blob: 1b7c81c568a377e6faa1ee61bbd9f350664f62c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO: these tests are pretty verbose. Is there a way to simplify
// building a small Func for testing?
package ssa_test
import (
. "cmd/internal/ssa"
func TestDeadLoop(t *testing.T) {
f := new(Func)
entry := f.NewBlock(BlockPlain)
exit := f.NewBlock(BlockExit)
f.Entry = entry
addEdge(entry, exit)
mem := entry.NewValue(OpArg, TypeMem, ".mem")
exit.Control = mem
// dead loop
deadblock := f.NewBlock(BlockIf)
addEdge(deadblock, deadblock)
addEdge(deadblock, exit)
// dead value in dead block
deadval := deadblock.NewValue(OpConst, TypeBool, true)
deadblock.Control = deadval
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
if b == deadblock {
t.Errorf("dead block not removed")
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v == deadval {
t.Errorf("control value of dead block not removed")
func TestDeadValue(t *testing.T) {
f := new(Func)
entry := f.NewBlock(BlockPlain)
exit := f.NewBlock(BlockExit)
f.Entry = entry
addEdge(entry, exit)
mem := entry.NewValue(OpArg, TypeMem, ".mem")
exit.Control = mem
deadval := entry.NewValue(OpConst, TypeInt64, int64(37))
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v == deadval {
t.Errorf("dead value not removed")
func TestNeverTaken(t *testing.T) {
f := new(Func)
entry := f.NewBlock(BlockIf)
exit := f.NewBlock(BlockExit)
then := f.NewBlock(BlockPlain)
else_ := f.NewBlock(BlockPlain)
f.Entry = entry
addEdge(entry, then)
addEdge(entry, else_)
addEdge(then, exit)
addEdge(else_, exit)
mem := entry.NewValue(OpArg, TypeMem, ".mem")
exit.Control = mem
cond := entry.NewValue(OpConst, TypeBool, false)
entry.Control = cond
if entry.Kind != BlockPlain {
t.Errorf("if(false) not simplified")
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
if b == then {
t.Errorf("then block still present")
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v == cond {
t.Errorf("constant condition still present")
func addEdge(b, c *Block) {
b.Succs = append(b.Succs, c)
c.Preds = append(c.Preds, b)