blob: a9f6c844f454a8b7c9aee9d947a1e61f5b46110c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package driver implements the core pprof functionality. It can be
// parameterized with a flag implementation, fetch and symbolize
// mechanisms.
package driver
import (
// PProf acquires a profile, and symbolizes it using a profile
// manager. Then it generates a report formatted according to the
// options selected through the flags package.
func PProf(flagset plugin.FlagSet, fetch plugin.Fetcher, sym plugin.Symbolizer, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI, overrides commands.Commands) error {
// Remove any temporary files created during pprof processing.
defer tempfile.Cleanup()
f, err := getFlags(flagset, overrides, ui)
if err != nil {
return err
sources := f.profileSource
if len(sources) > 1 {
source := sources[0]
// If the first argument is a supported object file, treat as executable.
if file, err := obj.Open(source, 0); err == nil {
f.profileExecName = source
sources = sources[1:]
} else if *f.flagBuildID == "" && isBuildID(source) {
f.flagBuildID = &source
sources = sources[1:]
// errMu protects concurrent accesses to errset and err. errset is set if an
// error is encountered by one of the goroutines grabbing a profile.
errMu, errset := sync.Mutex{}, false
// Fetch profiles.
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
profs := make([]*profile.Profile, len(sources))
for i, source := range sources {
go func(i int, src string) {
defer wg.Done()
p, grabErr := grabProfile(src, f.profileExecName, *f.flagBuildID, fetch, sym, obj, ui, f)
if grabErr != nil {
defer errMu.Unlock()
errset, err = true, grabErr
profs[i] = p
}(i, source)
if errset {
return err
// Merge profiles.
prof := profs[0]
for _, p := range profs[1:] {
if err = prof.Merge(p, 1); err != nil {
return err
if *f.flagBase != "" {
// Fetch base profile and subtract from current profile.
base, err := grabProfile(*f.flagBase, f.profileExecName, *f.flagBuildID, fetch, sym, obj, ui, f)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = prof.Merge(base, -1); err != nil {
return err
if err := processFlags(prof, ui, f); err != nil {
return err
if *f.flagInteractive {
return interactive(prof, obj, ui, f)
return generate(false, prof, obj, ui, f)
// isBuildID determines if the profile may contain a build ID, by
// checking that it is a string of hex digits.
func isBuildID(id string) bool {
return strings.Trim(id, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF") == ""
// adjustURL updates the profile source URL based on heuristics. It
// will append ?seconds=sec for CPU profiles if not already
// specified. Returns the hostname if the profile is remote.
func adjustURL(source string, sec int, ui plugin.UI) (adjusted, host string, duration time.Duration) {
// If there is a local file with this name, just use it.
if _, err := os.Stat(source); err == nil {
return source, "", 0
url, err := url.Parse(source)
// Automatically add http:// to URLs of the form hostname:port/path.
// url.Parse treats "hostname" as the Scheme.
if err != nil || (url.Host == "" && url.Scheme != "" && url.Scheme != "file") {
url, err = url.Parse("http://" + source)
if err != nil {
return source, url.Host, time.Duration(30) * time.Second
if scheme := strings.ToLower(url.Scheme); scheme == "" || scheme == "file" {
url.Scheme = ""
return url.String(), "", 0
values := url.Query()
if urlSeconds := values.Get("seconds"); urlSeconds != "" {
if us, err := strconv.ParseInt(urlSeconds, 10, 32); err == nil {
if sec >= 0 {
ui.PrintErr("Overriding -seconds for URL ", source)
sec = int(us)
switch strings.ToLower(url.Path) {
case "", "/":
// Apply default /profilez.
url.Path = "/profilez"
case "/protoz":
// Rewrite to /profilez?type=proto
url.Path = "/profilez"
values.Set("type", "proto")
if hasDuration(url.Path) {
if sec > 0 {
duration = time.Duration(sec) * time.Second
values.Set("seconds", fmt.Sprintf("%d", sec))
} else {
// Assume default duration: 30 seconds
duration = 30 * time.Second
url.RawQuery = values.Encode()
return url.String(), url.Host, duration
func hasDuration(path string) bool {
for _, trigger := range []string{"profilez", "wallz", "/profile"} {
if strings.Contains(path, trigger) {
return true
return false
// preprocess does filtering and aggregation of a profile based on the
// requested options.
func preprocess(prof *profile.Profile, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) error {
if *f.flagFocus != "" || *f.flagIgnore != "" || *f.flagHide != "" {
focus, ignore, hide, err := compileFocusIgnore(*f.flagFocus, *f.flagIgnore, *f.flagHide)
if err != nil {
return err
fm, im, hm := prof.FilterSamplesByName(focus, ignore, hide)
warnNoMatches(fm, *f.flagFocus, "Focus", ui)
warnNoMatches(im, *f.flagIgnore, "Ignore", ui)
warnNoMatches(hm, *f.flagHide, "Hide", ui)
if *f.flagTagFocus != "" || *f.flagTagIgnore != "" {
focus, err := compileTagFilter(*f.flagTagFocus, ui)
if err != nil {
return err
ignore, err := compileTagFilter(*f.flagTagIgnore, ui)
if err != nil {
return err
fm, im := prof.FilterSamplesByTag(focus, ignore)
warnNoMatches(fm, *f.flagTagFocus, "TagFocus", ui)
warnNoMatches(im, *f.flagTagIgnore, "TagIgnore", ui)
return aggregate(prof, f)
func compileFocusIgnore(focus, ignore, hide string) (f, i, h *regexp.Regexp, err error) {
if focus != "" {
if f, err = regexp.Compile(focus); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing focus regexp: %v", err)
if ignore != "" {
if i, err = regexp.Compile(ignore); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing ignore regexp: %v", err)
if hide != "" {
if h, err = regexp.Compile(hide); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing hide regexp: %v", err)
func compileTagFilter(filter string, ui plugin.UI) (f func(string, string, int64) bool, err error) {
if filter == "" {
return nil, nil
if numFilter := parseTagFilterRange(filter); numFilter != nil {
ui.PrintErr("Interpreted '", filter, "' as range, not regexp")
return func(key, val string, num int64) bool {
if val != "" {
return false
return numFilter(num, key)
}, nil
fx, err := regexp.Compile(filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(key, val string, num int64) bool {
if val == "" {
return false
return fx.MatchString(key + ":" + val)
}, nil
var tagFilterRangeRx = regexp.MustCompile("([[:digit:]]+)([[:alpha:]]+)")
// parseTagFilterRange returns a function to checks if a value is
// contained on the range described by a string. It can recognize
// strings of the form:
// "32kb" -- matches values == 32kb
// ":64kb" -- matches values <= 64kb
// "4mb:" -- matches values >= 4mb
// "12kb:64mb" -- matches values between 12kb and 64mb (both included).
func parseTagFilterRange(filter string) func(int64, string) bool {
ranges := tagFilterRangeRx.FindAllStringSubmatch(filter, 2)
if len(ranges) == 0 {
return nil // No ranges were identified
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(ranges[0][1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse int %s: %v", ranges[0][1], err))
value, unit := report.ScaleValue(v, ranges[0][2], ranges[0][2])
if len(ranges) == 1 {
switch match := ranges[0][0]; filter {
case match:
return func(v int64, u string) bool {
sv, su := report.ScaleValue(v, u, unit)
return su == unit && sv == value
case match + ":":
return func(v int64, u string) bool {
sv, su := report.ScaleValue(v, u, unit)
return su == unit && sv >= value
case ":" + match:
return func(v int64, u string) bool {
sv, su := report.ScaleValue(v, u, unit)
return su == unit && sv <= value
return nil
if filter != ranges[0][0]+":"+ranges[1][0] {
return nil
if v, err = strconv.ParseInt(ranges[1][1], 10, 64); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse int %s: %v", ranges[1][1], err))
value2, unit2 := report.ScaleValue(v, ranges[1][2], unit)
if unit != unit2 {
return nil
return func(v int64, u string) bool {
sv, su := report.ScaleValue(v, u, unit)
return su == unit && sv >= value && sv <= value2
func warnNoMatches(match bool, rx, option string, ui plugin.UI) {
if !match && rx != "" && rx != "." {
ui.PrintErr(option + " expression matched no samples: " + rx)
// grabProfile fetches and symbolizes a profile.
func grabProfile(source, exec, buildid string, fetch plugin.Fetcher, sym plugin.Symbolizer, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) (*profile.Profile, error) {
source, host, duration := adjustURL(source, *f.flagSeconds, ui)
remote := host != ""
if remote {
ui.Print("Fetching profile from ", source)
if duration != 0 {
ui.Print("Please wait... (" + duration.String() + ")")
now := time.Now()
// Fetch profile from source.
// Give 50% slack on the timeout.
p, err := fetch(source, duration+duration/2, ui)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Update the time/duration if the profile source doesn't include it.
// TODO(rsilvera): Remove this when we remove support for legacy profiles.
if remote {
if p.TimeNanos == 0 {
p.TimeNanos = now.UnixNano()
if duration != 0 && p.DurationNanos == 0 {
p.DurationNanos = int64(duration)
// Replace executable/buildID with the options provided in the
// command line. Assume the executable is the first Mapping entry.
if exec != "" || buildid != "" {
if len(p.Mapping) == 0 {
// Create a fake mapping to hold the user option, and associate
// all samples to it.
m := &profile.Mapping{
ID: 1,
for _, l := range p.Location {
l.Mapping = m
p.Mapping = []*profile.Mapping{m}
if exec != "" {
p.Mapping[0].File = exec
if buildid != "" {
p.Mapping[0].BuildID = buildid
if err := sym(*f.flagSymbolize, source, p, obj, ui); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Save a copy of any remote profiles, unless the user is explicitly
// saving it.
if remote && !f.isFormat("proto") {
prefix := "pprof."
if len(p.Mapping) > 0 && p.Mapping[0].File != "" {
prefix = prefix + filepath.Base(p.Mapping[0].File) + "."
if !strings.ContainsRune(host, os.PathSeparator) {
prefix = prefix + host + "."
for _, s := range p.SampleType {
prefix = prefix + s.Type + "."
dir := os.Getenv("PPROF_TMPDIR")
tempFile, err := tempfile.New(dir, prefix, ".pb.gz")
if err == nil {
if err = p.Write(tempFile); err == nil {
ui.PrintErr("Saved profile in ", tempFile.Name())
if err != nil {
ui.PrintErr("Could not save profile: ", err)
if err := p.Demangle(obj.Demangle); err != nil {
ui.PrintErr("Failed to demangle profile: ", err)
if err := p.CheckValid(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Grab %s: %v", source, err)
return p, nil
type flags struct {
flagInteractive *bool // Accept commands interactively
flagCommands map[string]*bool // pprof commands without parameters
flagParamCommands map[string]*string // pprof commands with parameters
flagSVGPan *string // URL to fetch the SVG Pan library
flagOutput *string // Output file name
flagCum *bool // Sort by cumulative data
flagCallTree *bool // generate a context-sensitive call tree
flagAddresses *bool // Report at address level
flagLines *bool // Report at source line level
flagFiles *bool // Report at file level
flagFunctions *bool // Report at function level [default]
flagSymbolize *string // Symbolization options (=none to disable)
flagBuildID *string // Override build if for first mapping
flagNodeCount *int // Max number of nodes to show
flagNodeFraction *float64 // Hide nodes below <f>*total
flagEdgeFraction *float64 // Hide edges below <f>*total
flagTrim *bool // Set to false to ignore NodeCount/*Fraction
flagFocus *string // Restricts to paths going through a node matching regexp
flagIgnore *string // Skips paths going through any nodes matching regexp
flagHide *string // Skips sample locations matching regexp
flagTagFocus *string // Restrict to samples tagged with key:value matching regexp
flagTagIgnore *string // Discard samples tagged with key:value matching regexp
flagDropNegative *bool // Skip negative values
flagBase *string // Source for base profile to user for comparison
flagSeconds *int // Length of time for dynamic profiles
flagTotalDelay *bool // Display total delay at each region
flagContentions *bool // Display number of delays at each region
flagMeanDelay *bool // Display mean delay at each region
flagInUseSpace *bool // Display in-use memory size
flagInUseObjects *bool // Display in-use object counts
flagAllocSpace *bool // Display allocated memory size
flagAllocObjects *bool // Display allocated object counts
flagDisplayUnit *string // Measurement unit to use on reports
flagDivideBy *float64 // Ratio to divide sample values
flagSampleIndex *int // Sample value to use in reports.
flagMean *bool // Use mean of sample_index over count
flagTools *string
profileSource []string
profileExecName string
extraUsage string
commands commands.Commands
func (f *flags) isFormat(format string) bool {
if fl := f.flagCommands[format]; fl != nil {
return *fl
if fl := f.flagParamCommands[format]; fl != nil {
return *fl != ""
return false
// String provides a printable representation for the current set of flags.
func (f *flags) String(p *profile.Profile) string {
var ret string
if ix := *f.flagSampleIndex; ix != -1 {
ret += fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : %d (%s)\n", "sample_index", ix, p.SampleType[ix].Type)
if ix := *f.flagMean; ix {
ret += boolFlagString("mean")
if *f.flagDisplayUnit != "minimum" {
ret += stringFlagString("unit", *f.flagDisplayUnit)
switch {
case *f.flagInteractive:
ret += boolFlagString("interactive")
for name, fl := range f.flagCommands {
if *fl {
ret += boolFlagString(name)
if *f.flagCum {
ret += boolFlagString("cum")
if *f.flagCallTree {
ret += boolFlagString("call_tree")
switch {
case *f.flagAddresses:
ret += boolFlagString("addresses")
case *f.flagLines:
ret += boolFlagString("lines")
case *f.flagFiles:
ret += boolFlagString("files")
case *f.flagFunctions:
ret += boolFlagString("functions")
if *f.flagNodeCount != -1 {
ret += intFlagString("nodecount", *f.flagNodeCount)
ret += floatFlagString("nodefraction", *f.flagNodeFraction)
ret += floatFlagString("edgefraction", *f.flagEdgeFraction)
if *f.flagFocus != "" {
ret += stringFlagString("focus", *f.flagFocus)
if *f.flagIgnore != "" {
ret += stringFlagString("ignore", *f.flagIgnore)
if *f.flagHide != "" {
ret += stringFlagString("hide", *f.flagHide)
if *f.flagTagFocus != "" {
ret += stringFlagString("tagfocus", *f.flagTagFocus)
if *f.flagTagIgnore != "" {
ret += stringFlagString("tagignore", *f.flagTagIgnore)
return ret
func boolFlagString(label string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : true\n", label)
func stringFlagString(label, value string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : %s\n", label, value)
func intFlagString(label string, value int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : %d\n", label, value)
func floatFlagString(label string, value float64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : %f\n", label, value)
// Utility routines to set flag values.
func newBool(b bool) *bool {
return &b
func newString(s string) *string {
return &s
func newFloat64(fl float64) *float64 {
return &fl
func newInt(i int) *int {
return &i
func (f *flags) usage(ui plugin.UI) {
var commandMsg []string
for name, cmd := range f.commands {
if cmd.HasParam {
name = name + "=p"
commandMsg = append(commandMsg,
fmt.Sprintf(" -%-16s %s", name, cmd.Usage))
text := usageMsgHdr + strings.Join(commandMsg, "\n") + "\n" + usageMsg + "\n"
if f.extraUsage != "" {
text += f.extraUsage + "\n"
text += usageMsgVars
func getFlags(flag plugin.FlagSet, overrides commands.Commands, ui plugin.UI) (*flags, error) {
f := &flags{
flagInteractive: flag.Bool("interactive", false, "Accepts commands interactively"),
flagCommands: make(map[string]*bool),
flagParamCommands: make(map[string]*string),
// Filename for file-based output formats, stdout by default.
flagOutput: flag.String("output", "", "Output filename for file-based outputs "),
// Comparisons.
flagBase: flag.String("base", "", "Source for base profile for comparison"),
flagDropNegative: flag.Bool("drop_negative", false, "Ignore negative differences"),
flagSVGPan: flag.String("svgpan", "", "URL for SVGPan Library"),
// Data sorting criteria.
flagCum: flag.Bool("cum", false, "Sort by cumulative data"),
// Graph handling options.
flagCallTree: flag.Bool("call_tree", false, "Create a context-sensitive call tree"),
// Granularity of output resolution.
flagAddresses: flag.Bool("addresses", false, "Report at address level"),
flagLines: flag.Bool("lines", false, "Report at source line level"),
flagFiles: flag.Bool("files", false, "Report at source file level"),
flagFunctions: flag.Bool("functions", false, "Report at function level [default]"),
// Internal options.
flagSymbolize: flag.String("symbolize", "", "Options for profile symbolization"),
flagBuildID: flag.String("buildid", "", "Override build id for first mapping"),
// Filtering options
flagNodeCount: flag.Int("nodecount", -1, "Max number of nodes to show"),
flagNodeFraction: flag.Float64("nodefraction", 0.005, "Hide nodes below <f>*total"),
flagEdgeFraction: flag.Float64("edgefraction", 0.001, "Hide edges below <f>*total"),
flagTrim: flag.Bool("trim", true, "Honor nodefraction/edgefraction/nodecount defaults"),
flagFocus: flag.String("focus", "", "Restricts to paths going through a node matching regexp"),
flagIgnore: flag.String("ignore", "", "Skips paths going through any nodes matching regexp"),
flagHide: flag.String("hide", "", "Skips nodes matching regexp"),
flagTagFocus: flag.String("tagfocus", "", "Restrict to samples with tags in range or matched by regexp"),
flagTagIgnore: flag.String("tagignore", "", "Discard samples with tags in range or matched by regexp"),
// CPU profile options
flagSeconds: flag.Int("seconds", -1, "Length of time for dynamic profiles"),
// Heap profile options
flagInUseSpace: flag.Bool("inuse_space", false, "Display in-use memory size"),
flagInUseObjects: flag.Bool("inuse_objects", false, "Display in-use object counts"),
flagAllocSpace: flag.Bool("alloc_space", false, "Display allocated memory size"),
flagAllocObjects: flag.Bool("alloc_objects", false, "Display allocated object counts"),
flagDisplayUnit: flag.String("unit", "minimum", "Measurement units to display"),
flagDivideBy: flag.Float64("divide_by", 1.0, "Ratio to divide all samples before visualization"),
flagSampleIndex: flag.Int("sample_index", -1, "Index of sample value to report"),
flagMean: flag.Bool("mean", false, "Average sample value over first value (count)"),
// Contention profile options
flagTotalDelay: flag.Bool("total_delay", false, "Display total delay at each region"),
flagContentions: flag.Bool("contentions", false, "Display number of delays at each region"),
flagMeanDelay: flag.Bool("mean_delay", false, "Display mean delay at each region"),
flagTools: flag.String("tools", os.Getenv("PPROF_TOOLS"), "Path for object tool pathnames"),
extraUsage: flag.ExtraUsage(),
// Flags used during command processing
interactive := &f.flagInteractive
svgpan := &f.flagSVGPan
f.commands = commands.PProf(functionCompleter, interactive, svgpan)
// Override commands
for name, cmd := range overrides {
f.commands[name] = cmd
for name, cmd := range f.commands {
if cmd.HasParam {
f.flagParamCommands[name] = flag.String(name, "", "Generate a report in "+name+" format, matching regexp")
} else {
f.flagCommands[name] = flag.Bool(name, false, "Generate a report in "+name+" format")
args := flag.Parse(func() { f.usage(ui) })
if len(args) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no profile source specified")
f.profileSource = args
// Instruct legacy heapz parsers to grab historical allocation data,
// instead of the default in-use data. Not available with tcmalloc.
if *f.flagAllocSpace || *f.flagAllocObjects {
profile.LegacyHeapAllocated = true
if profileDir := os.Getenv("PPROF_TMPDIR"); profileDir == "" {
profileDir = os.Getenv("HOME") + "/pprof"
os.Setenv("PPROF_TMPDIR", profileDir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(profileDir, 0755); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to access temp dir %s: %v", profileDir, err)
return f, nil
func processFlags(p *profile.Profile, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) error {
flagDis := f.isFormat("disasm")
flagPeek := f.isFormat("peek")
flagWebList := f.isFormat("weblist")
flagList := f.isFormat("list")
if flagDis || flagWebList {
// Collect all samples at address granularity for assembly
// listing.
f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
f.flagAddresses = newBool(true)
f.flagLines = newBool(false)
f.flagFiles = newBool(false)
f.flagFunctions = newBool(false)
if flagPeek {
// Collect all samples at function granularity for peek command
f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
f.flagAddresses = newBool(false)
f.flagLines = newBool(false)
f.flagFiles = newBool(false)
f.flagFunctions = newBool(true)
if flagList {
// Collect all samples at fileline granularity for source
// listing.
f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
f.flagAddresses = newBool(false)
f.flagLines = newBool(true)
f.flagFiles = newBool(false)
f.flagFunctions = newBool(false)
if !*f.flagTrim {
f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
f.flagNodeFraction = newFloat64(0)
f.flagEdgeFraction = newFloat64(0)
if oc := countFlagMap(f.flagCommands, f.flagParamCommands); oc == 0 {
f.flagInteractive = newBool(true)
} else if oc > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("must set at most one output format")
// Apply nodecount defaults for non-interactive mode. The
// interactive shell will apply defaults for the interactive mode.
if *f.flagNodeCount < 0 && !*f.flagInteractive {
switch {
f.flagNodeCount = newInt(80)
case f.isFormat("text"):
f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
// Apply legacy options and diagnose conflicts.
if rc := countFlags([]*bool{f.flagAddresses, f.flagLines, f.flagFiles, f.flagFunctions}); rc == 0 {
f.flagFunctions = newBool(true)
} else if rc > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("must set at most one granularity option")
var err error
si, sm := *f.flagSampleIndex, *f.flagMean || *f.flagMeanDelay
si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagTotalDelay, si, 1, "delay", "-total_delay", err)
si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagMeanDelay, si, 1, "delay", "-mean_delay", err)
si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagContentions, si, 0, "contentions", "-contentions", err)
si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagInUseSpace, si, 1, "inuse_space", "-inuse_space", err)
si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagInUseObjects, si, 0, "inuse_objects", "-inuse_objects", err)
si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagAllocSpace, si, 1, "alloc_space", "-alloc_space", err)
si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagAllocObjects, si, 0, "alloc_objects", "-alloc_objects", err)
if si == -1 {
// Use last value if none is requested.
si = len(p.SampleType) - 1
} else if si < 0 || si >= len(p.SampleType) {
err = fmt.Errorf("sample_index value %d out of range [0..%d]", si, len(p.SampleType)-1)
if err != nil {
return err
f.flagSampleIndex, f.flagMean = newInt(si), newBool(sm)
return nil
func sampleIndex(p *profile.Profile, flag **bool,
sampleIndex int,
newSampleIndex int,
sampleType, option string,
err error) (int, error) {
if err != nil || !**flag {
return sampleIndex, err
*flag = newBool(false)
if sampleIndex != -1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("set at most one sample value selection option")
if newSampleIndex >= len(p.SampleType) ||
p.SampleType[newSampleIndex].Type != sampleType {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("option %s not valid for this profile", option)
return newSampleIndex, nil
func countFlags(bs []*bool) int {
var c int
for _, b := range bs {
if *b {
return c
func countFlagMap(bms map[string]*bool, bmrxs map[string]*string) int {
var c int
for _, b := range bms {
if *b {
for _, s := range bmrxs {
if *s != "" {
return c
var usageMsgHdr = "usage: pprof [options] [binary] <profile source> ...\n" +
"Output format (only set one):\n"
var usageMsg = "Output file parameters (for file-based output formats):\n" +
" -output=f Generate output on file f (stdout by default)\n" +
"Output granularity (only set one):\n" +
" -functions Report at function level [default]\n" +
" -files Report at source file level\n" +
" -lines Report at source line level\n" +
" -addresses Report at address level\n" +
"Comparison options:\n" +
" -base <profile> Show delta from this profile\n" +
" -drop_negative Ignore negative differences\n" +
"Sorting options:\n" +
" -cum Sort by cumulative data\n\n" +
"Dynamic profile options:\n" +
" -seconds=N Length of time for dynamic profiles\n" +
"Profile trimming options:\n" +
" -nodecount=N Max number of nodes to show\n" +
" -nodefraction=f Hide nodes below <f>*total\n" +
" -edgefraction=f Hide edges below <f>*total\n" +
"Sample value selection option (by index):\n" +
" -sample_index Index of sample value to display\n" +
" -mean Average sample value over first value\n" +
"Sample value selection option (for heap profiles):\n" +
" -inuse_space Display in-use memory size\n" +
" -inuse_objects Display in-use object counts\n" +
" -alloc_space Display allocated memory size\n" +
" -alloc_objects Display allocated object counts\n" +
"Sample value selection option (for contention profiles):\n" +
" -total_delay Display total delay at each region\n" +
" -contentions Display number of delays at each region\n" +
" -mean_delay Display mean delay at each region\n" +
"Filtering options:\n" +
" -focus=r Restricts to paths going through a node matching regexp\n" +
" -ignore=r Skips paths going through any nodes matching regexp\n" +
" -tagfocus=r Restrict to samples tagged with key:value matching regexp\n" +
" Restrict to samples with numeric tags in range (eg \"32kb:1mb\")\n" +
" -tagignore=r Discard samples tagged with key:value matching regexp\n" +
" Avoid samples with numeric tags in range (eg \"1mb:\")\n" +
"Miscellaneous:\n" +
" -call_tree Generate a context-sensitive call tree\n" +
" -unit=u Convert all samples to unit u for display\n" +
" -divide_by=f Scale all samples by dividing them by f\n" +
" -buildid=id Override build id for main binary in profile\n" +
" -tools=path Search path for object-level tools\n" +
" -help This message"
var usageMsgVars = "Environment Variables:\n" +
" PPROF_TMPDIR Location for temporary files (default $HOME/pprof)\n" +
" PPROF_TOOLS Search path for object-level tools\n" +
" PPROF_BINARY_PATH Search path for local binary files\n" +
" default: $HOME/pprof/binaries\n" +
" finds binaries by $name and $buildid/$name"
func aggregate(prof *profile.Profile, f *flags) error {
switch {
case f.isFormat("proto"), f.isFormat("raw"):
// No aggregation for raw profiles.
case f.isFormat("callgrind"):
// Aggregate to file/line for callgrind.
case *f.flagLines:
return prof.Aggregate(true, true, true, true, false)
case *f.flagFiles:
return prof.Aggregate(true, false, true, false, false)
case *f.flagFunctions:
return prof.Aggregate(true, true, false, false, false)
case f.isFormat("weblist"), f.isFormat("disasm"):
return prof.Aggregate(false, true, true, true, true)
return nil
// parseOptions parses the options into report.Options
// Returns a function to postprocess the report after generation.
func parseOptions(f *flags) (o *report.Options, p commands.PostProcessor, err error) {
if *f.flagDivideBy == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("zero divisor specified")
o = &report.Options{
CumSort: *f.flagCum,
CallTree: *f.flagCallTree,
PrintAddresses: *f.flagAddresses,
DropNegative: *f.flagDropNegative,
Ratio: 1 / *f.flagDivideBy,
NodeCount: *f.flagNodeCount,
NodeFraction: *f.flagNodeFraction,
EdgeFraction: *f.flagEdgeFraction,
OutputUnit: *f.flagDisplayUnit,
for cmd, b := range f.flagCommands {
if *b {
pcmd := f.commands[cmd]
o.OutputFormat = pcmd.Format
return o, pcmd.PostProcess, nil
for cmd, rx := range f.flagParamCommands {
if *rx != "" {
pcmd := f.commands[cmd]
if o.Symbol, err = regexp.Compile(*rx); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing -%s regexp: %v", cmd, err)
o.OutputFormat = pcmd.Format
return o, pcmd.PostProcess, nil
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no output format selected")
type sampleValueFunc func(*profile.Sample) int64
// sampleFormat returns a function to extract values out of a profile.Sample,
// and the type/units of those values.
func sampleFormat(p *profile.Profile, f *flags) (sampleValueFunc, string, string) {
valueIndex := *f.flagSampleIndex
if *f.flagMean {
return meanExtractor(valueIndex), "mean_" + p.SampleType[valueIndex].Type, p.SampleType[valueIndex].Unit
return valueExtractor(valueIndex), p.SampleType[valueIndex].Type, p.SampleType[valueIndex].Unit
func valueExtractor(ix int) sampleValueFunc {
return func(s *profile.Sample) int64 {
return s.Value[ix]
func meanExtractor(ix int) sampleValueFunc {
return func(s *profile.Sample) int64 {
if s.Value[0] == 0 {
return 0
return s.Value[ix] / s.Value[0]
func generate(interactive bool, prof *profile.Profile, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) error {
o, postProcess, err := parseOptions(f)
if err != nil {
return err
var w io.Writer
if *f.flagOutput == "" {
w = os.Stdout
} else {
ui.PrintErr("Generating report in ", *f.flagOutput)
outputFile, err := os.Create(*f.flagOutput)
if err != nil {
return err
defer outputFile.Close()
w = outputFile
value, stype, unit := sampleFormat(prof, f)
o.SampleType = stype
rpt := report.New(prof, *o, value, unit)
// Do not apply filters if we're just generating a proto, so we
// still have all the data.
if o.OutputFormat != report.Proto {
// Delay applying focus/ignore until after creating the report so
// the report reflects the total number of samples.
if err := preprocess(prof, ui, f); err != nil {
return err
if postProcess == nil {
return report.Generate(w, rpt, obj)
var dot bytes.Buffer
if err = report.Generate(&dot, rpt, obj); err != nil {
return err
return postProcess(&dot, w, ui)