blob: 048288db773f6400d24cefe56aa2f0a4dd4e8e45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package lookup
import "math/big" // provides big.Float struct with unexported fields and methods
func _() {
var s struct {
x, aBc int
_ = s.x
_ = s /* ERROR "invalid operation: cannot call non-function s.x (variable of type int)" */ .x()
_ = s.X // ERROR "s.X undefined (type struct{x int; aBc int} has no field or method X, but does have field x)"
_ = s.X /* ERROR "s.X undefined (type struct{x int; aBc int} has no field or method X, but does have field x)" */ ()
_ = s.aBc
_ = // ERROR " undefined (type struct{x int; aBc int} has no field or method abc, but does have field aBc)"
_ = s.ABC // ERROR "s.ABC undefined (type struct{x int; aBc int} has no field or method ABC, but does have field aBc)"
func _() {
type S struct {
x int
var s S
_ = s.x
_ = s /* ERROR "invalid operation: cannot call non-function s.x (variable of type int)" */ .x()
_ = s.X // ERROR "s.X undefined (type S has no field or method X, but does have field x)"
_ = s.X /* ERROR "s.X undefined (type S has no field or method X, but does have field x)" */ ()
type S struct {
x int
func (S) m() {}
func (S) aBc() {}
func _() {
var s S
_ = s.m
_ = s.M // ERROR "s.M undefined (type S has no field or method M, but does have method m)"
s.M /* ERROR "s.M undefined (type S has no field or method M, but does have method m)" */ ()
_ = s.aBc
_ = // ERROR " undefined (type S has no field or method abc, but does have method aBc)"
_ = s.ABC // ERROR "s.ABC undefined (type S has no field or method ABC, but does have method aBc)"
func _() {
type P *S
var s P
_ = s.m // ERROR "s.m undefined (type P has no field or method m)"
_ = s.M // ERROR "s.M undefined (type P has no field or method M)"
_ = s.x
_ = s.X // ERROR "s.X undefined (type P has no field or method X, but does have field x)"
func _() {
var x big.Float
_ = x.neg // ERROR "x.neg undefined (type big.Float has no field or method neg, but does have method Neg)"
_ = x.nEg // ERROR "x.nEg undefined (type big.Float has no field or method nEg)"
_ = x.Neg
_ = x.NEg // ERROR "x.NEg undefined (type big.Float has no field or method NEg, but does have method Neg)"
_ = x.form // ERROR "x.form undefined (cannot refer to unexported field form)"
_ = x.fOrm // ERROR "x.fOrm undefined (type big.Float has no field or method fOrm)"
_ = x.Form // ERROR "x.Form undefined (type big.Float has no field or method Form, but does have unexported field form)"
_ = x.FOrm // ERROR "x.FOrm undefined (type big.Float has no field or method FOrm)"