formathdr(arhdr[:], "_go_.o", size)
func dumpglobls() {
// add globals
for _, n := range externdcl {
if n.Op != ONAME {
if n.Type == nil {
Fatalf("external %v nil type\n", n)
if n.Class == PFUNC {
if n.Sym.Pkg != localpkg {
for _, n := range funcsyms {
dsymptr(n.Sym, 0, n.Sym.Def.Func.Shortname.Sym, 0)
ggloblsym(n.Sym, int32(Widthptr), obj.DUPOK|obj.RODATA)
// Do not reprocess funcsyms on next dumpglobls call.
funcsyms = nil
func Bputname(b *bio.Buf, s *obj.LSym) {
func Linksym(s *Sym) *obj.LSym {
if s == nil {
return nil
if s.Lsym != nil {
return s.Lsym
var name string
if isblanksym(s) {
name = "_"
} else if s.Linkname != "" {
name = s.Linkname
} else {
name = s.Pkg.Prefix + "." + s.Name
ls := obj.Linklookup(Ctxt, name, 0)
s.Lsym = ls
return ls
func duintxx(s *Sym, off int, v uint64, wid int) int {
return duintxxLSym(Linksym(s), off, v, wid)
func duintxxLSym(s *obj.LSym, off int, v uint64, wid int) int {
// Update symbol data directly instead of generating a
// DATA instruction that liblink will have to interpret later.
// This reduces compilation time and memory usage.
off = int(Rnd(int64(off), int64(wid)))
return int(obj.Setuintxx(Ctxt, s, int64(off), v, int64(wid)))
func duint8(s *Sym, off int, v uint8) int {
return duintxx(s, off, uint64(v), 1)
func duint16(s *Sym, off int, v uint16) int {
return duintxx(s, off, uint64(v), 2)
func duint32(s *Sym, off int, v uint32) int {
return duintxx(s, off, uint64(v), 4)
func duintptr(s *Sym, off int, v uint64) int {
return duintxx(s, off, v, Widthptr)
// stringConstantSyms holds the pair of symbols we create for a
// constant string.
type stringConstantSyms struct {
hdr *obj.LSym // string header
data *obj.LSym // actual string data
// stringConstants maps from the symbol name we use for the string
// contents to the pair of linker symbols for that string.
var stringConstants = make(map[string]stringConstantSyms, 100)
func stringsym(s string) (hdr, data *obj.LSym) {
var symname string
if len(s) > 100 {
// Huge strings are hashed to avoid long names in object files.
// Indulge in some paranoia by writing the length of s, too,
// as protection against length extension attacks.
h := sha256.New()
io.WriteString(h, s)
symname = fmt.Sprintf(".gostring.%d.%x", len(s), h.Sum(nil))
} else {
// Small strings get named directly by their contents.
symname = strconv.Quote(s)
const prefix = "go.string."
symdataname := prefix + symname
// All the strings have the same prefix, so ignore it for map
// purposes, but use a slice of the symbol name string to
// reduce long-term memory overhead.
key := symdataname[len(prefix):]
if syms, ok := stringConstants[key]; ok {
return syms.hdr,
symhdrname := "go.string.hdr." + symname
symhdr := obj.Linklookup(Ctxt, symhdrname, 0)
symdata := obj.Linklookup(Ctxt, symdataname, 0)
stringConstants[key] = stringConstantSyms{symhdr, symdata}
// string header
off := 0
off = dsymptrLSym(symhdr, off, symdata, 0)
off = duintxxLSym(symhdr, off, uint64(len(s)), Widthint)
ggloblLSym(symhdr, int32(off), obj.DUPOK|obj.RODATA|obj.LOCAL)
// string data
off = dsnameLSym(symdata, 0, s)
ggloblLSym(symdata, int32(off), obj.DUPOK|obj.RODATA|obj.LOCAL)
return symhdr, symdata
var slicebytes_gen int
func slicebytes(nam *Node, s string, len int) {
symname := fmt.Sprintf(".gobytes.%d", slicebytes_gen)
sym := Pkglookup(symname, localpkg)
sym.Def = newname(sym)
off := dsname(sym, 0, s)
ggloblsym(sym, int32(off), obj.NOPTR|obj.LOCAL)
if nam.Op != ONAME {
Fatalf("slicebytes %v", nam)
off = int(nam.Xoffset)
off = dsymptr(nam.Sym, off, sym, 0)
off = duintxx(nam.Sym, off, uint64(len), Widthint)
duintxx(nam.Sym, off, uint64(len), Widthint)
func Datastring(s string, a *obj.Addr) {
_, symdata := stringsym(s)
a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
a.Name = obj.NAME_EXTERN
a.Sym = symdata
a.Offset = 0
a.Etype = uint8(Simtype[TINT])
func datagostring(sval string, a *obj.Addr) {
symhdr, _ := stringsym(sval)
a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
a.Name = obj.NAME_EXTERN
a.Sym = symhdr
a.Offset = 0
a.Etype = uint8(TSTRING)
func dgostringptr(s *Sym, off int, str string) int {
if str == "" {
return duintptr(s, off, 0)
return dgostrlitptr(s, off, &str)
func dgostrlitptr(s *Sym, off int, lit *string) int {
if lit == nil {
return duintptr(s, off, 0)
off = int(Rnd(int64(off), int64(Widthptr)))
symhdr, _ := stringsym(*lit)
Linksym(s).WriteAddr(Ctxt, int64(off), Widthptr, symhdr, 0)
off += Widthptr
return off
func dsname(s *Sym, off int, t string) int {
return dsnameLSym(Linksym(s), off, t)
func dsnameLSym(s *obj.LSym, off int, t string) int {
s.WriteString(Ctxt, int64(off), len(t), t)
return off + len(t)
func dsymptr(s *Sym, off int, x *Sym, xoff int) int {
return dsymptrLSym(Linksym(s), off, Linksym(x), xoff)
func dsymptrLSym(s *obj.LSym, off int, x *obj.LSym, xoff int) int {
off = int(Rnd(int64(off), int64(Widthptr)))
s.WriteAddr(Ctxt, int64(off), Widthptr, x, int64(xoff))
off += Widthptr
return off
func gdata(nam *Node, nr *Node, wid int) {
if nam.Op != ONAME {
Fatalf("gdata nam op %v", opnames[nam.Op])
if nam.Sym == nil {
Fatalf("gdata nil nam sym")
switch nr.Op {
switch nr.Val().Ctype() {
case CTCPLX:
gdatacomplex(nam, nr.Val().U.(*Mpcplx))
case CTSTR:
gdatastring(nam, nr.Val().U.(string))
i, _ := nr.IntLiteral()
Linksym(nam.Sym).WriteInt(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset, wid, i)
case CTFLT:
s := Linksym(nam.Sym)
f := nr.Val().U.(*Mpflt).Float64()
switch nam.Type.Etype {
case TFLOAT32:
s.WriteFloat32(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset, float32(f))
case TFLOAT64:
s.WriteFloat64(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset, f)
Fatalf("gdata unhandled OLITERAL %v", nr)
case OADDR:
if nr.Left.Op != ONAME {
Fatalf("gdata ADDR left op %s", opnames[nr.Left.Op])
to := nr.Left
Linksym(nam.Sym).WriteAddr(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset, wid, Linksym(to.Sym), to.Xoffset)
case ONAME:
if nr.Class != PFUNC {
Fatalf("gdata NAME not PFUNC %d", nr.Class)
Linksym(nam.Sym).WriteAddr(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset, wid, Linksym(funcsym(nr.Sym)), nr.Xoffset)
Fatalf("gdata unhandled op %v %v\n", nr, opnames[nr.Op])
func gdatacomplex(nam *Node, cval *Mpcplx) {
t := Types[cplxsubtype(nam.Type.Etype)]
r := cval.Real.Float64()
i := cval.Imag.Float64()
s := Linksym(nam.Sym)
switch t.Etype {
case TFLOAT32:
s.WriteFloat32(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset, float32(r))
s.WriteFloat32(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset+4, float32(i))
case TFLOAT64:
s.WriteFloat64(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset, r)
s.WriteFloat64(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset+8, i)
func gdatastring(nam *Node, sval string) {
s := Linksym(nam.Sym)
_, symdata := stringsym(sval)
s.WriteAddr(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset, Widthptr, symdata, 0)
s.WriteInt(Ctxt, nam.Xoffset+int64(Widthptr), Widthint, int64(len(sval)))