blob: 2fd1902d42834d13b0b0399802d0ee41c0748a25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements the knownFormats map which records the valid
// formats for a given type. The valid formats must correspond to
// supported compiler formats implemented in fmt.go, or whatever
// other format verbs are implemented for the given type. The map may
// also be used to change the use of a format verb across all compiler
// sources automatically (for instance, if the implementation of fmt.go
// changes), by using the -r option together with the new formats in the
// map. To generate this file automatically from the existing source,
// run: go test -run Formats -u.
// See the package comment in fmt_test.go for additional information.
package main_test
// knownFormats entries are of the form "typename format" -> "newformat".
// An absent entry means that the format is not recognized as valid.
// An empty new format means that the format should remain unchanged.
var knownFormats = map[string]string{
"*bytes.Buffer %s": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Mpflt %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Mpint %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %#v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %+S": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %+v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %L": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %S": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %j": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %p": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Block %s": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Block %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Func %s": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Func %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Register %s": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Register %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.SparseTreeNode %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Value %s": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Value %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.sparseTreeMapEntry %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Field %p": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Field %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %0S": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %S": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %p": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Sym %v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %#L": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %#v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %+v": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %-S": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %0S": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %L": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %S": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %p": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %s": "",
"*cmd/compile/internal/types.Type %v": "",
"*cmd/internal/obj.Addr %v": "",
"*cmd/internal/obj.LSym %v": "",
"*math/big.Float %f": "",
"*math/big.Int %#x": "",
"*math/big.Int %s": "",
"*math/big.Int %v": "",
"[16]byte %x": "",
"[]*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Block %v": "",
"[]*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Value %v": "",
"[][]string %q": "",
"[]byte %s": "",
"[]byte %x": "",
"[]cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Edge %v": "",
"[]cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ID %v": "",
"[]cmd/compile/internal/ssa.posetNode %v": "",
"[]cmd/compile/internal/ssa.posetUndo %v": "",
"[]cmd/compile/internal/syntax.token %s": "",
"[]string %v": "",
"[]uint32 %v": "",
"bool %v": "",
"byte %08b": "",
"byte %c": "",
"byte %q": "",
"byte %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/arm.shift %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Class %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Class %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Class %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Ctype %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Ctype %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Nodes %#v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Nodes %+v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Nodes %.v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Nodes %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Op %#v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Op %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Val %#v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Val %T": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.Val %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.fmtMode %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.initKind %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/gc.itag %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.BranchPrediction %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Edge %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.GCNode %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ID %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ID %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.LocPair %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.LocalSlot %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.LocalSlot %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Location %T": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Location %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Op %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Op %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ValAndOff %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.domain %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.posetNode %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.posetTestOp %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.rbrank %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.regMask %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.register %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.relation %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Error %q": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Expr %#v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.LitKind %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Node %T": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Operator %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Pos %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.Pos %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.position %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.token %q": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/syntax.token %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/types.EType %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/types.EType %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/types.EType %v": "",
"cmd/internal/obj.ABI %v": "",
"error %v": "",
"float64 %.2f": "",
"float64 %.3f": "",
"float64 %.6g": "",
"float64 %g": "",
"int %-12d": "",
"int %-6d": "",
"int %-8o": "",
"int %02d": "",
"int %6d": "",
"int %c": "",
"int %d": "",
"int %v": "",
"int %x": "",
"int16 %d": "",
"int16 %x": "",
"int32 %d": "",
"int32 %v": "",
"int32 %x": "",
"int64 %+d": "",
"int64 %-10d": "",
"int64 %.5d": "",
"int64 %X": "",
"int64 %d": "",
"int64 %v": "",
"int64 %x": "",
"int8 %d": "",
"int8 %x": "",
"interface{} %#v": "",
"interface{} %T": "",
"interface{} %p": "",
"interface{} %q": "",
"interface{} %s": "",
"interface{} %v": "",
"map[*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node]*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Value %v": "",
"map[*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node][]*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node %v": "",
"map[cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ID]uint32 %v": "",
"math/big.Accuracy %s": "",
"reflect.Type %s": "",
"rune %#U": "",
"rune %c": "",
"rune %q": "",
"string %-*s": "",
"string %-16s": "",
"string %-6s": "",
"string %q": "",
"string %s": "",
"string %v": "",
"time.Duration %d": "",
"time.Duration %v": "",
"uint %04x": "",
"uint %5d": "",
"uint %d": "",
"uint %x": "",
"uint16 %d": "",
"uint16 %x": "",
"uint32 %#x": "",
"uint32 %d": "",
"uint32 %v": "",
"uint32 %x": "",
"uint64 %08x": "",
"uint64 %d": "",
"uint64 %x": "",
"uint8 %d": "",
"uint8 %v": "",
"uint8 %x": "",
"uintptr %d": "",