blob: 1a489aae963cb45270406331db79b6484a71445a [file] [log] [blame]
// run
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "unsafe"
// Having a big address space means that indexing
// at a 256 MB offset from a nil pointer might not
// cause a memory access fault. This test checks
// that Go is doing the correct explicit checks to catch
// these nil pointer accesses, not just relying on the hardware.
var dummy [256 << 20]byte // give us a big address space
func main() {
// the test only tests what we intend to test
// if dummy starts in the first 256 MB of memory.
// otherwise there might not be anything mapped
// at the address that might be accidentally
// dereferenced below.
if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dummy)) > 256<<20 {
panic("dummy too far out")
func shouldPanic(f func()) {
defer func() {
if recover() == nil {
panic("memory reference did not panic")
func p1() {
// Array index.
var p *[1 << 30]byte = nil
println(p[256<<20]) // very likely to be inside dummy, but should panic
var xb byte
func p2() {
var p *[1 << 30]byte = nil
xb = 123
// Array index.
println(p[uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&xb))]) // should panic
func p3() {
// Array to slice.
var p *[1 << 30]byte = nil
var x []byte = p[0:] // should panic
_ = x
var q *[1 << 30]byte
func p4() {
// Array to slice.
var x []byte
var y = &x
*y = q[0:] // should crash (uses arraytoslice runtime routine)
func fb([]byte) {
func p5() {
// Array to slice.
var p *[1 << 30]byte = nil
fb(p[0:]) // should crash
func p6() {
// Array to slice.
var p *[1 << 30]byte = nil
var _ []byte = p[10 : len(p)-10] // should crash
type T struct {
x [256 << 20]byte
i int
func f() *T {
return nil
var y *T
var x = &y
func p7() {
// Struct field access with large offset.
println(f().i) // should crash
func p8() {
// Struct field access with large offset.
println((*x).i) // should crash
func p9() {
// Struct field access with large offset.
var t *T
println(&t.i) // should crash
func p10() {
// Struct field access with large offset.
var t *T
println(t.i) // should crash