| How to update the vendored packages: |
| |
| Assuming the govendor tool is available |
| run the govendor tool from src/cmd directory |
| |
| $ go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor |
| |
| To update packages used by cmd/pprof: |
| |
| $ cd $GOROOT/src/cmd |
| $ GOPATH=$GOROOT govendor fetch github.com/google/pprof/... |
| |
| To update packages used by internal/objfile/*: |
| |
| $ GOPATH=$GOROOT govendor fetch golang.org/x/arch/... |
| |
| GOPATH=$GOROOT in the above commands is a hack to |
| make govendor work and will create the .cache folder in |
| $GOROOT as a side-effect. Please make sure to delete |
| the directory and not to include the directory in the |
| commit by accident. |
| |
| The vendored copy of golang.org/x/tools is maintained by |
| running the update-xtools.sh script in this directory, |
| not by govendor. |