blob: 9dae0ea778ac7600a278d0abbbbc46933d679867 [file] [log] [blame]
// -lang=go1.23 -gotypesalias=1
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package aliasTypes
type _ = int
type _[P any] = int
// A type alias may have fewer type parameters than its RHS.
type RHS[P any, Q ~int] struct {
p P
q Q
type _[P any] = RHS[P, int]
// Or it may have more type parameters than its RHS.
type _[P any, Q ~int, R comparable] = RHS[P, Q]
// The type parameters of a type alias must implement the
// corresponding type constraints of the type parameters
// on the RHS (if any)
type _[P any, Q ~int] = RHS[P, Q]
type _[P any, Q int] = RHS[P, Q]
type _[P int | float64] = RHS[P, int]
type _[P, Q any] = RHS[P, Q /* ERROR "Q does not satisfy ~int" */]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: The code below does now work yet.
// TODO: Implement this.
// A generic type alias may be used like any other generic type.
type A[P any] = RHS[P, int]
func _(a A /* ERROR "not a generic type" */ [string]) {
a.p = "foo"
a.q = 42