blob: a8e6b15c9176cf1ae2c83562481853a9d19e78d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package math
* floating point tangent
// Tan returns the tangent of x.
func Tan(x float64) float64 {
// Coefficients are #4285 from Hart & Cheney. (19.74D)
P0 = -.1306820264754825668269611177e+5;
P1 = .1055970901714953193602353981e+4;
P2 = -.1550685653483266376941705728e+2;
P3 = .3422554387241003435328470489e-1;
P4 = .3386638642677172096076369e-4;
Q0 = -.1663895238947119001851464661e+5;
Q1 = .4765751362916483698926655581e+4;
Q2 = -.1555033164031709966900124574e+3;
flag := false;
sign := false;
if x < 0 {
x = -x;
sign = true;
x = x * (4/Pi); /* overflow? */
var e float64;
e, x = Modf(x);
i := int32(e);
switch i & 3 {
case 1:
x = 1 - x;
flag = true;
case 2:
sign = !sign;
flag = true;
case 3:
x = 1 - x;
sign = !sign;
xsq := x*x;
temp := ((((P4*xsq+P3)*xsq+P2)*xsq+P1)*xsq+P0)*x;
temp = temp/(((xsq+Q2)*xsq+Q1)*xsq+Q0);
if flag {
if temp == 0 {
temp = 1/temp;
if sign {
temp = -temp;
return temp;