blob: 950926e10a9b6f066e7af5884cb2ff85267a3dbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vector
// IntVector is a specialization of Vector that hides the wrapping of Elements around ints.
type IntVector struct {
// Init initializes a new or resized vector. The initial length may be <= 0 to
// request a default length. If initial_len is shorter than the current
// length of the IntVector, trailing elements of the IntVector will be cleared.
func (p *IntVector) Init(len int) *IntVector {
return p;
// NewIntVector returns an initialized new IntVector with length at least len.
func NewIntVector(len int) *IntVector {
return new(IntVector).Init(len)
// At returns the i'th element of the vector.
func (p *IntVector) At(i int) int {
return p.Vector.At(i).(int)
// Set sets the i'th element of the vector to value x.
func (p *IntVector) Set(i int, x int) {
p.a[i] = x
// Last returns the element in the vector of highest index.
func (p *IntVector) Last() int {
return p.Vector.Last().(int)
// Data returns all the elements as a slice.
func (p *IntVector) Data() []int {
arr := make([]int, p.Len());
for i, v := range p.a {
arr[i] = v.(int)
return arr
// Insert inserts into the vector an element of value x before
// the current element at index i.
func (p *IntVector) Insert(i int, x int) {
p.Vector.Insert(i, x)
// InsertVector inserts into the vector the contents of the Vector
// x such that the 0th element of x appears at index i after insertion.
func (p *IntVector) InsertVector(i int, x *IntVector) {
p.Vector.InsertVector(i, &x.Vector)
// Slice returns a new IntVector by slicing the old one to extract slice [i:j].
// The elements are copied. The original vector is unchanged.
func (p *IntVector) Slice(i, j int) *IntVector {
return &IntVector{ *p.Vector.Slice(i, j) };
// Push appends x to the end of the vector.
func (p *IntVector) Push(x int) {
// Pop deletes and returns the last element of the vector.
func (p *IntVector) Pop() int {
return p.Vector.Pop().(int)
// AppendVector appends the entire IntVector x to the end of this vector.
func (p *IntVector) AppendVector(x *IntVector) {
p.Vector.InsertVector(len(p.a), &x.Vector);
// SortInterface support
// Less returns a boolean denoting whether the i'th element is less than the j'th element.
func (p *IntVector) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p.At(i) < p.At(j)
// Iterate over all elements; driver for range
func (p *IntVector) iterate(c chan<- int) {
for _, v := range p.a {
c <- v.(int)
// Channel iterator for range.
func (p *IntVector) Iter() <-chan int {
c := make(chan int);
go p.iterate(c);
return c;