blob: aade00d60250005e6758cfd67d203367e8ef378e [file] [log] [blame]
# This file demonstrates dependency resolution when the main module imports a
# new package from a previously-test-only dependency.
# When lazy loading is active, the loader will not load dependencies of any
# module whose packages are *only* imported by tests outside the main module. If
# the main module is changed to import a package from such a module, the
# dependencies of that module will need to be reloaded.
# Control case: in Go 1.14, the original go.mod is tidy,
# and the dependency on c is eagerly loaded.
cp go.mod go.mod.orig
go mod tidy
cmp go.mod.orig go.mod
go list -m all
stdout '^a v0.1.0 '
stdout '^b v0.1.0 '
stdout '^c v0.1.0 '
# After adding a new import of b/y,
# the import of c from b/y should resolve to the version required by b.
cp m.go m.go.orig
cp m.go
go mod tidy
cmp go.mod
go list -m all
stdout '^a v0.1.0 '
stdout '^b v0.1.0 '
stdout '^c v0.1.0 '
# With lazy loading, the go.mod requirements are the same,
# but the dependency on c is initially pruned out.
cp m.go.orig m.go
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
go mod edit -go=1.16
go mod edit -go=1.16
cp go.mod go.mod.orig
go mod tidy
cmp go.mod.orig go.mod
go list -m all
stdout '^a v0.1.0 '
stdout '^b v0.1.0 '
stdout '^c v0.1.0 ' # TODO(#36460): This should be pruned out.
# After adding a new import of b/y,
# the import of c from b/y should again resolve to the version required by b.
cp m.go
go mod tidy
cmp go.mod
go list -m all
stdout '^a v0.1.0 '
stdout '^b v0.1.0 '
stdout '^c v0.1.0 '
-- m.go --
package main
import (
_ "a" // a_test imports b/x.
func main() {
-- --
package main
import (
_ "a" // a_test imports b/x.
"b/y" // This is a new import, not yet reflected in the go.mod file.
func main() {
-- go.mod --
module m
go 1.14
require a v0.1.0
replace (
a v0.1.0 => ./a1
b v0.1.0 => ./b1
c v0.1.0 => ./c1
c v0.2.0 => ./c2
-- --
module m
go 1.14
require (
a v0.1.0
b v0.1.0
replace (
a v0.1.0 => ./a1
b v0.1.0 => ./b1
c v0.1.0 => ./c1
c v0.2.0 => ./c2
-- a1/go.mod --
module a
go 1.16
require b v0.1.0
-- a1/a.go --
package a
-- a1/a_test.go --
package a_test
import _ "b/x"
-- b1/go.mod --
module b
go 1.16
require c v0.1.0
-- b1/x/x.go --
package x
-- b1/y/y.go --
package y
import "c"
func CVersion() string {
return c.Version
-- c1/go.mod --
module c
go 1.16
-- c1/c.go --
package c
const Version = "v0.1.0"
-- c2/go.mod --
This file should be unused.
-- c2/c.go --
This file should be unused.