blob: 44465493ef492a0862554ac95807ce82b1fa71a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
// The parser's maximum stack size.
// We have to use a #define macro here since yacc
// or bison will check for its definition and use
// a potentially smaller value if it is undefined.
const (
NHUNK = 50000
BUFSIZ = 8192
NSYMB = 500
NHASH = 1024
UINF = 100
PRIME1 = 3
BADWIDTH = -1000000000
MaxStackVarSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024
const (
// These values are known by runtime.
// The MEMx and NOEQx values must run in parallel. See algtype.
AMEM = iota
AUNK = 100
const (
// Maximum size in bits for Mpints before signalling
// overflow and also mantissa precision for Mpflts.
Mpprec = 512
// Turn on for constant arithmetic debugging output.
Mpdebug = false
// Mpint represents an integer constant.
type Mpint struct {
Val big.Int
Ovf bool // set if Val overflowed compiler limit (sticky)
Rune bool // set if syntax indicates default type rune
// Mpflt represents a floating-point constant.
type Mpflt struct {
Val big.Float
// Mpcplx represents a complex constant.
type Mpcplx struct {
Real Mpflt
Imag Mpflt
type Val struct {
// U contains one of:
// bool bool when n.ValCtype() == CTBOOL
// *Mpint int when n.ValCtype() == CTINT, rune when n.ValCtype() == CTRUNE
// *Mpflt float when n.ValCtype() == CTFLT
// *Mpcplx pair of floats when n.ValCtype() == CTCPLX
// string string when n.ValCtype() == CTSTR
// *Nilval when n.ValCtype() == CTNIL
U interface{}
type NilVal struct{}
func (v Val) Ctype() Ctype {
switch x := v.U.(type) {
Fatalf("unexpected Ctype for %T", v.U)
panic("not reached")
case nil:
return 0
case *NilVal:
return CTNIL
case bool:
return CTBOOL
case *Mpint:
if x.Rune {
return CTRUNE
return CTINT
case *Mpflt:
return CTFLT
case *Mpcplx:
return CTCPLX
case string:
return CTSTR
type Pkg struct {
Name string // package name
Path string // string literal used in import statement
Pathsym *Sym
Prefix string // escaped path for use in symbol table
Imported bool // export data of this package was parsed
Exported bool // import line written in export data
Direct bool // imported directly
Safe bool // whether the package is marked as safe
Syms map[string]*Sym
type Sym struct {
Lexical uint16
Flags uint8
Link *Sym
Uniqgen uint32
Importdef *Pkg // where imported definition was found
Linkname string // link name
// saved and restored by dcopy
Pkg *Pkg
Name string // variable name
Def *Node // definition: ONAME OTYPE OPACK or OLITERAL
Label *Label // corresponding label (ephemeral)
Block int32 // blocknumber to catch redeclaration
Lastlineno int32 // last declaration for diagnostic
Origpkg *Pkg // original package for . import
Lsym *obj.LSym
Fsym *Sym // funcsym
type Type struct {
Etype EType
Nointerface bool
Noalg bool
Chan uint8
Trecur uint8 // to detect loops
Printed bool
Embedded uint8 // TFIELD embedded type
Funarg bool // on TSTRUCT and TFIELD
Copyany bool
Local bool // created in this file
Deferwidth bool
Broke bool // broken type definition.
Isddd bool // TFIELD is ... argument
Align uint8
Haspointers uint8 // 0 unknown, 1 no, 2 yes
Nod *Node // canonical OTYPE node
Orig *Type // original type (type literal or predefined type)
Lineno int
Thistuple int
Outtuple int
Intuple int
Outnamed bool
Method *Type
Xmethod *Type
Sym *Sym
Vargen int32 // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME
Nname *Node
Argwid int64
// most nodes
Type *Type // actual type for TFIELD, element type for TARRAY, TCHAN, TMAP, TPTRxx
Width int64 // offset in TFIELD, width in all others
Down *Type // next struct field, also key type in TMAP
Outer *Type // outer struct
Note *string // literal string annotation
Bound int64 // negative is dynamic array
Bucket *Type // internal type representing a hash bucket
Hmap *Type // internal type representing a Hmap (map header object)
Hiter *Type // internal type representing hash iterator state
Map *Type // link from the above 3 internal types back to the map type.
Maplineno int32 // first use of TFORW as map key
Embedlineno int32 // first use of TFORW as embedded type
// for TFORW, where to copy the eventual value to
Copyto []*Node
Lastfn *Node // for usefield
type Label struct {
Sym *Sym
Def *Node
Use []*Node
Link *Label
// for use during gen
Gotopc *obj.Prog // pointer to unresolved gotos
Labelpc *obj.Prog // pointer to code
Breakpc *obj.Prog // pointer to code
Continpc *obj.Prog // pointer to code
Used bool
type InitEntry struct {
Xoffset int64 // struct, array only
Expr *Node // bytes of run-time computed expressions
type InitPlan struct {
Lit int64
Zero int64
Expr int64
E []InitEntry
const (
SymExport = 1 << 0 // to be exported
SymPackage = 1 << 1
SymExported = 1 << 2 // already written out by export
SymUniq = 1 << 3
SymSiggen = 1 << 4
SymAsm = 1 << 5
SymAlgGen = 1 << 6
var dclstack *Sym
type Iter struct {
Done int
Tfunc *Type
T *Type
type EType uint8
const (
Txxx = iota
T_old_DARRAY // Doesn't seem to be used in existing code. Used now for Isddd export (see bexport.go). TODO(gri) rename.
// pseudo-types for literals
// pseudo-type for frame layout
// Ctype describes the constant kind of an "ideal" (untyped) constant.
type Ctype int8
const (
CTxxx Ctype = iota
const (
// types of channel
// must match ../../pkg/nreflect/type.go:/Chandir
Cxxx = 0
Crecv = 1 << 0
Csend = 1 << 1
Cboth = Crecv | Csend
// The Class of a variable/function describes the "storage class"
// of a variable or function. During parsing, storage classes are
// called declaration contexts.
type Class uint8
const (
Pxxx Class = iota
PEXTERN // global variable
PAUTO // local variables
PPARAM // input arguments
PPARAMOUT // output results
PPARAMREF // closure variable reference
PFUNC // global function
PDISCARD // discard during parse of duplicate import
PHEAP = 1 << 7 // an extra bit to identify an escaped variable
const (
Etop = 1 << 1 // evaluated at statement level
Erv = 1 << 2 // evaluated in value context
Etype = 1 << 3
Ecall = 1 << 4 // call-only expressions are ok
Efnstruct = 1 << 5 // multivalue function returns are ok
Eiota = 1 << 6 // iota is ok
Easgn = 1 << 7 // assigning to expression
Eindir = 1 << 8 // indirecting through expression
Eaddr = 1 << 9 // taking address of expression
Eproc = 1 << 10 // inside a go statement
Ecomplit = 1 << 11 // type in composite literal
type Typedef struct {
Name string
Etype EType
Sameas EType
type Sig struct {
name string
pkg *Pkg
isym *Sym
tsym *Sym
type_ *Type
mtype *Type
offset int32
type Io struct {
infile string
bin *obj.Biobuf
cp string // used for content when bin==nil
last int
peekc int
peekc1 int // second peekc for ...
nlsemi bool
eofnl bool
importsafe bool
type Dlist struct {
field *Type
type Idir struct {
link *Idir
dir string
// argument passing to/from
// smagic and umagic
type Magic struct {
W int // input for both - width
S int // output for both - shift
Bad int // output for both - unexpected failure
// magic multiplier for signed literal divisors
Sd int64 // input - literal divisor
Sm int64 // output - multiplier
// magic multiplier for unsigned literal divisors
Ud uint64 // input - literal divisor
Um uint64 // output - multiplier
Ua int // output - adder
// note this is the runtime representation
// of the compilers arrays.
// typedef struct
// { // must not move anything
// uchar array[8]; // pointer to data
// uchar nel[4]; // number of elements
// uchar cap[4]; // allocated number of elements
// } Array;
var Array_array int // runtime offsetof(Array,array) - same for String
var Array_nel int // runtime offsetof(Array,nel) - same for String
var Array_cap int // runtime offsetof(Array,cap)
var sizeof_Array int // runtime sizeof(Array)
// note this is the runtime representation
// of the compilers strings.
// typedef struct
// { // must not move anything
// uchar array[8]; // pointer to data
// uchar nel[4]; // number of elements
// } String;
var sizeof_String int // runtime sizeof(String)
var dotlist [10]Dlist // size is max depth of embeddeds
var curio Io
var pushedio Io
var lexlineno int32
var lineno int32
var prevlineno int32
var pragcgobuf string
var infile string
var outfile string
var bout *obj.Biobuf
var nerrors int
var nsavederrors int
var nsyntaxerrors int
var decldepth int32
var safemode int
var nolocalimports int
var lexbuf bytes.Buffer
var strbuf bytes.Buffer
var litbuf string // LLITERAL value for use in syntax error messages
var Debug [256]int
var debugstr string
var Debug_checknil int
var Debug_typeassert int
var importmyname *Sym // my name for package
var localpkg *Pkg // package being compiled
var importpkg *Pkg // package being imported
var structpkg *Pkg // package that declared struct, during import
var builtinpkg *Pkg // fake package for builtins
var gostringpkg *Pkg // fake pkg for Go strings
var itabpkg *Pkg // fake pkg for itab cache
var Runtimepkg *Pkg // package runtime
var racepkg *Pkg // package runtime/race
var msanpkg *Pkg // package runtime/msan
var typepkg *Pkg // fake package for runtime type info (headers)
var typelinkpkg *Pkg // fake package for runtime type info (data)
var weaktypepkg *Pkg // weak references to runtime type info
var unsafepkg *Pkg // package unsafe
var trackpkg *Pkg // fake package for field tracking
var Tptr EType // either TPTR32 or TPTR64
var myimportpath string
var idirs *Idir
var localimport string
var asmhdr string
var Types [NTYPE]*Type
var idealstring *Type
var idealbool *Type
var bytetype *Type
var runetype *Type
var errortype *Type
var Simtype [NTYPE]EType
var (
Isptr [NTYPE]bool
isforw [NTYPE]bool
Isint [NTYPE]bool
Isfloat [NTYPE]bool
Iscomplex [NTYPE]bool
Issigned [NTYPE]bool
issimple [NTYPE]bool
var (
okforeq [NTYPE]bool
okforadd [NTYPE]bool
okforand [NTYPE]bool
okfornone [NTYPE]bool
okforcmp [NTYPE]bool
okforbool [NTYPE]bool
okforcap [NTYPE]bool
okforlen [NTYPE]bool
okforarith [NTYPE]bool
okforconst [NTYPE]bool
var (
okfor [OEND][]bool
iscmp [OEND]bool
var Minintval [NTYPE]*Mpint
var Maxintval [NTYPE]*Mpint
var minfltval [NTYPE]*Mpflt
var maxfltval [NTYPE]*Mpflt
var xtop *NodeList
var externdcl []*Node
var exportlist []*Node
var importlist []*Node // imported functions and methods with inlinable bodies
var funcsyms []*Node
var dclcontext Class // PEXTERN/PAUTO
var incannedimport int
var statuniqgen int // name generator for static temps
var loophack bool
var iota_ int32
var lastconst *NodeList
var lasttype *Node
var Maxarg int64
var Stksize int64 // stack size for current frame
var stkptrsize int64 // prefix of stack containing pointers
var blockgen int32 // max block number
var block int32 // current block number
var hasdefer bool // flag that curfn has defer statement
var Curfn *Node
var Widthptr int
var Widthint int
var Widthreg int
var typesw *Node // TODO(gri) remove when yacc-based parser is gone
var nblank *Node
var Funcdepth int32
var typecheckok bool
var compiling_runtime int
var compiling_wrappers int
var use_writebarrier int
var pure_go int
var flag_installsuffix string
var flag_race int
var flag_msan int
var flag_largemodel int
// Whether we are adding any sort of code instrumentation, such as
// when the race detector is enabled.
var instrumenting bool
// Pending annotations for next func declaration.
var (
noescape bool
noinline bool
norace bool
nosplit bool
nowritebarrier bool
nowritebarrierrec bool
systemstack bool
var debuglive int
var Ctxt *obj.Link
var nointerface bool
var writearchive int
var bstdout obj.Biobuf
var Nacl bool
var continpc *obj.Prog
var breakpc *obj.Prog
var Pc *obj.Prog
var nodfp *Node
var Disable_checknil int
type Flow struct {
Prog *obj.Prog // actual instruction
P1 *Flow // predecessors of this instruction: p1,
P2 *Flow // and then p2 linked though p2link.
P2link *Flow
S1 *Flow // successors of this instruction (at most two: s1 and s2).
S2 *Flow
Link *Flow // next instruction in function code
Active int32 // usable by client
Id int32 // sequence number in flow graph
Rpo int32 // reverse post ordering
Loop uint16 // x5 for every loop
Refset bool // diagnostic generated
Data interface{} // for use by client
type Graph struct {
Start *Flow
Num int
// After calling flowrpo, rpo lists the flow nodes in reverse postorder,
// and each non-dead Flow node f has g->rpo[f->rpo] == f.
Rpo []*Flow
// interface to back end
const (
Pseudo = 1 << 1
// There's nothing to say about the instruction,
// but it's still okay to see.
OK = 1 << 2
// Size of right-side write, or right-side read if no write.
SizeB = 1 << 3
SizeW = 1 << 4
SizeL = 1 << 5
SizeQ = 1 << 6
SizeF = 1 << 7
SizeD = 1 << 8
// Left side (Prog.from): address taken, read, write.
LeftAddr = 1 << 9
LeftRead = 1 << 10
LeftWrite = 1 << 11
// Register in middle (Prog.reg); only ever read. (arm, ppc64)
RegRead = 1 << 12
CanRegRead = 1 << 13
// Right side ( address taken, read, write.
RightAddr = 1 << 14
RightRead = 1 << 15
RightWrite = 1 << 16
// Instruction kinds
Move = 1 << 17 // straight move
Conv = 1 << 18 // size conversion
Cjmp = 1 << 19 // conditional jump
Break = 1 << 20 // breaks control flow (no fallthrough)
Call = 1 << 21 // function call
Jump = 1 << 22 // jump
Skip = 1 << 23 // data instruction
// Set, use, or kill of carry bit.
// Kill means we never look at the carry bit after this kind of instruction.
SetCarry = 1 << 24
UseCarry = 1 << 25
KillCarry = 1 << 26
// Special cases for register use. (amd64, 386)
ShiftCX = 1 << 27 // possible shift by CX
ImulAXDX = 1 << 28 // possible multiply into DX:AX
// Instruction updates whichever of from/to is type D_OREG. (ppc64)
PostInc = 1 << 29
type Arch struct {
Thechar int
Thestring string
Thelinkarch *obj.LinkArch
Typedefs []Typedef
REGZERO int // architectural zero register, if available
ReservedRegs []int
AddIndex func(*Node, int64, *Node) bool // optional
Betypeinit func()
Bgen_float func(*Node, bool, int, *obj.Prog) // optional
Cgen64 func(*Node, *Node) // only on 32-bit systems
Cgenindex func(*Node, *Node, bool) *obj.Prog
Cgen_bmul func(Op, *Node, *Node, *Node) bool
Cgen_float func(*Node, *Node) // optional
Cgen_hmul func(*Node, *Node, *Node)
Cgen_shift func(Op, bool, *Node, *Node, *Node)
Clearfat func(*Node)
Cmp64 func(*Node, *Node, Op, int, *obj.Prog) // only on 32-bit systems
Defframe func(*obj.Prog)
Dodiv func(Op, *Node, *Node, *Node)
Excise func(*Flow)
Expandchecks func(*obj.Prog)
Getg func(*Node)
Gins func(int, *Node, *Node) *obj.Prog
// Ginscmp generates code comparing n1 to n2 and jumping away if op is satisfied.
// The returned prog should be Patch'ed with the jump target.
// If op is not satisfied, code falls through to the next emitted instruction.
// Likely is the branch prediction hint: +1 for likely, -1 for unlikely, 0 for no opinion.
// Ginscmp must be able to handle all kinds of arguments for n1 and n2,
// not just simple registers, although it can assume that there are no
// function calls needed during the evaluation, and on 32-bit systems
// the values are guaranteed not to be 64-bit values, so no in-memory
// temporaries are necessary.
Ginscmp func(op Op, t *Type, n1, n2 *Node, likely int) *obj.Prog
// Ginsboolval inserts instructions to convert the result
// of a just-completed comparison to a boolean value.
// The first argument is the conditional jump instruction
// corresponding to the desired value.
// The second argument is the destination.
// If not present, Ginsboolval will be emulated with jumps.
Ginsboolval func(int, *Node)
Ginscon func(int, int64, *Node)
Ginsnop func()
Gmove func(*Node, *Node)
Igenindex func(*Node, *Node, bool) *obj.Prog
Linkarchinit func()
Peep func(*obj.Prog)
Proginfo func(*obj.Prog) // fills in Prog.Info
Regtyp func(*obj.Addr) bool
Sameaddr func(*obj.Addr, *obj.Addr) bool
Smallindir func(*obj.Addr, *obj.Addr) bool
Stackaddr func(*obj.Addr) bool
Blockcopy func(*Node, *Node, int64, int64, int64)
Sudoaddable func(int, *Node, *obj.Addr) bool
Sudoclean func()
Excludedregs func() uint64
RtoB func(int) uint64
FtoB func(int) uint64
BtoR func(uint64) int
BtoF func(uint64) int
Optoas func(Op, *Type) int
Doregbits func(int) uint64
Regnames func(*int) []string
Use387 bool // should 8g use 387 FP instructions instead of sse2.
var pcloc int32
var Thearch Arch
var Newproc *Node
var Deferproc *Node
var Deferreturn *Node
var Panicindex *Node
var panicslice *Node
var throwreturn *Node