blob: d515696add2421e7883afd60657e135ec2635a94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
var embedlist []*ir.Node
const (
embedUnknown = iota
var numLocalEmbed int
func varEmbed(p *noder, names []*ir.Node, typ *ir.Node, exprs []*ir.Node, embeds []PragmaEmbed) (newExprs []*ir.Node) {
haveEmbed := false
for _, decl := range p.file.DeclList {
imp, ok := decl.(*syntax.ImportDecl)
if !ok {
// imports always come first
path, _ := strconv.Unquote(imp.Path.Value)
if path == "embed" {
haveEmbed = true
pos := embeds[0].Pos
if !haveEmbed {
p.errorAt(pos, "invalid go:embed: missing import \"embed\"")
return exprs
if base.Flag.Cfg.Embed.Patterns == nil {
p.errorAt(pos, "invalid go:embed: build system did not supply embed configuration")
return exprs
if len(names) > 1 {
p.errorAt(pos, "go:embed cannot apply to multiple vars")
return exprs
if len(exprs) > 0 {
p.errorAt(pos, "go:embed cannot apply to var with initializer")
return exprs
if typ == nil {
// Should not happen, since len(exprs) == 0 now.
p.errorAt(pos, "go:embed cannot apply to var without type")
return exprs
kind := embedKindApprox(typ)
if kind == embedUnknown {
p.errorAt(pos, "go:embed cannot apply to var of type %v", typ)
return exprs
// Build list of files to store.
have := make(map[string]bool)
var list []string
for _, e := range embeds {
for _, pattern := range e.Patterns {
files, ok := base.Flag.Cfg.Embed.Patterns[pattern]
if !ok {
p.errorAt(e.Pos, "invalid go:embed: build system did not map pattern: %s", pattern)
for _, file := range files {
if base.Flag.Cfg.Embed.Files[file] == "" {
p.errorAt(e.Pos, "invalid go:embed: build system did not map file: %s", file)
if !have[file] {
have[file] = true
list = append(list, file)
if kind == embedFiles {
for dir := path.Dir(file); dir != "." && !have[dir]; dir = path.Dir(dir) {
have[dir] = true
list = append(list, dir+"/")
sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool {
return embedFileLess(list[i], list[j])
if kind == embedString || kind == embedBytes {
if len(list) > 1 {
p.errorAt(pos, "invalid go:embed: multiple files for type %v", typ)
return exprs
v := names[0]
if dclcontext != ir.PEXTERN {
v = ir.NewNameAt(v.Pos(), lookupN("embed.", numLocalEmbed))
v.Sym().Def = ir.AsTypesNode(v)
v.Name().Param.Ntype = typ
externdcl = append(externdcl, v)
exprs = []*ir.Node{v}
embedlist = append(embedlist, v)
return exprs
// embedKindApprox determines the kind of embedding variable, approximately.
// The match is approximate because we haven't done scope resolution yet and
// can't tell whether "string" and "byte" really mean "string" and "byte".
// The result must be confirmed later, after type checking, using embedKind.
func embedKindApprox(typ *ir.Node) int {
if typ.Sym() != nil && typ.Sym().Name == "FS" && (typ.Sym().Pkg.Path == "embed" || (typ.Sym().Pkg == ir.LocalPkg && base.Ctxt.Pkgpath == "embed")) {
return embedFiles
// These are not guaranteed to match only string and []byte -
// maybe the local package has redefined one of those words.
// But it's the best we can do now during the noder.
// The stricter check happens later, in initEmbed calling embedKind.
if typ.Sym() != nil && typ.Sym().Name == "string" && typ.Sym().Pkg == ir.LocalPkg {
return embedString
if typ.Op() == ir.OTARRAY && typ.Left() == nil && typ.Right().Sym() != nil && typ.Right().Sym().Name == "byte" && typ.Right().Sym().Pkg == ir.LocalPkg {
return embedBytes
return embedUnknown
// embedKind determines the kind of embedding variable.
func embedKind(typ *types.Type) int {
if typ.Sym != nil && typ.Sym.Name == "FS" && (typ.Sym.Pkg.Path == "embed" || (typ.Sym.Pkg == ir.LocalPkg && base.Ctxt.Pkgpath == "embed")) {
return embedFiles
if typ == types.Types[types.TSTRING] {
return embedString
if typ.Sym == nil && typ.IsSlice() && typ.Elem() == types.Bytetype {
return embedBytes
return embedUnknown
func embedFileNameSplit(name string) (dir, elem string, isDir bool) {
if name[len(name)-1] == '/' {
isDir = true
name = name[:len(name)-1]
i := len(name) - 1
for i >= 0 && name[i] != '/' {
if i < 0 {
return ".", name, isDir
return name[:i], name[i+1:], isDir
// embedFileLess implements the sort order for a list of embedded files.
// See the comment inside ../../../../embed/embed.go's Files struct for rationale.
func embedFileLess(x, y string) bool {
xdir, xelem, _ := embedFileNameSplit(x)
ydir, yelem, _ := embedFileNameSplit(y)
return xdir < ydir || xdir == ydir && xelem < yelem
func dumpembeds() {
for _, v := range embedlist {
// initEmbed emits the init data for a //go:embed variable,
// which is either a string, a []byte, or an embed.FS.
func initEmbed(v *ir.Node) {
files := v.Name().Param.EmbedFiles()
switch kind := embedKind(v.Type()); kind {
case embedUnknown:
base.ErrorfAt(v.Pos(), "go:embed cannot apply to var of type %v", v.Type())
case embedString, embedBytes:
file := files[0]
fsym, size, err := fileStringSym(v.Pos(), base.Flag.Cfg.Embed.Files[file], kind == embedString, nil)
if err != nil {
base.ErrorfAt(v.Pos(), "embed %s: %v", file, err)
sym := v.Sym().Linksym()
off := 0
off = dsymptr(sym, off, fsym, 0) // data string
off = duintptr(sym, off, uint64(size)) // len
if kind == embedBytes {
duintptr(sym, off, uint64(size)) // cap for slice
case embedFiles:
slicedata := base.Ctxt.Lookup(`"".` + v.Sym().Name + `.files`)
off := 0
// []files pointed at by Files
off = dsymptr(slicedata, off, slicedata, 3*Widthptr) // []file, pointing just past slice
off = duintptr(slicedata, off, uint64(len(files)))
off = duintptr(slicedata, off, uint64(len(files)))
// embed/embed.go type file is:
// name string
// data string
// hash [16]byte
// Emit one of these per file in the set.
const hashSize = 16
hash := make([]byte, hashSize)
for _, file := range files {
off = dsymptr(slicedata, off, stringsym(v.Pos(), file), 0) // file string
off = duintptr(slicedata, off, uint64(len(file)))
if strings.HasSuffix(file, "/") {
// entry for directory - no data
off = duintptr(slicedata, off, 0)
off = duintptr(slicedata, off, 0)
off += hashSize
} else {
fsym, size, err := fileStringSym(v.Pos(), base.Flag.Cfg.Embed.Files[file], true, hash)
if err != nil {
base.ErrorfAt(v.Pos(), "embed %s: %v", file, err)
off = dsymptr(slicedata, off, fsym, 0) // data string
off = duintptr(slicedata, off, uint64(size))
off = int(slicedata.WriteBytes(base.Ctxt, int64(off), hash))
ggloblsym(slicedata, int32(off), obj.RODATA|obj.LOCAL)
sym := v.Sym().Linksym()
dsymptr(sym, 0, slicedata, 0)