blob: 879b9f0ac0458ec54f20ff7a924e2420b15dfade [file] [log] [blame]
=========== ./cmp2.go
comparing uncomparable type []int
throw: interface compare
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Faulting address: 0x0
pc: xxx
=========== ./cmp3.go
comparing uncomparable type map[string] int
throw: interface compare
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Faulting address: 0x0
pc: xxx
=========== ./cmp4.go
hash of unhashable type []int
throw: interface hash
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Faulting address: 0x0
pc: xxx
=========== ./cmp5.go
hash of unhashable type map[string] int
throw: interface hash
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Faulting address: 0x0
pc: xxx
=========== ./convlit.go
BUG: errchk: ./convlit.go: unmatched error messages:
./convlit.go:8: constant 1.5 truncated to integer
./convlit.go:11: constant 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 overflows int
./convlit.go:12: constant 34911850510716223476646871064527264675788468424693128821036252992306087892081078460155404277013793117885253p+2968 overflows float
./convlit.go:9: constant 1.5 truncated to integer
=========== ./helloworld.go
hello, world
=========== ./interface2.go
cannot convert type *main.S to interface main.I: missing method Foo
throw: interface conversion
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Faulting address: 0x0
pc: xxx
=========== ./interface3.go
cannot convert type *main.S to interface main.I2: missing method Name
throw: interface conversion
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Faulting address: 0x0
pc: xxx
=========== ./peano.go
0! = 1
1! = 1
2! = 2
3! = 6
4! = 24
5! = 120
6! = 720
7! = 5040
8! = 40320
9! = 362880
10! = 3628800
=========== ./printbig.go
=========== ./sigchld.go
survived SIGCHLD
=========== ./turing.go
Hello World!
=========== ken/intervar.go
print 1 bio 2 file 3 -- abc
=========== ken/label.go
=========== ken/rob1.go
=========== ken/rob2.go
(defn foo (add 12 34))
=========== ken/simpprint.go
hello world
=========== ken/simpswitch.go
=========== ken/string.go
=========== chan/nonblock.go
=========== bugs/bug117.go
bugs/bug117.go:9: undefined DOT get on PS
bugs/bug117.go:9: illegal types for operand: RETURN
BUG: should compile
=========== bugs/bug131.go
bugs/bug131.go:7: cannot convert uint64 constant to int64
bugs/bug131.go:7: illegal types for operand: AS
=========== bugs/bug132.go
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug136.go
BUG: should not compile
=========== bugs/bug138.go
bugs/bug138.go:8: constant -1 overflows uint
BUG should compile
=========== bugs/bug139.go
bugs/bug139.go:7: fatal error: naddr: ONAME class x 5
BUG should compile
=========== bugs/bug140.go
bugs/bug140.go:6: syntax error near L1
bugs/bug140.go:7: syntax error near L2
BUG should compile
=========== fixedbugs/bug016.go
fixedbugs/bug016.go:7: constant -3 overflows uint
=========== fixedbugs/bug027.go
0 44444
1 3333
2 222
3 11
4 0
0 44444
1 3333
2 222
3 11
4 0
=========== fixedbugs/bug035.go
fixedbugs/bug035.go:6: variable i redeclared in this block
previous declaration at fixedbugs/bug035.go:5
fixedbugs/bug035.go:7: variable f redeclared in this block
previous declaration at fixedbugs/bug035.go:5
=========== fixedbugs/bug037.go
fixedbugs/bug037.go:6: vlong: undefined
fixedbugs/bug037.go:6: illegal types for operand: AS
=========== fixedbugs/bug039.go
fixedbugs/bug039.go:6: variable x redeclared in this block
previous declaration at fixedbugs/bug039.go:5
=========== fixedbugs/bug041.go
fixedbugs/bug041.go:5: export of incomplete type t
=========== fixedbugs/bug049.go
fixedbugs/bug049.go:6: cannot convert nil constant to string
=========== fixedbugs/bug050.go
fixedbugs/bug050.go:3: package statement must be first
sys.6:1 fixedbugs/bug050.go:3: syntax error near package
=========== fixedbugs/bug051.go
fixedbugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
=========== fixedbugs/bug062.go
fixedbugs/bug062.go:6: cannot convert nil constant to string
fixedbugs/bug062.go:6: illegal types for operand: AS
=========== fixedbugs/bug067.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug068.go
fixedbugs/bug068.go:8: unknown escape sequence: '
=========== fixedbugs/bug070.go
outer loop top k 0
inner loop top i 0
do break
=========== fixedbugs/bug072.go
fixedbugs/bug072.go:6: bug: undefined
=========== fixedbugs/bug073.go
fixedbugs/bug073.go:8: illegal types for operand: LSH
fixedbugs/bug073.go:8: illegal types for operand: AS
fixedbugs/bug073.go:9: illegal types for operand: RSH
fixedbugs/bug073.go:9: illegal types for operand: AS
=========== fixedbugs/bug074.go
fixedbugs/bug074.go:6: invalid type for composite literal: string
fixedbugs/bug074.go:6: invalid type for composite literal: string
=========== fixedbugs/bug081.go
fixedbugs/bug081.go:5: no type x
=========== fixedbugs/bug083.go
fixedbugs/bug083.dir/bug1.go:9: syntax error near t0
=========== fixedbugs/bug086.go
fixedbugs/bug086.go:5: function ends without a return statement
=========== fixedbugs/bug091.go
fixedbugs/bug091.go:15: c: undefined
fixedbugs/bug091.go:15: illegal types for operand: AS
=========== fixedbugs/bug093.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug103.go
fixedbugs/bug103.go:8: function requires a return type
=========== fixedbugs/bug113.go
main.I is int, not int32
throw: interface conversion
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Faulting address: 0x0
pc: xxx
=========== fixedbugs/bug121.go
fixedbugs/bug121.go:9: syntax error near T
fixedbugs/bug121.go:20: incomplete type I
fixedbugs/bug121.go:20: illegal types for operand: AS
=========== fixedbugs/bug122.go
fixedbugs/bug122.go:6: too many arguments to make array
=========== fixedbugs/bug133.go
fixedbugs/bug133.dir/bug2.go:11: undefined DOT i on bug0.T
fixedbugs/bug133.dir/bug2.go:11: illegal types for operand: RETURN