blob: f72beda21a3b782fc300c68c5285ffa322f920f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
import "cmd/internal/gc"
func defframe(ptxt *obj.Prog) {
var frame uint32
var ax uint32
var p *obj.Prog
var lo int64
var hi int64
var l *gc.NodeList
var n *gc.Node
// fill in argument size, stack size
ptxt.To.Type = obj.TYPE_TEXTSIZE
ptxt.To.U.Argsize = int32(gc.Rnd(gc.Curfn.Type.Argwid, int64(gc.Widthptr)))
frame = uint32(gc.Rnd(gc.Stksize+gc.Maxarg, int64(gc.Widthreg)))
ptxt.To.Offset = int64(frame)
// insert code to zero ambiguously live variables
// so that the garbage collector only sees initialized values
// when it looks for pointers.
p = ptxt
hi = 0
lo = hi
ax = 0
for l = gc.Curfn.Dcl; l != nil; l = l.Next {
n = l.N
if n.Needzero == 0 {
if n.Class != gc.PAUTO {
gc.Fatal("needzero class %d", n.Class)
if n.Type.Width%int64(gc.Widthptr) != 0 || n.Xoffset%int64(gc.Widthptr) != 0 || n.Type.Width == 0 {
gc.Fatal("var %v has size %d offset %d", gc.Nconv(n, obj.FmtLong), int(n.Type.Width), int(n.Xoffset))
if lo != hi && n.Xoffset+n.Type.Width == lo-int64(2*gc.Widthptr) {
// merge with range we already have
lo = n.Xoffset
// zero old range
p = zerorange(p, int64(frame), lo, hi, &ax)
// set new range
hi = n.Xoffset + n.Type.Width
lo = n.Xoffset
// zero final range
zerorange(p, int64(frame), lo, hi, &ax)
func zerorange(p *obj.Prog, frame int64, lo int64, hi int64, ax *uint32) *obj.Prog {
var cnt int64
var i int64
cnt = hi - lo
if cnt == 0 {
return p
if *ax == 0 {
p = appendpp(p, i386.AMOVL, obj.TYPE_CONST, 0, 0, obj.TYPE_REG, i386.REG_AX, 0)
*ax = 1
if cnt <= int64(4*gc.Widthreg) {
for i = 0; i < cnt; i += int64(gc.Widthreg) {
p = appendpp(p, i386.AMOVL, obj.TYPE_REG, i386.REG_AX, 0, obj.TYPE_MEM, i386.REG_SP, frame+lo+i)
} else if !gc.Nacl && cnt <= int64(128*gc.Widthreg) {
p = appendpp(p, i386.ALEAL, obj.TYPE_MEM, i386.REG_SP, frame+lo, obj.TYPE_REG, i386.REG_DI, 0)
p = appendpp(p, obj.ADUFFZERO, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, obj.TYPE_ADDR, 0, 1*(128-cnt/int64(gc.Widthreg)))
p.To.Sym = gc.Linksym(gc.Pkglookup("duffzero", gc.Runtimepkg))
} else {
p = appendpp(p, i386.AMOVL, obj.TYPE_CONST, 0, cnt/int64(gc.Widthreg), obj.TYPE_REG, i386.REG_CX, 0)
p = appendpp(p, i386.ALEAL, obj.TYPE_MEM, i386.REG_SP, frame+lo, obj.TYPE_REG, i386.REG_DI, 0)
p = appendpp(p, i386.AREP, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0)
p = appendpp(p, i386.ASTOSL, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, obj.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0)
return p
func appendpp(p *obj.Prog, as int, ftype int, freg int, foffset int64, ttype int, treg int, toffset int64) *obj.Prog {
var q *obj.Prog
q = gc.Ctxt.NewProg()
q.As = int16(as)
q.Lineno = p.Lineno
q.From.Type = int16(ftype)
q.From.Reg = int16(freg)
q.From.Offset = foffset
q.To.Type = int16(ttype)
q.To.Reg = int16(treg)
q.To.Offset = toffset
q.Link = p.Link
p.Link = q
return q
func clearfat(nl *gc.Node) {
var w uint32
var c uint32
var q uint32
var n1 gc.Node
var z gc.Node
var p *obj.Prog
/* clear a fat object */
if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
gc.Dump("\nclearfat", nl)
w = uint32(nl.Type.Width)
// Avoid taking the address for simple enough types.
if componentgen(nil, nl) {
c = w % 4 // bytes
q = w / 4 // quads
if q < 4 {
// Write sequence of MOV 0, off(base) instead of using STOSL.
// The hope is that although the code will be slightly longer,
// the MOVs will have no dependencies and pipeline better
// than the unrolled STOSL loop.
// NOTE: Must use agen, not igen, so that optimizer sees address
// being taken. We are not writing on field boundaries.
regalloc(&n1, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], nil)
agen(nl, &n1)
n1.Op = gc.OINDREG
gc.Nodconst(&z, gc.Types[gc.TUINT64], 0)
for {
tmp14 := q
if tmp14 <= 0 {
n1.Type = z.Type
gins(i386.AMOVL, &z, &n1)
n1.Xoffset += 4
gc.Nodconst(&z, gc.Types[gc.TUINT8], 0)
for {
tmp15 := c
if tmp15 <= 0 {
n1.Type = z.Type
gins(i386.AMOVB, &z, &n1)
gc.Nodreg(&n1, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], i386.REG_DI)
agen(nl, &n1)
gconreg(i386.AMOVL, 0, i386.REG_AX)
if q > 128 || (q >= 4 && gc.Nacl) {
gconreg(i386.AMOVL, int64(q), i386.REG_CX)
gins(i386.AREP, nil, nil) // repeat
gins(i386.ASTOSL, nil, nil) // STOL AL,*(DI)+
} else if q >= 4 {
p = gins(obj.ADUFFZERO, nil, nil)
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_ADDR
p.To.Sym = gc.Linksym(gc.Pkglookup("duffzero", gc.Runtimepkg))
// 1 and 128 = magic constants: see ../../runtime/asm_386.s
p.To.Offset = 1 * (128 - int64(q))
} else {
for q > 0 {
gins(i386.ASTOSL, nil, nil) // STOL AL,*(DI)+
for c > 0 {
gins(i386.ASTOSB, nil, nil) // STOB AL,*(DI)+
* generate:
* call f
* proc=-1 normal call but no return
* proc=0 normal call
* proc=1 goroutine run in new proc
* proc=2 defer call save away stack
* proc=3 normal call to C pointer (not Go func value)
func ginscall(f *gc.Node, proc int) {
var p *obj.Prog
var reg gc.Node
var r1 gc.Node
var con gc.Node
var stk gc.Node
var extra int32
if f.Type != nil {
extra = 0
if proc == 1 || proc == 2 {
extra = 2 * int32(gc.Widthptr)
gc.Setmaxarg(f.Type, extra)
switch proc {
gc.Fatal("ginscall: bad proc %d", proc)
case 0, // normal call
-1: // normal call but no return
if f.Op == gc.ONAME && f.Class == gc.PFUNC {
if f == gc.Deferreturn {
// Deferred calls will appear to be returning to
// the CALL deferreturn(SB) that we are about to emit.
// However, the stack trace code will show the line
// of the instruction byte before the return PC.
// To avoid that being an unrelated instruction,
// insert an x86 NOP that we will have the right line number.
// x86 NOP 0x90 is really XCHG AX, AX; use that description
// because the NOP pseudo-instruction will be removed by
// the linker.
gc.Nodreg(&reg, gc.Types[gc.TINT], i386.REG_AX)
gins(i386.AXCHGL, &reg, &reg)
p = gins(obj.ACALL, nil, f)
gc.Afunclit(&p.To, f)
if proc == -1 || gc.Noreturn(p) {
gins(obj.AUNDEF, nil, nil)
gc.Nodreg(&reg, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], i386.REG_DX)
gc.Nodreg(&r1, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], i386.REG_BX)
gmove(f, &reg)
reg.Op = gc.OINDREG
gmove(&reg, &r1)
reg.Op = gc.OREGISTER
gins(obj.ACALL, &reg, &r1)
case 3: // normal call of c function pointer
gins(obj.ACALL, nil, f)
case 1, // call in new proc (go)
2: // deferred call (defer)
stk = gc.Node{}
stk.Op = gc.OINDREG
stk.Val.U.Reg = i386.REG_SP
stk.Xoffset = 0
// size of arguments at 0(SP)
gc.Nodconst(&con, gc.Types[gc.TINT32], int64(gc.Argsize(f.Type)))
gins(i386.AMOVL, &con, &stk)
// FuncVal* at 4(SP)
stk.Xoffset = int64(gc.Widthptr)
gins(i386.AMOVL, f, &stk)
if proc == 1 {
ginscall(gc.Newproc, 0)
} else {
ginscall(gc.Deferproc, 0)
if proc == 2 {
gc.Nodreg(&reg, gc.Types[gc.TINT32], i386.REG_AX)
gins(i386.ATESTL, &reg, &reg)
p = gc.Gbranch(i386.AJEQ, nil, +1)
gc.Patch(p, gc.Pc)
* n is call to interface method.
* generate res = n.
func cgen_callinter(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node, proc int) {
var i *gc.Node
var f *gc.Node
var tmpi gc.Node
var nodi gc.Node
var nodo gc.Node
var nodr gc.Node
var nodsp gc.Node
i = n.Left
if i.Op != gc.ODOTINTER {
gc.Fatal("cgen_callinter: not ODOTINTER %v", gc.Oconv(int(i.Op), 0))
f = i.Right // field
if f.Op != gc.ONAME {
gc.Fatal("cgen_callinter: not ONAME %v", gc.Oconv(int(f.Op), 0))
i = i.Left // interface
if i.Addable == 0 {
gc.Tempname(&tmpi, i.Type)
cgen(i, &tmpi)
i = &tmpi
gc.Genlist(n.List) // assign the args
// i is now addable, prepare an indirected
// register to hold its address.
igen(i, &nodi, res) // REG = &inter
gc.Nodindreg(&nodsp, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], i386.REG_SP)
nodsp.Xoffset = 0
if proc != 0 {
nodsp.Xoffset += 2 * int64(gc.Widthptr) // leave room for size & fn
nodi.Type = gc.Types[gc.Tptr]
nodi.Xoffset += int64(gc.Widthptr)
cgen(&nodi, &nodsp) // {0 or 8}(SP) = 4(REG) --
regalloc(&nodo, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], res)
nodi.Type = gc.Types[gc.Tptr]
nodi.Xoffset -= int64(gc.Widthptr)
cgen(&nodi, &nodo) // REG = 0(REG) --
regalloc(&nodr, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], &nodo)
if n.Left.Xoffset == gc.BADWIDTH {
gc.Fatal("cgen_callinter: badwidth")
nodo.Op = gc.OINDREG
nodo.Xoffset = n.Left.Xoffset + 3*int64(gc.Widthptr) + 8
if proc == 0 {
// plain call: use direct c function pointer - more efficient
cgen(&nodo, &nodr) // REG = 20+offset(REG) -->fun[f]
proc = 3
} else {
// go/defer. generate go func value.
gins(i386.ALEAL, &nodo, &nodr) // REG = &(20+offset(REG)) -->fun[f]
nodr.Type = n.Left.Type
ginscall(&nodr, proc)
* generate function call;
* proc=0 normal call
* proc=1 goroutine run in new proc
* proc=2 defer call save away stack
func cgen_call(n *gc.Node, proc int) {
var t *gc.Type
var nod gc.Node
var afun gc.Node
if n == nil {
if n.Left.Ullman >= gc.UINF {
// if name involves a fn call
// precompute the address of the fn
gc.Tempname(&afun, gc.Types[gc.Tptr])
cgen(n.Left, &afun)
gc.Genlist(n.List) // assign the args
t = n.Left.Type
// call tempname pointer
if n.Left.Ullman >= gc.UINF {
regalloc(&nod, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], nil)
gc.Cgen_as(&nod, &afun)
nod.Type = t
ginscall(&nod, proc)
// call pointer
if n.Left.Op != gc.ONAME || n.Left.Class != gc.PFUNC {
regalloc(&nod, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], nil)
gc.Cgen_as(&nod, n.Left)
nod.Type = t
ginscall(&nod, proc)
// call direct
n.Left.Method = 1
ginscall(n.Left, proc)
* call to n has already been generated.
* generate:
* res = return value from call.
func cgen_callret(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
var nod gc.Node
var fp *gc.Type
var t *gc.Type
var flist gc.Iter
t = n.Left.Type
if t.Etype == gc.TPTR32 || t.Etype == gc.TPTR64 {
t = t.Type
fp = gc.Structfirst(&flist, gc.Getoutarg(t))
if fp == nil {
gc.Fatal("cgen_callret: nil")
nod = gc.Node{}
nod.Op = gc.OINDREG
nod.Val.U.Reg = i386.REG_SP
nod.Addable = 1
nod.Xoffset = fp.Width
nod.Type = fp.Type
gc.Cgen_as(res, &nod)
* call to n has already been generated.
* generate:
* res = &return value from call.
func cgen_aret(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
var nod1 gc.Node
var nod2 gc.Node
var fp *gc.Type
var t *gc.Type
var flist gc.Iter
t = n.Left.Type
if gc.Isptr[t.Etype] != 0 {
t = t.Type
fp = gc.Structfirst(&flist, gc.Getoutarg(t))
if fp == nil {
gc.Fatal("cgen_aret: nil")
nod1 = gc.Node{}
nod1.Op = gc.OINDREG
nod1.Val.U.Reg = i386.REG_SP
nod1.Addable = 1
nod1.Xoffset = fp.Width
nod1.Type = fp.Type
if res.Op != gc.OREGISTER {
regalloc(&nod2, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], res)
gins(i386.ALEAL, &nod1, &nod2)
gins(i386.AMOVL, &nod2, res)
} else {
gins(i386.ALEAL, &nod1, res)
* generate return.
* n->left is assignments to return values.
func cgen_ret(n *gc.Node) {
var p *obj.Prog
if n != nil {
gc.Genlist(n.List) // copy out args
if gc.Hasdefer != 0 {
ginscall(gc.Deferreturn, 0)
p = gins(obj.ARET, nil, nil)
if n != nil && n.Op == gc.ORETJMP {
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p.To.Name = obj.NAME_EXTERN
p.To.Sym = gc.Linksym(n.Left.Sym)
* generate division.
* caller must set:
* ax = allocated AX register
* dx = allocated DX register
* generates one of:
* res = nl / nr
* res = nl % nr
* according to op.
func dodiv(op int, nl *gc.Node, nr *gc.Node, res *gc.Node, ax *gc.Node, dx *gc.Node) {
var check int
var n1 gc.Node
var t1 gc.Node
var t2 gc.Node
var t3 gc.Node
var t4 gc.Node
var n4 gc.Node
var nz gc.Node
var t *gc.Type
var t0 *gc.Type
var p1 *obj.Prog
var p2 *obj.Prog
// Have to be careful about handling
// most negative int divided by -1 correctly.
// The hardware will trap.
// Also the byte divide instruction needs AH,
// which we otherwise don't have to deal with.
// Easiest way to avoid for int8, int16: use int32.
// For int32 and int64, use explicit test.
// Could use int64 hw for int32.
t = nl.Type
t0 = t
check = 0
if gc.Issigned[t.Etype] != 0 {
check = 1
if gc.Isconst(nl, gc.CTINT) && gc.Mpgetfix(nl.Val.U.Xval) != -1<<uint64(t.Width*8-1) {
check = 0
} else if gc.Isconst(nr, gc.CTINT) && gc.Mpgetfix(nr.Val.U.Xval) != -1 {
check = 0
if t.Width < 4 {
if gc.Issigned[t.Etype] != 0 {
t = gc.Types[gc.TINT32]
} else {
t = gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]
check = 0
gc.Tempname(&t1, t)
gc.Tempname(&t2, t)
if t0 != t {
gc.Tempname(&t3, t0)
gc.Tempname(&t4, t0)
cgen(nl, &t3)
cgen(nr, &t4)
// Convert.
gmove(&t3, &t1)
gmove(&t4, &t2)
} else {
cgen(nl, &t1)
cgen(nr, &t2)
if !gc.Samereg(ax, res) && !gc.Samereg(dx, res) {
regalloc(&n1, t, res)
} else {
regalloc(&n1, t, nil)
gmove(&t2, &n1)
gmove(&t1, ax)
p2 = nil
if gc.Nacl {
// Native Client does not relay the divide-by-zero trap
// to the executing program, so we must insert a check
// for ourselves.
gc.Nodconst(&n4, t, 0)
gins(optoas(gc.OCMP, t), &n1, &n4)
p1 = gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.ONE, t), nil, +1)
if panicdiv == nil {
panicdiv = gc.Sysfunc("panicdivide")
ginscall(panicdiv, -1)
gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)
if check != 0 {
gc.Nodconst(&n4, t, -1)
gins(optoas(gc.OCMP, t), &n1, &n4)
p1 = gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.ONE, t), nil, +1)
if op == gc.ODIV {
// a / (-1) is -a.
gins(optoas(gc.OMINUS, t), nil, ax)
gmove(ax, res)
} else {
// a % (-1) is 0.
gc.Nodconst(&n4, t, 0)
gmove(&n4, res)
p2 = gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0)
gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)
if gc.Issigned[t.Etype] == 0 {
gc.Nodconst(&nz, t, 0)
gmove(&nz, dx)
} else {
gins(optoas(gc.OEXTEND, t), nil, nil)
gins(optoas(op, t), &n1, nil)
if op == gc.ODIV {
gmove(ax, res)
} else {
gmove(dx, res)
if check != 0 {
gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)
func savex(dr int, x *gc.Node, oldx *gc.Node, res *gc.Node, t *gc.Type) {
var r int
r = int(reg[dr])
gc.Nodreg(x, gc.Types[gc.TINT32], dr)
// save current ax and dx if they are live
// and not the destination
*oldx = gc.Node{}
if r > 0 && !gc.Samereg(x, res) {
gc.Tempname(oldx, gc.Types[gc.TINT32])
gmove(x, oldx)
regalloc(x, t, x)
func restx(x *gc.Node, oldx *gc.Node) {
if oldx.Op != 0 {
x.Type = gc.Types[gc.TINT32]
gmove(oldx, x)
* generate division according to op, one of:
* res = nl / nr
* res = nl % nr
func cgen_div(op int, nl *gc.Node, nr *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
var ax gc.Node
var dx gc.Node
var oldax gc.Node
var olddx gc.Node
var t *gc.Type
if gc.Is64(nl.Type) {
gc.Fatal("cgen_div %v", gc.Tconv(nl.Type, 0))
if gc.Issigned[nl.Type.Etype] != 0 {
t = gc.Types[gc.TINT32]
} else {
t = gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]
savex(i386.REG_AX, &ax, &oldax, res, t)
savex(i386.REG_DX, &dx, &olddx, res, t)
dodiv(op, nl, nr, res, &ax, &dx)
restx(&dx, &olddx)
restx(&ax, &oldax)
* generate shift according to op, one of:
* res = nl << nr
* res = nl >> nr
func cgen_shift(op int, bounded bool, nl *gc.Node, nr *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
var n1 gc.Node
var n2 gc.Node
var nt gc.Node
var cx gc.Node
var oldcx gc.Node
var hi gc.Node
var lo gc.Node
var a int
var w int
var p1 *obj.Prog
var p2 *obj.Prog
var sc uint64
if nl.Type.Width > 4 {
gc.Fatal("cgen_shift %v", gc.Tconv(nl.Type, 0))
w = int(nl.Type.Width * 8)
a = optoas(op, nl.Type)
if nr.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
gc.Tempname(&n2, nl.Type)
cgen(nl, &n2)
regalloc(&n1, nl.Type, res)
gmove(&n2, &n1)
sc = uint64(gc.Mpgetfix(nr.Val.U.Xval))
if sc >= uint64(nl.Type.Width*8) {
// large shift gets 2 shifts by width-1
gins(a, ncon(uint32(w)-1), &n1)
gins(a, ncon(uint32(w)-1), &n1)
} else {
gins(a, nr, &n1)
gmove(&n1, res)
oldcx = gc.Node{}
gc.Nodreg(&cx, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], i386.REG_CX)
if reg[i386.REG_CX] > 1 && !gc.Samereg(&cx, res) {
gc.Tempname(&oldcx, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32])
gmove(&cx, &oldcx)
if nr.Type.Width > 4 {
gc.Tempname(&nt, nr.Type)
n1 = nt
} else {
gc.Nodreg(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], i386.REG_CX)
regalloc(&n1, nr.Type, &n1) // to hold the shift type in CX
if gc.Samereg(&cx, res) {
regalloc(&n2, nl.Type, nil)
} else {
regalloc(&n2, nl.Type, res)
if nl.Ullman >= nr.Ullman {
cgen(nl, &n2)
cgen(nr, &n1)
} else {
cgen(nr, &n1)
cgen(nl, &n2)
// test and fix up large shifts
if bounded {
if nr.Type.Width > 4 {
// delayed reg alloc
gc.Nodreg(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], i386.REG_CX)
regalloc(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], &n1) // to hold the shift type in CX
split64(&nt, &lo, &hi)
gmove(&lo, &n1)
} else {
if nr.Type.Width > 4 {
// delayed reg alloc
gc.Nodreg(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], i386.REG_CX)
regalloc(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], &n1) // to hold the shift type in CX
split64(&nt, &lo, &hi)
gmove(&lo, &n1)
gins(optoas(gc.OCMP, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), &hi, ncon(0))
p2 = gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.ONE, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), nil, +1)
gins(optoas(gc.OCMP, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), &n1, ncon(uint32(w)))
p1 = gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.OLT, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), nil, +1)
gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)
} else {
gins(optoas(gc.OCMP, nr.Type), &n1, ncon(uint32(w)))
p1 = gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.OLT, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), nil, +1)
if op == gc.ORSH && gc.Issigned[nl.Type.Etype] != 0 {
gins(a, ncon(uint32(w)-1), &n2)
} else {
gmove(ncon(0), &n2)
gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)
gins(a, &n1, &n2)
if oldcx.Op != 0 {
gmove(&oldcx, &cx)
gmove(&n2, res)
* generate byte multiply:
* res = nl * nr
* there is no 2-operand byte multiply instruction so
* we do a full-width multiplication and truncate afterwards.
func cgen_bmul(op int, nl *gc.Node, nr *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
var n1 gc.Node
var n2 gc.Node
var nt gc.Node
var tmp *gc.Node
var t *gc.Type
var a int
// copy from byte to full registers
t = gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]
if gc.Issigned[nl.Type.Etype] != 0 {
t = gc.Types[gc.TINT32]
// largest ullman on left.
if nl.Ullman < nr.Ullman {
tmp = nl
nl = nr
nr = tmp
gc.Tempname(&nt, nl.Type)
cgen(nl, &nt)
regalloc(&n1, t, res)
cgen(nr, &n1)
regalloc(&n2, t, nil)
gmove(&nt, &n2)
a = optoas(op, t)
gins(a, &n2, &n1)
gmove(&n1, res)
* generate high multiply:
* res = (nl*nr) >> width
func cgen_hmul(nl *gc.Node, nr *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
var t *gc.Type
var a int
var n1 gc.Node
var n2 gc.Node
var ax gc.Node
var dx gc.Node
t = nl.Type
a = optoas(gc.OHMUL, t)
// gen nl in n1.
gc.Tempname(&n1, t)
cgen(nl, &n1)
// gen nr in n2.
regalloc(&n2, t, res)
cgen(nr, &n2)
// multiply.
gc.Nodreg(&ax, t, i386.REG_AX)
gmove(&n2, &ax)
gins(a, &n1, nil)
if t.Width == 1 {
// byte multiply behaves differently.
gc.Nodreg(&ax, t, i386.REG_AH)
gc.Nodreg(&dx, t, i386.REG_DX)
gmove(&ax, &dx)
gc.Nodreg(&dx, t, i386.REG_DX)
gmove(&dx, res)
* generate floating-point operation.
func cgen_float(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
var nl *gc.Node
var n1 gc.Node
var n2 gc.Node
var p1 *obj.Prog
var p2 *obj.Prog
var p3 *obj.Prog
nl = n.Left
switch n.Op {
case gc.OEQ,
p1 = gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0)
p2 = gc.Pc
gmove(gc.Nodbool(true), res)
p3 = gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0)
gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)
bgen(n, true, 0, p2)
gmove(gc.Nodbool(false), res)
gc.Patch(p3, gc.Pc)
case gc.OPLUS:
cgen(nl, res)
case gc.OCONV:
if gc.Eqtype(n.Type, nl.Type) || gc.Noconv(n.Type, nl.Type) {
cgen(nl, res)
gc.Tempname(&n2, n.Type)
mgen(nl, &n1, res)
gmove(&n1, &n2)
gmove(&n2, res)
if gc.Use_sse != 0 {
cgen_floatsse(n, res)
} else {
cgen_float387(n, res)
// floating-point. 387 (not SSE2)
func cgen_float387(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
var f0 gc.Node
var f1 gc.Node
var nl *gc.Node
var nr *gc.Node
nl = n.Left
nr = n.Right
gc.Nodreg(&f0, nl.Type, i386.REG_F0)
gc.Nodreg(&f1, n.Type, i386.REG_F0+1)
if nr != nil {
goto flt2
// unary
cgen(nl, &f0)
if n.Op != gc.OCONV && n.Op != gc.OPLUS {
gins(foptoas(int(n.Op), n.Type, 0), nil, nil)
gmove(&f0, res)
flt2: // binary
if nl.Ullman >= nr.Ullman {
cgen(nl, &f0)
if nr.Addable != 0 {
gins(foptoas(int(n.Op), n.Type, 0), nr, &f0)
} else {
cgen(nr, &f0)
gins(foptoas(int(n.Op), n.Type, Fpop), &f0, &f1)
} else {
cgen(nr, &f0)
if nl.Addable != 0 {
gins(foptoas(int(n.Op), n.Type, Frev), nl, &f0)
} else {
cgen(nl, &f0)
gins(foptoas(int(n.Op), n.Type, Frev|Fpop), &f0, &f1)
gmove(&f0, res)
func cgen_floatsse(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
var nl *gc.Node
var nr *gc.Node
var r *gc.Node
var n1 gc.Node
var n2 gc.Node
var nt gc.Node
var a int
nl = n.Left
nr = n.Right
switch n.Op {
gc.Dump("cgen_floatsse", n)
gc.Fatal("cgen_floatsse %v", gc.Oconv(int(n.Op), 0))
case gc.OMINUS,
nr = gc.Nodintconst(-1)
gc.Convlit(&nr, n.Type)
a = foptoas(gc.OMUL, nl.Type, 0)
goto sbop
// symmetric binary
case gc.OADD,
a = foptoas(int(n.Op), nl.Type, 0)
goto sbop
// asymmetric binary
case gc.OSUB,
a = foptoas(int(n.Op), nl.Type, 0)
goto abop
sbop: // symmetric binary
if nl.Ullman < nr.Ullman || nl.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
r = nl
nl = nr
nr = r
abop: // asymmetric binary
if nl.Ullman >= nr.Ullman {
gc.Tempname(&nt, nl.Type)
cgen(nl, &nt)
mgen(nr, &n2, nil)
regalloc(&n1, nl.Type, res)
gmove(&nt, &n1)
gins(a, &n2, &n1)
gmove(&n1, res)
} else {
regalloc(&n2, nr.Type, res)
cgen(nr, &n2)
regalloc(&n1, nl.Type, nil)
cgen(nl, &n1)
gins(a, &n2, &n1)
gmove(&n1, res)
func bgen_float(n *gc.Node, true_ int, likely int, to *obj.Prog) {
var et int
var a int
var nl *gc.Node
var nr *gc.Node
var r *gc.Node
var n1 gc.Node
var n2 gc.Node
var n3 gc.Node
var tmp gc.Node
var t1 gc.Node
var t2 gc.Node
var ax gc.Node
var p1 *obj.Prog
var p2 *obj.Prog
nl = n.Left
nr = n.Right
a = int(n.Op)
if true_ == 0 {
// brcom is not valid on floats when NaN is involved.
p1 = gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0)
p2 = gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0)
gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)
// No need to avoid re-genning ninit.
bgen_float(n, 1, -likely, p2)
gc.Patch(gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0), to)
gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)
if gc.Use_sse != 0 {
goto sse
} else {
goto x87
a = gc.Brrev(a) // because the args are stacked
if a == gc.OGE || a == gc.OGT {
// only < and <= work right with NaN; reverse if needed
r = nr
nr = nl
nl = r
a = gc.Brrev(a)
gc.Nodreg(&tmp, nr.Type, i386.REG_F0)
gc.Nodreg(&n2, nr.Type, i386.REG_F0+1)
gc.Nodreg(&ax, gc.Types[gc.TUINT16], i386.REG_AX)
et = gc.Simsimtype(nr.Type)
if et == gc.TFLOAT64 {
if nl.Ullman > nr.Ullman {
cgen(nl, &tmp)
cgen(nr, &tmp)
gins(i386.AFXCHD, &tmp, &n2)
} else {
cgen(nr, &tmp)
cgen(nl, &tmp)
gins(i386.AFUCOMIP, &tmp, &n2)
gins(i386.AFMOVDP, &tmp, &tmp) // annoying pop but still better than STSW+SAHF
} else {
// TODO(rsc): The moves back and forth to memory
// here are for truncating the value to 32 bits.
// This handles 32-bit comparison but presumably
// all the other ops have the same problem.
// We need to figure out what the right general
// solution is, besides telling people to use float64.
gc.Tempname(&t1, gc.Types[gc.TFLOAT32])
gc.Tempname(&t2, gc.Types[gc.TFLOAT32])
cgen(nr, &t1)
cgen(nl, &t2)
gmove(&t2, &tmp)
gins(i386.AFCOMFP, &t1, &tmp)
gins(i386.AFSTSW, nil, &ax)
gins(i386.ASAHF, nil, nil)
goto ret
if nl.Addable == 0 {
gc.Tempname(&n1, nl.Type)
cgen(nl, &n1)
nl = &n1
if nr.Addable == 0 {
gc.Tempname(&tmp, nr.Type)
cgen(nr, &tmp)
nr = &tmp
regalloc(&n2, nr.Type, nil)
gmove(nr, &n2)
nr = &n2
if nl.Op != gc.OREGISTER {
regalloc(&n3, nl.Type, nil)
gmove(nl, &n3)
nl = &n3
if a == gc.OGE || a == gc.OGT {
// only < and <= work right with NaN; reverse if needed
r = nr
nr = nl
nl = r
a = gc.Brrev(a)
gins(foptoas(gc.OCMP, nr.Type, 0), nl, nr)
if nl.Op == gc.OREGISTER {
if a == gc.OEQ {
// neither NE nor P
p1 = gc.Gbranch(i386.AJNE, nil, -likely)
p2 = gc.Gbranch(i386.AJPS, nil, -likely)
gc.Patch(gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0), to)
gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)
gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)
} else if a == gc.ONE {
// either NE or P
gc.Patch(gc.Gbranch(i386.AJNE, nil, likely), to)
gc.Patch(gc.Gbranch(i386.AJPS, nil, likely), to)
} else {
gc.Patch(gc.Gbranch(optoas(a, nr.Type), nil, likely), to)
// Called after regopt and peep have run.
// Expand CHECKNIL pseudo-op into actual nil pointer check.
func expandchecks(firstp *obj.Prog) {
var p *obj.Prog
var p1 *obj.Prog
var p2 *obj.Prog
for p = firstp; p != nil; p = p.Link {
if p.As != obj.ACHECKNIL {
if gc.Debug_checknil != 0 && p.Lineno > 1 { // p->lineno==1 in generated wrappers
gc.Warnl(int(p.Lineno), "generated nil check")
// check is
// CMP arg, $0
// JNE 2(PC) (likely)
// MOV AX, 0
p1 = gc.Ctxt.NewProg()
p2 = gc.Ctxt.NewProg()
p1.Link = p2
p2.Link = p.Link
p.Link = p1
p1.Lineno = p.Lineno
p2.Lineno = p.Lineno
p1.Pc = 9999
p2.Pc = 9999
p.As = i386.ACMPL
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
p.To.Offset = 0
p1.As = i386.AJNE
p1.From.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
p1.From.Offset = 1 // likely
p1.To.Type = obj.TYPE_BRANCH
p1.To.U.Branch = p2.Link
// crash by write to memory address 0.
// if possible, since we know arg is 0, use 0(arg),
// which will be shorter to encode than plain 0.
p2.As = i386.AMOVL
p2.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p2.From.Reg = i386.REG_AX
if regtyp(&p.From) {
p2.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p2.To.Reg = p.From.Reg
} else {
p2.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p2.To.Offset = 0