blob: e36d3f9a2340e2a3f97de7abc8f8a8b4698131a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(rsc): Once the porting dust settles, consider
// whether this file should be stat_nacl.go (and similarly
// stat_linux.go, stat_darwin.go) instead of having one copy per architecture.
// 386, Native Client
package os
import "syscall"
func isSymlink(stat *syscall.Stat_t) bool {
return stat.Mode & syscall.S_IFMT == syscall.S_IFLNK;
func dirFromStat(name string, dir *Dir, lstat, stat *syscall.Stat_t) *Dir {
dir.Dev = uint64(stat.Dev);
dir.Ino = uint64(stat.Ino);
dir.Nlink = uint64(stat.Nlink);
dir.Mode = stat.Mode;
dir.Uid = stat.Uid;
dir.Gid = stat.Gid;
dir.Rdev = uint64(stat.Rdev);
dir.Size = uint64(stat.Size);
dir.Blksize = uint64(stat.Blksize);
dir.Blocks = uint64(stat.Blocks);
dir.Atime_ns = uint64(stat.Atime)*1e9;
dir.Mtime_ns = uint64(stat.Mtime)*1e9;
dir.Ctime_ns = uint64(stat.Ctime)*1e9;
for i := len(name)-1; i >= 0; i-- {
if name[i] == '/' {
name = name[i+1 : len(name)];
dir.Name = name;
if isSymlink(lstat) && !isSymlink(stat) {
dir.FollowedSymlink = true;
return dir;