blob: 5f1e6370d2f293e4f8dd8040fa0c8b69d682a0e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build asan
package runtime
import (
// Public address sanitizer API.
func ASanRead(addr unsafe.Pointer, len int) {
sp := getcallersp()
pc := getcallerpc()
doasanread(addr, uintptr(len), sp, pc)
func ASanWrite(addr unsafe.Pointer, len int) {
sp := getcallersp()
pc := getcallerpc()
doasanwrite(addr, uintptr(len), sp, pc)
// Private interface for the runtime.
const asanenabled = true
// asan{read,write} are nosplit because they may be called between
// fork and exec, when the stack must not grow. See issue #50391.
func asanread(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr) {
sp := getcallersp()
pc := getcallerpc()
doasanread(addr, sz, sp, pc)
func asanwrite(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr) {
sp := getcallersp()
pc := getcallerpc()
doasanwrite(addr, sz, sp, pc)
func doasanread(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz, sp, pc uintptr)
func doasanwrite(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz, sp, pc uintptr)
func asanunpoison(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)
func asanpoison(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)
// These are called from asan_GOARCH.s
//go:cgo_import_static __asan_read_go
//go:cgo_import_static __asan_write_go
//go:cgo_import_static __asan_unpoison_go
//go:cgo_import_static __asan_poison_go