blob: 9f1d2a8593ae39dca7da8753ce4dfaf7a46116ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ssa
import "log"
type Config struct {
arch string // "amd64", etc.
ptrSize int64 // 4 or 8
Uintptr Type // pointer arithmetic type
lower func(*Value) bool // lowering function
// TODO: more stuff. Compiler flags of interest, ...
// NewConfig returns a new configuration object for the given architecture.
func NewConfig(arch string) *Config {
c := &Config{arch: arch}
switch arch {
case "amd64":
c.ptrSize = 8
c.lower = lowerAmd64
case "386":
c.ptrSize = 4
c.lower = lowerAmd64 // TODO(khr): full 32-bit support
log.Fatalf("arch %s not implemented", arch)
// cache the intptr type in the config
c.Uintptr = TypeUInt32
if c.ptrSize == 8 {
c.Uintptr = TypeUInt64
return c
// NewFunc returns a new, empty function object
func (c *Config) NewFunc() *Func {
// TODO(khr): should this function take name, type, etc. as arguments?
return &Func{Config: c}
// TODO(khr): do we really need a separate Config, or can we just
// store all its fields inside a Func?