blob: cb45cb8d1b7e482479cfd46a7ea5ecef370167de [file] [log] [blame]
// DO NOT EDIT - generated with go generate
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Example-based syntax error messages.
// See yaccerrors.go.
package gc
var yymsg = []struct {
yystate int
yychar int
msg string
// Each line of the form % token list
// is converted by yaccerrors.go into the yystate and yychar caused
// by that token list.
{332, ',',
"unexpected comma during import block"},
{89, ';',
"missing import path; require quoted string"},
{390, ';',
"missing { after if clause"},
{387, ';',
"missing { after switch clause"},
{279, ';',
"missing { after for clause"},
{498, LBODY,
"missing { after for clause"},
{17, '{',
"unexpected semicolon or newline before {"},
{111, ';',
"unexpected semicolon or newline in type declaration"},
{78, '}',
"unexpected } in channel type"},
{78, ')',
"unexpected ) in channel type"},
{78, ',',
"unexpected comma in channel type"},
{416, LELSE,
"unexpected semicolon or newline before else"},
{329, ',',
"name list not allowed in interface type"},
{279, LVAR,
"var declaration not allowed in for initializer"},
{25, '{',
"unexpected { at end of statement"},
{371, '{',
"unexpected { at end of statement"},
{122, ';',
"argument to go/defer must be function call"},
{398, ';',
"need trailing comma before newline in composite literal"},
{414, ';',
"need trailing comma before newline in composite literal"},
{124, LNAME,
"nested func not allowed"},
{650, ';',
"else must be followed by if or statement block"},