blob: dfb7ad19cce0fef195b5c89bb0a786a2d0834d08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package asm
import (
// TODO: This package has many numeric conversions that should be unnecessary.
// symbolType returns the extern/static etc. type appropriate for the symbol.
func (p *Parser) symbolType(a *addr.Addr) int {
switch a.Register {
case arch.RFP:
return p.arch.D_PARAM
case arch.RSP:
return p.arch.D_AUTO
case arch.RSB:
// See comment in addrToAddr.
if a.IsImmediateAddress {
return p.arch.D_ADDR
if a.IsStatic {
return p.arch.D_STATIC
return p.arch.D_EXTERN
p.errorf("invalid register for symbol %s", a.Symbol)
return 0
// TODO: configure the architecture
// TODO: This is hacky and irregular. When obj settles down, rewrite for simplicity.
func (p *Parser) addrToAddr(a *addr.Addr) obj.Addr {
out := p.arch.NoAddr
if a.Has(addr.Symbol) {
// How to encode the symbols:
// syntax = Typ,Index
// $a<>(SB) = ADDR,STATIC
// a<>(SB) = STATIC,NONE
// The call to symbolType does the first column; we need to fix up Index here.
out.Type = int16(p.symbolType(a))
out.Sym = obj.Linklookup(p.linkCtxt, a.Symbol, 0)
if a.IsImmediateAddress {
// Index field says whether it's a static.
switch a.Register {
case arch.RSB:
if a.IsStatic {
out.Index = uint8(p.arch.D_STATIC)
} else {
out.Index = uint8(p.arch.D_EXTERN)
p.errorf("can't handle immediate address of %s not (SB)\n", a.Symbol)
} else if a.Has(addr.Register) {
// TODO: SP is tricky, and this isn't good enough.
// SP = D_SP
// 4(SP) = 4(D_SP)
// x+4(SP) = D_AUTO with sym=x TODO
out.Type = a.Register
if a.Register == arch.RSP {
out.Type = int16(p.arch.SP)
if a.IsIndirect {
out.Type += int16(p.arch.D_INDIR)
// a.Register2 handled in the instruction method; it's bizarre.
if a.Has(addr.Index) {
out.Index = uint8(a.Index) // TODO: out.Index == p.NoArch.Index should be same type as Register.
if a.Has(addr.Scale) {
out.Scale = a.Scale
if a.Has(addr.Offset) {
out.Offset = a.Offset
if a.Is(addr.Offset) {
// RHS of MOVL $0xf1, 0xf1 // crash
out.Type = int16(p.arch.D_INDIR + p.arch.D_NONE)
} else if a.IsImmediateConstant && out.Type == int16(p.arch.D_NONE) {
out.Type = int16(p.arch.D_CONST)
if a.Has(addr.Float) {
out.U.Dval = a.Float
out.Type = int16(p.arch.D_FCONST)
if a.Has(addr.String) {
out.U.Sval = a.String
out.Type = int16(p.arch.D_SCONST)
// TODO from {
// There's a general rule underlying this special case and the one at line 91 (RHS OF MOVL $0xf1).
// Unless there's a $, it's an indirect.
// 4(R1)(R2*8)
// 4(R1)
// 4(R2*8)
// 4
// (R1)(R2*8)
// (R1)
// (R2*8)
// There should be a more general approach that doesn't just pick off cases.
// }
if a.IsIndirect && !a.Has(addr.Register) && a.Has(addr.Index) {
// LHS of LEAQ 0(BX*8), CX
out.Type = int16(p.arch.D_INDIR + p.arch.D_NONE)
return out
func (p *Parser) append(prog *obj.Prog, doLabel bool) {
if p.firstProg == nil {
p.firstProg = prog
} else {
p.lastProg.Link = prog
p.lastProg = prog
if doLabel {
for _, label := range p.pendingLabels {
if p.labels[label] != nil {
p.errorf("label %q multiply defined", label)
p.labels[label] = prog
p.pendingLabels = p.pendingLabels[0:0]
prog.Pc = int64(p.pc)
fmt.Println(p.histLineNum, prog)
// asmText assembles a TEXT pseudo-op.
// TEXT runtime·sigtramp(SB),4,$0-0
func (p *Parser) asmText(word string, operands [][]lex.Token) {
if len(operands) != 2 && len(operands) != 3 {
p.errorf("expect two or three operands for TEXT")
// Operand 0 is the symbol name in the form foo(SB).
// That means symbol plus indirect on SB and no offset.
nameAddr := p.address(operands[0])
if !nameAddr.Is(addr.Symbol|addr.Register|addr.Indirect) || nameAddr.Register != arch.RSB {
p.errorf("TEXT symbol %q must be an offset from SB", nameAddr.Symbol)
name := nameAddr.Symbol
next := 1
// Next operand is the optional text flag, a literal integer.
flag := int8(0)
if len(operands) == 3 {
flagAddr := p.address(operands[next])
if !flagAddr.Is(addr.Offset) {
p.errorf("TEXT flag for %s must be an integer", name)
flag = int8(flagAddr.Offset)
// Next operand is the frame and arg size.
// Bizarre syntax: $frameSize-argSize is two words, not subtraction.
// Both frameSize and argSize must be simple integers; only frameSize
// can be negative.
// The "-argSize" may be missing; if so, set it to obj.ArgsSizeUnknown.
// Parse left to right.
op := operands[next]
if len(op) < 2 || op[0].ScanToken != '$' {
p.errorf("TEXT %s: frame size must be an immediate constant", name)
op = op[1:]
negative := false
if op[0].ScanToken == '-' {
negative = true
op = op[1:]
if len(op) == 0 || op[0].ScanToken != scanner.Int {
p.errorf("TEXT %s: frame size must be an immediate constant", name)
frameSize := p.positiveAtoi(op[0].String())
if negative {
frameSize = -frameSize
op = op[1:]
argSize := int64(obj.ArgsSizeUnknown)
if len(op) > 0 {
// There is an argument size. It must be a minus sign followed by a non-negative integer literal.
if len(op) != 2 || op[0].ScanToken != '-' || op[1].ScanToken != scanner.Int {
p.errorf("TEXT %s: argument size must be of form -integer", name)
argSize = p.positiveAtoi(op[1].String())
prog := &obj.Prog{
Ctxt: p.linkCtxt,
As: int16(p.arch.ATEXT),
Lineno: int32(p.histLineNum),
From: obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.symbolType(&nameAddr)),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Sym: obj.Linklookup(p.linkCtxt, name, 0),
Scale: flag,
To: obj.Addr{
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
// Encoding of frameSize and argSize depends on architecture.
switch p.arch.Thechar {
case '6':
prog.To.Type = int16(p.arch.D_CONST)
prog.To.Offset = (argSize << 32) | frameSize
case '8':
prog.To.Type = int16(p.arch.D_CONST2)
prog.To.Offset = frameSize
prog.To.Offset2 = int32(argSize)
p.errorf("internal error: can't encode TEXT $arg-frame")
p.append(prog, true)
// asmData assembles a DATA pseudo-op.
// DATA masks<>+0x00(SB)/4, $0x00000000
func (p *Parser) asmData(word string, operands [][]lex.Token) {
if len(operands) != 2 {
p.errorf("expect two operands for DATA")
// Operand 0 has the general form foo<>+0x04(SB)/4.
op := operands[0]
n := len(op)
if n < 3 || op[n-2].ScanToken != '/' || op[n-1].ScanToken != scanner.Int {
p.errorf("expect /size for DATA argument")
scale := p.scale(op[n-1].String())
op = op[:n-2]
nameAddr := p.address(op)
ok := nameAddr.Is(addr.Symbol|addr.Register|addr.Indirect) || nameAddr.Is(addr.Symbol|addr.Register|addr.Indirect|addr.Offset)
if !ok || nameAddr.Register != arch.RSB {
p.errorf("DATA symbol %q must be an offset from SB", nameAddr.Symbol)
name := strings.Replace(nameAddr.Symbol, "·", ".", 1)
// Operand 1 is an immediate constant or address.
valueAddr := p.address(operands[1])
if !valueAddr.IsImmediateConstant && !valueAddr.IsImmediateAddress {
p.errorf("DATA value must be an immediate constant or address")
// The addresses must not overlap. Easiest test: require monotonicity.
if lastAddr, ok := p.dataAddr[name]; ok && nameAddr.Offset < lastAddr {
p.errorf("overlapping DATA entry for %s", nameAddr.Symbol)
p.dataAddr[name] = nameAddr.Offset + int64(scale)
prog := &obj.Prog{
Ctxt: p.linkCtxt,
As: int16(p.arch.ADATA),
Lineno: int32(p.histLineNum),
From: obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.symbolType(&nameAddr)),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Sym: obj.Linklookup(p.linkCtxt, name, 0),
Offset: nameAddr.Offset,
Scale: scale,
To: p.addrToAddr(&valueAddr),
p.append(prog, false)
// asmGlobl assembles a GLOBL pseudo-op.
// GLOBL shifts<>(SB),8,$256
// GLOBL shifts<>(SB),$256
func (p *Parser) asmGlobl(word string, operands [][]lex.Token) {
if len(operands) != 2 && len(operands) != 3 {
p.errorf("expect two or three operands for GLOBL")
// Operand 0 has the general form foo<>+0x04(SB).
nameAddr := p.address(operands[0])
if !nameAddr.Is(addr.Symbol|addr.Register|addr.Indirect) || nameAddr.Register != arch.RSB {
p.errorf("GLOBL symbol %q must be an offset from SB", nameAddr.Symbol)
name := strings.Replace(nameAddr.Symbol, "·", ".", 1)
// If three operands, middle operand is a scale.
scale := int8(0)
op := operands[1]
if len(operands) == 3 {
scaleAddr := p.address(op)
if !scaleAddr.Is(addr.Offset) {
p.errorf("GLOBL scale must be a constant")
scale = int8(scaleAddr.Offset)
op = operands[2]
// Final operand is an immediate constant.
sizeAddr := p.address(op)
if !sizeAddr.Is(addr.ImmediateConstant | addr.Offset) {
p.errorf("GLOBL size must be an immediate constant")
size := sizeAddr.Offset
// log.Printf("GLOBL %s %d, $%d", name, scale, size)
prog := &obj.Prog{
Ctxt: p.linkCtxt,
As: int16(p.arch.AGLOBL),
Lineno: int32(p.histLineNum),
From: obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.symbolType(&nameAddr)),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Sym: obj.Linklookup(p.linkCtxt, name, 0),
Offset: nameAddr.Offset,
Scale: scale,
To: obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.arch.D_CONST),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Offset: size,
p.append(prog, false)
// asmPCData assembles a PCDATA pseudo-op.
// PCDATA $2, $705
func (p *Parser) asmPCData(word string, operands [][]lex.Token) {
if len(operands) != 2 {
p.errorf("expect two operands for PCDATA")
// Operand 0 must be an immediate constant.
addr0 := p.address(operands[0])
if !addr0.Is(addr.ImmediateConstant | addr.Offset) {
p.errorf("PCDATA value must be an immediate constant")
value0 := addr0.Offset
// Operand 1 must be an immediate constant.
addr1 := p.address(operands[1])
if !addr1.Is(addr.ImmediateConstant | addr.Offset) {
p.errorf("PCDATA value must be an immediate constant")
value1 := addr1.Offset
// log.Printf("PCDATA $%d, $%d", value0, value1)
prog := &obj.Prog{
Ctxt: p.linkCtxt,
As: int16(p.arch.APCDATA),
Lineno: int32(p.histLineNum),
From: obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.arch.D_CONST),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Offset: value0,
To: obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.arch.D_CONST),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Offset: value1,
p.append(prog, true)
// asmFuncData assembles a FUNCDATA pseudo-op.
// FUNCDATA $1, funcdata<>+4(SB)
func (p *Parser) asmFuncData(word string, operands [][]lex.Token) {
if len(operands) != 2 {
p.errorf("expect two operands for FUNCDATA")
// Operand 0 must be an immediate constant.
valueAddr := p.address(operands[0])
if !valueAddr.Is(addr.ImmediateConstant | addr.Offset) {
p.errorf("FUNCDATA value must be an immediate constant")
value := valueAddr.Offset
// Operand 1 is a symbol name in the form foo(SB).
// That means symbol plus indirect on SB and no offset.
nameAddr := p.address(operands[1])
if !nameAddr.Is(addr.Symbol|addr.Register|addr.Indirect) || nameAddr.Register != arch.RSB {
p.errorf("FUNCDATA symbol %q must be an offset from SB", nameAddr.Symbol)
name := strings.Replace(nameAddr.Symbol, "·", ".", 1)
// log.Printf("FUNCDATA %s, $%d", name, value)
prog := &obj.Prog{
Ctxt: p.linkCtxt,
As: int16(p.arch.AFUNCDATA),
Lineno: int32(p.histLineNum),
From: obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.arch.D_CONST),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Offset: value,
To: obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.symbolType(&nameAddr)),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Sym: obj.Linklookup(p.linkCtxt, name, 0),
p.append(prog, true)
// asmJump assembles a jump instruction.
// JMP R1
// JMP exit
// JMP 3(PC)
func (p *Parser) asmJump(op int, a []addr.Addr) {
var target *addr.Addr
switch len(a) {
p.errorf("jump must have one or two addresses")
case 1:
target = &a[0]
case 2:
if !a[0].Is(0) {
p.errorf("two-address jump must have empty first address")
target = &a[1]
prog := &obj.Prog{
Ctxt: p.linkCtxt,
Lineno: int32(p.histLineNum),
As: int16(op),
From: p.arch.NoAddr,
switch {
case target.Is(addr.Register):
// JMP R1
prog.To = p.addrToAddr(target)
case target.Is(addr.Symbol):
// JMP exit
targetProg := p.labels[target.Symbol]
if targetProg == nil {
p.toPatch = append(p.toPatch, Patch{prog, target.Symbol})
} else {
p.branch(prog, targetProg)
case target.Is(addr.Register | addr.Indirect), target.Is(addr.Register | addr.Indirect | addr.Offset):
// JMP 4(AX)
if target.Register == arch.RPC {
prog.To = obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.arch.D_BRANCH),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Offset: p.pc + 1 + target.Offset, // +1 because p.pc is incremented in link, below.
} else {
prog.To = p.addrToAddr(target)
case target.Is(addr.Symbol | addr.Indirect | addr.Register):
// JMP main·morestack(SB)
if target.Register != arch.RSB {
p.errorf("jmp to symbol must be SB-relative")
prog.To = obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.arch.D_BRANCH),
Sym: obj.Linklookup(p.linkCtxt, target.Symbol, 0),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
Offset: target.Offset,
p.errorf("cannot assemble jump %+v", target)
p.append(prog, true)
func (p *Parser) patch() {
for _, patch := range p.toPatch {
targetProg := p.labels[patch.label]
if targetProg == nil {
p.errorf("undefined label %s", patch.label)
} else {
p.branch(patch.prog, targetProg)
func (p *Parser) branch(jmp, target *obj.Prog) {
jmp.To = obj.Addr{
Type: int16(p.arch.D_BRANCH),
Index: uint8(p.arch.D_NONE),
jmp.To.U.Branch = target
// asmInstruction assembles an instruction.
// MOVW R9, (R10)
func (p *Parser) asmInstruction(op int, a []addr.Addr) {
prog := &obj.Prog{
Ctxt: p.linkCtxt,
Lineno: int32(p.histLineNum),
As: int16(op),
switch len(a) {
case 0:
prog.From = p.arch.NoAddr
prog.To = p.arch.NoAddr
case 1:
if p.arch.UnaryDestination[op] {
prog.From = p.arch.NoAddr
prog.To = p.addrToAddr(&a[0])
} else {
prog.From = p.addrToAddr(&a[0])
prog.To = p.arch.NoAddr
case 2:
prog.From = p.addrToAddr(&a[0])
prog.To = p.addrToAddr(&a[1])
// DX:AX as a register pair can only appear on the RHS.
// Bizarrely, to obj it's specified by setting index on the LHS.
// TODO: can we fix this?
if a[1].Has(addr.Register2) {
if int(prog.From.Index) != p.arch.D_NONE {
p.errorf("register pair operand on RHS must have register on LHS")
prog.From.Index = uint8(a[1].Register2)
case 3:
// CMPSD etc.; third operand is imm8, stored in offset, or a register.
prog.From = p.addrToAddr(&a[0])
prog.To = p.addrToAddr(&a[1])
switch {
case a[2].Is(addr.Offset):
prog.To.Offset = a[2].Offset
case a[2].Is(addr.Register):
// Strange reodering.
prog.To = p.addrToAddr(&a[2])
prog.From = p.addrToAddr(&a[1])
if !a[0].IsImmediateConstant {
p.errorf("expected $value for 1st operand")
prog.To.Offset = a[0].Offset
p.errorf("expected offset or register for 3rd operand")
p.errorf("can't handle instruction with %d operands", len(a))
p.append(prog, true)