blob: 454a0d6415d37ea514adc1a914877280614577f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func maybeSkip(t *testing.T) {
if strings.HasPrefix(runtime.GOOS, "nacl") {
t.Skip("nacl does not have a full file tree")
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && strings.HasPrefix(runtime.GOARCH, "arm") {
t.Skip("darwin/arm does not have a full file tree")
type test struct {
name string
args []string // Arguments to "[go] doc".
yes []string // Regular expressions that should match.
no []string // Regular expressions that should not match.
const p = "cmd/doc/testdata"
var tests = []test{
// Sanity check.
"sanity check",
[]string{`type ExportedType struct`},
// Package dump includes import, package statement.
"package clause",
[]string{`package pkg.*cmd/doc/testdata`},
// Constants.
// Package dump
"full package",
`Package comment`,
`const ExportedConstant = 1`, // Simple constant.
`const ConstOne = 1`, // First entry in constant block.
`const ConstFive ...`, // From block starting with unexported constant.
`var ExportedVariable = 1`, // Simple variable.
`var VarOne = 1`, // First entry in variable block.
`func ExportedFunc\(a int\) bool`, // Function.
`func ReturnUnexported\(\) unexportedType`, // Function with unexported return type.
`type ExportedType struct{ ... }`, // Exported type.
`const ExportedTypedConstant ExportedType = iota`, // Typed constant.
`const ExportedTypedConstant_unexported unexportedType`, // Typed constant, exported for unexported type.
`const ConstLeft2 uint64 ...`, // Typed constant using unexported iota.
`const ConstGroup1 unexportedType = iota ...`, // Typed constant using unexported type.
`const ConstGroup4 ExportedType = ExportedType{}`, // Typed constant using exported type.
`const MultiLineConst = ...`, // Multi line constant.
`var MultiLineVar = map\[struct{ ... }\]struct{ ... }{ ... }`, // Multi line variable.
`func MultiLineFunc\(x interface{ ... }\) \(r struct{ ... }\)`, // Multi line function.
`var LongLine = newLongLine\(("someArgument[1-4]", ){4}...\)`, // Long list of arguments.
`type T1 = T2`, // Type alias
`const internalConstant = 2`, // No internal constants.
`var internalVariable = 2`, // No internal variables.
`func internalFunc(a int) bool`, // No internal functions.
`Comment about exported constant`, // No comment for single constant.
`Comment about exported variable`, // No comment for single variable.
`Comment about block of constants.`, // No comment for constant block.
`Comment about block of variables.`, // No comment for variable block.
`Comment before ConstOne`, // No comment for first entry in constant block.
`Comment before VarOne`, // No comment for first entry in variable block.
`ConstTwo = 2`, // No second entry in constant block.
`VarTwo = 2`, // No second entry in variable block.
`VarFive = 5`, // From block starting with unexported variable.
`type unexportedType`, // No unexported type.
`unexportedTypedConstant`, // No unexported typed constant.
`Field`, // No fields.
`Method`, // No methods.
`someArgument[5-8]`, // No truncated arguments.
`type T1 T2`, // Type alias does not display as type declaration.
// Package dump -u
"full package with u",
[]string{`-u`, p},
`const ExportedConstant = 1`, // Simple constant.
`const internalConstant = 2`, // Internal constants.
`func internalFunc\(a int\) bool`, // Internal functions.
`func ReturnUnexported\(\) unexportedType`, // Function with unexported return type.
`Comment about exported constant`, // No comment for simple constant.
`Comment about block of constants`, // No comment for constant block.
`Comment about internal function`, // No comment for internal function.
`MultiLine(String|Method|Field)`, // No data from multi line portions.
// Single constant.
"single constant",
[]string{p, `ExportedConstant`},
`Comment about exported constant`, // Include comment.
`const ExportedConstant = 1`,
// Single constant -u.
"single constant with -u",
[]string{`-u`, p, `internalConstant`},
`Comment about internal constant`, // Include comment.
`const internalConstant = 2`,
// Block of constants.
"block of constants",
[]string{p, `ConstTwo`},
`Comment before ConstOne.\n.*ConstOne = 1`, // First...
`ConstTwo = 2.*Comment on line with ConstTwo`, // And second show up.
`Comment about block of constants`, // Comment does too.
`constThree`, // No unexported constant.
// Block of constants -u.
"block of constants with -u",
[]string{"-u", p, `constThree`},
`constThree = 3.*Comment on line with constThree`,
// Block of constants with carryover type from unexported field.
"block of constants with carryover type",
[]string{p, `ConstLeft2`},
`ConstLeft2, constRight2 uint64`,
`constLeft3, ConstRight3`,
`ConstLeft4, ConstRight4`,
// Block of constants -u with carryover type from unexported field.
"block of constants with carryover type",
[]string{"-u", p, `ConstLeft2`},
`_, _ uint64 = 2 \* iota, 1 << iota`,
`constLeft1, constRight1`,
`ConstLeft2, constRight2`,
`constLeft3, ConstRight3`,
`ConstLeft4, ConstRight4`,
// Single variable.
"single variable",
[]string{p, `ExportedVariable`},
`ExportedVariable`, // Include comment.
`var ExportedVariable = 1`,
// Single variable -u.
"single variable with -u",
[]string{`-u`, p, `internalVariable`},
`Comment about internal variable`, // Include comment.
`var internalVariable = 2`,
// Block of variables.
"block of variables",
[]string{p, `VarTwo`},
`Comment before VarOne.\n.*VarOne = 1`, // First...
`VarTwo = 2.*Comment on line with VarTwo`, // And second show up.
`Comment about block of variables`, // Comment does too.
`varThree= 3`, // No unexported variable.
// Block of variables -u.
"block of variables with -u",
[]string{"-u", p, `varThree`},
`varThree = 3.*Comment on line with varThree`,
// Function.
[]string{p, `ExportedFunc`},
`Comment about exported function`, // Include comment.
`func ExportedFunc\(a int\) bool`,
// Function -u.
"function with -u",
[]string{"-u", p, `internalFunc`},
`Comment about internal function`, // Include comment.
`func internalFunc\(a int\) bool`,
// Type.
[]string{p, `ExportedType`},
`Comment about exported type`, // Include comment.
`type ExportedType struct`, // Type definition.
`Comment before exported field.*\n.*ExportedField +int` +
`.*Comment on line with exported field.`,
`ExportedEmbeddedType.*Comment on line with exported embedded field.`,
`Has unexported fields`,
`func \(ExportedType\) ExportedMethod\(a int\) bool`,
`const ExportedTypedConstant ExportedType = iota`, // Must include associated constant.
`func ExportedTypeConstructor\(\) \*ExportedType`, // Must include constructor.
`io.Reader.*Comment on line with embedded Reader.`,
`unexportedField`, // No unexported field.
`int.*embedded`, // No unexported embedded field.
`Comment about exported method.`, // No comment about exported method.
`unexportedMethod`, // No unexported method.
`unexportedTypedConstant`, // No unexported constant.
`error`, // No embedded error.
// Type T1 dump (alias).
"type T1",
[]string{p + ".T1"},
`type T1 = T2`,
`type T1 T2`,
`type ExportedType`,
// Type -u with unexported fields.
"type with unexported fields and -u",
[]string{"-u", p, `ExportedType`},
`Comment about exported type`, // Include comment.
`type ExportedType struct`, // Type definition.
`Comment before exported field.*\n.*ExportedField +int`,
`unexportedField.*int.*Comment on line with unexported field.`,
`ExportedEmbeddedType.*Comment on line with exported embedded field.`,
`\*ExportedEmbeddedType.*Comment on line with exported embedded \*field.`,
`unexportedType.*Comment on line with unexported embedded field.`,
`\*unexportedType.*Comment on line with unexported embedded \*field.`,
`io.Reader.*Comment on line with embedded Reader.`,
`error.*Comment on line with embedded error.`,
`func \(ExportedType\) unexportedMethod\(a int\) bool`,
`Has unexported fields`,
// Unexported type with -u.
"unexported type with -u",
[]string{"-u", p, `unexportedType`},
`Comment about unexported type`, // Include comment.
`type unexportedType int`, // Type definition.
`func \(unexportedType\) ExportedMethod\(\) bool`,
`func \(unexportedType\) unexportedMethod\(\) bool`,
`ExportedTypedConstant_unexported unexportedType = iota`,
`const unexportedTypedConstant unexportedType = 1`,
// Interface.
"interface type",
[]string{p, `ExportedInterface`},
`Comment about exported interface`, // Include comment.
`type ExportedInterface interface`, // Interface definition.
`Comment before exported method.*\n.*ExportedMethod\(\)` +
`.*Comment on line with exported method`,
`io.Reader.*Comment on line with embedded Reader.`,
`error.*Comment on line with embedded error.`,
`Has unexported methods`,
`unexportedField`, // No unexported field.
`Comment about exported method`, // No comment about exported method.
`unexportedMethod`, // No unexported method.
`unexportedTypedConstant`, // No unexported constant.
// Interface -u with unexported methods.
"interface type with unexported methods and -u",
[]string{"-u", p, `ExportedInterface`},
`Comment about exported interface`, // Include comment.
`type ExportedInterface interface`, // Interface definition.
`Comment before exported method.*\n.*ExportedMethod\(\)` +
`.*Comment on line with exported method`,
`unexportedMethod\(\).*Comment on line with unexported method.`,
`io.Reader.*Comment on line with embedded Reader.`,
`error.*Comment on line with embedded error.`,
`Has unexported methods`,
// Interface method.
"interface method",
[]string{p, `ExportedInterface.ExportedMethod`},
`Comment before exported method.*\n.*ExportedMethod\(\)` +
`.*Comment on line with exported method`,
`Comment about exported interface.`,
// Method.
[]string{p, `ExportedType.ExportedMethod`},
`func \(ExportedType\) ExportedMethod\(a int\) bool`,
`Comment about exported method.`,
// Method with -u.
"method with -u",
[]string{"-u", p, `ExportedType.unexportedMethod`},
`func \(ExportedType\) unexportedMethod\(a int\) bool`,
`Comment about unexported method.`,
// Case matching off.
"case matching off",
[]string{p, `casematch`},
// Case matching on.
"case matching on",
[]string{"-c", p, `Casematch`},
func TestDoc(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
var b bytes.Buffer
var flagSet flag.FlagSet
err := do(&b, &flagSet, test.args)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: %s\n",, err)
output := b.Bytes()
failed := false
for j, yes := range test.yes {
re, err := regexp.Compile(yes)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s.%d: compiling %#q: %s",, j, yes, err)
if !re.Match(output) {
t.Errorf("%s.%d: no match for %s %#q",, j, test.args, yes)
failed = true
for j, no := range {
re, err := regexp.Compile(no)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s.%d: compiling %#q: %s",, j, no, err)
if re.Match(output) {
t.Errorf("%s.%d: incorrect match for %s %#q",, j, test.args, no)
failed = true
if failed {
t.Logf("\n%s", output)
// Test the code to try multiple packages. Our test case is
// go doc rand.Float64
// This needs to find math/rand.Float64; however crypto/rand, which doesn't
// have the symbol, usually appears first in the directory listing.
func TestMultiplePackages(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("scanning file system takes too long")
var b bytes.Buffer // We don't care about the output.
// Make sure crypto/rand does not have the symbol.
var flagSet flag.FlagSet
err := do(&b, &flagSet, []string{"crypto/rand.float64"})
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error from crypto/rand.float64")
} else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no symbol float64") {
t.Errorf("unexpected error %q from crypto/rand.float64", err)
// Make sure math/rand does have the symbol.
var flagSet flag.FlagSet
err := do(&b, &flagSet, []string{"math/rand.float64"})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error %q from math/rand.float64", err)
// Try the shorthand.
var flagSet flag.FlagSet
err := do(&b, &flagSet, []string{"rand.float64"})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error %q from rand.float64", err)
// Now try a missing symbol. We should see both packages in the error.
var flagSet flag.FlagSet
err := do(&b, &flagSet, []string{"rand.doesnotexit"})
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error from rand.doesnotexit")
} else {
errStr := err.Error()
if !strings.Contains(errStr, "no symbol") {
t.Errorf("error %q should contain 'no symbol", errStr)
if !strings.Contains(errStr, "crypto/rand") {
t.Errorf("error %q should contain crypto/rand", errStr)
if !strings.Contains(errStr, "math/rand") {
t.Errorf("error %q should contain math/rand", errStr)
type trimTest struct {
path string
prefix string
result string
ok bool
var trimTests = []trimTest{
{"", "", "", true},
{"/usr/gopher", "/usr/gopher", "/usr/gopher", true},
{"/usr/gopher/bar", "/usr/gopher", "bar", true},
{"/usr/gopherflakes", "/usr/gopher", "/usr/gopherflakes", false},
{"/usr/gopher/bar", "/usr/zot", "/usr/gopher/bar", false},
func TestTrim(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range trimTests {
result, ok := trim(test.path, test.prefix)
if ok != test.ok {
t.Errorf("%s %s expected %t got %t", test.path, test.prefix, test.ok, ok)
if result != test.result {
t.Errorf("%s %s expected %q got %q", test.path, test.prefix, test.result, result)