blob: f289670091ee7bc231ea581cbd467c1b9f919ccb [file] [log] [blame]
// errorcheck -0 -m -l
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test escape analysis for function parameters.
// In this test almost everything is BAD except the simplest cases
// where input directly flows to output.
package foo
func f(buf []byte) []byte { // ERROR "leaking param: buf to result ~r1 level=0$"
return buf
func g(*byte) string
func h(e int) {
var x [32]byte // ERROR "moved to heap: x$"
g(&f(x[:])[0]) // ERROR "&f\(x\[:\]\)\[0\] escapes to heap$" "x escapes to heap$"
type Node struct {
s string
left, right *Node
func walk(np **Node) int { // ERROR "leaking param content: np"
n := *np
w := len(n.s)
if n == nil {
return 0
wl := walk(&n.left) // ERROR "walk &n.left does not escape"
wr := walk(&n.right) // ERROR "walk &n.right does not escape"
if wl < wr {
n.left, n.right = n.right, n.left
wl, wr = wr, wl
*np = n
return w + wl + wr