blob: e0dc531fc9bd9691ac4e73738cce90b9445509d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ssa
import "fmt"
// An Op encodes the specific operation that a Value performs.
// Opcodes' semantics can be modified by the type and aux fields of the Value.
// For instance, OpAdd can be 32 or 64 bit, signed or unsigned, float or complex, depending on Value.Type.
// Semantics of each op are described below.
// Ops come in two flavors, architecture-independent and architecture-dependent.
// Architecture-independent opcodes appear in this file.
// Architecture-dependent opcodes appear in op{arch}.go files.
type Op int32
// Opcode ranges, a generic one and one for each architecture.
const (
opInvalid Op = 0
opGenericBase Op = 1 + 1000*iota
opMax // sentinel
// Generic opcodes
const (
opGenericStart Op = opGenericBase + iota
// 2-input arithmetic
OpAdd // arg0 + arg1
OpSub // arg0 - arg1
OpMul // arg0 * arg1
// 2-input comparisons
OpLess // arg0 < arg1
// constants. Constant values are stored in the aux field.
// booleans have a bool aux field, strings have a string aux
// field, and so on. All integer types store their value
// in the aux field as an int64 (including int, uint64, etc.).
// We could store int8 as an int8, but that won't work for int,
// as it may be different widths on the host and target.
OpArg // address of a function parameter/result. Memory input is an arg called ".mem". aux is a string (TODO: make it something other than a string?)
OpGlobal // the address of a global variable aux.(*gc.Sym)
OpFunc // entry address of a function
OpFP // frame pointer
OpSP // stack pointer
OpCopy // output = arg0
OpMove // arg0=destptr, arg1=srcptr, arg2=mem, aux.(int64)=size. Returns memory.
OpPhi // select an argument based on which predecessor block we came from
OpSliceMake // arg0=ptr, arg1=len, arg2=cap
OpSlicePtr // ptr(arg0)
OpSliceLen // len(arg0)
OpSliceCap // cap(arg0)
OpStringMake // arg0=ptr, arg1=len
OpStringPtr // ptr(arg0)
OpStringLen // len(arg0)
OpLoad // Load from arg0+aux.(int64). arg1=memory
OpStore // Store arg1 to arg0+aux.(int64). arg2=memory. Returns memory.
OpArrayIndex // arg0=array, arg1=index. Returns a[i]
OpPtrIndex // arg0=ptr, arg1=index. Computes ptr+sizeof(*v.type)*index, where index is extended to ptrwidth type
OpIsNonNil // arg0 != nil
OpIsInBounds // 0 <= arg0 < arg1
// function calls. Arguments to the call have already been written to the stack.
// Return values appear on the stack. The method receiver, if any, is treated
// as a phantom first argument.
OpCall // arg0=code pointer, arg1=context ptr, arg2=memory. Returns memory.
OpStaticCall // call function aux.(*gc.Sym), arg0=memory. Returns memory.
OpConvert // convert arg0 to another type
OpConvNop // interpret arg0 as another type
OpOffPtr // arg0 + aux.(int64) (arg0 and result are pointers)
// These ops return a pointer to a location on the stack.
OpFPAddr // FP + aux.(int64) (+ == args from caller, - == locals)
OpSPAddr // SP + aux.(int64)
// spill&restore ops for the register allocator. These are
// semantically identical to OpCopy; they do not take/return
// stores like regular memory ops do. We can get away without memory
// args because we know there is no aliasing of spill slots on the stack.
// used during ssa construction. Like OpCopy, but the arg has not been specified yet.
// GlobalOffset represents a fixed offset within a global variable
type GlobalOffset struct {
Global interface{} // holds a *gc.Sym
Offset int64
// offset adds x to the location specified by g and returns it.
func (g GlobalOffset) offset(x int64) GlobalOffset {
return GlobalOffset{g.Global, g.Offset + x}
func (g GlobalOffset) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v+%d", g.Global, g.Offset)
//go:generate stringer -type=Op
type opInfo struct {
flags int32
// assembly template
// %In: location of input n
// %On: location of output n
// %A: print aux with fmt.Print
asm string
// returns a reg constraint for the instruction. [0] gives a reg constraint
// for each input, [1] gives a reg constraint for each output. (Values have
// exactly one output for now)
reg [2][]regMask
const (
// possible properties of opcodes
OpFlagCommutative int32 = 1 << iota
// Opcodes that represent the input Go program
var genericTable = map[Op]opInfo{
// the unknown op is used only during building and should not appear in a
// fully formed ssa representation.
OpAdd: {flags: OpFlagCommutative},
OpSub: {},
OpMul: {flags: OpFlagCommutative},
OpLess: {},
OpConst: {}, // aux matches the type (e.g. bool, int64 float64)
OpArg: {}, // aux is the name of the input variable. Currently only ".mem" is used
OpGlobal: {}, // address of a global variable
OpFunc: {},
OpCopy: {},
OpPhi: {},
OpConvNop: {}, // aux is the type to convert to
// build and take apart slices
{name: "slicemake"}, // (ptr,len,cap) -> slice
{name: "sliceptr"}, // pointer part of slice
{name: "slicelen"}, // length part of slice
{name: "slicecap"}, // capacity part of slice
// build and take apart strings
{name: "stringmake"}, // (ptr,len) -> string
{name: "stringptr"}, // pointer part of string
{name: "stringlen"}, // length part of string
// operations on arrays/slices/strings
{name: "slice"}, // (s, i, j) -> s[i:j]
{name: "index"}, // (mem, ptr, idx) -> val
{name: "indexaddr"}, // (ptr, idx) -> ptr
// loads & stores
{name: "load"}, // (mem, check, ptr) -> val
{name: "store"}, // (mem, check, ptr, val) -> mem
// checks
{name: "checknil"}, // (mem, ptr) -> check
{name: "checkbound"}, // (mem, idx, len) -> check
// functions
{name: "call"},
// builtins
{name: "len"},
{name: "convert"},
// tuples
{name: "tuple"}, // build a tuple out of its arguments
{name: "extract"}, // aux is an int64. Extract that index out of a tuple
{name: "extractsuffix"}, // aux is an int64. Slice a tuple with [aux:]
// table of opcodes, indexed by opcode ID
var opcodeTable [opMax]opInfo
func init() {
for op, info := range genericTable {
opcodeTable[op] = info