blob: ce82ae55c474c24e67eb0c8eb4e191cf13f9ee49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package report
// This file contains routines related to the generation of annotated
// source listings.
import (
// printSource prints an annotated source listing, include all
// functions with samples that match the regexp rpt.options.symbol.
// The sources are sorted by function name and then by filename to
// eliminate potential nondeterminism.
func printSource(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {
o := rpt.options
g := rpt.newGraph(nil)
// Identify all the functions that match the regexp provided.
// Group nodes for each matching function.
var functions graph.Nodes
functionNodes := make(map[string]graph.Nodes)
for _, n := range g.Nodes {
if !o.Symbol.MatchString(n.Info.Name) {
if functionNodes[n.Info.Name] == nil {
functions = append(functions, n)
functionNodes[n.Info.Name] = append(functionNodes[n.Info.Name], n)
sourcePath := o.SourcePath
if sourcePath == "" {
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not stat current dir: %v", err)
sourcePath = wd
reader := newSourceReader(sourcePath)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Total: %s\n", rpt.formatValue(
for _, fn := range functions {
name := fn.Info.Name
// Identify all the source files associated to this function.
// Group nodes for each source file.
var sourceFiles graph.Nodes
fileNodes := make(map[string]graph.Nodes)
for _, n := range functionNodes[name] {
if n.Info.File == "" {
if fileNodes[n.Info.File] == nil {
sourceFiles = append(sourceFiles, n)
fileNodes[n.Info.File] = append(fileNodes[n.Info.File], n)
if len(sourceFiles) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "No source information for %s\n", name)
// Print each file associated with this function.
for _, fl := range sourceFiles {
filename := fl.Info.File
fns := fileNodes[filename]
flatSum, cumSum := fns.Sum()
fnodes, _, err := getSourceFromFile(filename, reader, fns, 0, 0)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "ROUTINE ======================== %s in %s\n", name, filename)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%10s %10s (flat, cum) %s of Total\n",
rpt.formatValue(flatSum), rpt.formatValue(cumSum),
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " Error: %v\n", err)
for _, fn := range fnodes {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%10s %10s %6d:%s\n", valueOrDot(fn.Flat, rpt), valueOrDot(fn.Cum, rpt), fn.Info.Lineno, fn.Info.Name)
return nil
// printWebSource prints an annotated source listing, include all
// functions with samples that match the regexp rpt.options.symbol.
func printWebSource(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool) error {
printHeader(w, rpt)
if err := PrintWebList(w, rpt, obj, -1); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// PrintWebList prints annotated source listing of rpt to w.
func PrintWebList(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool, maxFiles int) error {
o := rpt.options
g := rpt.newGraph(nil)
// If the regexp source can be parsed as an address, also match
// functions that land on that address.
var address *uint64
if hex, err := strconv.ParseUint(o.Symbol.String(), 0, 64); err == nil {
address = &hex
sourcePath := o.SourcePath
if sourcePath == "" {
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not stat current dir: %v", err)
sourcePath = wd
reader := newSourceReader(sourcePath)
type fileFunction struct {
fileName, functionName string
// Extract interesting symbols from binary files in the profile and
// classify samples per symbol.
symbols := symbolsFromBinaries(, g, o.Symbol, address, obj)
symNodes := nodesPerSymbol(g.Nodes, symbols)
// Identify sources associated to a symbol by examining
// symbol samples. Classify samples per source file.
fileNodes := make(map[fileFunction]graph.Nodes)
if len(symNodes) == 0 {
for _, n := range g.Nodes {
if n.Info.File == "" || !o.Symbol.MatchString(n.Info.Name) {
ff := fileFunction{n.Info.File, n.Info.Name}
fileNodes[ff] = append(fileNodes[ff], n)
} else {
for _, nodes := range symNodes {
for _, n := range nodes {
if n.Info.File != "" {
ff := fileFunction{n.Info.File, n.Info.Name}
fileNodes[ff] = append(fileNodes[ff], n)
if len(fileNodes) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("No source information for %s", o.Symbol.String())
sourceFiles := make(graph.Nodes, 0, len(fileNodes))
for _, nodes := range fileNodes {
sNode := *nodes[0]
sNode.Flat, sNode.Cum = nodes.Sum()
sourceFiles = append(sourceFiles, &sNode)
// Limit number of files printed?
if maxFiles < 0 {
} else {
if maxFiles < len(sourceFiles) {
sourceFiles = sourceFiles[:maxFiles]
// Print each file associated with this function.
for _, n := range sourceFiles {
ff := fileFunction{n.Info.File, n.Info.Name}
fns := fileNodes[ff]
asm := assemblyPerSourceLine(symbols, fns, ff.fileName, obj)
start, end := sourceCoordinates(asm)
fnodes, path, err := getSourceFromFile(ff.fileName, reader, fns, start, end)
if err != nil {
fnodes, path = getMissingFunctionSource(ff.fileName, asm, start, end)
printFunctionHeader(w, ff.functionName, path, n.Flat, n.Cum, rpt)
for _, fn := range fnodes {
printFunctionSourceLine(w, fn, asm[fn.Info.Lineno], reader, rpt)
return nil
// sourceCoordinates returns the lowest and highest line numbers from
// a set of assembly statements.
func sourceCoordinates(asm map[int][]assemblyInstruction) (start, end int) {
for l := range asm {
if start == 0 || l < start {
start = l
if end == 0 || l > end {
end = l
return start, end
// assemblyPerSourceLine disassembles the binary containing a symbol
// and classifies the assembly instructions according to its
// corresponding source line, annotating them with a set of samples.
func assemblyPerSourceLine(objSyms []*objSymbol, rs graph.Nodes, src string, obj plugin.ObjTool) map[int][]assemblyInstruction {
assembly := make(map[int][]assemblyInstruction)
// Identify symbol to use for this collection of samples.
o := findMatchingSymbol(objSyms, rs)
if o == nil {
return assembly
// Extract assembly for matched symbol
insts, err := obj.Disasm(o.sym.File, o.sym.Start, o.sym.End)
if err != nil {
return assembly
srcBase := filepath.Base(src)
anodes := annotateAssembly(insts, rs, o.base)
var lineno = 0
var prevline = 0
for _, an := range anodes {
// Do not rely solely on the line number produced by Disasm
// since it is not what we want in the presence of inlining.
// E.g., suppose we are printing source code for F and this
// instruction is from H where F called G called H and both
// of those calls were inlined. We want to use the line
// number from F, not from H (which is what Disasm gives us).
// So find the outer-most linenumber in the source file.
found := false
if frames, err := o.file.SourceLine(an.address + o.base); err == nil {
for i := len(frames) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if filepath.Base(frames[i].File) == srcBase {
for j := i - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
an.inlineCalls = append(an.inlineCalls, callID{frames[j].File, frames[j].Line})
lineno = frames[i].Line
found = true
if !found && filepath.Base(an.file) == srcBase {
lineno = an.line
if lineno != 0 {
if lineno != prevline {
// This instruction starts a new block
// of contiguous instructions on this line.
an.startsBlock = true
prevline = lineno
assembly[lineno] = append(assembly[lineno], an)
return assembly
// findMatchingSymbol looks for the symbol that corresponds to a set
// of samples, by comparing their addresses.
func findMatchingSymbol(objSyms []*objSymbol, ns graph.Nodes) *objSymbol {
for _, n := range ns {
for _, o := range objSyms {
if filepath.Base(o.sym.File) == filepath.Base(n.Info.Objfile) &&
o.sym.Start <= n.Info.Address-o.base &&
n.Info.Address-o.base <= o.sym.End {
return o
return nil
// printHeader prints the page header for a weblist report.
func printHeader(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Pprof listing</title>`)
fmt.Fprintln(w, weblistPageCSS)
fmt.Fprintln(w, weblistPageScript)
fmt.Fprint(w, "</head>\n<body>\n\n")
var labels []string
for _, l := range ProfileLabels(rpt) {
labels = append(labels, template.HTMLEscapeString(l))
fmt.Fprintf(w, `<div class="legend">%s<br>Total: %s</div>`,
strings.Join(labels, "<br>\n"),
// printFunctionHeader prints a function header for a weblist report.
func printFunctionHeader(w io.Writer, name, path string, flatSum, cumSum int64, rpt *Report) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `<h1>%s</h1>%s
<pre onClick="pprof_toggle_asm(event)">
Total: %10s %10s (flat, cum) %s
template.HTMLEscapeString(name), template.HTMLEscapeString(path),
rpt.formatValue(flatSum), rpt.formatValue(cumSum),
// printFunctionSourceLine prints a source line and the corresponding assembly.
func printFunctionSourceLine(w io.Writer, fn *graph.Node, assembly []assemblyInstruction, reader *sourceReader, rpt *Report) {
if len(assembly) == 0 {
"<span class=line> %6d</span> <span class=nop> %10s %10s %8s %s </span>\n",
valueOrDot(fn.Flat, rpt), valueOrDot(fn.Cum, rpt),
"", template.HTMLEscapeString(fn.Info.Name))
"<span class=line> %6d</span> <span class=deadsrc> %10s %10s %8s %s </span>",
valueOrDot(fn.Flat, rpt), valueOrDot(fn.Cum, rpt),
"", template.HTMLEscapeString(fn.Info.Name))
srcIndent := indentation(fn.Info.Name)
fmt.Fprint(w, "<span class=asm>")
var curCalls []callID
for i, an := range assembly {
if an.startsBlock && i != 0 {
// Insert a separator between discontiguous blocks.
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %8s %28s\n", "", "⋮")
var fileline string
if an.file != "" {
fileline = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", template.HTMLEscapeString(an.file), an.line)
flat, cum := an.flat, an.cum
if an.flatDiv != 0 {
flat = flat / an.flatDiv
if an.cumDiv != 0 {
cum = cum / an.cumDiv
// Print inlined call context.
for j, c := range an.inlineCalls {
if j < len(curCalls) && curCalls[j] == c {
// Skip if same as previous instruction.
curCalls = nil
fname := trimPath(c.file)
fline, ok := reader.line(fname, c.line)
if !ok {
fline = ""
text := strings.Repeat(" ", srcIndent+4+4*j) + strings.TrimSpace(fline)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %8s %10s %10s %8s <span class=inlinesrc>%s</span> <span class=unimportant>%s:%d</span>\n",
"", "", "", "",
template.HTMLEscapeString(fmt.Sprintf("%-80s", text)),
template.HTMLEscapeString(filepath.Base(fname)), c.line)
curCalls = an.inlineCalls
text := strings.Repeat(" ", srcIndent+4+4*len(curCalls)) + an.instruction
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %8s %10s %10s %8x: %s <span class=unimportant>%s</span>\n",
"", valueOrDot(flat, rpt), valueOrDot(cum, rpt), an.address,
template.HTMLEscapeString(fmt.Sprintf("%-80s", text)),
fmt.Fprintln(w, "</span>")
// printFunctionClosing prints the end of a function in a weblist report.
func printFunctionClosing(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "</pre>")
// printPageClosing prints the end of the page in a weblist report.
func printPageClosing(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, weblistPageClosing)
// getSourceFromFile collects the sources of a function from a source
// file and annotates it with the samples in fns. Returns the sources
// as nodes, using the field to hold the source code.
func getSourceFromFile(file string, reader *sourceReader, fns graph.Nodes, start, end int) (graph.Nodes, string, error) {
file = trimPath(file)
lineNodes := make(map[int]graph.Nodes)
// Collect source coordinates from profile.
const margin = 5 // Lines before first/after last sample.
if start == 0 {
if fns[0].Info.StartLine != 0 {
start = fns[0].Info.StartLine
} else {
start = fns[0].Info.Lineno - margin
} else {
start -= margin
if end == 0 {
end = fns[0].Info.Lineno
end += margin
for _, n := range fns {
lineno := n.Info.Lineno
nodeStart := n.Info.StartLine
if nodeStart == 0 {
nodeStart = lineno - margin
nodeEnd := lineno + margin
if nodeStart < start {
start = nodeStart
} else if nodeEnd > end {
end = nodeEnd
lineNodes[lineno] = append(lineNodes[lineno], n)
if start < 1 {
start = 1
var src graph.Nodes
for lineno := start; lineno <= end; lineno++ {
line, ok := reader.line(file, lineno)
if !ok {
flat, cum := lineNodes[lineno].Sum()
src = append(src, &graph.Node{
Info: graph.NodeInfo{
Name: strings.TrimRight(line, "\n"),
Lineno: lineno,
Flat: flat,
Cum: cum,
if err := reader.fileError(file); err != nil {
return nil, file, err
return src, file, nil
// getMissingFunctionSource creates a dummy function body to point to
// the source file and annotates it with the samples in asm.
func getMissingFunctionSource(filename string, asm map[int][]assemblyInstruction, start, end int) (graph.Nodes, string) {
var fnodes graph.Nodes
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
insts := asm[i]
if len(insts) == 0 {
var group assemblyInstruction
for _, insn := range insts {
group.flat += insn.flat
group.cum += insn.cum
group.flatDiv += insn.flatDiv
group.cumDiv += insn.cumDiv
flat := group.flatValue()
cum := group.cumValue()
fnodes = append(fnodes, &graph.Node{
Info: graph.NodeInfo{
Name: "???",
Lineno: i,
Flat: flat,
Cum: cum,
return fnodes, filename
// sourceReader provides access to source code with caching of file contents.
type sourceReader struct {
searchPath string
// files maps from path name to a list of lines.
// files[*][0] is unused since line numbering starts at 1.
files map[string][]string
// errors collects errors encountered per file. These errors are
// consulted before returning out of these module.
errors map[string]error
func newSourceReader(searchPath string) *sourceReader {
return &sourceReader{
func (reader *sourceReader) fileError(path string) error {
return reader.errors[path]
func (reader *sourceReader) line(path string, lineno int) (string, bool) {
lines, ok := reader.files[path]
if !ok {
// Read and cache file contents.
lines = []string{""} // Skip 0th line
f, err := openSourceFile(path, reader.searchPath)
if err != nil {
reader.errors[path] = err
} else {
s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for s.Scan() {
lines = append(lines, s.Text())
if s.Err() != nil {
reader.errors[path] = err
reader.files[path] = lines
if lineno <= 0 || lineno >= len(lines) {
return "", false
return lines[lineno], true
// openSourceFile opens a source file from a name encoded in a
// profile. File names in a profile after often relative paths, so
// search them in each of the paths in searchPath (or CWD by default),
// and their parents.
func openSourceFile(path, searchPath string) (*os.File, error) {
if filepath.IsAbs(path) {
f, err := os.Open(path)
return f, err
// Scan each component of the path
for _, dir := range strings.Split(searchPath, ":") {
// Search up for every parent of each possible path.
for {
filename := filepath.Join(dir, path)
if f, err := os.Open(filename); err == nil {
return f, nil
parent := filepath.Dir(dir)
if parent == dir {
dir = parent
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find file %s on path %s", path, searchPath)
// trimPath cleans up a path by removing prefixes that are commonly
// found on profiles.
func trimPath(path string) string {
basePaths := []string{
sPath := filepath.ToSlash(path)
for _, base := range basePaths {
if strings.HasPrefix(sPath, base) {
return filepath.FromSlash(sPath[len(base):])
return path
func indentation(line string) int {
column := 0
for _, c := range line {
if c == ' ' {
} else if c == '\t' {
for column%8 != 0 {
} else {
return column