blob: 39f247e06d1ca19175dad79cdd7f5a99d80f6e42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fmt_test
import (
func TestErrorf(t *testing.T) {
chained := &wrapped{"chained", nil}
chain := func(s ...string) (a []string) {
for _, s := range s {
a = append(a, cleanPath(s))
return a
noArgsWrap := "no args: %w" // avoid vet check
testCases := []struct {
got error
want []string
fmt.Errorf("no args"),
chain("no args/path.TestErrorf/path.go:xxx"),
}, {
chain("no args: %!w(MISSING)/path.TestErrorf/path.go:xxx"),
}, {
fmt.Errorf("nounwrap: %s", "simple"),
chain(`nounwrap: simple/path.TestErrorf/path.go:xxx`),
}, {
fmt.Errorf("nounwrap: %v", "simple"),
chain(`nounwrap: simple/path.TestErrorf/path.go:xxx`),
}, {
fmt.Errorf("%s failed: %v", "foo", chained),
chain("foo failed/path.TestErrorf/path.go:xxx",
}, {
fmt.Errorf("no wrap: %s", chained),
chain("no wrap/path.TestErrorf/path.go:xxx",
}, {
fmt.Errorf("%s failed: %w", "foo", chained),
chain("wraps:foo failed/path.TestErrorf/path.go:xxx",
}, {
fmt.Errorf("nowrapv: %v", chained),
}, {
fmt.Errorf("wrapw: %w", chained),
}, {
fmt.Errorf("not wrapped: %+v", chained),
chain("not wrapped: chained: somefile.go:123/path.TestErrorf/path.go:xxx"),
for i, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(strconv.Itoa(i)+"/"+path.Join(tc.want...), func(t *testing.T) {
got := errToParts(
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc.want) {
t.Errorf("Format:\n got: %+q\nwant: %+q", got, tc.want)
gotStr :=
wantStr := fmt.Sprint(
if gotStr != wantStr {
t.Errorf("Error:\n got: %+q\nwant: %+q", gotStr, wantStr)
func TestErrorFormatter(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
err error
fmt string
want string
regexp bool
err: errors.New("foo"),
fmt: "%+v",
want: "foo:" +
"\n fmt_test.TestErrorFormatter" +
"\n .+/fmt/errors_test.go:\\d\\d",
regexp: true,
}, {
err: &wrapped{"simple", nil},
fmt: "%s",
want: "simple",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"can't adumbrate elephant", outOfPeanuts{}},
fmt: "%s",
want: "can't adumbrate elephant: out of peanuts",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"a", &wrapped{"b", &wrapped{"c", nil}}},
fmt: "%s",
want: "a: b: c",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"simple", nil},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "simple:" +
"\n somefile.go:123",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"can't adumbrate elephant", outOfPeanuts{}},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "can't adumbrate elephant:" +
"\n somefile.go:123" +
"\n - out of peanuts:" +
"\n the elephant is on strike" +
"\n and the 12 monkeys" +
"\n are laughing",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"simple", nil},
fmt: "%#v",
want: "&fmt_test.wrapped{msg:\"simple\", err:error(nil)}",
}, {
err: &notAFormatterError{},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "not a formatter",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"wrap", &notAFormatterError{}},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "wrap:" +
"\n somefile.go:123" +
"\n - not a formatter",
}, {
err: &withFrameAndMore{frame: errors.Caller(0)},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "something:" +
"\n fmt_test.TestErrorFormatter" +
"\n .+/fmt/errors_test.go:\\d\\d\\d" +
"\n something more",
regexp: true,
}, {
err: fmtTwice("Hello World!"),
fmt: "%#v",
want: "2 times Hello World!",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"fallback", os.ErrNotExist},
fmt: "%s",
want: "fallback: file does not exist",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"fallback", os.ErrNotExist},
fmt: "%+v",
// Note: no colon after the last error, as there are no details.
want: "fallback:" +
"\n somefile.go:123" +
"\n - file does not exist:" +
"\n .*" +
"\n .+.go:\\d+",
regexp: true,
}, {
err: &wrapped{"outer",
&wrapped{"inner", nil}})},
fmt: "%s",
want: "outer: mid: inner",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"outer",
&wrapped{"inner", nil}})},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "outer:" +
"\n somefile.go:123" +
"\n - mid:" +
"\n somefile.go:123" +
"\n - inner:" +
"\n somefile.go:123",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"new style", formatError("old style")},
fmt: "%v",
want: "new style: old style",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"new style", formatError("old style")},
fmt: "%q",
want: `"new style: old style"`,
}, {
err: &wrapped{"new style", formatError("old style")},
fmt: "%+v",
// Note the extra indentation.
// Colon for old style error is rendered by the fmt.Formatter
// implementation of the old-style error.
want: "new style:" +
"\n somefile.go:123" +
"\n - old style:" +
"\n otherfile.go:456",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"simple", nil},
fmt: "%-12s",
want: "simple ",
}, {
// Don't use formatting flags for detailed view.
err: &wrapped{"simple", nil},
fmt: "%+12v",
want: "simple:" +
"\n somefile.go:123",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"can't adumbrate elephant", outOfPeanuts{}},
fmt: "%+50s",
want: " can't adumbrate elephant: out of peanuts",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"café", nil},
fmt: "%q",
want: `"café"`,
}, {
err: &wrapped{"café", nil},
fmt: "%+q",
want: `"caf\u00e9"`,
}, {
err: &wrapped{"simple", nil},
fmt: "% x",
want: "73 69 6d 70 6c 65",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"msg with\nnewline",
&wrapped{"and another\none", nil}},
fmt: "%s",
want: "msg with" +
"\nnewline: and another" +
}, {
err: &wrapped{"msg with\nnewline",
&wrapped{"and another\none", nil}},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "msg with" +
"\n newline:" +
"\n somefile.go:123" +
"\n - and another" +
"\n one:" +
"\n somefile.go:123",
}, {
err: wrapped{"", wrapped{"inner message", nil}},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "somefile.go:123" +
"\n - inner message:" +
"\n somefile.go:123",
}, {
err: detail{"empty detail", "", nil},
fmt: "%s",
want: "empty detail",
}, {
err: detail{"empty detail", "", nil},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "empty detail",
}, {
err: detail{"newline at start", "\nextra", nil},
fmt: "%s",
want: "newline at start",
}, {
err: detail{"newline at start", "\n extra", nil},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "newline at start:" +
"\n extra",
}, {
err: detail{"newline at start", "\nextra",
detail{"newline at start", "\nmore", nil}},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "newline at start:" +
"\n extra" +
"\n - newline at start:" +
"\n more",
}, {
err: detail{"two newlines at start", "\n\nextra",
detail{"two newlines at start", "\n\nmore", nil}},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "two newlines at start:" +
"\n " + // note the explicit space
"\n extra" +
"\n - two newlines at start:" +
"\n " +
"\n more",
}, {
err: &detail{"single newline", "\n", nil},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "single newline",
}, {
err: &detail{"single newline", "\n",
&detail{"single newline", "\n", nil}},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "single newline:" +
"\n - single newline",
}, {
err: &detail{"newline at end", "detail\n", nil},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "newline at end:" +
"\n detail",
}, {
err: &detail{"newline at end", "detail\n",
&detail{"newline at end", "detail\n", nil}},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "newline at end:" +
"\n detail" +
"\n - newline at end:" +
"\n detail",
}, {
err: &detail{"two newlines at end", "detail\n\n",
&detail{"two newlines at end", "detail\n\n", nil}},
fmt: "%+v",
want: "two newlines at end:" +
"\n detail" +
"\n " +
"\n - two newlines at end:" +
"\n detail" +
"\n ", // note the additional space
}, {
err: nil,
fmt: "%+v",
want: "<nil>",
}, {
err: (*wrapped)(nil),
fmt: "%+v",
want: "<nil>",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"simple", nil},
fmt: "%T",
want: "*fmt_test.wrapped",
}, {
err: &wrapped{"simple", nil},
fmt: "%🤪",
want: "&{%!🤪(string=simple) <nil>}",
}, {
err: formatError("use fmt.Formatter"),
fmt: "%#v",
want: "use fmt.Formatter",
}, {
err: wrapped{"using errors.Formatter",
formatError("use fmt.Formatter")},
fmt: "%#v",
want: "fmt_test.wrapped{msg:\"using errors.Formatter\", err:\"use fmt.Formatter\"}",
}, {
err: fmtTwice("%s %s", "ok", panicValue{}),
fmt: "%s",
want: "ok %!s(PANIC=String method: panic)/ok %!s(PANIC=String method: panic)",
}, {
err: fmtTwice("%o %s", panicValue{}, "ok"),
fmt: "%s",
want: "{} ok/{} ok",
}, {
err: intError(4),
fmt: "%v",
want: "error 4",
}, {
err: intError(4),
fmt: "%d",
want: "4",
}, {
err: intError(4),
fmt: "%🤪",
want: "%!🤪(fmt_test.intError=4)",
for i, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s", i, tc.fmt), func(t *testing.T) {
got := fmt.Sprintf(tc.fmt, tc.err)
var ok bool
if tc.regexp {
var err error
ok, err = regexp.MatchString(tc.want+"$", got)
if err != nil {
} else {
ok = got == tc.want
if !ok {
t.Errorf("\n got: %q\nwant: %q", got, tc.want)
func TestSameType(t *testing.T) {
err0 := errors.New("inner")
want := fmt.Sprintf("%T", err0)
err := fmt.Errorf("foo: %v", err0)
if got := fmt.Sprintf("%T", err); got != want {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, want)
err = fmt.Errorf("foo %s", "bar")
if got := fmt.Sprintf("%T", err); got != want {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, want)
var _ errors.Formatter = wrapped{}
type wrapped struct {
msg string
err error
func (e wrapped) Error() string { return fmt.Sprint(e) }
func (e wrapped) FormatError(p errors.Printer) (next error) {
return e.err
var _ errors.Formatter = outOfPeanuts{}
type outOfPeanuts struct{}
func (e outOfPeanuts) Error() string { return fmt.Sprint(e) }
func (e outOfPeanuts) Format(fmt.State, rune) {
panic("should never be called by one of the tests")
func (outOfPeanuts) FormatError(p errors.Printer) (next error) {
p.Printf("out of %s", "peanuts")
p.Print("the elephant is on strike\n")
p.Printf("and the %d monkeys\nare laughing", 12)
return nil
type withFrameAndMore struct {
frame errors.Frame
func (e *withFrameAndMore) Error() string { return fmt.Sprint(e) }
func (e *withFrameAndMore) FormatError(p errors.Printer) (next error) {
if p.Detail() {
p.Print("something more")
return nil
type notAFormatterError struct{}
func (e notAFormatterError) Error() string { return "not a formatter" }
type detail struct {
msg string
detail string
next error
func (e detail) Error() string { return fmt.Sprint(e) }
func (e detail) FormatError(p errors.Printer) (next error) {
type intError int
func (e intError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprint(e) }
func (e wrapped) Format(w fmt.State, r rune) {
// Test that the normal fallback handling after handleMethod for
// non-string verbs is used. This path should not be reached.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Unreachable: %d", e)
func (e intError) FormatError(p errors.Printer) (next error) {
p.Printf("error %d", e)
return nil
// formatError is an error implementing Format instead of errors.Formatter.
// The implementation mimics the implementation of
type formatError string
func (e formatError) Error() string { return string(e) }
func (e formatError) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
// Body based on pkg/errors/errors.go
switch verb {
case 'v':
if s.Flag('+') {
io.WriteString(s, string(e))
fmt.Fprintf(s, ":\n%s", "otherfile.go:456")
case 's':
io.WriteString(s, string(e))
case 'q':
fmt.Fprintf(s, "%q", string(e))
func (e formatError) GoString() string {
panic("should never be called")
type fmtTwiceErr struct {
format string
args []interface{}
func fmtTwice(format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return fmtTwiceErr{format, a}
func (e fmtTwiceErr) Error() string { return fmt.Sprint(e) }
func (e fmtTwiceErr) FormatError(p errors.Printer) (next error) {
p.Printf(e.format, e.args...)
p.Printf(e.format, e.args...)
return nil
func (e fmtTwiceErr) GoString() string {
return "2 times " + fmt.Sprintf(e.format, e.args...)
type panicValue struct{}
func (panicValue) String() string { panic("panic") }
var rePath = regexp.MustCompile(`( [^ ]*)fmt.*test\.`)
var reLine = regexp.MustCompile(":[0-9]*\n?$")
func cleanPath(s string) string {
s = rePath.ReplaceAllString(s, "/path.")
s = reLine.ReplaceAllString(s, ":xxx")
s = strings.Replace(s, "\n ", "", -1)
s = strings.Replace(s, " /", "/", -1)
return s
func errToParts(err error) (a []string) {
for err != nil {
var p testPrinter
if errors.Unwrap(err) != nil {
p.str += "wraps:"
f, ok := err.(errors.Formatter)
if !ok {
a = append(a, err.Error())
err = f.FormatError(&p)
a = append(a, cleanPath(p.str))
return a
type testPrinter struct {
str string
func (p *testPrinter) Print(a ...interface{}) {
p.str += fmt.Sprint(a...)
func (p *testPrinter) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
p.str += fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
func (p *testPrinter) Detail() bool {
p.str += " /"
return true